Jul 25Liked by Donald Jeffries

99.9% of politicians are corrupt and uncaring blowhards. I've been listening to the BS for years now, and nothing really changes, only gets worse. I do not want Kakula Dracula as Prez, that much I do know. Its unbelievable that she would even more ineffective that Old Joey. They all talk, tell us what we want to hear. The moment they get into office, its hands off their promises. They pledge allegiance to Israel. Notice that NONE of them have addressed our homeless population, which is growing. Disgusting!

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I like that nickname, Fran, although Count (or Countess) Cackula might be more catchy. And way too clever for Trump to use. Thanks!

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Jul 25Liked by Donald Jeffries

I would not call her a Countess at all. She is for these alphabet soup genders, so at the end of the day, who knows what she is. Just like Barack. They're not very good at pretending, are they? Isn't that what DC is all about - sex and drugs? We'll throw murder into the soup just for fun.

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Lol. Fran, I definitely don't see her a countess, either. It was just a play on words. Thanks.

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Jul 26Liked by Donald Jeffries

What scares me the most is that she will be selected. Our votes do not count, its the electoral votes that count and more than likely paid off. I keep saying, if you think Biden was bad, just wait. Her stance on equality is a joke. If she feels that way, then her and the other thieves should surrender most of their assets, but we well know that won't happen. Kakula is Hillary 2.0.

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DC is full of sex and drugs all right. The Song from the opera Chess: "One Night in Bangkok", does not even begin to describe it.

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Isn't it grand to know where our tax dollars are really going? I consider these sickos as bottom feeders.

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Not only our tax dollars, but all the financial activity at places like Walmart, Amazon, Netflix, and Disney, which, at this point, are obviously no more than extensions of the Military Industrial Complex. And should I add Big Pharma, which probably runs said complex. Yes, the DC Swamp is much murkier than many will ever know this side of eternity.

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At my last place of employment (and most of upper mgmt. were total Barack supporters - they couldn't have kissed his arse hard enough), the VP of Finance went to DC. He came back and said, "Its not what you think". I will never forget the look on his face. It pretty much said it all. (Said company is based out of Little Rock, AR and were close to the Clinton Crime Family. They got busted for Medicare fraud, so changed their name, but the image and the way they conduct business remained the same. Money talks............)

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The percentage of politicians who are uncaring blowhards is 100%. If Epstein does not have a video of you molesting a 13 year old in a coffin, you are not going to get elected, period.

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Jul 25Liked by Donald Jeffries

Trump let the Jan 6 MAGA people rot in jail without a trial. Nothing will change with Trump 2.0. He will surround himself with the worst scumbag globalists. and we will invade Iran. Word.

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He sure did, Liber8or. If he's selected again, we'll see if he keeps his promise to pardon them. Thanks.

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Jul 25Liked by Donald Jeffries

Was there ever really an American dream or did things just evolve from caveman days? I have been alive for decades and politically active, a common sense midwesterner, the one my friends call, "the smart one" and all of a sudden I feel stupid and duped everywhere I turn. As my ladylike, refined, master degree daughter whose been in DC since grad school said once to me, and I was totally shocked, "this is a major Cluster*uck" and this is exactly how I am feeling now.

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Yes, there was an American dream. I was on the tail end of it. I grew born on the fringe of the city and when I was but seven we moved up to Suburbia, sort of like on that TV show "The Jefferson's". Especially at Christmas time, the corporation lavished us with gifts, like a 20 pound bag of pistachio nuts from Arabia, and Boxes of Swiss Chocolates from Bavaria. We had steak on the table every night, cable color television, a four speaker stereo system- they still had vinyl records in those days- and central air conditioning. Our car was a boat, and I had my own motorcycle. That was the roaring '70's. And every household in the neighborhood was similar. Every once in a while, we would see a homeless man. My dad used to give them a buck.

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Jul 25Liked by Donald Jeffries

This Wolf did not fall for the Trumpenstein Project for a New York minute. His one hope, during that surreal Fall of 2016, was that the awakening masses would hold his feet to the fire if he did not come through on all the rhetoric. I do remember the Spring of 2016. Hope was definitely in the air. (Those were the days when Ole Dammengard and SGT Report could still upload to JewToob, and a Google Search for "Sandy Hook Hoax" actually netted results.) The masses were awakening. CNN viewership was plummeting, and the New York Times was going bankrupt. I recall being at my dad's friend's house, and the conversation was on whether Donald Trump was "electable" for his newfound conservative views, or whether he would go the way of Pat Buchanan or Ron Paul.

