Obviously you wrote this some time ago, The situation has gotten a thousand times worse since then. I limit my time in public to one grocery shopping trip per week to Trader Joe's and Wholefoods. Last night I made a rare mid-week trip to pick up a couple of items at a huge store. There were only two lines open, and they both stretched all the way to the back of the store, so I had ample time to observe the freak show. It looked like the former Soviet Union crossed with I-don't-know-what. Although a beautiful late Spring day, everyone was dressed in heavy black clothing, most covered in ugly tattoos with strange hair. I was thinking I must stand out like a freak with my light beige shorts and bright green Hawaiian shirt. It really made me sad how one can't even make a quick trip to the store without one's senses being assaulted by follow Americans who seem to have transformed into monsters.
For several years I have played a game to make grocery shopping less tedious. I count folks in the store NOT wearing black. I rarely find one, and it's almost inevitably a foreigner. When I do spot someone wearing color, I feel like going up to them and saying: rare bird, you win the prize today. I don't even own any black clothing. My fom of rebellion against this kind of subtle mind-control is to wear the most vivid colors I can find. I find this wearing of black counter to all history. Bright colored clothing used to be reserved for the rich. Tyrian purple was the color of royalty BECAUSE it was so expensive to produce. Now that the poorest of the poor can afford the most exotic colors in history...they all chose black. The fact that now the majority of Americans look so horrible (all black clothing, tattoos, bizarre hair styles) proves to me how mind-controlled they are. This is s huge change, even from as recently as the eighties. It makes me want to isolate even more.
It was written in 2018, Kris. For those that don't know, I use this Substack to post my older blog entries, on the assumption some people would be interested in them. I love your description of what you saw. I have to confess that I haven't noticed the trend to Black clothing. Perhaps the weight distracts me. But dark colors have long been considered "slimming," so maybe many choose them to make them look less obese? Now you've given me something else to look for. If you watch my podcast, you can see that I mix in some colorful Hawaiian type shirts. Thanks!
I've noticed it for years. Like you, I like old movies. If you watch a lot of these, the brilliant colors of the clothing is obvious. Now maybe this was because color was new, and they really wanted to showcase it, but you still see the bright colors in home movies from the seventies and eighties. That started to change in the nineties. They're not doing it for slimming...they are doing it because they have been programmed by the culture to present in this ugly manner. I was paying a lot of attention to the British royale family during the last three decades (research) and the Queen and her mum were always dressed in the brightest colors they could find...even their hats and handbags. This was not by chance. There is all kinds if research about how bright colors provoke positive feelings in others. Lastly, the way folks present to the world reflects their inner person. Black clothing, ugly tattoos, ugly hairstyles reveal an ugly person inside. What I can't figure out, is why the brilliant colors are reserved for their hair only.
You've made me think, Kris. That is just something I honestly never noticed. I do like to wear Black a lot lol. But I have bright shirts, at least. Thanks!
Start counting people not wearing black...it will shock you. Try to find a picture of QEII wearing black (not at a funeral). I have only found a couple.
This is one of my favorite subjects. I'm a fan of older films, especially those showing street scenes of New York City in the 1930's through 1950's. People were slim ! and they dressed with dignity! Even those with very little money clothed themselves with dignity and were aware of how 'proper' they looked. It was like a show of courtesy to others to dress to a certain standard. Nowadays the slouchy clothing communicates a rejection of self -- and others -- a kind of giving up any effort to think well of oneself. I'm slender and fit in my 70's but I can't even bring myself to wear tight gym exercise tights because I really find it very undignified to show one's buttocks in public. Maybe some (just some, though) 20 year old women look acceptable to me, but when I see women wearing yoga pants in public, showing absolutely every bulgey bulge, without a shirt covering their derriere! This is about respect for oneself and respect for others. You can't unsee some ugliness.
Good points, A. Truhan. Although I don't mind seeing an attractive woman in yoga pants, I get what you're saying. I'm bothered by the ones who shouldn't be in any kind of revealing clothing, and yet wear it proudly. Do they still have the People of Walmart site? Just some incredible sights (not pleasant) in there. Thanks!
