They need to require understanding of the US Constitution as a prerequisite for military service.
They’ve kept the economy depressed by design, and maintained the ignorance of young men who need a job, so they blindly joined the military to “serve their country.”
great work, you hit every point of insanity and hypocrisy that exists. Funny how the anti war demonstrators quit after black jesus ascended to potus. And all things similar. I have nothing but contempt for war pigs like graham. They will never risk their precious important self. Like bolton said, I was too important for Vietnam. I could ramble on but I will close with patriotism is the first refuge of the scoundrel. I like the change.
Once again, Donald, your highlighting polar opposites of the micro/macro-scope is focused on the absurdities of those who covet what their neighbors have and are willing to advance any absurdity at any and at all cost, the human cost is insurmountable. Like those IBM bean-counters routing out all the Orthodox Jews in Germany years ago, micro-warfare against individuals has been honed to a science where hypocrites on parade flaunt their rebellion towards God and his Christ to bring us the "latest and greatest" hyper-normalization of contemporary political zeitgeist truths. Although the Gospel of Jesus is the good news for everybody, there are always those scoffing scorners who all know better, and they are usually the first to tell us so. The bad news is that they will never be able to quench the fire of God's justly earned wrath in their bumbling/stumbling 'professed" wisdom.
Extraordinary but... frustrating.
Thanks, Grazyna!
They mislead soldiers into fighting for a lie
For corporate warmongers they’re ready to die
Prostitutes in Congress and media whores
Vote for and cheer lead us into more wars
… from Trickle Down Blues
They need to require understanding of the US Constitution as a prerequisite for military service.
They’ve kept the economy depressed by design, and maintained the ignorance of young men who need a job, so they blindly joined the military to “serve their country.”
The Ukraine War was something Obama started so that Trump can finish. Just wait and see.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!
great work, you hit every point of insanity and hypocrisy that exists. Funny how the anti war demonstrators quit after black jesus ascended to potus. And all things similar. I have nothing but contempt for war pigs like graham. They will never risk their precious important self. Like bolton said, I was too important for Vietnam. I could ramble on but I will close with patriotism is the first refuge of the scoundrel. I like the change.
Thanks, wilson!
Once again, Donald, your highlighting polar opposites of the micro/macro-scope is focused on the absurdities of those who covet what their neighbors have and are willing to advance any absurdity at any and at all cost, the human cost is insurmountable. Like those IBM bean-counters routing out all the Orthodox Jews in Germany years ago, micro-warfare against individuals has been honed to a science where hypocrites on parade flaunt their rebellion towards God and his Christ to bring us the "latest and greatest" hyper-normalization of contemporary political zeitgeist truths. Although the Gospel of Jesus is the good news for everybody, there are always those scoffing scorners who all know better, and they are usually the first to tell us so. The bad news is that they will never be able to quench the fire of God's justly earned wrath in their bumbling/stumbling 'professed" wisdom.
Beautiful analysis, Clyde. Thanks!