Note: This is another in a continuing series of previously published articles. Please subscribe to my primary Substack at
We are in the midst of a great historical moment. For America and the entire world. We are about to find out, perhaps we have already found out, whether or not the common people of this world will obey the orders of their masters, when those orders contradict every notion of science, rationality, fairness, and common sense.
One of the seminal books of my young adulthood was The Screwing of the Average Man by David Hapgood. It masterfully exposed the problems the average person faces every day, from forces within both government and private industry. It delineated how everyone from doctors to car mechanics use insider terminology and customer desperation to flog the public. We’ve all said, “they’re out to get me” at one time or another. Well, actually they are. Their livelihood depends upon them getting you.
I explored this concept broadly in my book Survival of the Richest. Our casino economy, where 80% must lose so that the same 20% keep winning, is as rigged as any slot machine ever could be. The system undeniably screws over the vast majority of human beings. In this country, a chrony capitalist system pays most workers just enough to lead “lives of quiet desperation,” to quote Thoreau. All the real statistics show that there is very little upward mobility in our society. If you’re born poor, you pretty much stay that way. And if you’re born rich, you’ll probably get richer.
But Survival of the Richest, and certainly The Screwing of the Average Man, were written pre-plandemic. How does this rigged system factor into our Brave New World Order? The Greatest Psyop in the History of the World has certainly exacerbated the already glaring disparity of wealth. The deck is stacked higher than ever before against us. The “new normal” they are creating almost makes the old crooked and corrupt world look lovely by comparison.
I’ve written and spoken about an overall narrative, one that encompasses not only the absurd official stories about seminal events like the JFK assassination and 9/11, but a general consensus that everything is okay. Our leaders know best. Official misconduct is rare. There are always legitimate reasons why the high and mighty must not be held accountable for their actions, as the rest of us are. Our overcrowded prisons were built for the poor and working class. The One Narrative is basically a vote of approval for the powers that be.
As should be obvious to anyone reading my work, a lot more people than not approve of our authorities. After all, they never question them. One vaccine, two vaccine, three vaccine, etc. Double mask it. Wear that mask when you’re driving alone in your car. Keep up that six foot “social distancing,” which comes from a middle school girl’s science project. Fear those “variants,” whether they be the moo-moo, woo-woo, or woo-hoo strain. At this point, they could name one of them “the useless eaters,” and those who trust The Narrative wouldn’t blink.
It strikes me now that this entire plandemic is a sort of referendum. Those trusting in our hopelessly criminal and incompetent leadership are giving a thumb’s up to each and every nonsensical and contradictory decree. Like magicians, they have distracted the hopelessly dumbed down masses, so that they turn first their skepticism, and now their anger, on us- the ones trying to wake them up. No one will be prosecuted, no swamp drained. They’ve succeeded in blaming us for their misdeeds. Their untested and deadly vaccine is converted into our salvation, but it cannot work until all the naysayers have been forced to take it.
The last few years have been so disillusioning. It was one thing to try to enlighten people about the JFK conspiracy, or how ridiculous the crazed 19 Arabs doing 9/11 theory was. Those weren’t issues that locked down businesses, or caused massive loss of jobs. They didn’t involve putting on face diapers, and getting jabbed with a “warp speed” vaccine that has already killed many, many more people than all the other vaccines combined since 1901. Sure, it was disappointing that people still could think Oswald did it, or that 9/11 wasn’t an inside job, in the face of all the evidence.
But this plandemic, the Greatest Psyop of all Time, has exposed the fault lines in the human race. Thomas Edison said, a century ago, that only one percent of the people are capable of independent thought. Judging by the behavior of most Americans, it appears he might very well have been right. You can’t have the ability to critically think and accept the “science” being sold to you by phony “journalists” and decadent, ignorant celebrities. Or turn your back on close loved ones. This is a matter of hearts as well as minds; who chooses the authorities over your own family?