I have Pillow Talk (1959- Doris Day, Rock Hudson) on dvd, and watching that film is like eating comfort food. I've been all over the US, but I've never had any desire to see NYC. I've had more than one nightmare, where I found myself in the Big Apple, desperately trying to find my way out of the city. However, Pillow Talk makes NYC seem pleasant, cosmopolitan, clean and safe...America 1.0 before it's fall into the gutter. I love Day's fashions in that film. The high water mark for women's fashion was the fifties. The interiors of the buildings are all clean and colorful...and for a shock of brilliant hues...there is the swingin' batchlor pad that Day decorates for Rock at the end. I think I'll watch it again tonight.
As a "confident heterosexual" (see the movie 'Rustler's Rhapsody'), I always assumed that 'Pillow Talk' was just an old "chick flick". But then I watched it about two years ago, because it was free on a cable channel, and I really liked it!
>>... "Pillow Talk makes NYC seem pleasant, cosmopolitan, clean and safe...America 1.0 before it's fall into the gutter."
Another very similar NYC movie is 'Breakfast At Tiffany's'. Some of those beautiful color shots accompanied by the indescribably luscious music of Henry Mancini makes NYC seem like it was on another (and much better) planet! Years before I learned that there already was a word for that feeling (saudade), I invented my own word for it (goldenshadow).
Those Rock and Doris movies were the best and all 50's movies were done so well. Elizabeth Taylor and Paul Newman, so many great stars and subject matter...Grace Kelly and James Stewart, etc.
Hudson and Taylor gave a virtuoso performance in Giant...love that film...also have it on DVD. Those two young actors were able to pull off playing characters 25 years older than they were at the time. I happened to be in west Texas in 2009, near where the exteriors were filmed. I found the ranch entrance arch from the movie. The huge ranch house on the plains, was actually a false front. I understand it stood for many years before it was demolished.
I just watched it again...and I always forget how funny it is. Brilliant dialogue. I love Breakfast at Tiffany's "... especially because I have a weakness for orange cats (I always have an orange tom cat). I cant imagine anyone but Hepburn as Holly, but I understand that Capote wrote the part for Marilyn Monroe.
I am a woman older than you and weigh even less than I did in high school, wear makeup, nicely fixed white hairdo, and nice clothing at all times. Also, I say "please" and "thank you" and the idiots are so ignorant, the stock answer is, "no problem" rather than a smile and "thank you." If I am feeling cheeky, I look at them puzzled and say, "was there a problem" and crickets...chirp chirp, I want to scream. Men, tennis shoes are for sportswear unless you are Joe Biden.
I didn’t get that from the article but not all salmon is the same. The issue is the amount or ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids. Wild salmon has a much higher ratio of omega 3 FA’s then does farmed salmon because of the diet of farmed fish. Even then, these fatty acids are stable and not well oxidized as compared to those from seeds/seed oils.
Great piece Don! I love your thoughtful commentary! When I go to Walmart, usually to take my Stepfather, the sights are really remarkable. Like you said PJ bottoms and don't forget the slippers. Wearing slippers out in public makes me cringe. I don't understand the attraction to tattoos? Beautiful young women with tats all over their arms, neck, and face, nose rings, body piercing galore. What processes someone to do that?
Like you Don and A. Truhan, I love the old classic movies from 1930s to 1960. The characters were dressed to the 9's, always drank alcohol, and smoked. Those were the good old days. Women had manicured hair and nails, usually red nails. Life seemed simpler. People did seem civil to each other. I have noticed when I am kind to someone, hold the door or help them in some way, the person is always kind back to me. We need to get back to a world where people care about each other. I grew up the same time you did Don, I can honestly say that my Father would have kicked my butt if I was rude, came home with a tattoo, wore my bed clothes outside, wore too much make up, or was disrespectful. I wonder s lot, how did we get here? What has happened to our culture? Is it possible to move forward or is it too late?
100% correct in this article. I've noticed the de-escalation/demoralization/decentization of Americans thru the years as well. I cannot stand tats. I've seen women wearing huge ugly tats on their chests. Up and down both arms and along what could have been beautiful legs. The only tats I have are scars. Refuse to mark up my body. Apparently, I am no longer normal.
As far as hair, women look like they don't even bother to comb it anymore since its that new style thing. Us older folks wouldn't understand. And I've never seen so many bald men which I do not think is natural. Men used to have such beautiful hair, why not be proud? Oh yea, another place for a tat.
When I fix myself up, which I never leave the home looking like a homeless person, people ask me if I was just at the "beauty parlor". Yea, in front of my mirror, trying to look respectable. The way humans used to.
