Love the Benjamin Franklin quote people forget that quote. Another bad ass article from the master Don Jeffries.

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Thanks, AT!

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If there ever was such a thing as a "bad peace", it was the one that was signed on the deck of the Battleship Missouri in 1945. That just hid the even bigger war that has been brewing ever since.

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Mar 12
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Thanks, Nancy!

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Your article made me think of that Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz original movie. Look how easily she was permanently removed when people had enough. Quite easily too (who would have thought). I'm sure when a solution comes forth, and could be accidental, we'll hear the entire Earth give out a large sigh. People cannot and should not give up their hope, faith, belief in God, family, being kind to others, and learn to get back to basics. Fire and brimstone may rain down upon us and the Spiritual Battle has been gaining momentum, but you're right. In the end, We Win. They cannot take away from us something that will never, ever belong to them. Thanks so much, Don!

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Thanks, Fran!

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Donald, the best book on the subject is Cynthia Chung's, the empire on which the black sun never sets. There have been Zazi-fascists among us from the beginning. We never broke from the British empire, and this includes today.

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You want to compare the current despots to the Most Catholic Kings of Europe? Louis XVI, for all his failings (he was essentially an 18th century version of Joe Biden) did not slaughter thousands. He did support people like Ben Franklin- some think to his glory, others to his shame.

I was following the Trucker's Protest Live when the Indian Grandma got trampled by the horses of the Canadian Mounties. Whoever thought that having horses in such a crowd had the worst idea since our local mayor, some years ago, fired a cannon in the town square which blew out the windows in every building faces the area. (Maybe the local hardware store paid him to do it.) Our bright mayor also decided it would be dandy to have an M1 Tank roll down main street to lead the parade, and leave the asphalt a chewed mass of tar as the band's boots turned black as they marched through the goo.

But I will allow the politicians to be idiots. And the cops too. But I deeply resent when they are tyrants.

Oh yes, the pastors are definitely in on it, up to their eyeballs, and like I said in my post, I blame Pope Frantic most of all for getting the Plandemic rolling. The timing was just perfect to shut down Holy Week 2020. That was what really got the farce off the ground. Look everybody, for the first time since Roman Armor marched down roads, the bells of the Catholic Churches will be silent all during Holy Week. (Well, canonically they are silent during the Holy Triduum, but you know what I mean.)

So welcome to the ranks of the jaded and the "black-pilled".

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!

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Thanks for this post. The current Pope is a Jesuit and belongs to the worshipers of the God of light (Satan) not the God of love. Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano's statements about this sitting evil are verry explicit in his LIBERA NOS A MALO, considerations on the great reset and the new world order. The other one is the appeal for the church and the world to Catholics and all people of good will, and finally his letter to the President. No holds bared in this assessment of reality. I am not Catholic, but he says it like it is. Jack

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For the record, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano is just a Vatican shill. He is sort of like the Catholic version of Donald Trump, with Pope Frantic being Joe Biden.

The REAL problem goes back to the 1970's. The New Catholic Mass was the fulfillment of Daniel the Prophet. And now the Abomination of Desolation is clearly in the Vatican.

The "Great Reset" is just gaslighting. That is the Cabal spiking the ball in the end zone. They think they have won- and they are in for a surprise.

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So, he is controlled opposition like the health freedom Doctors that will not admit there is no such thing as a virus? Thanks for this info. Are you aware of the Bailey of New Zeeland? They have blown the virus-germ theory apart. I think I will follow you as I like the way you think, Jack.

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Yes, Germ theory is fake and ghey. So is "nuclear physics", the theory of evolution, biological weapons... I could go on and on. I recently got excoriated because I said Ron Paul was fake and ghey. It is how they roll. They have their shills in the system so that we keep adhering to it, and keep believing in it. The shills will take us a long way to the truth, but never quite put us there.

I am a Cradle Catholic and these clowns had me sucked in for a long time: Cardinal Burke, Bishop Schneider, Taylor Marshall- as soon as we catch onto one, they roll out another, in both politics and the church. They have Protestant versions, Catholic versions, even Secular Humanist versions.

Our Lord Jesus Christ warned us that "they would work great signs and wonders, to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

You are aware of Gary Webb's research and the Franklin Scandal? Those are very, very close to the truth- that this world has a very ugly underbelly of pederasty, Satanism, and narcissistic hedonism and it is very organized and controlled and feeds on itself and is always looking for new recruits.

Our Lady appeared at Fatima in 1917 and just look at how all the "Holy Popes" have treated her. When they were not ignoring her, they were distorting the message.

Our Lady in her message was not talking about "WW1" and "WW2", they were totally fake and ghey as well. Rather she was talking about two wars of much longer duration.

The truth is scary but it does set us free.

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Great manifesto for the 1% (or at most high single digits) of us who want and try to see the big picture AND have morality/integrity. The opposing 1% who think the big picture is simply a game of winners and losers have little if any morality/integrity. Just like your description of the American revolution, a very small bunch of highly motivated individuals fought for justice. The vast majority of the population then and now are gullible followers. They follow the winners, whoever the current authority is. There are a decent number of people (I'd estimate 10-20%) who do have legitimate powers of reason, and who can be reasoned with, once they get exposed to accurate information. These people are worth reaching out to. However most are not. Most respond only to base emotions, not reason. If the SHTF, the mobs might fight against the immoral 1%, but not because they "See the light", but rather because the moral 1% appears to be the new authority.

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The opposing 1% have no moral integrity. They sacrifice innocents (literally) to their idols in the hopes they will acquire the skills to rule the world and live forever in their graphine-tungsten bodies, while salivating over the rest of us.

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Great points, Kev. Thanks!

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Mar 13
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I appreciate the kind words, Sikander. Thanks!

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