A year later, the Q-Goons were rising, as was the price of Bitcoin and speculation of an economic collapse. Meanwhile, the Presidential Buffoon was already bombing Syria, and all but engaging in a proxy war with Putin.

Then came 2020, and all was revealed. That year was like one of those fear-porn videos in real life. March and April were especially surreal. Traffic on the highways was nonexistent. Of course, I ignored the lockdowns, walking my dog as usual, and wearing no covid gear. The Karens would call the cops on me, the cops would drive slowly by, but wisely decided that initiating any conversation was not going to be in their best interest, because the first question out of my mouth was going to be "who called; I will exercise my constitutional right to confront my accuser" so that I could call out the Covid Karens- most of who did not want any publicity. (For a while, I was afraid Pennsylvania would unleash an army of "contact Tracers" on the citizenry, but that project, thank God, quickly fizzled.)

For a while in 2021, I thought they were done with their Donald Q Chump windup doll. But then came the raid on Maralogo and I knew that new life was being pumped into Trumpenstein. And now here we are, in the waning months of 2024, on the cusp of the epochal year of 2025, and The Donald seems a shoo-in to be our 50th President (or is it 49th? I've lost count. Or maybe even 48th, what with all these two-termers...)

WHatever else the rest 0f 2024 shapes up to be, boring is not going to the proper gerund.

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Good summation, WW. Thanks!

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This is uber insightful!

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Thanks, Timothy!

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ps A lot of what he's done for this country was unwitting. He edxpose the corruption. So maybe the division isn't so bad for now. Without it, the corruption on the left especially would have gone on. We'll see, I guess.

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Yes. Those who came down with TDS exposed themselves, and the mainstream media is now forever branded as "fake news" in the mind of any thinking person. Thanks, Lekimball!

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The corruption was being exposed in spades in 2014 and 2015. The Donald was just giving us the truth that was "damaged goods" and "beyond salvage", to use the lingo of the "Intelligence Community". (I think those Ludlum books, especially "The Blackfriar Genesis" were much closer to the truth than most people would care to think.) The Left just is not as good at hiding their corruption as the Right is.

I do think the USA is going to play the same role in WW3 as Germany did in WW2. Plan accordinly.

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Please. I'm sure Trump is going to start killing people. Ridiculous. Trump is Hitler. Right.

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Well, first off, you have a lot to learn about "dem Evil Nazis". Not that Hitler was a saint- he was in on WW2 theatre along with Roosevelt, Churchill, Mussolini, Stalin, and Pius XII- who actually gave the first "Build Back Better" talk over the radio for Christmas 1944. You do know that Prescott Bush, Grandpa Shrub, financed the Nazi's in the 1930's- best money banksta money could buy, just like Stalin's Russia in the 1950's. (The Cold War was a great racket.)

They knocked off Yamamoto, Rommel, and Patton so that the REAL story about "The Good War" would never get told.

You do realize, of course, that Eisenhower killed over a million Germans by starvation and exposure in the "Rhine Meadows" in 1946. Unlike all those supposed gassings at Auschwitz, that is well documented.

Sorry to wax sacrilegious and spout blasphemy, but the boys who stormed the beaches of Normandy were making the World safe for British Petroleum, Royal Dutch Shell, and Standard Oil, which, I might add, are all the progeny of the British and Dutch East India Companies.

Meanwhile, I was thinking mostly of what happened to Germany after they lost the war- occupation, division, humiliation, and becoming a vassal of the US Empire. That is what is in store for us- occupation by Russia and China and third rate status for the survivors under the Empire of the Antichrist.

Enjoy Armageddon.

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Lots of complicated stuff there. Though linking Hitler with the rest is ridiculous. No politicians are saints, but the rest of those folks did not orchestrate and run concentration camps. I'm sure some of what you say is true, but the issues are always more complex than folks like you who have all the answers/the "right" analysis, proclaim. I am not sure you are not right about your last paragraph, but that is more of a certainty if Democrats get in there than Trump. Hands down. China and Russia are much chummier now in this administration--partly because the lies the left told about Russia and this hoax alienated them. All idiot stuff.

Bushes definitely are part of the uni-party so none of that would surprise me. Lots of disgusting stuff.

I'm not quite as pessimistic as you are. I'm hoping a lot of the unrest right now is because many people are waking up. We definitely do not trust this entrenched bureaucracy and these organizations. Nor do we love any politicians.

But I have to hope it doesn't get that bad.

