Note: This is another in a continuing series of previously published articles. Please subscribe to my primary Substack “I Protest” here:
I’ve grown weary of the very word “racist.” And if you consume any media at all these days, it’s impossible not to confront it. Multiple times every day. It has, in fact, probably become the most used word in the mainstream media and the political, sports, and entertainment worlds. Well, next to “the,” I guess.
The word has lost all meaning and relevancy. If everything is “racist,” then ultimately nothing is. Much like if everyone was beautiful, no one would be. The word would stand for nothing, because there wouldn’t be anything to contrast it with. Right now, “racist” has come to stand for nothing, along with its companion “racism.”
Our society is corrupt to the core, and run by the worst sorts of people the most demented mind could imagine. They are so bad that it is difficult to argue with the anarchists now. One sees the people running things at city and state levels, and one realizes the problem isn’t just with our familiar, horrific federal “representatives.”
Many of these lower-level officials are Black. Most of them appear to hate White people. Which should concern all those interested in a fair and just administration of power. But it doesn’t seem to concern anyone, least of all most White people. The Lori Lightfoots of the world wear their anti-White antipathy on their sleeve, and don’t make any pretenses about it. They are large and in charge, and will let their own personal prejudices dictate their actions.
Seventy five years ago, Black defendants had little to no chance of justice in a southern courtroom. The judges, prosecutors, and particularly the juries were openly hostile to them, especially if they were accused of raping a White woman, for instance. Today, a White defendant in any big city has just as little chance at justice, because the judges, prosecutors, and juries are largely Black. This is especially true if they are connected to the individual vilified as the ultimate “racist,” Donald Trump, as was the case with Roger Stone. In such cases, the lead juror can even express their animosity for you openly on social media.
We have reached the heights of lunacy when the claim is made that Black people are being purposely held down, and wronged, by “systemic racism.” Which part of the system oversees this “racism” is difficult to ascertain. All major corporations, all mainstream media, and the entire entertainment world, have expressed their heartfelt support for Black Lives Matter. White employees who criticized BLM even half-heartedly on social media have been summarily fired from their jobs. For expressing their right to free expression on their own time.
A professional soccer player was fired for something his wife tweeted. The stepmother of one of the police officers involved in the recent shooting of Rayshard Brooks was terminated by her employer. For being his stepmother. Many other employees have quickly been dismissed for politically incorrect comments online.
This, of course, ought to bother everyone concerned in the slightest with civil liberties and human liberty. But the question that begs to be asked is; why would companies largely run by White people fire Whites for criticizing Black Lives Matter? And why publicly support BLM, and in many cases donate millions of dollars to their organization? Isn’t that a very peculiar way for those running businesses under “systemic racism” to behave? Is there a case, anywhere, of a Black employee being fired for social media comments, that “offended” White people?
We don’t see this “racism” in the White public at large, either. Look at the videos of Whites dropping to their knees to apologize to random Blacks. In one case, police (who have also been kneeling), washed the feet of some Black pastors. A group of deluded White males whipped themselves severely in front of an appreciative (or bemused) Black audience. Whites have placed sale tags around their necks and marched in further acts of contrition.
Meanwhile, the “White Supremacists” we are told run this society are largely invisible. Does a single member of the KKK hold even a modest position of power? Just wearing a Donald Trump MAGA hat can result in a severe beating, or a job termination, and neither the “supremacists” nor the “racist” police defend those impacted. Again, this is a very odd byproduct of “systemic racism.”
Whenever I post anything about a particular historical event or figure, some of those who follow me on social media invariably inject “racism” where it isn’t relevant whatsoever. It has become impossible, for instance, to discuss the War for Independence, without the Founding Fathers being dismissed as “racists.” Or the Civil War, without slavery overwhelming all other issues combined. This is not just on my social media, but in every discussion, on every media platform.
Black people comprise about 13% of the American population. They aren’t even our largest minority group any longer; that distinction belongs to Hispanics. And yet, our entire culture now revolves around the aspirations, complaints, and alleged mistreatment of this one specific group. “Blacks and Whites” are coupled together, as if the two were remotely equal in terms of population numbers, and as if Hispanics, Asians, and other ethnic groups were irrelevant and/or didn’t exist here.
Watching sports, when they were still being played in the days before the Great Plandemic, has become unbearable, if one suffers from Racist Fatigue Syndrome, as I now do. Even the biggest White superstars, like Tom Brady, are openly mocked and disliked, when they aren’t ignored. All coverage by sports “journalists” is focused exclusively on Black athletes, and how they are still somehow being discriminated against. The average salary for the largely Black NBA is $7.7 million. Whoever is being discriminated against, it clearly isn’t Black athletes.
