I love your truth splashed in with several chuckles…at least I do! Your articles are always a breath of fresh air in this lost and dying world! Don, there’s a movie, I believe it came out in the 90’s called Time Changers, give it a watch if you can find it(a lot of reality to it) it’s Christian based and involves time travel. Peace be with ya and please keep doing what you’re doing and may we keep our eyes on Jesus!
This is so true and still, the dolts don't want to see it. Finally enough of them did to try to vote us out of the madness and thankfully the president has started the clean up. Getting rid of pronouns really "made my day" and LOTS more clean up is coming. My mantra has always been "common sense" and yet many of those brainwashed robots don't understand it and want to defy it. Sadly we may be doomed as the society of goodness and growth based in reality that the younger us thought was coming.
You might want to ask whether the MAGA Hats are also not brainwashed robots, and if the Trump Administration is every bit the political theatre the Biden Administration was. If you are still in the "Us" verses "Them" game, you might want to consider you are a pawn on Z Brezinsky's Grand Chessboard.
I made my statement and you can have yours. I am not worried about your "what ifs " soyou and Grazyna so you are talking to the hand. BTW people are not brain washed hats, their opinion is just , if not better than yours. Believe me, I am no more pawn than thee. We are done here.
Wish you would have been a neighbor of mine back in the day, but I wasn't so awake back then. It would have been nice to speak with someone who questioned life and its absurdities. We didn't have much choice but to believe all the BS that was in the small amount of information available at that time. I was not part of a family that questioned things. My father was the only one who was suspicious of the government. He didn't always take life at face value and because of my mother, kept his trap pretty much shut.
I wish many times that I could go back in time and change things that happened in my life. Then again, the outcome would have been way different, maybe not to my liking. Not that its perfect now, but with what I do know, I wish I would have gotten out of the toxic Big City years ago.
I was in a relationship with someone who drank/did drugs, but didn't we all in our youth. Everyone said he was the "one" for me. Its too bad that he and I didn't sit down and have deep conversations, but would he have been interested. Would it have gotten anywhere. Neither one of us had that on our radars. People ate, slept, went to work and paid the bills. I never met any man who I could have deep conversations with. Everything was so superficial. My life was pretty much wasted, Don, on stupid crap that doesn't mean a thing. But along the way, I learned some valuable life lessons.
The trouble with the Internet is you have so many people with varying opinions. Some of its useful, and some not. I do not believe everything a person has to say. I try to follow whats logical, whats common sense and throw in a little bit of possibilities to the mix.
The only thing I enjoyed about the Wonderful World of Disney was its shows. The future to see back then was fascinating, but who knew then what dark roads it would take us down. Rumors of Walt's perversion with children makes me regret thinking he was a man of substance. Most of the rich are like that, having fooled many of us with the seemingly sense of "purity".
You are easy to relate to, Don. I sometimes get on your podcasts, but some of your guests are weird, IMO. Maybe some of your followers here should get together and speak our minds. Even to talk nonsense about everyday life.
I would love to have known you back then, Fran. I'm sure we would have hit it off. I need to look more into maybe doing some live videos on Substack. Thanks!
That I would be interested in. I do have Zoom on my home computer. I don't know how else to download other software for live calls, but I'm sure something could be worked out. For the work laptop, they use MS Teams, but I would not attempt to use their laptop for personal things. I've been busted twice already. Yes, I am a "bad girl". lol
If you get a cheap crappy Chromebook Laptop, it can hook right into Streamyard, which is what most streamers use, including Richie Alterburn of Wise Wolfs for Don's Streams.
Hope you are not working for a company that is part of the problem. One has to be careful these days not to share in the bloodshed.
What a great comment, all of it...especially this: " My life was pretty much wasted, Don, on stupid crap that doesn't mean a thing. But along the way, I learned some valuable life lessons." I'm in the same boat.
I'm at the stage in life now where I could write about my experiences. You should hear my useless 31 yr. old nephew who talks about the "Marines", constantly, even tho he never joined. His daddy yakked his ear off about all his BS experiences, but didn't tell his son that he punched an officer in the face and was dishonorably discharged. Like a politician, only tell a very small amount of the Truth.
Walt Disney pushed Secular Humanism, but kept it cleverly disguised with a Christian veneer. Didn't want to tip off the Bible Thumping Southern Baptist Grandma's while they could still wield those rolling pins. Collectively they would have burned the Magic Castle to the Ground and Stoned Tinkerbell if they would have been aware that Uncle Walt was diddling kids.