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I don't look upon myself as being pessimistic, just realistic. The USA is nothing but political theatre, run by Satanic Pederasts. It will be no different under Trump than it was under Biden.

WW3 has been part of the script for a long time. Refer Albert Pike's famous letter to Giuseppe Mazzini...

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Well, I don't see it quite that way and hope you are wrong, though on some days, it seems likely... And yes, it will be better under Trump than it would be under Harris who is a globalist, socialist mess.

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Yes, he definitely didn't drain the swamp. I think he made the mistake of thinking he could wheel and deal and everyone would love him, and that he needed some of the old time political types to show him the ropes. I expected him to put all his business people in there. Big mistake. Not sure if he's learned from it, though JD Vance might be a good sign. And he is still the best game in town for now.

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You can thank Donald Trump for making the Swamp a National Preserve. And those who think a second term is going to be any better are just hopelessly stuck on stupid, as are those who are going to the polls in November.

The whole political landscape is fake and ghey to the fourth power, and the sooner people wake up to that reality the better off they are going to be.

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Yeah, yeah, yeah. If anyone has disrupted all that, it's him. I like Kennedy some, not all of his policies, but he's not electable. Thanks to the left media and Democrat party of course, who won't even let him on tv. Only Fox will he says. But give it a rest. I wonder how well you'd do with the level of incoming he had from day one. Why don't you run.

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Did you read the article? You're framing Trumps term as if he a hero up against villains trying to stop him from saving the country.

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Oh please, nothing of the freaking sort. I'm framing this that Trump is being persecuted by an oppressive weaponized government and that can happen to anyone of us! I wasn't a Trump fan. I liked Rand Paul. Until I saw what was happening here. And we can't allow that. You are acting like a little child who can't get their way. You think Trump is a child. He WAS standing against the establishment and wouldn't play by their rules and that's why this is happening. He isn't a hero. He has withstood more than any one person ever has. I am always amazed at people who think they know everything. And are so black adn white. He made some mistakes in there. I'm hoping he's learned from them. Donald doesn't think so; I just hope so because there is no one else. Stop whining everybody. Just what is the alternative after you've seen what's gone on here?

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1.Trump was not standing up to the most powerful faction of the NWO: Zionism, he is their agent, and he admits this proudly.

2. I condemn his political persecution, but he wasn't persecuted for us, his enemies hated what they thought he represented.

3. The alternative to Trump is not another politician, but to empower ourselves; take control of our local governments, become self-sufficient, start freedom cells etc.

No one is coming to save you, least of all a shabbos goy.

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Right. Nobody knows what all this is about in the Middle East. I had friends from Palestine that I went to school with and it's very complicated. Trump thinks Hamas acted horribly but thinks this should get this wrapped up. And to presume ANYBODY is in the right in this Hatfield and McCoy situation is ridiculous. Just stop the bleeding asap.

Yes, he was persecuted politically and that is what we need to stop. We SHOULD empower ourselves with our local governments because it might melt down, but I'm not for helping that happen. I'll take Trump while doing all you suggest. I do that now.

And nobody thinks he's saving anyone.

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Me run for president? I would be lampooned as the second coming of the Austrian Painter. My platform would be simple: Burn it all to the ground. Every man his cabin, his dog, and his fire, his wife, a shovel, and a plot of land. No more dumbphones, no more electricity except what can be produced locally, no more plumbing except for what runs downhill. No more welfare except what the pastor of the local church can support with donations. No more taxes, no more subsidies, no more ball games, interstate highways, multinational companies. No more public schools babysitting dysfunctional children. No more motorcycle cops trying to make their quotas. Just grass, sunflowers, and, if it can be refined locally, bio-diesel fuel for your tractor. brown eggs on the table, and apples and onions in their proper season. And a musket or two to keep the critters and looters away. (I expect the former to multiply, and the latter to eventually die off.)

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Ah, you are an anarchist or Libertarian type. I believe in living locally, too. Sounds kinda nice. Hang around a while, it just might happen when it all collapses if these Democrats get back in there. You'll be chipper then.

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Actually, I would most accurately be described as a Distributist, somewhat along the lines of what was advocated by Huey Long. My core belief is that everything operates best at the local-hands-on level. I've always tried to help people with a pioneering spirit. The problem is the Satanic pederasts keep blowing everything to smithereens, and I am left clinging to the Flotsam and Jetsam of the Barque of Peter.

