Fortunately, I bailed from both pro sports and Hellywood back in the late '80's. I still live in the land of the St Louis Cardinals, Houston Oilers, and Washington Redskins. As for Hellywood, I saw the first installment of the Star Wars Prequil in 1999 and, when I was DesertMonk over at Action Figure Times, I ripped it apart as The Phantom Movie. Seriously, you almost have to work at it to make a movie that bad. Everybody blamed poor Jar Jar Binks. Good grief, Jar Jar was the only actor who had flare, color, and affability. But the critics said he was an imitation of a Jamaican Taxi Driver and denigrated Blacks. I guess that was a start- Jar Jar was "racist". Go figure. In my opinion, Jar Jar was the comic relief that got in the way of the movie. With utterly no tension, no build-up, and no epic feel to it, Jar Jar was like a giant red spot on a white background, when his real purpose was to distract from the tension for the moment.
In retrospect, I think that first Star Wars movie was a clairvoyant pointer to things to come- a society so disjointed and convoluted it turns in on itself like a snake eating its own tail. I always thought liberalism was about tolerance. I thought it was the liberals who wanted to give peace a chance. it turns out, that once the liberals had completed their long march through the institutions, they did not reform them- they weaponized them against their perceived opponents.
Our contemporary politicians are as inane as the child Anakin Skywalker in the cockpit of that Naboo Starfighter. "Hey, I'll try spinning. That's a good trick." And sure enough, he manoeuvers his way through the thick of the enemy defenders and into the innards of the mothership. "What does this button do?" It fires a rocket right into the maw of the mothership and starts a chain reaction, and of course R2D2 gets them the heck out of there while everything the bad guys intended goes haywire.
Perfect description of the contemporary landscape, where they already have a vaccine for disease X, which has not even made an appearance yet.
Quite frankly, I think they are about ready to pull the plug. And what can I do about it, humanly speaking?
Considering that I get fired at from both the right and the left, the top and the bottom, not much.
They wanted universal anarchy.
Mission accomplished.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!
Great essay, but you should go back and lowercase all instances of "black." Otherwise you're at least unwittingly playing the game on the identity politics people's terms.
Fortunately, I bailed from both pro sports and Hellywood back in the late '80's. I still live in the land of the St Louis Cardinals, Houston Oilers, and Washington Redskins. As for Hellywood, I saw the first installment of the Star Wars Prequil in 1999 and, when I was DesertMonk over at Action Figure Times, I ripped it apart as The Phantom Movie. Seriously, you almost have to work at it to make a movie that bad. Everybody blamed poor Jar Jar Binks. Good grief, Jar Jar was the only actor who had flare, color, and affability. But the critics said he was an imitation of a Jamaican Taxi Driver and denigrated Blacks. I guess that was a start- Jar Jar was "racist". Go figure. In my opinion, Jar Jar was the comic relief that got in the way of the movie. With utterly no tension, no build-up, and no epic feel to it, Jar Jar was like a giant red spot on a white background, when his real purpose was to distract from the tension for the moment.
In retrospect, I think that first Star Wars movie was a clairvoyant pointer to things to come- a society so disjointed and convoluted it turns in on itself like a snake eating its own tail. I always thought liberalism was about tolerance. I thought it was the liberals who wanted to give peace a chance. it turns out, that once the liberals had completed their long march through the institutions, they did not reform them- they weaponized them against their perceived opponents.
Our contemporary politicians are as inane as the child Anakin Skywalker in the cockpit of that Naboo Starfighter. "Hey, I'll try spinning. That's a good trick." And sure enough, he manoeuvers his way through the thick of the enemy defenders and into the innards of the mothership. "What does this button do?" It fires a rocket right into the maw of the mothership and starts a chain reaction, and of course R2D2 gets them the heck out of there while everything the bad guys intended goes haywire.
Perfect description of the contemporary landscape, where they already have a vaccine for disease X, which has not even made an appearance yet.
Quite frankly, I think they are about ready to pull the plug. And what can I do about it, humanly speaking?
Considering that I get fired at from both the right and the left, the top and the bottom, not much.
They wanted universal anarchy.
Mission accomplished.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!
Astute analysis as always, WW. Thanks!
Great essay, but you should go back and lowercase all instances of "black." Otherwise you're at least unwittingly playing the game on the identity politics people's terms.
I'm consistent, AgainsttheLies. I capitalize "White" and other races as well. I believe in being fair and equal. Thanks.