Fast foods? I can't remember the last time I've had one of those fake food meals. But you're correct about the long lines. All that gas wasted running a vehicle and these are probably the same people who complain about "climate change". The temper tantrums some people have nowadays when the incorrect items are not in their fat and happy meals. No Thanks!
Black doesn't look good on me, so I usually leave that color to below the waist. PJs and slippers at the stores are becoming modern fashion. Have you noticed that folks don't even bother to bathe? Most times I have to place my hand over my nose and mouth when passing someone in an aisle, then mutter under my breath, Take a bath, for God's sake. Do I need to wear rubber gloves when going to the grocery store now, or should I put myself in a rubber suit? Don't even mention about those who are in excess of 300 lbs. that have to use those electric carts which are really for disabled people. Honestly, these people are some of the rudest, thinking everyone should get out of their way. How can you possibly reach anything above the height of the cart?
The ads on YT and commercials now blatantly use big, big women slobbering around in bathing suits and tight fitting clothes that show every bulge and wrinkle that are supposed to be fashionable. I remember back in high school I was maybe 20 lbs. overweight and was made fun of. Now, that would be 130 lbs would be considered skinny!
Its a shame older folks cannot and are not courteous. I've held doors for people and they don't even look at me, so I say in their passing, Thank You! I usually am either ignored or receive a dirty look. I wonder how quick they would react if I just slammed it in their faces, but I don't want to be that rude. I'd just lower myself to their standards.
Once while waiting in the self-serve line at the local grocery store, I counted about 7 people. Only 1 out of that 7 was what I would consider thin. Truly amazing. And not one of them was dressed halfway decent.
Maybe, just maybe, if schools would create slides of how us Americans used to look compared to today, instead of teaching about dirty, disgusting, and useless topics, perhaps our young folks would take a long hard look at themselves. Or maybe not.
When I was a teenager in the seventies, I and my friends would have sooner jumped off a bridge, than leave our homes without make-up, nice clothing and every hair in place. I remember we spent an inordinate amount of time on personal grooming. Perhaps we were a shallow bunch (back then ), but even so, those seem like the good old days now. Imho, nobody looks good in black...except for fur, feathers and human hair.
I agree with everything you've said! We have become a slovenly and obese people. But there is a part of me that is roused to our defense. I believe it is caused by the decades of fluoride in the water, vaccines, and now the glyphosate and seed oils in our food that have taken away our vigor and our desire and ability to exercise. One of the things that both seed oils and glyphosate do is to disable the body's ability to convert calories into true energy. The great nutritionist Adelle Davis once said that health creates productivity. I have said for a long time to my family and all my friends that it is apparent that Americans no longer feel good. Their health is destroyed! This is made evident in their appearance, their behavior toward one another, and the way in which they maintain their home and yards. Our neighborhood used to have beautifully landscaped yards that our neighbors actually got outside and worked on--but no more! If "Mexicans" are not working the yards, they are minimally maintained and scraggly. This is NOT the way we were. We have been poisoned. My poor people!
Yes, the uglification of America. I noticed it after the scamdemic;, piles of dirty face masks dumped in the parking lots of Home Depot and WalMart. (Nasty dirty masks . ) We were told by Fauci and the scarf lady, that Covid spreads at home and in church, but not at Walmart. ( whew...those Covid bugs was pretty smart). They told Americans not to go to family holiday gatherings or church . No birthday parties over 5 people allowed. So we stood on the front porch and banged our pots and pans. At least Walmart was allowed to stay open, but not my favorite local pizza shop or my dentist.
That brings us to the ugliness campaign in 2024, as Congress gives away more free money to the Oligarchs in Ukraine than they spend on all public roads, and bridges in the United States. USA taxpayers are very pissed. Biden and Mike Johnson simply say, "No Soup Fo You", while the media lies.
I’ve long thought the same thing. I’m about the same age as you and I remember an America where people took pride in their appearance. I too don’t recall many obese people when I was young. I’m certain the crappy food many Americans consume plays a part.
The food undoubtedly plays a part, PD. But this whole "fat acceptance" movement is at the heart of it, especially for women. Facebook took down this post when I shared it there. Never happened before to any of my Substack posts, and they're all certainly controversial. Thanks!
