We are in the midst of yet another propaganda campaign, designed to instill the proper war fever in the American public. As it has been every time since first being deployed in 1898, the propaganda campaign has been immensely successful. We are now officially entering Freedom Fries territory.
Vladimir Putin follows a long line of previous, prestigious hobgoblins, to borrow H.L. Mencken’s term. The Kaiser, Hitler, Castro, Noriega, Qaddafi, Hussein, Bin Laden, Ahmadinejad, among others. The only domestic bogeymen produced in recent years would be Richard Nixon, and more dramatically Donald Trump, who is the greatest hobgoblin ever born in America. But we can’t literally go to war with Trump, so the focus is entirely on Putin, who has been so absurdly tied to him by the corrupt Deep State and their sycophants in the media.
We have seen calls for boycotting Russian vodka, and Russian cats were excluded from some kind of competition. Dostoevsky’s books are being banned. Washington Capitals star Alex Ovechkin was blasted by the local press for insufficiently waving the Ukrainian flag. Presumably, anyone with an obvious Russian name may become suspect. Maybe the government can put them in concentration camps, like they did with Americans of Japanese, German, and Italian descent during WWII. They also stole all their property, by the way. They made billions off the deal. Just a little Hidden History for you.
Ambrose Bierce slightly altered the old adage about mindless flag waving to, “Patriotism is the first refuge of a scoundrel.” The same sheeple who cheer on an endless parade of illegal immigrants and migrants fleeing from our horrific interventions in other lands, are ready to send their first born to die in order to keep Ukraine’s borders safe and intact. They also accept that “America First” is nationalist nonsense that segue ways smoothly into the bottomless pit of Woke “racism.”
So while protecting our own borders is “racist,” and obsolete, protecting the borders of another nation is really cool. All the celebrities say so. Sean Penn will go there and film it for you. Wave the Ukrainian flag. Put “I stand with Ukraine” on all your social media. You’ll get lots of “likes.” It is, and has always been, popular to parrot the official establishment line on any issue. The establishment loves Ukraine, and their comedian president who once played that role as an actor. He also plays the piano with his penis. So he’s quite the modern hero.
The same establishment Left that constantly made excuses for the U.S.S.R. when they were indeed invading and taking over sovereign nations, and throwing dissidents in their gulags, now despises Russia. The Soviets were cool, all the celebrities have told us in countless films, while “journalists” waxed rhapsodic about them in the largest newspapers and magazines. The fact that the Bolsheviks initially came to power with financing from Wall Street, and one of their leaders was named Lev Bronstein, not Trotsky, and was from New York, not Russia, does nothing to curtail their ardor.
So the “Woke” authoritarians hate borders, and decry nationalism. Except the Ukrainian border, and Ukrainian nationalism, that is. It’s a “Woke” thing, you wouldn’t understand. There was never an outcry in our kept press when the Soviets invaded Hungary, Poland, etc. They were sovereign nations. And, of course, there is the little matter of all the sovereign countries we have invaded over just the past twenty years. Russia never sanctioned us for that. We always have altruistic motives, because…we are ‘Murrica. Love it or leave it. And thus the saber rattling to “defend democracy” in Ukraine, which….is not a democracy.
I don’t care if Putin is good or bad, or if the Ukrainians are really run by neo-Nazis. It has nothing to do with our country, which is falling apart everywhere, in case you haven’t noticed. But alternative sources tell us that Putin is busy building a lot of new churches in Russia. I guess they need them, considering all the churches the Soviets destroyed, along with all their murders of priests and nuns. Or so the alternative sources say. I don’t know. Maybe Putin didn’t put out an arrest warrant for any Rothschilds entering Russia. Maybe he didn’t ban GMO products.
Watching the absolute ignorance of people rooting for Ukraine over Russia like this was the Super Bowl is absolutely disheartening. More than half the American population is so brain dead now that they can seamlessly transition from obedience to “mandates” that are preposterous and unnatural, into genuine war fever. They respond to stimuli like Pavlovian dogs. Putin, whatever you think of him, managed to take COVID out of the news. He destroyed it. Take off your masks! But rest assured, you are still wearing your chains.