Don was really crusty on his last episode of "I Protest" with the Three Flaming MAGA Hats. Their stories were interesting but predictable, and of course it all had happy ending because the Orange Messiah is back in the Oval Office.
This is not going to end well, and those in the corporate jungle are headed rapidly towards a solid brick wall.
I am not sure I have heard you talk about it. When Clinton started NAFTA, I knew we were going to pay severe consequences. I worked for a manufacturer of parts for the Telecommunications industry; coax, fiber optics, and long haul fiber. All materials were made in USA. After NAFTA, two of our US plants shut down and moved to China. Not only did Americans lose jobs, but China was now able to steal our intellectual property. They could steal from us out in the open! My eternal dislike for the Clintons and dislike for our Government started then. It made no sense to me, how could Clinton profess this is going to help US jobs, it will open up opportunities. I am a late comer to the game of distrusting our Government.
BTW~ if you think the Government would ban time travel so we could not learn our historical truth, read Don's books, they are full of our true history!
Yes, I was against NAFTA as soon as I heard about it. I knew Ross Perot was correct about the "giant sucking sound." NAFTA was the culmination of bad trade deals, merger mania, and the encouragement of outsourcing and moving businesses offshore. We decimated our industry. That's why Trump's tariffs- which are a good thing- have to be coupled with new factories here. Otherwise, they will just result in higher prices for consumers. Thanks, Robin!
I hope you wrote this in 2022. Oh yes, I see you did! That wasn't on the email part of this! I was going to say, you can't think Trump is worse than Biden! But I liked it. I agree with you all your points especially on being a loud mouth. I, too, suffer from not being silent. So there's only a few people who still appreciate and love me as I am. But that's enough. Good for you.
Trump and Biden are two horses in the glue factory. The Biden horse was lobotomized and fat while the Trump Horse is skittish but will do anything for a fat carrot.
Yeah, yeah. Trump is fixing a lot of this mess. Wait and see. Since it's way too early to write something idiotic like this, I know you are not a critical thinker. Nobody would please you (because guess why, nobody is going to do it all right), but you don't even wait and see. He's been in office less than two weeks. And that's garbage.
I suppose we will completely discount the fact that Trump goes through women like Henry VIII, has lied on multiple occasions, is a fan of the jab, and has the most pro-Ziocon Cabinet than any previous president. If Trump really wanted to fix the mess, he would undo Roosevelt's New Deal, disband every Federal agency, apologize to the South for what Lincoln did, release all the Intelligence files for public scrutiny, cancel the "War on Drugs" and the "War on Terror", disclose the military's attempted weather modification programs, introduce a constitutional amendment to create an inviolable right to Private Property, swear fealty to Our Lord Jesus Christ the King... and that's just for starters.
Newsflash: We don't have an Orwellian Future. For the last 20 years we have had an Orwellian present. It was the Post 9-1-1 "War on Terror" that pushed us over the line. The preceding "War on Drugs" was bad enough. Of course, even as the military and Law Enforcement claimed to be combating on the "War on Drugs" they were profiting from it by multiple vectors. Nothing like transporting the narcotics into the inner cities to drum up "business". Arrest and prosecute poor black boys with a gram or so of Cocaine and process them through the prison system run by all the cronies and perverts. Advertise how extensive that drug problem was so that the subsidies and donations would keep rolling in. Buy all that sophisticated equipment to keep the coffers of the weapons industry stuffed. Plant drugs on people you want to target, and pull dogs out of the pound and train them to "hit" for a treat- even the K-9 guys are getting their cut. The "War On Terror" gave us all of the above, plus we could go and bomb countries into the stone age for fun and profit.
Of course, we should all be scared shitless that they now are allowing agencies to "raid" places to round up "illegal immigrants". Hey, Mr Trump, why don't you just give all the people currently in the country amnesty and citizenship, and tell law enforcement agencies to start investigating real crimes- like larceny, burglary, rape, murder, assault, fraud, embezzlement... instead of jaywalking, speeding, open beverage containers, and all those codes violations municipalities apparently are horrified will grind civilization to a halt. Oh, but that is establishing law and order, and we absolutely cannot have that, not on Clown Planet.