Don, this verry situation has been on my mind for some time now. I grew up in the sixties as well and I notice the same things. I was a personal fitness Trainor for forty years and my clients were getting bigger and bigger every year. I read an article about the introduction of corn sugar into just about everything and in 1972 it started to spike the childhood type 2 diabetic explosion, so there is a connection there. The cell phone and PC is another thing that is a problem in this society as people spend more time on them instead of conversing with other people. The surly, disrespectful, fat, slovenly mass of the population has been brought about by design and the motive is to prevent people from thinking critically! Just like mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed bullshit while they all become Jaba the hut like characters from Star Wars. Magical thinking, fantasy worship, vampires, witches, and not one probably knows who their representative is, or even city council members. This again is by design and how we ended up in the situation we are now in. Kennedie's murder was the coup that started this. I remember it well and nothing has been the same since. 911 was the project for the new American century project plain and simple. It was an inside job in order to enact the Patriot Act that effectively took away our rights, gave the President powers he was never supposed to have, stifled free speech, any kind of decent, criticism of anyone as hate speech. George Carlin was spot on when he said that your choices are now paper or plastic, take it or leave it. Thanks for a great explanation of reality. I hope you get better soon, Jack.
Thank you for having the courage to tell it like it is. When I was growing up, women did not gain weight until after marriage and children. Now I look at the young girls and wonder "what are they thinking". But because the boys are fat too, neither gender seems to care. The boys look so slovenly, I can tell you I haven't seen one that I would be interested in, if I were a young female. I'm appreciative of the comments here because I've been thinking of myself as an elitist, old, fuddy duddy. In addition, not only is the weight gain unsightly, it is also unhealthy. A friend said to me that if everything went to hell, folks would come to my house and take my food. I responded, "not my food". It all has to be cooked, from scratch. Young women no longer have housekeeping/making skills and young men don't know how to do anything like repairs. Pehaps I'm antiquated but my question is what do folks come to relationships with other than their devices.
WOW !!! My gbother from another mother. Agree with other comments how much worse the situation is now. I moved 50 miles from the city i grew up in about 13 years ago to get away. Yesterday I drove through my old heighborhod (working middle class slightly tough neighborhood( and was so sickened. I told my wife when I got home I am never driving around there again. I saw what I think were men that were so dar, filthy and skinny walking in groups concentrated in this one area. where did they come from? treash, overgown medians toen up streets and when I got to the Doctors offcie load of generally unfriendly self-absorbed entitled elderly. And sadly the cancer has spread to my once quiet country town. Californian lead invasion and urban immigration have ruined the peaceful rural area I used to love. Reckless drivers, crazed soccer moms with too few clothes and too much car with no regard for anyone but themselves. Men who drive F-450s and live on one acre properties drivng like they are in NASCAR one my country farm road. My town used to have teh best customer service , nice kids saying sir and thank you. Now I am truly afraid to take food form these unwashed sloppy scribbeld on entititled video game junkies and lesbian poster material. The species will continue to degenerate at least here because that is the plan. And went to DC a couple of weeks ago, it is alrady third world. Filthy ugly cess pool as well. Thanks for making me and my wife feel some solace in knowing we are not alone when we get so riled up and flat out depressed about how our world has fallen apart. I grew up hearing, act like somebody, it was meant to be an encouragement to be a positive contributor to community by being a respectable (lloking and acting) member of it. DEIA says conformaity is bad, well look around all you freaks are conformaing more that we ever did. Take a bath, eat a salad, comb your hair, wear something that has to be ironed or dry cleaned and learn to repect yourself.
I appreciate hearing that, spnbb. It is very depressing for those old enough to have known another world. If you haven't done so, please subscribe to my primary Substack, "I Protest," at donaldjeffries.substack.com. All my new writings appear there. This Substack is devoted to what I think is the best of my older work. Thanks!
I do weigh about 200 lbs (I'm 6'1" tall). I do wear pajama bottoms to the food take-out place. I do dress up when I go to the bank. I don't go to grocery stores (Whole Foods Delivery brings our groceries.) I rarely drive anymore. People are to be avoided.
Obviously you wrote this some time ago, The situation has gotten a thousand times worse since then. I limit my time in public to one grocery shopping trip per week to Trader Joe's and Wholefoods. Last night I made a rare mid-week trip to pick up a couple of items at a huge store. There were only two lines open, and they both stretched all the way to the back of the store, so I had ample time to observe the freak show. It looked like the former Soviet Union crossed with I-don't-know-what. Although a beautiful late Spring day, everyone was dressed in heavy black clothing, most covered in ugly tattoos with strange hair. I was thinking I must stand out like a freak with my light beige shorts and bright green Hawaiian shirt. It really made me sad how one can't even make a quick trip to the store without one's senses being assaulted by follow Americans who seem to have transformed into monsters.