Everyone nods when you quote some of the great antiwar sentiments to them. Jeanette Rankin’s “You can no more win a war than win an earthquake.” Harry Patch, the last surviving WWI soldier, who said “War is organized murder, and nothing else.” and Benjamin Franklin’s “There is no such thing as a good war, or a bad peace.” But they always fall for the childish false flags, and hackneyed rhetoric that hasn’t changed in over a hundred years. The justifications for our continuous wars have never been remotely believable. But the public falls for them every time.
Now we have the likes of Lindsay Graham, heir to the John McCainiac Chickenhawk throne, and Sean “CIA lapel” Hannity, advocating the assassination of Vladimir Putin. Hannity is cast as a vicious opponent of Hillary Clinton, but he clearly subscribes to the “We came. We saw. He died.” school of foreign policy. As a people, we have not only lost the moral high ground by encouraging the assassination of anyone, but we have lost the spiritual battle with ourselves. The dark force has won again.
It’s no fun being in the minority. Knowing that you’ll always be outvoted. Those of us who are “awake” to the corruption all around us, and know our emperors are stark naked, are outnumbered by the millions. That was obvious by all the mask wearers and vaccinated dwarfing those of us with bare faces and no jab. And it’s just as obvious now by all the Ukrainian flag waving, worship of Zelensky, who may very well be the first crisis actor to “lead” a country, and demonization of all things Russian.
This isn’t about Left or Right. We are being led by demonic forces. Lunatics who insist men can give birth. But they can become patriotic at the drop of a hat, as we saw during Biden’s State of the Union address. The social justice warriors, whom the Right says “hate America,” started chanting “USA! USA!” just as naturally as conservatives do. So it’s a new, “Woke” patriotism. Accept that gender is fluid. Admit your white privilege. Oswald killed JFK. Defund the police or defend the police, depending on whether those involved are BLM protesters or “insurgents.”
Identity Politics permeates every part of our corrupt society. Judges, like everyone else, adjudicate based upon their emotions. Not reason. Not law. How you feel is all that counts. Legal PMS. If someone triggers you with their MAGA hat, or just their general Whiteness, it’s acceptable to physically attack them. Punch a Nazi in the nose and all that. And depict them as violent when you do it. Classic deflection, the psychiatrists used to call it, but now it’s a perfectly routine political tactic.
I realized how impossible it was to convert the masses a long time ago. As I’ve said, I haven’t influenced anyone in my very large family, except for my son, who is very awake. My wife does check the labels on everything she buys at the grocery store, though, looking for corn syrup, GMOs, or artificial preservatives. So that’s a small victory. One sister listens to what I says, but she’s fully vaxxed and boosted, like all the rest of my large extended family. My brother wasn’t vaccinated, but I really don’t think I had much influence on him.
So if you can’t sway those closest to you, how can you hope to sway strangers? There is a certain percentage out there that can be awakened, but there are also millions of people that can never be, no matter how persuasive you or your evidence is. I remember hearing, when I was young, that something like 10 percent of those you meet will just never like you. Your personalities just don’t click. I’ve run into some of those people, and it is very frustrating. I would say that the percentage of those you can never get to distrust authority is far greater than that.
Depending upon the source, either Thomas Jefferson or Andrew Jackson- two men I greatly admire- said, “One man with courage makes a majority.” So we don’t have to convince the masses, who will not be convinced. The Founders were a distinct minority, although their great wealth certainly made them a lot more powerful. But we can’t assemble in taverns, like those early One Percenters. We are always at risk of being cancelled for the slightest transgression. We have to whisper so softly that our smart phones don’t hear us.