However, all those bully cops are about to hoisted on their own petard. They have been putting on a grand show for JooToob for years, and the proverbial worm has turned, and many are now on to the tactics. The judges are desperate to stem the tide of truth and potential jury nullification by declaring people insane and requiring mental health evaluations, which gets the medical racket in the game, and then the doctors are prescribing SSRI's, which has Big Pharma also entering the game. But all of that is reaching a tipping point as families get alerted, and now the MAGA Hats wants cops under 24/7 surveillance, and are all for Trump rolling out the drones. Oh, won't that be a panacea. What could go wrong??
2020 and the forced quaccines should have been a huge alarm bell. The Sheeple were told to get their Fauci Ouchie or lose their cinchy careers, if not access to their finsances. Of course, the Sheeple should have seen this coming for 30 years, but the Sheeple have shown that there is one thing they excel at- sheer stupidty.
In the Financial World, sheer stupidity is called Bitcoin, and the other "Crypto-currencies". (Hey there Sheeple, know what a "Crypt" is???) The one saving grace of Bitcoin is it will allow smarter people easier access to commodities. And the commodities they had better be stocking up on are wheat, barley, dried beans, dried peas, and oatmeal, and seeds they can plant for lettuce, squash, and etc.
At this point, it is only a question of whether a "false flag" ushers in WW3, which leads to a debt collapse, or they allow the debt collapse to trigger WW3. The only guarantee we get at this point is the fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy, and a political and societal atmosphere that is going to make SOviet Russia look like the Workers Paradise. They say 20 million starved during the Holodomor. Well, when the American version rolls around, multiply that number by a factor of ten.
I love your truth splashed in with several chuckles…at least I do! Your articles are always a breath of fresh air in this lost and dying world! Don, there’s a movie, I believe it came out in the 90’s called Time Changers, give it a watch if you can find it(a lot of reality to it) it’s Christian based and involves time travel. Peace be with ya and please keep doing what you’re doing and may we keep our eyes on Jesus!
I appreciate the kind words, Brad. I don't think I've seen that movie- will have to check it out. Thanks!
This is so true and still, the dolts don't want to see it. Finally enough of them did to try to vote us out of the madness and thankfully the president has started the clean up. Getting rid of pronouns really "made my day" and LOTS more clean up is coming. My mantra has always been "common sense" and yet many of those brainwashed robots don't understand it and want to defy it. Sadly we may be doomed as the society of goodness and growth based in reality that the younger us thought was coming.
You might want to ask whether the MAGA Hats are also not brainwashed robots, and if the Trump Administration is every bit the political theatre the Biden Administration was. If you are still in the "Us" verses "Them" game, you might want to consider you are a pawn on Z Brezinsky's Grand Chessboard.
I made my statement and you can have yours. I am not worried about your "what ifs " soyou and Grazyna so you are talking to the hand. BTW people are not brain washed hats, their opinion is just , if not better than yours. Believe me, I am no more pawn than thee. We are done here.
🎯 🎯 🎯!!!
Hmm, what about the EO "Operation Stargate" and Stargate LLC?
Not to mention the "NRNA" Anti-Cancer Jabs and Panopticon. What could go wrong?
Again, 🎯!
Wish you would have been a neighbor of mine back in the day, but I wasn't so awake back then. It would have been nice to speak with someone who questioned life and its absurdities. We didn't have much choice but to believe all the BS that was in the small amount of information available at that time. I was not part of a family that questioned things. My father was the only one who was suspicious of the government. He didn't always take life at face value and because of my mother, kept his trap pretty much shut.
I wish many times that I could go back in time and change things that happened in my life. Then again, the outcome would have been way different, maybe not to my liking. Not that its perfect now, but with what I do know, I wish I would have gotten out of the toxic Big City years ago.
I was in a relationship with someone who drank/did drugs, but didn't we all in our youth. Everyone said he was the "one" for me. Its too bad that he and I didn't sit down and have deep conversations, but would he have been interested. Would it have gotten anywhere. Neither one of us had that on our radars. People ate, slept, went to work and paid the bills. I never met any man who I could have deep conversations with. Everything was so superficial. My life was pretty much wasted, Don, on stupid crap that doesn't mean a thing. But along the way, I learned some valuable life lessons.
The trouble with the Internet is you have so many people with varying opinions. Some of its useful, and some not. I do not believe everything a person has to say. I try to follow whats logical, whats common sense and throw in a little bit of possibilities to the mix.
The only thing I enjoyed about the Wonderful World of Disney was its shows. The future to see back then was fascinating, but who knew then what dark roads it would take us down. Rumors of Walt's perversion with children makes me regret thinking he was a man of substance. Most of the rich are like that, having fooled many of us with the seemingly sense of "purity".