I never lost any family or friends over my radical views, until this unprecedented virus struck. Those of us who are pointing out that the emperor has no clothes are not only being branded as “conspiracy theorists,” who are “dangerous” to those who blindly believe this ridiculous narrative; we are in danger of becoming shunned to separate restrooms, perhaps to those notorious FEMA camps. Call us the Jim Crow minority. Will they deny us the right to food? We’re headed in that direction, at the brink of a cliff, with no access to the steering wheel from the back seat.
I’ve said it many times; there is not a single foundational issue in present-day America, which all can agree on. In 1860, there were foundational issues. How can you stress the importance of God-given rights, when a huge number (perhaps a majority at this point) of Americans don’t believe in God? When does life begin? Should we be able to pull the plug on someone who’s no longer convenient? These basic moral positions are “divisive” now. And those in charge are largely eugenicists. They are pro-death, and anti-life. When we can no longer acknowledge that there are two different genders, what can we all agree on?
I have been holding out some hope- and there isn’t much of it in this draconian nightmare- that angry parents will be able to get some control over tyrannical school board officials. It has been encouraging to see them blasting these deluded elitists in public meetings. But instead of seeing some school board members recalled, we now have the Attorney General instructing the FBI to coordinate with all school boards, in order to deal with what he calls “domestic terrorists” who have the audacity to criticize their monstrously inappropriate curriculums.
So now we can add parents concerned with their children being exposed to transgender story hour and critical race theory to the “insurgents” being held as political prisoners in Washington, D.C., and all the other “conspiracy theorists” who object to the Orwellian dystopia being constructed. The government even used the term “criminal behavior” in addressing those angry parents. I’d like someone to please provide an example of any parent at those school board meetings engaging in a crime. Clearly, criticizing our overlords at any level is now against what passes for “law.”
Demonizing parents who object to what schools are teaching their children is in keeping with the total politicization of our injustice system. What we are looking at is the legitimization of Thought Crime. Every “White Supremacist” that is threatened with prosecution will be on trial for thoughts, not any traditional law breaking. We first saw this writ large when the prosecution read into the record Timothy McVeigh’s political opinions, and focused on the “dangerous” material he read. There were few of us objecting to this back then. That was the case for every gradual transgression of human rights in this country. The frog was boiling for a very long time.
The chickens have come home to roost, as an insensitive Malcolm X remarked after JFK was assassinated. The people did nothing after each and every incremental violation of the Constitution, that both “competing” parties have pushed during my entire lifetime. Now those in charge, largely indoctrinated in those same putrid public schools, and brainwashed by a Deep State-cheerleading Mockingbird media, tell you bluntly that they don’t believe in free speech, let alone the rest of the Bill of Rights.
If parents cannot express their dissatisfaction to school board members, then exactly what can any American citizen say or do to stop this tyranny? I would like to hope that the Attorney General’s response to involve the thoroughly evil FBI here will result in hundreds, even thousands, of even angrier parents storming their next school board meeting. But if the past is any indication, those parents will crawl away with their tails between their legs. This has been the American way since Robert E. Lee surrendered at Appomattox, thereby forever repudiating the doctrine of the consent of the governed, which was the guiding principle behind our founding.
I still search for some hopium out there. Angry Black rappers and athletes provide a bit of a silver lining. Louis Farrakhan has it exactly right; he is asking why anyone would take anything they are giving. The “Woke” mob runs on virtue signaling the way vampires run on fresh blood. And their identity politics is built upon a foundation of propping up Blacks and promoting absurd anti-White hatred. So if enough prominent Blacks, who are routinely adored by the virtue signalers, refuse to get vaccinated, maybe the contrary programming will cause them to self-destruct.