We need numbers, as I’ve said repeatedly. We are indeed like dumb sheep, letting a few wolves march us into the slaughterhouse. The sheep never collectively turn on the wolf, and neither do we. Those ruining this country, and profiting in the bargain, are very few in number. They’d be easy to defeat. But even most of the “awake” citizens are too scared to do anything. I am myself. Why should I risk arrest or being beaten, tased, or shot, in a crowd of twenty protesters? And many no doubt recall what happened last January 6, when lots of protesters assembled in D.C.
President John F. Kennedy notably said, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” What exactly was he advocating? Perfectly mirroring everything else about our counterfeit society, this quote is still celebrated, even while the unarmed January 6 “insurgents” remain unconstitutionally held without bail or trial in prison, and defamed as “traitors” or “terrorists.” Was that what our diabolical leaders consider a revolution?
The only thing we can do is to be true to ourselves, and not accept any of their blatant lies. Don’t learn to love Big Brother. Speak truth to power, and try to wake up that random person whose mind is still open. Tiny ripples of hope. To the fact checkers out there, I am not advocating violence. I am advocating significant change and reform. Corruption must be rooted out, and those responsible for great crimes must be held legally accountable. Our laws mean nothing otherwise.
To everyone demanding that we “do something!” about Russia, my response is: why don’t you go over there and fight with the brave Ukrainians? Walk the walk. Don’t let them control the debate with their sanctimonious virtue signaling. Send Lindsay Graham to the front line. He’d look cute in a military uniform, something he’s never worn. Put him right next to Sean “Mad Dog” Penn, and the entire gang at CNN and MSNBC. They’d make for a mean, diverse fighting machine. And please make Rachel Levine the supreme commander. In fact, decree that every other soldier be transgender. You know how well that would work in Hollywood.
Seriously, America has been at war, somewhere in the world, for something like 90 percent of the time since its founding. The only brief respite in my lifetime was from the end of the Vietnam War through the Carter administration. America has been involved in a whole lot of wars. Even if we don’t send ground troops to Ukraine, they will get billions in aid. Aid that could be used to help our own unemployed and homeless. But that would be a “handout.” Sending it to another country is “humanitarian aid.” It’s a globalist thing, you wouldn’t understand.
As John Lennon said, before they killed him, give peace a chance. We really never have, in our entire, too often sordid history. All those aging hippies whose notebooks and tee shirts once flashed the counterculture’s peace symbol, now parrot “stand with Ukraine,” or whatever establishment meme is the flavor of the month.
Those who once flocked to “No Nukes” concerts obviously don’t care if they’re used now, against the latest foreign hobgoblin. They are consistently inconsistent. Intolerant of those they claim are intolerant. Hateful towards those they label haters. Violent towards those they say are violent. Instituting pro-electoral fraud policies in order to stop “vote suppression.” Many of them claiming to appreciate books like Smedley Butler’s War is a Racket or Orwell’s 1984, without understanding the irony.
The television networks are once again trotting out the antiquated old war horses, to point at video maps and explain the strategy of madman Putin. They’ve already ascribed ridiculous and quickly unproven acts to him. Bombing a kindergarten? The nuclear power plant he bombed- the largest in all of Europe!- was not, in turns out, hit by anything. Instead, there were fires in office buildings- who knows how they started? Videos and photos of the “assault” have already proven to be years old, one of them from China. Truth is the first casualty of war. History is written by the victors.
Five months before he was assassinated, John F. Kennedy made the most revolutionary speech any president ever has, at American University. He put his full support behind “not merely peace in our time but peace for all time.” He recognized the humanity of America’s chief adversary, which was Russia then as well. This speech made the target on JFK’s back so large that what happened in Dealey Plaza was a foregone conclusion. Peace, unlike military parades, has never been popular.
Extraordinary but... frustrating.
They mislead soldiers into fighting for a lie
For corporate warmongers they’re ready to die
Prostitutes in Congress and media whores
Vote for and cheer lead us into more wars
… from Trickle Down Blues
They need to require understanding of the US Constitution as a prerequisite for military service.
They’ve kept the economy depressed by design, and maintained the ignorance of young men who need a job, so they blindly joined the military to “serve their country.”