One thing that I have learned over the course of my life is that many very wealthy and seemingly successful people are not very bright, intelligent nor well spoken. Some simply won the lucky “gamete” award and were made wealthy by familial/generational wealth or family connections.

Look at buffoons like a Trudeau,

the former part time substitute drama teacher and ski instructor, the leader of Canada.

Some were simply in the right place at the right time and stumbled into success and wealth or were “placed” there as a deep state “origin story”, like Zuckerberg, Musk, Bezos, Gates etc….all of who’s family all basically have ties to the intelligence communities.

Look at all the celebrities, most of them are empty headed idiots. Almost nobody celebrates intelligence.

The bottom line is that most politicians and many ultra wealthy are at the bottom of the barrel as human beings and intelligence

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Well said, Andrew. Thanks!

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And many academics are even worse and masters of clueless pretentions as clearly shown throughout the COVID operation.

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That was absolutely prophetic, Donald. How anyone, at this late date, can believe Brandon and Trumpenstein are real, and not two actors...is beyond me. The last two months (((they))) have made it clear that (((they))) plan to re-install Trumpenstein for the final dismantling of the USSA. The plan is all-out chaos. YouTube is being flooded with information that would have been banned a few short months ago. Brandon is being publically humiliated on a daily basis. Some of Brandon's acting (Juneteenth celebration) is now becoming extremely obvious. It's all very entertaining. Prepare accordingly.

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I don't usually pretend to know what's going to happen, Kris. But in the case of Trump, it because obvious pretty early on that he was part of the script. Thanks!

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They are all actors. Mind controlled puppets. Presidents Senators Congress. The old ones like Trump and Biden sit in a dark room drooling on themselves. Before public appearances they get a shot of adrenaline and maybe LSD.

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Trump may have faults. We all see them. Misspelling words doesn't hold much value for many people. If write a piece on Trump, I would think you would do the same for our current leader. And if and when you do, I'm sure you could find more than a handful of misspellings and appointing some corrupt people.

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I've made my feelings very clear about Biden, Sarah. He's akin to a barely animated corpse. There is more evidence on videotape of him touching children inappropriately than there probably exists for any pedophile locked away with long prison sentences. I documented both his, and his son Hunter's suspicious financial transactions in Ukraine in the American Free Press, in several articles. He has been a bought and paid for deep state villain for decades. I concentrate more on Trump, because he is considered our only hope, the opposition to the monstrous tyranny and corruption. Thanks.

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You have one country with a penis piano player, so lets not forget that. With properties we paid for all over the world. It just goes to show that prime ministers and presidents are NOT running the show, its those behind the curtains. Leading us to Hell.

I used to believe in Trump but all these court hearings are nothing burgers, IMO. More Kabuki theater. Just look at Dubbya. Total lack of any brains. And Barrack. A blatant homo. We did have a peanut farmer who pushed the big oil scare. And Gerald Ford who was a klutzy clown. Plus Reagan, a has-been actor.

Honestly, you could take a half-way decent person off the street and make them a better president. Whats next? Some doped up homeless street gnome?

I think by now, some of us know Presidents are not in charge. Its funny to see how many people still believe in a two party system. Like it really means anything. They're coming for us. I see it on my tax forms, grocery bills, the lawlessness, crime rates, genderless people, the lack of personal pride, lack of actual education, rotting infrastructure. Its a literal freak show.

Till death do us part.

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Perfectly stated, Fran. Thanks!

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I no longer participate in the charade of voting, however, I do believe that the Trump train will arrive at the gates of Hell more slowly than that of the straight-up commies. Unless he picks Nimarata for VEEP.

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https://watchmanscry.com/?p=6550 interesting series. He is deffo in the club

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Trump is a total stooly, explain why the Dems won't put a credible contender against him (until.... wait for it... the last minute). Everything is converging to get this deep state trojan house back in, jeez, it's like a bad movie

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A sound analysis.

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