For several years I have played a game to make grocery shopping less tedious. I count folks in the store NOT wearing black. I rarely find one, and it's almost inevitably a foreigner. When I do spot someone wearing color, I feel like going up to them and saying: rare bird, you win the prize today. I don't even own any black clothing. My fom of rebellion against this kind of subtle mind-control is to wear the most vivid colors I can find. I find this wearing of black counter to all history. Bright colored clothing used to be reserved for the rich. Tyrian purple was the color of royalty BECAUSE it was so expensive to produce. Now that the poorest of the poor can afford the most exotic colors in history...they all chose black. The fact that now the majority of Americans look so horrible (all black clothing, tattoos, bizarre hair styles) proves to me how mind-controlled they are. This is s huge change, even from as recently as the eighties. It makes me want to isolate even more.
It was written in 2018, Kris. For those that don't know, I use this Substack to post my older blog entries, on the assumption some people would be interested in them. I love your description of what you saw. I have to confess that I haven't noticed the trend to Black clothing. Perhaps the weight distracts me. But dark colors have long been considered "slimming," so maybe many choose them to make them look less obese? Now you've given me something else to look for. If you watch my podcast, you can see that I mix in some colorful Hawaiian type shirts. Thanks!
I've noticed it for years. Like you, I like old movies. If you watch a lot of these, the brilliant colors of the clothing is obvious. Now maybe this was because color was new, and they really wanted to showcase it, but you still see the bright colors in home movies from the seventies and eighties. That started to change in the nineties. They're not doing it for slimming...they are doing it because they have been programmed by the culture to present in this ugly manner. I was paying a lot of attention to the British royale family during the last three decades (research) and the Queen and her mum were always dressed in the brightest colors they could find...even their hats and handbags. This was not by chance. There is all kinds if research about how bright colors provoke positive feelings in others. Lastly, the way folks present to the world reflects their inner person. Black clothing, ugly tattoos, ugly hairstyles reveal an ugly person inside. What I can't figure out, is why the brilliant colors are reserved for their hair only.
You've made me think, Kris. That is just something I honestly never noticed. I do like to wear Black a lot lol. But I have bright shirts, at least. Thanks!
Start counting people not wearing black...it will shock you. Try to find a picture of QEII wearing black (not at a funeral). I have only found a couple.
This is one of my favorite subjects. I'm a fan of older films, especially those showing street scenes of New York City in the 1930's through 1950's. People were slim ! and they dressed with dignity! Even those with very little money clothed themselves with dignity and were aware of how 'proper' they looked. It was like a show of courtesy to others to dress to a certain standard. Nowadays the slouchy clothing communicates a rejection of self -- and others -- a kind of giving up any effort to think well of oneself. I'm slender and fit in my 70's but I can't even bring myself to wear tight gym exercise tights because I really find it very undignified to show one's buttocks in public. Maybe some (just some, though) 20 year old women look acceptable to me, but when I see women wearing yoga pants in public, showing absolutely every bulgey bulge, without a shirt covering their derriere! This is about respect for oneself and respect for others. You can't unsee some ugliness.
Good points, A. Truhan. Although I don't mind seeing an attractive woman in yoga pants, I get what you're saying. I'm bothered by the ones who shouldn't be in any kind of revealing clothing, and yet wear it proudly. Do they still have the People of Walmart site? Just some incredible sights (not pleasant) in there. Thanks!
I have Pillow Talk (1959- Doris Day, Rock Hudson) on dvd, and watching that film is like eating comfort food. I've been all over the US, but I've never had any desire to see NYC. I've had more than one nightmare, where I found myself in the Big Apple, desperately trying to find my way out of the city. However, Pillow Talk makes NYC seem pleasant, cosmopolitan, clean and safe...America 1.0 before it's fall into the gutter. I love Day's fashions in that film. The high water mark for women's fashion was the fifties. The interiors of the buildings are all clean and colorful...and for a shock of brilliant hues...there is the swingin' batchlor pad that Day decorates for Rock at the end. I think I'll watch it again tonight.
