What if They Gave a War and No One Knew?
From my primary "I Protest" Substack (November 2021) at donaldjeffries.substack.com
This post, over three years old now, is just as relevant today. World War III is still ongoing, as the crackdown on those protesting favoritism for immigrants in England a few months backs demonstrated, and as seen in the recent authoritarian words and actions of “free speech” advocate Elon Musk on the only social media platform left that even pretends to be again censorship. Every government in the world remains at war with its own people.
The puppet masters who keep the masses distracted with their perpetual wars have finally turned their focus away from foreign bogeymen. Instead, they have used a virus- one that apparently will not or cannot die- to finally launch the World War III many of us have feared and predicted for a very long time.
In America, and all over the world, governments began overstepping any legitimate authority last year, when their lockdowns, “social distancing,” and “mandates” created massive loss of jobs and small businesses, and an unthinkable diminishment of civil liberties. The elite discovered that “safety” is a far more powerful weapon than conventional false flags and demonization of other nations and their leaders. The masses want to be safe, and they have shown they are willing to sacrifice liberty for it.
It probably wasn’t a difficult adjustment for citizens in China and other totalitarian societies, to obey nonsensical mandates to such a degree that close family ties could be severed, or long time friendships broken. But here in the land of the supposedly free, the descendants of Thomas Paine and Patrick Henry should have at least questioned this absurd narrative. Instead, the vast majority bought each contradictory pronouncement, and genuflected towards “Science,” in whose name WWIII is being waged. No more In God We Trust. Now, it’s Trust the Science.
Let us briefly summarize the Fort Sumpter moments here. COVID-19 was the 2019 strain of the yearly coronavirus, which is essentially the common cold. All viruses, the hallowed Science tells us, run their course and burn out in the Spring heat. Then when things cool down, they return every Fall. But COVID-19 was different from any previous virus in history. It didn’t burn out. And it didn’t allow COVID-20 to appear on the scene last Fall, as Science tells us it should have. Isn’t that kind of like the sun suddenly not setting in the West?
So COVID-20 never emerged. What happened to it? And now we should be seeing COVID-21. Instead, the invulnerable COVID-19 just stays. And stays. There’s a bit of ebb and flow to it, but it basically has been a constant presence in the world for two years now. That isn’t Science. Instead of the old coronavirus dying out, as it has always done, and a new one replacing it every Fall, COVID-19 simply spawns new “variants,” which is about as meaningful a term as “mandates.” Now we are told that a deadly new African variant has terrifying potential for our already frightened world.
Exactly how much fear can they sell, before the people become at least somewhat immune to it? Isn’t that the way all drugs work? Just as junkies need more powerful “highs” to satisfy their addiction, doesn’t it stand to reason that those you’re trying to scare for your own nefarious purposes, would need a higher dose of fear at some point in order to achieve the same effect? And thus the variants, each one more dark and dangerous than the one before.
Just consider all that those buying this absurd narrative have accepted. The six foot “social distancing” figure was literally drawn out of the air, adapted from a middle school girl’s science project. How many loved ones have gone unhugged and unkissed over the past nearly two years, because of this level of “Science?” And the face diapers. I believe at this point, they are just keeping the masks on because they like the look of it. Nothing displays servitude more than a ridiculous mask which protects you from nothing, least of all this very dubious virus.
Like many others, I lost a lot of friends, and even some family, because of what I’ve said and written about this quite overt Plandemic. How many questioned wearing a mask into a restaurant, and then taking it off when they got to the “safety” of their table? How many questioned the plexiglass put up between customers and cashiers, which was open on the sides, the top, and the bottom? This is Science? How many protested the forced closure of small businesses selling the same products as their large, chain competitors, who faced no restrictions whatsoever?
But the madness was taken to another level entirely with the magical “warp speed” vaccine. Donald Trump pushed for it, and continues to brag about it and claim credit for it. And yet his supporters are overwhelmingly skeptical about it, while those who still irrationally hate him see no inconsistency in embracing the vaccine like a Holy Grail, while spewing vitriol against the father of it. The mysteries of the disastrous Two Party duopoly are endless, and largely responsible for the mess we’re in.
But even though the majority of those all over the world lined up for the jab as soon as it was available, they soon discovered that once wasn’t enough. You had to get a second. And then come the “boosters.” Which protect you from the never ending “variants.” Which they admit they have no test for. So, you are getting multiple vaccines for the same thing, something unheard of and about as unscientific as could be. Including for “variants” they can’t prove exist.