Those who are buying the COVID fantasy include many who were “awake” on JFK, 9/11, and other important issues. So we’ve actually lost an untold number of comrades on this, as I can attest to personally. I guess there are some who might have been sound asleep on everything else politically, but woke up when their business was closed, or they were thrown out of work, or a loved one was severely injured or killed by the “warp speed” poison. But surely they are a pretty small group. By and large, the millions of us resisting this unprecedented authoritarianism were already significantly awake before early 2020.
To put it frankly, those who haven’t awakened yet are not going to. They are like Pavlovian dogs, and they will respond to every bell they hear. If the authorities ask them to give up their first born, do we really think they’d fail to obey? If they told them to stop wearing clothes, or to wear a purple hat, to protect them from the virus, the vast majority would do so. And they can and will blame literally anything on the Unvaccinated. We will eventually, like the angry parents, be labeled “domestic terrorists.” Those buying the One Narrative would nod in appreciation if we were blamed for everything from inflation to bad weather.
In Salem, Massachusetts long ago, if the crops were ruined, it was the fault of some poor local woman branded as a “witch.” We are almost at that point as the deplorable Unvaccinated. Is throwing us in FEMA camps all that different from burning us at the stake? Do you really expect your deluded loved ones to fight for you, or even protest you being sent to a FEMA camp? I certainly don’t. We’ve already seen this regarding the “insurrectionists,” with one daughter turning in her mother, and a Facebook friend blowing the whistle on a mother and daughter, months after January 6.
Other than enough aggressively confrontational Black people forcing a seismic disruption in the world of political correctness, the game is over. We must turn to our faith. Only a God could possibly straighten out this systemic mess. The corruption is unfathomably deep at all levels, as witnessed by the arrogance of relatively lowly school board officials. If parents can’t hold those paid to teach their children accountable, then how can we hold any public official accountable for anything?
It’s Us versus Them. We outnumber them by the billions collectively. But like Orwell’s Proles, we are distracted, divided, and dumbed down, and thus unable to simply come together and take control. You know it’s bad when many are hoping for a total collapse of the rotten system. That would create the potential for something better, but only after years or even decades of Mad Max-style misery. There is nothing else. The Republicans aren’t going to help you. There are no White Hats.
I apologize for being so glum. As the great Ambrose Bierce said, pessimism is a condition forced upon us. If you’re not pessimistic at this point, you’re not thinking. I often wonder how horrible human beings must have been before the Great Flood. I cannot believe they were more depraved and unprincipled as the majority of those alive today are. To quote Thomas Jefferson: “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.”
Completely agree, Donald. There is no human who can help us. Especially when most of these humans are dragging us over the cliff with them; believing obedience, submission, conformity, masks, and vaccines will protect us as we fall into the abyss of Godless totalitarianism.
We are the Cassandras of the Modern Age. Cursed to forever warning and forever being ignored.
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." - Hosea 4:6
There's nothing new under the sun. We've been here before. See the book of Daniel. Not that all who are awake are believers in Jesus, but He said we'd face persecution and/or death, and the devil still runs this planet. The U.S.A. in Bible Prophecy
Yet, as Peter told those who told him to stop preaching, "We ought to obey God rather than men." Acts 5:29. God honors the faithful, and followers of Jesus will inherit the Earth. Millions of believers have suffered and been martyred for their faith. They sleep in their graves awaiting resurrection at Christ's return. Foxe's Book of Martyrs
Win or lose our rights in this life, the faithful are written in God's Book of Life. Our duty is to obey God, not men. This is what the sleepers and/or non-believers don't understand. If they accept Jesus, the Holy Spirit will wake them up and give them courage to defy tyrants.
But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Hebrews 11:6
The sleepers are lost in seas, tsunamis, tornadoes, and hurricanes of misinformation and disinformation and omissions of truth they catch in between endless sports and entertainment shows that squat in their psyches, ie., bread and circuses. They either don't want to seek truth or fear to learn how bad things are, ie., a state of denial, so they take the soma of TV to escape reality.
I'm getting closer to God studying the Bible and watching Amazing Facts TV