Kris ~
As a "confident heterosexual" (see the movie 'Rustler's Rhapsody'), I always assumed that 'Pillow Talk' was just an old "chick flick". But then I watched it about two years ago, because it was free on a cable channel, and I really liked it!
>>... "Pillow Talk makes NYC seem pleasant, cosmopolitan, clean and safe...America 1.0 before it's fall into the gutter."
Another very similar NYC movie is 'Breakfast At Tiffany's'. Some of those beautiful color shots accompanied by the indescribably luscious music of Henry Mancini makes NYC seem like it was on another (and much better) planet! Years before I learned that there already was a word for that feeling (saudade), I invented my own word for it (goldenshadow).
~ D-FensDogG
Those Rock and Doris movies were the best and all 50's movies were done so well. Elizabeth Taylor and Paul Newman, so many great stars and subject matter...Grace Kelly and James Stewart, etc.
Hudson and Taylor gave a virtuoso performance in Giant...love that film...also have it on DVD. Those two young actors were able to pull off playing characters 25 years older than they were at the time. I happened to be in west Texas in 2009, near where the exteriors were filmed. I found the ranch entrance arch from the movie. The huge ranch house on the plains, was actually a false front. I understand it stood for many years before it was demolished.
I just watched it again...and I always forget how funny it is. Brilliant dialogue. I love Breakfast at Tiffany's "... especially because I have a weakness for orange cats (I always have an orange tom cat). I cant imagine anyone but Hepburn as Holly, but I understand that Capote wrote the part for Marilyn Monroe.
Moon River....also a great music era
I am a woman older than you and weigh even less than I did in high school, wear makeup, nicely fixed white hairdo, and nice clothing at all times. Also, I say "please" and "thank you" and the idiots are so ignorant, the stock answer is, "no problem" rather than a smile and "thank you." If I am feeling cheeky, I look at them puzzled and say, "was there a problem" and crickets...chirp chirp, I want to scream. Men, tennis shoes are for sportswear unless you are Joe Biden.
It’s probably on purpose, all part of the medical industrial complex. “They” want us fat and lazy.
This is an interesting bit on the history of seed oils. Another poison that’s pushed to the masses.
Thanks, CK! Not sure if I understood correctly, but are they saying salmon isn't healthy?
I didn’t get that from the article but not all salmon is the same. The issue is the amount or ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids. Wild salmon has a much higher ratio of omega 3 FA’s then does farmed salmon because of the diet of farmed fish. Even then, these fatty acids are stable and not well oxidized as compared to those from seeds/seed oils.
Thanks, CK!
Great piece Don! I love your thoughtful commentary! When I go to Walmart, usually to take my Stepfather, the sights are really remarkable. Like you said PJ bottoms and don't forget the slippers. Wearing slippers out in public makes me cringe. I don't understand the attraction to tattoos? Beautiful young women with tats all over their arms, neck, and face, nose rings, body piercing galore. What processes someone to do that?
Like you Don and A. Truhan, I love the old classic movies from 1930s to 1960. The characters were dressed to the 9's, always drank alcohol, and smoked. Those were the good old days. Women had manicured hair and nails, usually red nails. Life seemed simpler. People did seem civil to each other. I have noticed when I am kind to someone, hold the door or help them in some way, the person is always kind back to me. We need to get back to a world where people care about each other. I grew up the same time you did Don, I can honestly say that my Father would have kicked my butt if I was rude, came home with a tattoo, wore my bed clothes outside, wore too much make up, or was disrespectful. I wonder s lot, how did we get here? What has happened to our culture? Is it possible to move forward or is it too late?
I appreciate the kind words, Robin. Thanks!
100% correct in this article. I've noticed the de-escalation/demoralization/decentization of Americans thru the years as well. I cannot stand tats. I've seen women wearing huge ugly tats on their chests. Up and down both arms and along what could have been beautiful legs. The only tats I have are scars. Refuse to mark up my body. Apparently, I am no longer normal.
As far as hair, women look like they don't even bother to comb it anymore since its that new style thing. Us older folks wouldn't understand. And I've never seen so many bald men which I do not think is natural. Men used to have such beautiful hair, why not be proud? Oh yea, another place for a tat.
When I fix myself up, which I never leave the home looking like a homeless person, people ask me if I was just at the "beauty parlor". Yea, in front of my mirror, trying to look respectable. The way humans used to.