We were primed for this. Americans have been dumbed down for decades. The average IQ level has been dropping consistently for over forty years. I suppose that a similar dumbing down has taken place all over the world, because the majority of the population in every nation is taking these multiple jabs for the same virus. The media has absolutely forbidden exposure of all the deaths and horrible reactions to this vaccine that have undeniably occurred. Already it has killed far more people than all the other vaccines since 1901 combined. And heart disease in children is becoming a real thing now, thanks to gullible parents listening to “journalists” and celebrities promoting the jab.
It’s well known that Science- the deity around which this entire narrative revolves- has found that COVID-19 presents absolutely no danger to the young, especially small children. In fact, the miniscule chance they could die from the common flu is still more likely than anything happening to them because of this unprecedented virus. And yet, the “Woke” Left which is driving this insanity continues to push for stringent mask mandates and vaccination of children. Any dissenting parents will be slandered as “domestic terrorists,” and investigated by our vaunted FBI.
So, this is World War III. The sides are clearly aligned. It is Us vs, Them, with Them being the leaders, movers and shakers of every nation on Earth. Like the oldest war ever waged, the class war, there are obvious class distinctions here. Almost everyone with any appreciable wealth or influence, is buying this narrative as religiously as they buy into anything promulgated by the rigged system that has served them so well. And the Us are the millions who are awake to at least some degree to the utter corruption and tyranny ruling them.
But the powerless and unconnected, living paycheck to paycheck if they have a job, are for the most part buying this Plandemic narrative, too. So by default, our side loses even more millions of potential partisans to the apathy and stupidity that enables the bullies who are orchestrating this production. They can be easily identified by their trusty masks- which constitute a sort of military uniform. They are the ones who call the authorities on their noncompliant neighbors. Picture Donald Sutherland’s character in the 1978 remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers, pointing and yelling at the last human character, his former friend. Only we can’t blame aliens.
When we envisioned another World War, conservatives imagined the primary adversary- the “bad guy”- would be China. “Woke” liberals pictured it being Russia. There are so few anti-war voices left in the world that their dreams of universal peace aren’t even taken into consideration. As the great Smedley Butler said, wars are never about enemies. They’re about opportunities for profit. But few of us pictured a World War III precipitated by what real statistics, and real Science, tell us is an ordinary and innocuous virus.
In all those science fiction films depicting an overwhelming catastrophe impacting humankind, from giant bugs or dinosaurs unearthed by nuclear testing, to horrific contagions turning people into zombies, the scientists who knew what was happening, and tried to warn the people, were scoffed at. Ironically, it is the scientists who are selling this Plandemic, like used car salesmen in white coats. And while those movies were great entertainment, there is no joy in experiencing it for real.
Unlike every other war in world history, this one really doesn’t involve what we define as weapons. As I have said many times, the entire world was essentially shut down in a matter of a few weeks, without any troops or police being needed. Without a shot being fired. And in the midst of this new, Orwellian World War, Them still doesn’t need any weapons. Other than the power of a sycophant, state-controlled press, and high profile One Percenters anxious to propagandize.
Us, on the other hand, isn’t really even in the battle. They don’t know that a war is going on. Although they theoretically have weapons, none have dared to use them. The law- from roided out police officers to biased and politicized judges- is allied with Them. So is the controlled press, which is as valuable to Them as an arsenal of pinpoint accurate drones. So is the entire corporate world and gargantuan government bureaucracy. Us has nothing, beyond a dwindling number of alternative media outlets who are being systematically eliminated by Them.
America’s secession from British colonial rule was only possible because those who were front and center in the fight for independence were the One Percenters of their day. Those who object to this tyrannical Plandemic narrative, Us, have no fortunes to risk. Their sacred honor is meaningless, because honor has no value in our nightmarish world. They are welcome to risk their lives, as countless whistleblowers and naysayers opposed to various conspiracies have over the course of time have.
The only weapon Us has is a tremendous advantage in numbers. Like Orwell’s Proles, Us could bring Them to task at any moment, simply by banning together. But in America at least, most families can’t collectively start a small business without it resulting in a murder or at least a prison sentence. We are a totally dysfunctional country, and that dysfunction is most apparent in virtually every family. Sadly, millions of people coming together for a cause that all of them would greatly benefit from is a pipedream.
So World War III will not feature the millions of deaths from the previous world wars. The casualties are likely to be all the unreported victims of an untested and dangerous vaccine, or perhaps a real deadly pathogen will ultimately be released, and the fanatic eugenicists who rule us can finally satisfy their fantasies. It will instead be a relentless assault on human liberty, morality, and all that’s worth living for. And it will be done in the name of “safety.” And “Science.”