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I totally agree with you on the local-hands-on level stuff. Yep. No argument from me there.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Liked by Donald Jeffries

A pretty sobering and honest take on Donald Trump. But alas, he’s our only option right now. The other option means a quick destruction cycle. As always the lesser of two evils is our only option as voters.

“The first step in a fascist movement is the combination under an energetic leader of a number of men who possess more than the average share of leisure, brutality, and stupidity. The next step is to fascinate fools and muzzle the intelligent, by emotional excitement on the one hand and terrorism on the other.” -Bertrand Russell-

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In reality, we have no options, political speaking. Donald Trump and Joe Biden are just two puppets- two actors reading a script. And do you really think Donald Trump, with his uber-Ziocon policies, is not going to be a willing crony if NuttyYahoo ratchets things up a notch. The temperature in the Muslim world keeps rising over the ongoing atrocities in Gaza. This time those Suicide Bombers driving Greyhound Buses into Walmarts might be for real.

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People seem to forget the vile atrocities of Hamas parachuting into Israel. The photo of the beautiful girl reminding me of so many I know, brutally raped repeatedly and shot in the head, just to name one that makes me want to go after them myself. War is hell and when you start it (Gazans crossed over for the spoils) you better be ready to take what's coming to you. If Hamas would give up and give up the hostages Israel would stop.So; it's their own fault for covering for Hamas. That's just a fact you can't deny. And then there are demonstrators in our country burning OUR flag and destroying public places;' where is the National Guard. DC is not safe and I have people there, I used to live there and love it and now I am afraid to go near it.

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Not to insult you, but your first sentence made me laugh. The "Hamas attack on Israel" ranks up there with 9-1-1 in terms of false flags. I would humbly ask- parachuted from where?. Hamas has no airplanes of any description. Did they rent them from Transports'R'Us?

For the record, Hamas is but another branch of Al-CIAda. Just do some research.

The "Hamas War" is nonsense. The "Israeli Defense Force" is bombing hospitals, schools, apartment complexes, bazaars and vineyards as an excuse to destroy non-existent "terrorists". Even before the bombings began the Gaza Strip was essentially an open air concentration camp supervised by Israel, and totally isolated from all foreign trade. You could not even import knives and hammers into Gaza, let alone guns. And various nations trying to send aid to Gaza have been rebuffed on the High Seas by Israel. But apparently you have licked up all the Ziocon propaganda like a dog its vomit. Excuse me for being bombastic, but I have little patience for people still following the Lamestream Media and the lies, and some of the shills in the "alternative media" such as Ben Shapiro. (I think some of this was discussed on "America Unplugged" last year. You might want to listen to those episodes.)

So, no, I am very aware of all the atrocities perpetrated by Israel against the people of Gaza, very few who are there by choice. Their suffering is horrific. These atrocities exceed those of Dresden. And the whole Muslim world is watching. This is deliberately stoking the fires that will erupt in WW3- a production which has been planned for a long time.

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I don't have valuable time in reading all that when your first sentence was ridiculous. They (Hamas) showed videos of their own in the sky with parachutes. How did that happen? You saw the photos and had actual descriptions from survivors, so the rest of your statement is moot.

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Those videos that "Hamas" showed have no context, if you examine them closely. Hamas was launching paragliders from roofs in Gaza, and sailing over what is arguably the most secure border in the world. And the IDF took what, six hours, to react? Are you kidding me? Even members of the IDF were questioning the narrative just hours after the alleged "surprise attack".

The stories about murdered babies and etc were later retracted.

Your argument is not against the White Wolf, but against the facts. As St Thomas would say- "Against the Facts there is no argument".

Don't have the blood of the widows and orphans of Gaza on your hands.


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show us ALL concrete evidence that the stories were"retracted". Did you not see the videos of the victims being dragged away and forced into vehicles from the festival, etc.? Again, as Bill O'Reilly says, "People are going to believe what they want to" and you are determined to make Israel the aggressor, I don't care if you can change oil and light bulbs, you still act like those people I talked about, so let's agree to disagree (unless you have the proof you claim to have).

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We forget nothing, we don't believe

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People seem to forget the Nakba when jews slaughtered innocent Palestinians. They drew first blood. Whatever happens to them, they’ve had it coming plus interest.

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I believe it was the other way around, wasn't it? Oh, right. There is another name for that it and that is (this is a test) ?

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My only evidence is to consider the four years of Trump verse the 12 years of Obama, the country was on two different trajectories. I’ll take my chances with Trump, there is no other option at this point.