Fast foods? I can't remember the last time I've had one of those fake food meals. But you're correct about the long lines. All that gas wasted running a vehicle and these are probably the same people who complain about "climate change". The temper tantrums some people have nowadays when the incorrect items are not in their fat and happy meals. No Thanks!
Black doesn't look good on me, so I usually leave that color to below the waist. PJs and slippers at the stores are becoming modern fashion. Have you noticed that folks don't even bother to bathe? Most times I have to place my hand over my nose and mouth when passing someone in an aisle, then mutter under my breath, Take a bath, for God's sake. Do I need to wear rubber gloves when going to the grocery store now, or should I put myself in a rubber suit? Don't even mention about those who are in excess of 300 lbs. that have to use those electric carts which are really for disabled people. Honestly, these people are some of the rudest, thinking everyone should get out of their way. How can you possibly reach anything above the height of the cart?
The ads on YT and commercials now blatantly use big, big women slobbering around in bathing suits and tight fitting clothes that show every bulge and wrinkle that are supposed to be fashionable. I remember back in high school I was maybe 20 lbs. overweight and was made fun of. Now, that would be 130 lbs would be considered skinny!
Its a shame older folks cannot and are not courteous. I've held doors for people and they don't even look at me, so I say in their passing, Thank You! I usually am either ignored or receive a dirty look. I wonder how quick they would react if I just slammed it in their faces, but I don't want to be that rude. I'd just lower myself to their standards.
Once while waiting in the self-serve line at the local grocery store, I counted about 7 people. Only 1 out of that 7 was what I would consider thin. Truly amazing. And not one of them was dressed halfway decent.
Maybe, just maybe, if schools would create slides of how us Americans used to look compared to today, instead of teaching about dirty, disgusting, and useless topics, perhaps our young folks would take a long hard look at themselves. Or maybe not.
Great observations, Fran. Thanks!
When I was a teenager in the seventies, I and my friends would have sooner jumped off a bridge, than leave our homes without make-up, nice clothing and every hair in place. I remember we spent an inordinate amount of time on personal grooming. Perhaps we were a shallow bunch (back then ), but even so, those seem like the good old days now. Imho, nobody looks good in black...except for fur, feathers and human hair.
I don't think young people even carry a comb now. Thanks, Kris.
I think combs were banned during COVID as superspreaders of the sub microscopic non entity.
I agree with everything you've said! We have become a slovenly and obese people. But there is a part of me that is roused to our defense. I believe it is caused by the decades of fluoride in the water, vaccines, and now the glyphosate and seed oils in our food that have taken away our vigor and our desire and ability to exercise. One of the things that both seed oils and glyphosate do is to disable the body's ability to convert calories into true energy. The great nutritionist Adelle Davis once said that health creates productivity. I have said for a long time to my family and all my friends that it is apparent that Americans no longer feel good. Their health is destroyed! This is made evident in their appearance, their behavior toward one another, and the way in which they maintain their home and yards. Our neighborhood used to have beautifully landscaped yards that our neighbors actually got outside and worked on--but no more! If "Mexicans" are not working the yards, they are minimally maintained and scraggly. This is NOT the way we were. We have been poisoned. My poor people!
I understand what you're saying, Jo Jo. Thanks!
Yes, the uglification of America. I noticed it after the scamdemic;, piles of dirty face masks dumped in the parking lots of Home Depot and WalMart. (Nasty dirty masks . ) We were told by Fauci and the scarf lady, that Covid spreads at home and in church, but not at Walmart. ( whew...those Covid bugs was pretty smart). They told Americans not to go to family holiday gatherings or church . No birthday parties over 5 people allowed. So we stood on the front porch and banged our pots and pans. At least Walmart was allowed to stay open, but not my favorite local pizza shop or my dentist.
That brings us to the ugliness campaign in 2024, as Congress gives away more free money to the Oligarchs in Ukraine than they spend on all public roads, and bridges in the United States. USA taxpayers are very pissed. Biden and Mike Johnson simply say, "No Soup Fo You", while the media lies.
I’ve long thought the same thing. I’m about the same age as you and I remember an America where people took pride in their appearance. I too don’t recall many obese people when I was young. I’m certain the crappy food many Americans consume plays a part.