World War III also contains a strong element of psychological warfare, with the elite refining the methods they’ve used for over a century on the always unwitting public. The concept of “Total War,” first implemented by secular deity Abraham Lincoln and his bloodthirsty Union generals, has been extended to include modern, Pavlovian techniques that target the citizens of each country with fear porn and largely meaningless quasi-scientific terms, instead of the typical “collateral damage” inflicted by indiscriminate bombing of civilians.
To paraphrase an old comic strip, we have met the enemy, and it’s Them. Why bother manufacturing foreign adversaries, when you can simply trample your own population? Instead of machine guns or bombs, use “mandates” and “variants.” No need to travel thousands of miles to confront an alleged “terrorist” or “dictator.” Just demonize all those who question your authority. Make your political opponents the “terrorists.” The same masses who bought all those false flags, and the demonization of various hobgoblins in other countries, will buy anything you’re selling.
The same disinterested “normies” who are terrified over this absurd Plandemic have always cheered on every war. They’ve been conditioned to “support the troops,” and salivate for the chance to “thank you for your service,” even if that “service” is now directed against domestic dissidents. So they are unconditionally behind World War III, even though they’re in the crossfire, and on the losing side that has no real weapons with which to defend themselves. Outside of their sizable advantage in numbers, that is. Which they instinctively rebel against ever using.
I don’t expect many of the few genuine anti-war activists left in this country to join me in opposing this war, or even acknowledging it exists. I’ve written a book about bullying, and war requires bullying behavior to be successful. I will always oppose bullies, just as I oppose war. I agree with Jeannette Rankin, a forgotten classical liberal, who called war “a wrong method of trying to settle a dispute." She also said, “You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake.” When they wanted to put a woman on the currency, it’s not surprising that no one mentioned her.
If anything, this war- World War III- is the most insidious one ever. Governments overtly declaring war on their own people, with most of the people cooperating with the governments. As Benjamin Franklin once said, “There is no such thing as a good war or a bad peace.” That certainly includes this war, the undeclared and unrecognized World War III.
I sent out literally hundreds of emails between 2020 and 2023 to my email list exposing the C19 fraud and warning against taking the bioweapon shot, with links to articles and videos, in what grew to be the largest section on my website.
Watching little kids being marched to school buses wearing masks made my blood boil. I put posters on my Nissan NV high roof van parked on the street in my high density apartment neighborhood. I put the largest one right on the front of the van next to where buses stop:
Making Children Wear Masks is Child Abuse.
It does physical and psychological harm
Stop The Insanity
See: IssuesOutline.org/#masks
As a residential electrician, I got kicked out of people’s houses for refusing to wear a mask. I got a few negative reviews “warning” that I’m a danger. Thanks to that, plus Trump’s war on the economy, my business since 2020 has been cut by more than ½ of what it was in 2019. I guess I’ve been black listed.
One person, of the nearly 200 on my email list, recently thanked me for stopping them from getting jabbed. That’s worth the price I’m paying for fighting this war on humanity instigated by the criminal about to be reinstalled as president.
Watch Out! Defying the Tyrants is the solution. Fight. Fight. Fight.
Four songs about the biowarfare:
Covid Slaves, Not About a Virus, If You Don’t Know History, Let The Spirit.
Listen or Download Free https://markyoungguitar.com/
Let's be blunt. We live in a Communist Police State, where the constitution has been shredded and the only thing most gov't officials respect is the muzzle of a gun. And meanwhile, they try and fool some of us by having cleverly cloaked individuals, like Thomas Massie, posing as men of integrity and justice, when they are anything but. A real man of integrity could not sleep at night knowing what he was a part of, and knowing that routinely innocent men are ground to the proverbial powder by bureaucrats that are, at best, only interested in a paycheck and a pension while, at worst, openly malicious and drooling at the prospect of making other men suffer.
I was saddened by what Chris Graves went through, but not at all surprised. I watched leaked footage from a "cop training seminar" where the speaker was making lurid comments about his and other people's genitals and not one of the thousand people in the audience bothered to file a complaint, either because they agreed with the presentation or were afraid of retribution.
We live in the American Version of Stalinist Russia, where everybody only wants to get through to the next weekend while they meanwhile studiously avoid garnering attention or doing anything to upset the criminals in charge.
With each passing week now, one can perceive the societal temperature rising, and what is simmering is eventually going to boil over. And the only question is whether the crime syndicate can anticipate and control that event, or whether they are dissolved in the process. Either way, this is going to be a wild ride to the forum.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope.
P. S. We can only hope the Good Lord buries DC in snow. It will make the Swamp look pretty for awhile and might impede the process for a few weeks.