Yes, Donald, things have degenerated in almost every way they possibly could these past 50/60 years. People our age feel this very keenly and you are not a grumpy old man for pointing out the things you do. I was watching one of the more obscure Charlton Heston films on TCM the other night. From 1969, he plays an over-the-hill NFL football player who is trying to come to grips with retiring from the league. It’s a pretty bad film but I love this man and wanted to see it. The most amazing thing to me about the film is how the fans in the stands are dressed! Many men in long-sleeved dress shirts—or at least collared shirts—and some even in sports jackets and ties. This——in 1969—not the 50s! Fans now show up at games half naked sometimes, or in crummy clothes I wouldn't wear to work in my garden. Women dress like hookers or as if they are headed for the beach! It’s the same in any public place or on the streets——-absolutely no sense of modesty or decorum. And I am no prude. I just get so sick of people dressing like slobs no matter where they are. And this has NOTHING to do with economic status. Grown men with ugly, sloppy sleeveless “muscle “ shirts on exposing all their underarm hair. Mature women in expensive jeans that are purposely shredded from from top to bottom, or who are wearing skintight “workout” clothes that accentuate every bump and bulge, along with an exposed midriff. Who wants to see all this skin in a public place? Have some respect for yourself as well as others who have to look at you.

Keep the great commentary coming.

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I am so disgusted with how people dress going to the grocery stores, and at work. Some stink, like they haven't had a shower in a week, and its not just the elderly. I've seen women walking into the stores with slippers on and you're correct, they wear clothes so tight it looks like a second skin. Who wants to look at every bulge? Women used to cover up those bulges. And some of the "hairdos", as they don't know what a brush or comb is for. But lets put on those false eye lashes and make sure our huge cleavages stand out. Apparently, they have nothing else in life to offer (meaning no brains or couth)! I know tats are so popular, but I ask some of them - Do you know that those tats will look faded and wrinkly when you age? Usually, they just look at me like I slapped them. Personally, I do not think they're cool. I have enough scares on this body that I don't need tats. People have lost their sense of Class and you don't have to be rich to have it either.

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I HATE tattoos. To me, they say: I have no personal style. I'm a copycat, and my entire look is based on what is in at the moment. I'm so uncreative that I must be a follower.

The worst part is that carcinogenic dyes are being pumped through one's body. During autopsies, the dye is found pooling in the lymph nodes...the bodie's sewer system.

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I watched some episodes of that show "Orange is the New Black." Long story, but I was being paid to watch it. At any rate, one of the more attractive women was standing in front of a mirror in one scene, and it took me quite a while to realize she was completely naked. Her entire body was so covered in tattoos that it looked like clothing! Kind of destroys any sex appeal, doesn't it? Thanks!

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I have seen women with serpent and dragon tattoos emanating from their posteriors, and worse. Seriously, how can somebody be that covered in tattoos and not get some sort of skin disease?

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I figured those dyes can't be good for one's body. Perhaps thats why so many people act psychotic and need meds to calm their mind. It blows me away when I see homeless people with tats and cell phones, yet no money for a place to live or food to feed themselves or kids. I find it extremely ugly when I see guys that have tats on their faces, lumps on their heads and surgery done on their tongues to look like lizards. Halloween 24/7.

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Thanks, Laura!

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It is bad enough to see the women dressing like french Prostitutes at the mall, but what really floors me is when they dress that way at church. And I am not talking your suburban social gospel hangout, I am talking a church that offers the Traditional Latin Mass. You would think women there would know what modesty and decorum is. Nope. And don't even get me started on the priests who permit this...

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I will never understand tattoos, especially on young, beautiful girls with beautiful skin. To me it is a desecration of their God-given bodies. Also, tattoos used to worn by ( lower-class) people who wanted to assert their rebellious nature. Now it seems, ironically, that those without tattoos are the independent ones who have refused to go along with what i hope is just a stoopid fad. Someone (Charles Murray?) once wrote that a society is in deep trouble when the upper classes start emulating the lower classes……and sadly this is where we have been heading in the West for about the last 20 + years now.

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Yes, St Paul said we should keep our bodies as vessels of holiness. Incredibly, a few months ago the hosts at a Catholic Radio Station were arguing in favor of tattoos, and said there is no canon law a man cannot have one. I was always taught our body was - or should be- a temple of the Holy Ghost, and one of the ways to desecrate it was with tattoos.

When I was young, only sailors and rebels had tattoos because they though it was manly. Women having tattoos was utterly unheard of.

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When I had my "Paul on the road to Damascus" moment in 1990, I immediately put into action the teaching of returning good for hate ..I mean actual works of kindness and help. It completely discombobulated my family...it actually made them more filled with hate towards me...and not a little confusion. Over the years, what has worked better is just cutting all ties. This is the most comfortable for all involved.

Donald, I asked you about the "like" I was blocked from making. Out of curiosity I finally read the rules for Substack. It seems that individual commenters can block another Substack user from interacting with their own personal content. The person who blocked my "like" had earlier become very offended when I wrote about something I knew to be true from personal experience. It was clearly a case of : "Don't make me aware of something I don't want to know..and I will block you because you upset me." What a relief!!! Sorry Donald, but for a moment you fell off my free-speech pedestal. I should have known you would never restrict free-speech in any form.

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Well, I'm glad I'm back in your good graces, Kris. I certainly would never do that to anyone, least of all someone who's been as supportive as you have been. Thanks!

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Tell me all about it. I get blocked all the time by- guess who? People that say they are open minded and charitable.

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I, too, attend the Traditional Mass in a SSPX chapel. It is rare to see a woman inappropriately dressed in our chapel…however, a few men here and there will attend Mass in blue jeans which I think are out of place. Most men wear dress slacks and long-sleeved dress shirts at a minimum and many wear coat and tie. Our weekly bulletin has a little blurb requesting appropriate dress for all “…out of respect for Our Lord and for the edification of our neighbor” which helps greatly. Refugees from Novus Ordo world dont always know what is appropriate when they first start attending Mass at our chapel.

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