Completely agree, Donald. There is no human who can help us. Especially when most of these humans are dragging us over the cliff with them; believing obedience, submission, conformity, masks, and vaccines will protect us as we fall into the abyss of Godless totalitarianism.

We are the Cassandras of the Modern Age. Cursed to forever warning and forever being ignored.

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." - Hosea 4:6

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Thanks, Cindy!

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"We are the Cassandras of the Modern Age."

* writing that down * And the leftists keep opening Pandora's box.

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There's nothing new under the sun. We've been here before. See the book of Daniel. Not that all who are awake are believers in Jesus, but He said we'd face persecution and/or death, and the devil still runs this planet. The U.S.A. in Bible Prophecy https://www.amazingfacts.org/media-library/study-guide/e/4998/t/the-usa-in-bible-prophecy

Yet, as Peter told those who told him to stop preaching, "We ought to obey God rather than men." Acts 5:29. God honors the faithful, and followers of Jesus will inherit the Earth. Millions of believers have suffered and been martyred for their faith. They sleep in their graves awaiting resurrection at Christ's return. Foxe's Book of Martyrs https://www.gutenberg.org/files/22400/22400-h/22400-h.htm

Win or lose our rights in this life, the faithful are written in God's Book of Life. Our duty is to obey God, not men. This is what the sleepers and/or non-believers don't understand. If they accept Jesus, the Holy Spirit will wake them up and give them courage to defy tyrants.

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Hebrews 11:6

The sleepers are lost in seas, tsunamis, tornadoes, and hurricanes of misinformation and disinformation and omissions of truth they catch in between endless sports and entertainment shows that squat in their psyches, ie., bread and circuses. They either don't want to seek truth or fear to learn how bad things are, ie., a state of denial, so they take the soma of TV to escape reality.

I'm getting closer to God studying the Bible and watching Amazing Facts TV


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Glum is right … when I tried to warn a friend about the jab he called me a “trumper” even though trump was the one who ushered in op warp speed (and likely never got the jab). Another old friend told me his “guides” told him to get jabbed and my neighbor though anti-vaxx got the jab herself as well as her three teenage children (all for expediency). A woman in the local market complained to me that despite the six jabs she’d gotten, she was sick all the time, forced to miss work. I could go on but it’s way to glum.

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The Plandemic was the Beta Test, and the Sheeple passed with Flying Colors. Not only did they prove that collectively they are dumber than a bag of wet rocks, but they also proved apt at breeding Karens who would virtue signal by harassing the uncompliant.

I doubt that the Live Event will look like the Plandemic. The most likely scenario- and the Black Lives Matter seemed to be a Beta Test as well- will appear to be a series of staged events by the liberals protecting the staged immigrants who will be bringing down the infrastructure- also in staged events. It will be a potent mix of reality and false flags- and the Key Bridge Baltimore Harbor incident shows they have gotten a lot better at the false flags; it almost looks real- that will have heads spinning.

I never would have thought to see the day where morality could be so inverted. It is okay to brutalize your child into being a tranny, but post them naked in a bathtub and you will be arrested for kiddie porn. If you go five miles over the limit you get a speeding ticket but if you shoplift $600 the cops don't even show up. When the homeowner calls to get trespassers arrested they arrest the homeowner instead. A thug can toss a Molotov cocktail through a window, but a homeowner cannot defend his property. The library can have homosexual pornography but not a Douay Rheims Bible. A pastor can get arrested for a sermon against sodomy while a prostitute can conduct business on the corner. A cashier can be prosecuted for selling cigarettes to a minor but drug dealers are no longer criminals.

I don't know where or when the first shot gets fired, but it will definitely be heard from coast to coast.

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The illegal invaders are already invading the rich areas in Commiefornia, so that may be where the first shots are fired?

All of the rich areas in the blue states are the primary targets, but get ready for them to spread out into the red areas too. After they have ransacked those blue states.

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I think they are doing the same thing in New York and also Florida. And isn't Florida a "Red" State? And I thought the Republicans were blue. They were back in the Reagan days, weren't they? (You might notice I don't pay much attention to politics. After the Franklin scandal, when I discovered that both sides are full of pedos, why bother?)

