Sep 12Liked by Donald Jeffries

I concur with your article. To all these white socialists, do ANY of them live in poor black neighborhoods (they certainly would not live in poor white neighborhoods)? Do ANY of them volunteer to help those in need? Do they setup organizations to help those in need, either color or race?

Both my parents were dirt poor. So were their parents. My parents grew up during the Depression. I did not come from a silver spooned family. Its no where in my heritage.

How anyone can think all whites are privileged is far beyond me. Being poor surely is not racist, is it?

In regards to BLM, they are a terrorist organization that does absolutely Nothing to help their fellow blacks, except scream and yell, and create all the havoc (my bet it is funded by Barack and Big Mike). All the money they have been "gifted" has been spent on themselves. Do black people even look at that? No.

What I have witnessed is blacks destroying their own communities when things don't go their way. Instead of going after those, usually in government, that are really the problem. Animals on steroids.

Its not my fault that people do not want to be educated, even finish high school. Instead preferring to live off of my tax dollars. Its easier to sit back, point fingers, spew things that one really does not know the actual facts. Just repeating what they hear from MSM. Sickening.

In the end, I will never excuse myself for being who I am. And I will never, ever take a knee. Only before Christ himself.

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Very well expressed, Fran. Thanks!

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Sep 12Liked by Donald Jeffries

great article. such honesty. many won't say the truth......... But Don Jeffries doesn't have a price

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Thanks, Greg!

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Sep 12·edited Sep 13Liked by Donald Jeffries

I too have Racial Fatigue Syndrome. The only place I connect with the culture is online, and to a much lesser extent, in stores (which I rarely enter these days). I do get weary of seeing Blacks in every advertisment...but I always remind myself of who is creating the illusions in our world now. You can go online (still) and find multiple videos of rabbis boasting about how they will use sub-normal IQ Third-Worlders to "destroy Edom" their ancient enemy. They always clearly state that Edom is the Western World, and America in particular. They clearly state that they will use race to divide and conquer their enemy. In Europe they have used the method of migrant flooding, which is now happening here as well, but the "Blacks are superior in every area of culture" mostly has been used in the US because of the cultural differences between the US and Europe. Americans are much more easily manipulated by guilt. (except maybe Germans when it comes to holohoax propaganda). I recently heard on a podcast a Black American who had been living in France for many years say, that the only thing she disliked about France, is that the French would not put up with her pushy ways. As an example she said that she could not cut in a que at the head of the line. She said she had always done this back home, because no American dared to call her on this behavior.

Online video ads are the only place I see video ads, and there has been one ad I keep seeing that leaves no room for doubt that this ad is a big **** you to the Europeans dealing with the migrant crisis. It's for Legal Zoom. A woman enters a store to be greeted by two Black guys. They have heavy Greek accents, and Greek music is playing.They say: "Welcome to Greek Antiques". Now anyone who follows closely what the global elite parasites are up to in Europe, knows that of all the European countries, Greece has been the most overwhelmed by African migrants. Entire Greek islands have been almost destroyed when the local populations have been outnumbered by migrants. The Greeks are furious, and rightly fear for their culture. Greece is also one of the last countries in Europe that maintains a strong Christian culture. Jews consider Christians as their most hated rival. This ad is clearly meant to rub salt in their wounds. Blacks suddenly are pretty much the only race I see in ads these days...which could have only come from a edict from on high...and intelligent informed folks know exactly who ordered this to happen.

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Great analysis, Kris. Thanks!

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You should be happy to know that America is seeking to subdivide Israel further and install a hateful PLO state within it to kill more Jews, so you'll get your revenge in the end if American plans come to fruition, not one president has accepted the viability of Israel within its borders ever. Francisco Gil White a gentile elaborates on it, that will bring you some joy as you go to this morning on the wrong Sabbath to pursue monotheism as you worship a Jew in the triplex Trinity of your church based on misappropriated wrongly attributed misinterpreted teachings from the Torah.

What a quandary huh?

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Sep 12Liked by Donald Jeffries

I divide people on whether their behavior is pro-civilization and respectful of others OR anti-civilization and disrespectful to others. I don’t care what color someone is, but I have noticed that neighborhoods made up of anti-civilization types are frequently mostly or solidly black. Their problem as a group is their group’s tendency to be anti-civilization. When they ask to be viewed not as individuals but as part of a group, no one wants to say, “Hey, your group—as a group—-behaves like wild animals.” So, instead, people bend over backwards to NOT do this and overcompensate. We call these bend-over types “white liberals” or “hypocrites” or “self-righteous assholes” (last one is what I call them at least).

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I try to treat everyone as individuals, too, Dee. But the ghetto culture has been promoted relentlessly, and is so insidious and offensive, that it's hard not to generalize. Thanks.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15Liked by Donald Jeffries

Another great article. Thanks Don!

It reminds one of what Nietzsche said, in so many words, way back when:

Beware of The Preachers of Equality! For in them lies - Revenge!

Neitzsche was also careful to point out that much of that "Revenge" was, and would be, inflated, exaggerated, and even imaginary.

This is why, strictly speaking, the word "racist" is not meaningless, certainly not to those who have weaponized it. Because, as your excellent article makes perfectly clear, as a weapon it is still extremely effective as a mode of behavioral control.

But I think the key point to be rescued from this is what a non-functional, maladaptive society those you accurately describe as "the worst sorts of people" have created. In fact, and ironically, that is arguably the one bright spot in all of this. That it's so maladaptive it can't last - and it won't.

Though it's easier said than done, to the extent it's possible, one should go No Contact with "the worst sorts of people" now running and ruinning the West. There is no honor in throwing away one's life trying to stop the avanlanche of a Mud Volcano. Which is what "the worst possible people" have turned the United States into, and not just the United States.

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Thanks, Paul!

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With whites like Tim Walz

why be white at all

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