In the entertainment world, all any Black celebrity has to do is complain about the lack of Blacks being nominated for an Academy Award. No one questions the legitimacy of such complaints. The “racists” who run everything simply acquiesce instantly, and bestow what amounts to Affirmative Action Oscars. The world of popular music is utterly dominated by Black performers. The Grammy Awards are nearly indistinguishable from the BET awards. A few years back, future Trump supporter Kanye West ruined the moment for award winner Taylor Swift, as he grabbed the microphone from her and demanded to know why Beyonce, another Black artist, hadn’t won. This didn’t exactly trigger the super wealthy Swift’s inner “Supremacy,” as she has tweeted out her heartfelt support for BLM.
While the professional sports world is wildly over represented by Blacks, compared to their demographic numbers, as is the music industry to only a slightly lesser degree, Hollywood disproportionately selects Black actors for its projects as well. How many Hispanics, who are our largest minority group, have major roles in any film? In any television show? In any commercial? Or on any local newscast? How many Blacks do you see in those roles? Do they comprise more than 13% of those appearing onscreen?
Those pushing the “systemic racism” mantra are largely White. A shockingly low 17% of the members of Black Lives Matter are Black. If you’re confused by angry Whites, lecturing others about “White privilege” and calling them “White Supremacists,” you may have Racist Fatigue Syndrome, too. Self-hatred seems too mild of a way to describe this phenomenon. Do these Whites realize they are White? Do they exempt themselves from these blanket indictments? Their parents? Their siblings? Their children?
I am, in fact, sick and tired of hearing so much about Black people. Or African- Americans. Perhaps I should call this malady of mine African-American Fatigue Syndrome. Black people aren’t some kind of magical creatures, as absurd movies like The Green Mile would have you believe. If we are quite rightly urged not to believe negative stereotypes about Blacks, then why should we be expected to accept that they are natural athletes, and dancers, and lovers? If all of us truly are equal, then why don’t we treat Black people the same way we treat everyone else? Why the obsequious condescension, and the shameful pandering? And why is it acceptable to promote negative stereotypes and generalize about “rednecks,” “White trash,” and White people in general?
I am not trying to sound like a neo-Nazi, whatever that is. I am certainly not a “White Supremacist,” whatever that is. I try to treat everybody with respect, and don’t think anyone is superior to anyone else. I’m about as egalitarian as they come. But I am White. So is my wife. And my children. And my siblings. My parents and grandparents were White. I hope to have grandchildren someday, and odds are they will be White. So when I hear a screaming Social Justice Warrior lambaste “Whites,” I think of them. And it infuriates me.
My grandparents were lower middle class on my Mother’s side, and dirt poor on my Father’s side. I grew up in a lower middle class household. If my parents, or their parents before them, benefited from any “privilege,” it was invisible, came with no financial benefits, and had zero impact on our standard of living.
At what point do White cucks (and there is no other accurate word to describe their sickening submission to those who irrationally hate them) finally get a backbone? Especially prominent White cuck leaders, on the “conservative” side- when will they say enough is enough? When there are demands that they relinquish their homes, their bank accounts, their personal property? After all, they benefited from “White Privilege,” didn’t they? If any Whites have “privilege,” wouldn’t it be our leaders?
Tearing down statutes of Confederates, and Founding Fathers, and Christopher Columbus, and Catholic saints, is apparently not enough to rouse Kipling’s sleeping Saxons. The authorities stand down to this kind of mindless destruction of our historical heritage. What are we paying them for? But again, who are the authorities in almost all of our big cities? It certainly isn’t White “racists” who are steering this curious brand of “systemic racism.”
If such maladies as post partum depression, and executive burnout, and post traumatic stress disorder, and gambling addiction, and sex addiction, and chronic fatigue syndrome can exist, then so can racist fatigue syndrome. Who knows how many suffer from this disorder? Most victims maintain a fearful silence.
A cure appears highly unlikely, as it would involve a powerful dose of reason, common sense, and courage. All these ingredients are rarely found today in our collapsing country.
I concur with your article. To all these white socialists, do ANY of them live in poor black neighborhoods (they certainly would not live in poor white neighborhoods)? Do ANY of them volunteer to help those in need? Do they setup organizations to help those in need, either color or race?
Both my parents were dirt poor. So were their parents. My parents grew up during the Depression. I did not come from a silver spooned family. Its no where in my heritage.
How anyone can think all whites are privileged is far beyond me. Being poor surely is not racist, is it?
In regards to BLM, they are a terrorist organization that does absolutely Nothing to help their fellow blacks, except scream and yell, and create all the havoc (my bet it is funded by Barack and Big Mike). All the money they have been "gifted" has been spent on themselves. Do black people even look at that? No.
What I have witnessed is blacks destroying their own communities when things don't go their way. Instead of going after those, usually in government, that are really the problem. Animals on steroids.
Its not my fault that people do not want to be educated, even finish high school. Instead preferring to live off of my tax dollars. Its easier to sit back, point fingers, spew things that one really does not know the actual facts. Just repeating what they hear from MSM. Sickening.
In the end, I will never excuse myself for being who I am. And I will never, ever take a knee. Only before Christ himself.
great article. such honesty. many won't say the truth......... But Don Jeffries doesn't have a price