The food undoubtedly plays a part, PD. But this whole "fat acceptance" movement is at the heart of it, especially for women. Facebook took down this post when I shared it there. Never happened before to any of my Substack posts, and they're all certainly controversial. Thanks!
Don, this verry situation has been on my mind for some time now. I grew up in the sixties as well and I notice the same things. I was a personal fitness Trainor for forty years and my clients were getting bigger and bigger every year. I read an article about the introduction of corn sugar into just about everything and in 1972 it started to spike the childhood type 2 diabetic explosion, so there is a connection there. The cell phone and PC is another thing that is a problem in this society as people spend more time on them instead of conversing with other people. The surly, disrespectful, fat, slovenly mass of the population has been brought about by design and the motive is to prevent people from thinking critically! Just like mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed bullshit while they all become Jaba the hut like characters from Star Wars. Magical thinking, fantasy worship, vampires, witches, and not one probably knows who their representative is, or even city council members. This again is by design and how we ended up in the situation we are now in. Kennedie's murder was the coup that started this. I remember it well and nothing has been the same since. 911 was the project for the new American century project plain and simple. It was an inside job in order to enact the Patriot Act that effectively took away our rights, gave the President powers he was never supposed to have, stifled free speech, any kind of decent, criticism of anyone as hate speech. George Carlin was spot on when he said that your choices are now paper or plastic, take it or leave it. Thanks for a great explanation of reality. I hope you get better soon, Jack.
Great summation, Jack. Thanks!
Thank you for having the courage to tell it like it is. When I was growing up, women did not gain weight until after marriage and children. Now I look at the young girls and wonder "what are they thinking". But because the boys are fat too, neither gender seems to care. The boys look so slovenly, I can tell you I haven't seen one that I would be interested in, if I were a young female. I'm appreciative of the comments here because I've been thinking of myself as an elitist, old, fuddy duddy. In addition, not only is the weight gain unsightly, it is also unhealthy. A friend said to me that if everything went to hell, folks would come to my house and take my food. I responded, "not my food". It all has to be cooked, from scratch. Young women no longer have housekeeping/making skills and young men don't know how to do anything like repairs. Pehaps I'm antiquated but my question is what do folks come to relationships with other than their devices.
Great points, Lea. Thanks!
WOW !!! My gbother from another mother. Agree with other comments how much worse the situation is now. I moved 50 miles from the city i grew up in about 13 years ago to get away. Yesterday I drove through my old heighborhod (working middle class slightly tough neighborhood( and was so sickened. I told my wife when I got home I am never driving around there again. I saw what I think were men that were so dar, filthy and skinny walking in groups concentrated in this one area. where did they come from? treash, overgown medians toen up streets and when I got to the Doctors offcie load of generally unfriendly self-absorbed entitled elderly. And sadly the cancer has spread to my once quiet country town. Californian lead invasion and urban immigration have ruined the peaceful rural area I used to love. Reckless drivers, crazed soccer moms with too few clothes and too much car with no regard for anyone but themselves. Men who drive F-450s and live on one acre properties drivng like they are in NASCAR one my country farm road. My town used to have teh best customer service , nice kids saying sir and thank you. Now I am truly afraid to take food form these unwashed sloppy scribbeld on entititled video game junkies and lesbian poster material. The species will continue to degenerate at least here because that is the plan. And went to DC a couple of weeks ago, it is alrady third world. Filthy ugly cess pool as well. Thanks for making me and my wife feel some solace in knowing we are not alone when we get so riled up and flat out depressed about how our world has fallen apart. I grew up hearing, act like somebody, it was meant to be an encouragement to be a positive contributor to community by being a respectable (lloking and acting) member of it. DEIA says conformaity is bad, well look around all you freaks are conformaing more that we ever did. Take a bath, eat a salad, comb your hair, wear something that has to be ironed or dry cleaned and learn to repect yourself.
I appreciate hearing that, spnbb. It is very depressing for those old enough to have known another world. If you haven't done so, please subscribe to my primary Substack, "I Protest," at donaldjeffries.substack.com. All my new writings appear there. This Substack is devoted to what I think is the best of my older work. Thanks!
I do weigh about 200 lbs (I'm 6'1" tall). I do wear pajama bottoms to the food take-out place. I do dress up when I go to the bank. I don't go to grocery stores (Whole Foods Delivery brings our groceries.) I rarely drive anymore. People are to be avoided.
thank you for saying what I see too!