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The country was on a different trajectory under Trump than under Obama? How so?During Trump gov't spending ballooned. During Trump all those swamp creatures continued unmolested. During Trump the wars and occupations continued. During Trump the rich got richer and the poor still poorer. During Trump the precipitous economic collapse continued. During Trump nothing changed. Everything was smoke and mirrors.

Yes, some people prospered under Trump, but the steady decline continued.

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I disagree on so many fronts there but not getting into it, as Bill O'Reilly says, "people are going to think what they want to."

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Gas prices were low, there weren’t two major wars going on. I wasn’t paying almost twice the price for groceries, appliances and other important goods and services. Crime was not a huge problem and illegal aliens weren’t running wild in my city being paid for by my own government. Food factory fires weren’t occurring every week. Nor were stores closing at the rapid pace they are now. Banks were not on the brink of insolvency.

Household consumer credit card debt was not going through the roof. Homelessness was not out of control. And most importantly the middle class was not on life support. If you can’t see the difference I cannot help you.

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You are right , John, maybe someone else has a lot to learn or change their view, whatever.

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You do have a lot to learn. The reason gas and grocery prices skyrocketed is because the Federal Reserve prints money out of thin air- it has nothing to do with either Trump or Biden. Crime was a problem long before either of them. The Drug Culture reduced South Philadelphia to ruins by the late '70's- it was like bombed out Berlin after WW2.

This country has been on a long downward spiral since the late 1960's, and ever since the Gipper we have just been bouncing along the bottom.

By 1988 I saw the Dems and Republican were both two wings of the same bird, as we marched Left, right... left right...

Since 1980 it has been one hat trick after another to keep the "economy" afloat. ANd during the Trump administration nothing changed of significance.


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Climate cultism is the most destructive force this world has ever faced. It is nothing more than an economic job killing, middle class destroyer. Leftists are responsible for this. For you to ignore this and the Ukraine war and its effect on gas prices and inflation is inexcusable. You sound like Mannarino, a one trick pony. The communist ideology has used climate cultism to completely destroy Europe and Obama and his minions brought that crap here. All while ignoring the big problem:geoengineering.

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One incorrect statement, Trump had NO wars under his administration. Obama set race relations back into the 50s. It's still that way only worse.

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DJT is the only one with the chutzpah to really say what he thinks and that in itself is attractive, even though we often think it's crass and juvenile. Vance is fine, an educated midwesterner from meager beginnings so self made (American dream as we know it) and it's the best we've got right now to save us from marxism and all the other isms. God save the USA. (think flag here)

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JD Vance was Born at Home Plate, and thought he hit a Grand Slam, to paraphrase Gerald Celente.

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I'm not getting your point, please 'splain.

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From what I can garner, Mr Vance comes from a very well-to-do background. I don't know all the specifics, because I am not going to waste my time researching Satanic Pedophiles. Suffice to say that any self-respecting person with even a shred of a moral compass would not want to have anything to do with Donald Trump until he at the very least starts to advocate for all those supporters he abandoned to their fate on January 6th, 2021.

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He comes from white trash, that's what makes his rise so suspicious. An Ivy leage school? A Netflix movie? He's the next Obama


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Yes, a much better Drama Queen than Mike Pence.

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“Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.” From the movie: The Shawshank Redemption

“In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." -Mark Twain-

Hang in there Vicki :)

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Well , Shawshank is about my favorite movie of all times and I watch it over and over waiting for that last scene. Mark said it "good" also. I am like the Donald, I don't ever give up so there is that...a pioneer woman (yes, I can pluck and clean a chicken) or I used to be able to. Not sure I could stomach it anymore.

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Jul 27Liked by Donald Jeffries

Always great writing Don! I enjoy your commentary, insightful comments thrown in with a bit of sarcasm and wit. It makes me sad that in this wonderful country of ours, filled with smart gifted people, we are stuck with idiot politicians. I pray for our country and our leaders to do the right thing for America!

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I appreciate the kind words, Robin. Thanks!

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Jul 26Liked by Donald Jeffries

Good read here. Trump is controlled by jewish banksters. All of these so called based right or far right candidates are just puppets of Israel, Milea, Meloni, etc. They actually set the right wing movement back by fooling the boomer NPC Fox News crowd.

I could not agree more with your post, excellent.


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Thanks, CK!

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I think it was Reagan I first heard use "Kabukai theater" to describe DC politics, which is ironic coming from an actor turned politician. It's a puppet show.

**the Matrix**

is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, you look around. What do you see? Business people, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system, and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it. Were you listening to me, Neo, or were you looking at the woman in the red dress?

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