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For the past 8 years I've been exploring the other beings who factor into this messed up world. I've documented it in great detail. It isn't as simple saying it's the devil, demons, a god and angels boxing it out for the souls of humanity. It is far more complex than that. There are non-human beings here who also want a piece of us or the whole pie. There are Supernatural forces as well. Powerful entities on both sides and some in the middle. And then there are amazing unknowns such as orbs. I think we are in the worst and the greatest time to be alive.

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Those things are all very possible, but it seems to me that the real simple explanation is that psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists have taken control of almost everything is really it.


Yes, many of those psychopaths are inhuman and demonic because of their psychopathy, but they are just psychopathic humans. They need to be kept as far away from government as possible, and never allowed to enter it.

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More than that. Take it to the next level.

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I don't rule out demonic spirits or aliens, and I actually think humans are a hybrid species created by alien genetic seeding.

Be that as it may be, I just want to condense the results of that to what we are dealing with now. A psychopathic genetic strain that has contaminated and infiltrated us here and now.

It has demonic and inhuman traits, and there may be truly inter dimensional beings or reptilians as David Icke says.

It is always the predators hunting the prey, no matter what, who or where or when?

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Great article. The Covid Panic shook my faith in people in our town, county, state, and country. It was horrible and I don't think I'll ever recover from it.

Italy's births for last year hit a record low. People are agreeing that kids are expensive and you never know how they'll turn out. Why bring a human into this shitty slave world?

I still think that the human race will end with silence. No more babies crying. Fin.

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Thanks, Timmy!

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On the positive side, the psychopaths removed their mask for all to see, and many have seen that.

More and more are waking up and seeing the predators for who and what they are.

The last stand will be between the evil psychopath predators and the good non-psychopathic prey.

The race is on to see if enough prey wake up to stop the predators. That's why the predators are in a hurry now to win that race.

Even if the predators win, they lose in the end. With no more prey they will devour each other until none are left. That is the snake eating its own tail.

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They did indeed, Justin. Thanks!

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"the predators are in a hurry now to win that race."

Yes, crunch time comes when investor realize that the U.S. government and can never repay the debt, and all the markets crash. The finish line is when the predators ask for complete control of private sector to "fix" the crisis. When the Fed installs it CBDC, it's all over but the screaming.

This is not an apocalyptic fantasy; it's probably unavoidable reality at this point. Only God can save us now, one of us at a time.

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The 11:00 minute mark in this video sums it up so well.


"A book on narcissism is the how to book on how to succeed in the new world order."

"Political Ponerology" is that book. It explains all of the pathology we are seeing.

Any crash will take the predators with it, much to their surprise.

The only survivors will be totally off grid and far removed from this trap.

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Thanks for the link. Yes, I would agree with what she says. Psychology, as it is practiced now, does provide an interesting perspective on leftists and the left-right difference. The narcissist as personality type is descriptive. Maybe FDR was the archetype of American Narcissist.

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There are books on FDR that say he was a narcissist, but probably not the first one.

Lincoln or Grant were probably the first one?

Others have said that every president after JFK was a nut job, and I agree with that.

In all fairness, maybe even JFK was too.

One thing is for sure, psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists are drawn to government for obvious reasons, so that is the root of the problems we see in the world.

This old article from 2008 explains it clearly, with excellent links for further reading.


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A woman who is a psychologist and self-proclaimed psychopath has written a book about being a psychopath and it was given a prominent review in the Wall Street Journal a few days ago. Being an out-of-the-closet psychopath may be the next big thing.

My vote for most psychopathic Presidential psychopath: LBJ.

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Many people have said that many/most psychologists are mentally ill themselves in some way, and I agree with that. Psychopaths consider themselves to be normal and everyone else abnormal, so it is expected that they would try to normalize themselves.

That won't work, except with other psychopaths.

The latest stats on the mental illnesses is 1% psychopaths, 4% sociopaths, 10% narcissists, for a total of 15% not counting schitzos, neurotics and all other mental illnesses.

It would be interesting to read the self-proclaimed psychopath stories for sure, to hear about it from the horses mouth. It will probably be full of lies and deception though, since they can't change that part. Who would believe anything a psychopath says anyway?

LBJ is for sure one of the top mentally ill presidents.

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I found a number of people who I thought might follow blindly, didn't. Recall that even in places heavily valued, that some 10, 20 and even 30% didn't get jabbed. I've leftie friends for whom it was all a step too far

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Apr 18
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Thanks, Sikander!

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