I sent out literally hundreds of emails between 2020 and 2023 to my email list exposing the C19 fraud and warning against taking the bioweapon shot, with links to articles and videos, in what grew to be the largest section on my website.


Watching little kids being marched to school buses wearing masks made my blood boil. I put posters on my Nissan NV high roof van parked on the street in my high density apartment neighborhood. I put the largest one right on the front of the van next to where buses stop:

Making Children Wear Masks is Child Abuse.

It does physical and psychological harm

Stop The Insanity

See: IssuesOutline.org/#masks

As a residential electrician, I got kicked out of people’s houses for refusing to wear a mask. I got a few negative reviews “warning” that I’m a danger. Thanks to that, plus Trump’s war on the economy, my business since 2020 has been cut by more than ½ of what it was in 2019. I guess I’ve been black listed.

One person, of the nearly 200 on my email list, recently thanked me for stopping them from getting jabbed. That’s worth the price I’m paying for fighting this war on humanity instigated by the criminal about to be reinstalled as president.

Watch Out! Defying the Tyrants is the solution. Fight. Fight. Fight.

Four songs about the biowarfare:

Covid Slaves, Not About a Virus, If You Don’t Know History, Let The Spirit.

Listen or Download Free https://markyoungguitar.com/

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No one can say you didn't try, Mark. Thanks!

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Let's be blunt. We live in a Communist Police State, where the constitution has been shredded and the only thing most gov't officials respect is the muzzle of a gun. And meanwhile, they try and fool some of us by having cleverly cloaked individuals, like Thomas Massie, posing as men of integrity and justice, when they are anything but. A real man of integrity could not sleep at night knowing what he was a part of, and knowing that routinely innocent men are ground to the proverbial powder by bureaucrats that are, at best, only interested in a paycheck and a pension while, at worst, openly malicious and drooling at the prospect of making other men suffer.

I was saddened by what Chris Graves went through, but not at all surprised. I watched leaked footage from a "cop training seminar" where the speaker was making lurid comments about his and other people's genitals and not one of the thousand people in the audience bothered to file a complaint, either because they agreed with the presentation or were afraid of retribution.

We live in the American Version of Stalinist Russia, where everybody only wants to get through to the next weekend while they meanwhile studiously avoid garnering attention or doing anything to upset the criminals in charge.

With each passing week now, one can perceive the societal temperature rising, and what is simmering is eventually going to boil over. And the only question is whether the crime syndicate can anticipate and control that event, or whether they are dissolved in the process. Either way, this is going to be a wild ride to the forum.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope.

P. S. We can only hope the Good Lord buries DC in snow. It will make the Swamp look pretty for awhile and might impede the process for a few weeks.

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I can't argue with you, WW. Thanks.

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I love your comment that our country is dysfunctional, it is a perfect way to describe our supposed 2 party system, bloated government bureaucracy,

media lying, and citizens dumbed down USA. The worst part of the covid 19 disaster was the thousands of people who died alone in hospital beds because of our evil protocols and the family members that never got to see their loved ones again!

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Yes, it certainly was, Robin. As you know, I experienced that personally. Thanks!

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Like Ted Nugent consistently blasts out - truth, logic, and common sense. Most people across the planet have lost those basic principles.

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Well said

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Jan 6Edited

If I had been told in October of 2001, that a coming psy-op would actually make me feel more disgust for my fellow Americans, than I did at that moment...well, I would have been doubtful. Fast-forward to March of 2020, and all doubt would have vanished. We in the conspiracy world had been talking about a fake pandemic along with forced kill shots, since at least 2000. When I heard the very first MSM top-of-the-hour radio news story (December ) about a new scary virus in China...my very first thought was: well, (((they))) are finally going to do it.

Every January I study the cover of: The Economist: The YEAR In 20** for clues of coming psy-ops. When I saw the pangolin in the lower left corner of the cover of : The Economist: The Year In 2019, I was perplexed. How the heck are (((they))) going to work a pangolin into one of their psy-ops? I finally settled on a green/environmental psy-op...the pangolin being the poster species for exotic animal trafficking. Then in February of 2020 I had my answer when (((they))) floated the pangolin/bat story.

Not all countries were in lockstep. Lukashenko called it bs, and refused to shut down Belarus. Somehow he is still in power...having survived a NWO Color Revolution. Several African Presidents were not so lucky, and were murdered for resisting.

Last year's Economist cover had the new Jewess Mexican president (with her famous ponytail) on the covor...six months before her election. Who'da guessed she would win? The cover for 2025 looks scary...a couple of bombs and a vaccine syringe. Will they finally roll-out bird flu? Will a fake nuclear bomb or fake suitcase nuke psy-op start WWIII? Stay tuned. We'll find out soon enough.

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Good analysis, Kris. Thanks!

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Hey Kris- I heard the Mexican Princess, I mean President was in FLA, this past weekend. Your observations over the years are very interesting!

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I wonder what she was doing in Florida? Lots of Jews in Miami. I heard Hebrew?/Yiddish? spoken on the street there in the eighties. Yes, after 35 years, my bs meter is highly calibrated.

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She went to Mara Largo to see President Trump...

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Jan 8Edited

Thanks. perhaps they are planning the North American Union that has been in the works for decades. Trump fanatics would likely be upset by this if the other side pushes it. However, if Trump pushes it...they will support it. He's already hinting about taking Canada. Maybe I was wrong about a faked assassination. Maybe they need him to sell the North American Union...without a murmer of protest.

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I've always thought what if they gave a war and no one showed up for it!

Just say no to that is all it takes to stop it!

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Great points, I agree, though I question the employment of the word eugenic, which, I suppose, just about everyone else uses the same way as well, so it is generally accepted common practice at that.

However, the use of this term in this context 'still ain't right' I feel, as the horrific damage to the human genome currently being inficted on all of actual humanity is certainly not 'eugenic' or actually of any real benefit at all, though reptilian shape-changing human skin suit-wearing neck-breathing reptilian space invader Jews seem to be entirely immune to any negative effects of any material effects of the weapons they deploy against us, most likely because they are only partly in this dimension anyway with the main seat of their consciousness in quite a different dimension, harhar.

What is actually being implemented against the resident human population of this planet is total extermination, by all kinds of mutagenic, dysgenic and malgenic programs causing only massive damage to the human genome.

Any actual eugenic program itself by very definition would cause only improvement to the genome of the general population of the human species, but what we are actually seeing being inflicted by the present deliberate onslaught of bioweaponry are precisely the very opposite of eugenic effects, these actual effects being entirely negative without any exception, being actual deletions of very important genetic sequences from the human species along with the malicious insertion of foreign genetic material with highly deleterious properties.

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Great points, Mothman. Thanks!

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It’s happening right now.

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