You are easy to relate to, Don. I sometimes get on your podcasts, but some of your guests are weird, IMO. Maybe some of your followers here should get together and speak our minds. Even to talk nonsense about everyday life.
I would love to have known you back then, Fran. I'm sure we would have hit it off. I need to look more into maybe doing some live videos on Substack. Thanks!
Would love to see some live videos Don.
That I would be interested in. I do have Zoom on my home computer. I don't know how else to download other software for live calls, but I'm sure something could be worked out. For the work laptop, they use MS Teams, but I would not attempt to use their laptop for personal things. I've been busted twice already. Yes, I am a "bad girl". lol
If you get a cheap crappy Chromebook Laptop, it can hook right into Streamyard, which is what most streamers use, including Richie Alterburn of Wise Wolfs for Don's Streams.
Hope you are not working for a company that is part of the problem. One has to be careful these days not to share in the bloodshed.
What a great comment, all of it...especially this: " My life was pretty much wasted, Don, on stupid crap that doesn't mean a thing. But along the way, I learned some valuable life lessons." I'm in the same boat.
I'm at the stage in life now where I could write about my experiences. You should hear my useless 31 yr. old nephew who talks about the "Marines", constantly, even tho he never joined. His daddy yakked his ear off about all his BS experiences, but didn't tell his son that he punched an officer in the face and was dishonorably discharged. Like a politician, only tell a very small amount of the Truth.
Walt Disney pushed Secular Humanism, but kept it cleverly disguised with a Christian veneer. Didn't want to tip off the Bible Thumping Southern Baptist Grandma's while they could still wield those rolling pins. Collectively they would have burned the Magic Castle to the Ground and Stoned Tinkerbell if they would have been aware that Uncle Walt was diddling kids.
Don was really crusty on his last episode of "I Protest" with the Three Flaming MAGA Hats. Their stories were interesting but predictable, and of course it all had happy ending because the Orange Messiah is back in the Oval Office.
This is not going to end well, and those in the corporate jungle are headed rapidly towards a solid brick wall.
At this point, it doesn't matter who is Prez or which side of the aisle they are on because its all the same club.
Its disgusting to really know what old Walt was all about. But that is 99.9% of Hollyweird. Hope it all burns and stays burned.
I call it Hellywood. And yes, it can all burn to the ground. But, at any rate, all the horses are out at this point, so why does it matter?
Don, what do you think of NAFTA?
I am not sure I have heard you talk about it. When Clinton started NAFTA, I knew we were going to pay severe consequences. I worked for a manufacturer of parts for the Telecommunications industry; coax, fiber optics, and long haul fiber. All materials were made in USA. After NAFTA, two of our US plants shut down and moved to China. Not only did Americans lose jobs, but China was now able to steal our intellectual property. They could steal from us out in the open! My eternal dislike for the Clintons and dislike for our Government started then. It made no sense to me, how could Clinton profess this is going to help US jobs, it will open up opportunities. I am a late comer to the game of distrusting our Government.
BTW~ if you think the Government would ban time travel so we could not learn our historical truth, read Don's books, they are full of our true history!
Yes, I was against NAFTA as soon as I heard about it. I knew Ross Perot was correct about the "giant sucking sound." NAFTA was the culmination of bad trade deals, merger mania, and the encouragement of outsourcing and moving businesses offshore. We decimated our industry. That's why Trump's tariffs- which are a good thing- have to be coupled with new factories here. Otherwise, they will just result in higher prices for consumers. Thanks, Robin!
I truly appreciate your posts, probably because I also have rebellious nature.
S called "normies", I suspect, all have been vaccinated and they not only have their genome modified (Cyborgs?) but their personalities as well.
"SHOCKING but Not Surprising: Major Study Confirms Covid ‘Vaccines’ Change People’s Personalities, Emotions.
Leading researchers in South Korea confirmed that the injections are altering human behavior."
Thanks, Grazyna!
I'm sure the chemtrails and frankenfoods are altering behavior as well.
What a hell of an OUTSTANDING post!
Thank you, Katherine!
I hope you wrote this in 2022. Oh yes, I see you did! That wasn't on the email part of this! I was going to say, you can't think Trump is worse than Biden! But I liked it. I agree with you all your points especially on being a loud mouth. I, too, suffer from not being silent. So there's only a few people who still appreciate and love me as I am. But that's enough. Good for you.
Trump and Biden are two horses in the glue factory. The Biden horse was lobotomized and fat while the Trump Horse is skittish but will do anything for a fat carrot.
Yeah, yeah. Trump is fixing a lot of this mess. Wait and see. Since it's way too early to write something idiotic like this, I know you are not a critical thinker. Nobody would please you (because guess why, nobody is going to do it all right), but you don't even wait and see. He's been in office less than two weeks. And that's garbage.
I suppose we will completely discount the fact that Trump goes through women like Henry VIII, has lied on multiple occasions, is a fan of the jab, and has the most pro-Ziocon Cabinet than any previous president. If Trump really wanted to fix the mess, he would undo Roosevelt's New Deal, disband every Federal agency, apologize to the South for what Lincoln did, release all the Intelligence files for public scrutiny, cancel the "War on Drugs" and the "War on Terror", disclose the military's attempted weather modification programs, introduce a constitutional amendment to create an inviolable right to Private Property, swear fealty to Our Lord Jesus Christ the King... and that's just for starters.
Make lying a crime for all politicians. Felony. Maybe even capital punishment. Let’s see how many resign.
I love that idea, Mike. Boy, would that clean out Congress! Thanks!
Clean out congress? Within 24 hours of that edict, there would be no congress. They would all be hanging from trees or on a ranch in Patagonia.
Cathars: what else would you expect from a world made by the devil ?
Newsflash: We don't have an Orwellian Future. For the last 20 years we have had an Orwellian present. It was the Post 9-1-1 "War on Terror" that pushed us over the line. The preceding "War on Drugs" was bad enough. Of course, even as the military and Law Enforcement claimed to be combating on the "War on Drugs" they were profiting from it by multiple vectors. Nothing like transporting the narcotics into the inner cities to drum up "business". Arrest and prosecute poor black boys with a gram or so of Cocaine and process them through the prison system run by all the cronies and perverts. Advertise how extensive that drug problem was so that the subsidies and donations would keep rolling in. Buy all that sophisticated equipment to keep the coffers of the weapons industry stuffed. Plant drugs on people you want to target, and pull dogs out of the pound and train them to "hit" for a treat- even the K-9 guys are getting their cut. The "War On Terror" gave us all of the above, plus we could go and bomb countries into the stone age for fun and profit.
Of course, we should all be scared shitless that they now are allowing agencies to "raid" places to round up "illegal immigrants". Hey, Mr Trump, why don't you just give all the people currently in the country amnesty and citizenship, and tell law enforcement agencies to start investigating real crimes- like larceny, burglary, rape, murder, assault, fraud, embezzlement... instead of jaywalking, speeding, open beverage containers, and all those codes violations municipalities apparently are horrified will grind civilization to a halt. Oh, but that is establishing law and order, and we absolutely cannot have that, not on Clown Planet.
However, all those bully cops are about to hoisted on their own petard. They have been putting on a grand show for JooToob for years, and the proverbial worm has turned, and many are now on to the tactics. The judges are desperate to stem the tide of truth and potential jury nullification by declaring people insane and requiring mental health evaluations, which gets the medical racket in the game, and then the doctors are prescribing SSRI's, which has Big Pharma also entering the game. But all of that is reaching a tipping point as families get alerted, and now the MAGA Hats wants cops under 24/7 surveillance, and are all for Trump rolling out the drones. Oh, won't that be a panacea. What could go wrong??
2020 and the forced quaccines should have been a huge alarm bell. The Sheeple were told to get their Fauci Ouchie or lose their cinchy careers, if not access to their finsances. Of course, the Sheeple should have seen this coming for 30 years, but the Sheeple have shown that there is one thing they excel at- sheer stupidty.
In the Financial World, sheer stupidity is called Bitcoin, and the other "Crypto-currencies". (Hey there Sheeple, know what a "Crypt" is???) The one saving grace of Bitcoin is it will allow smarter people easier access to commodities. And the commodities they had better be stocking up on are wheat, barley, dried beans, dried peas, and oatmeal, and seeds they can plant for lettuce, squash, and etc.
At this point, it is only a question of whether a "false flag" ushers in WW3, which leads to a debt collapse, or they allow the debt collapse to trigger WW3. The only guarantee we get at this point is the fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy, and a political and societal atmosphere that is going to make SOviet Russia look like the Workers Paradise. They say 20 million starved during the Holodomor. Well, when the American version rolls around, multiply that number by a factor of ten.