Sep 18Liked by Donald Jeffries

These days, my idea of a vacation is being able to travel to the supermarket and back to get my $12 jar of Peanut Butter and some crackers. And hopefully do it without getting killed by an illegal gang member with an automatic rifle,( supplied to him by our government.) I didn't get any jelly to go with the peanut butter this week. My property taxes and outrageous HOA fees arrived. Have to cut back.

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Sep 18Liked by Donald Jeffries

"Men err when they think they can be inhuman exploiters in their business life, and loving husbands and fathers at home." ~ Smiley Blanton

It is unfortunate that we find ourselves environed by blackmailer/extortionist who make their living by exerting great efforts to make the World Economic Forums invention of "You'll own nothing, and you will be happy". Every conspiracy realist knows that authoritarians will back up other authoritarians regardless of how flimsy their "claims" that you somehow owe them a living and respect when there is no reciprocal effort on their part to afford you the same.

God gave my wife and I a son. The government took him away. My late employer gave me a little over an acre of land which included as part of his (what I can lawfully call my property) 2 Glock Gen 5 .45 caliber pistols. On the day of his death, the Sheriff's department showed up without a warrant or even probable cause and claimed they had a "property interest" in those Glocks and threatened me with arrest if I didn't agree with their criminal trespass. Having already faced the corruption they call a court system, it was a forgone conclusion that I have already been "cancelled" by the powers that shouldn't be. The government has no requirements to perceive or understand any reality outside of their gaslighting projections. Hence, at 64 years old, and lame in my legs, 17 miles from town and having to rely on neighbors to even get to a store, let alone be able to maintain Propane fuel, Water, Garbage and food on a "retirement" of $304.00 a month, and whatever odd jobs I manage to scrounge up and greatly diminished wages, if they want to pay me at all.

The SNAP (Food Stamps) program sent me an 18 page interrogatory which they quaintly defined as an "Interim Report" wanting me to list any and all assets currently in my possession and will them over to "The State" to allegedly cover "Medical Expenses". Since they forced my family into a condition of genocide, and after raising my son from 8 1/2 years old until 2 days before his 19th birthday, the child that my wife and I had asked me "Why are you still alive, and told me "I never want to see you again". What other heir would I have left but "The State?" When I perceive clear and present danger from robbers in costumes pretending to be Law Enforcement Officers (although it's not the Constitution) they are upholding or defending; I might have my reasons as well.

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I'm sorry that you've gone through all that, Clyde. You appear to be part of what I call the other half of America- the forgotten half. God bless you. Thanks.

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Thank you Donald, although admittedly, I am grateful to God that I have not been murdered (again) by those who are delusional enough to believe that they are Gods, sometimes finding myself in isolation because I can no longer live anywhere near the standard of living I once had has been a bitter pill to swallow. But like everyone else in my generation, we were all deceived. I was a soldier in the Army and I understand the per-meditated incursions and ambushes are not "incidental".

As a man named Plutarch once described Paul the Apostle as a wolf who converted to a lamb, I could relate because while under the darker influences of this world I also warred against flesh and blood, and Satan collected the lost souls. But I know I don't need carnal weapons to defeat the specter of communism, but to follow Jesus to the end of time (which is approaching quickly now). Whatever the wrath of men and devils, it is not to be compared to the wrath of God in the final judgment, and I cannot wish that on my worst enemies. If they kill my body (again) it's not like I was unaware of what lies beyond the vial, but I fear for the land I once called my country losing to that specter through their insouciance and apathy. I went on strike and quit playing "The Hunger Games".

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Lol. Great point, Liber8or. Thanks!

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Donald Jeffries

In 1994 I started reading the obituaries in the local paper every day. As an astrologer, I thought this would be the perfect place to teach myself what was going on for a person when they died, how they died, their life highlights, etc. It wasn't perfect (because I only had the date, not the time) but I did learn a great deal. However, I learned much more. In all the obituaries I read...there was simply no social movement in the lives of these folks. Those who were going to private schools and living in high-class neighborhoods as children, were having their wakes at the country club. I had always suspected this, and I could not ignore what I read, year after year. It was proof enough for me. Maybe for a few years after WWII, a few people rose from poverty to middle class, due to the GI Bill...but that was completely gone by the seventies. Btw, since 2021, the obituaries have really changed. Cause of death used to be in the first line...now it isn't even mentioned. Most shocking to me is that birth dates are often excluded as well. What kind of an obituary omits the birth date of the deceased?

I went for an all day drive last Sunday...up into the mountains and then home the long way. Although I live in a lunatic ultra-blue state, away from the cities it is red country. Therefore I was flabbergasted to see a huge Harris sign on a rural place barely outside of the national forest. The brainwashing and the us-vs- them mentality is such that there seems no hope to avoid chaos in November. Yes, I understand Trumpenstein is a puppet (I'm going to write in Ron Paul), but seriously...you are going to publicly support a 60 IQ grifter who slept her way up the party ladder because you hate Orange Man so much? I still say they are going to install Trumpenstein for maximum chaos. It's like torture to be surrounded by idiots...even though I barely interact with society these days.

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As always, I really appreciate your first-hand observations, Kris. Thanks!

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Thanks, Donald. I have a feeling we'll see a total of three phony assassination attempts on Trumpenstein before election day.

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Sep 17Liked by Donald Jeffries

Very well written. There is something exceedingly obscene about bezos and his ilk. The entire system is rigged. Communism isn't the answer. Real free enterprise is at least a start. Along with your proposals.

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Thanks, wilson!

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Sep 17Liked by Donald Jeffries

The rich, most notably include all these athletes and rap singers, NEVER enter into poor neighborhoods. With all the money they make from scalping people to be enticed to watch them play, dance or sing, surely they could give up one of their 5 mansions to help. It must be hysterical for them to sit back and pontificate the same things that MSM does, only so their income continues to grow. Especially to help them pay for their big time lawyers when they are accused of rape or murder (I never waste my time following their court cases which are posted so generously on YT). They are the Untouchables. When they get into trouble, which most of them do, I never feel sorry for any of them when they go bankrupt. But I just may give them a box of Kleenex.

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Sep 17Liked by Donald Jeffries

The latest being P.Diddy and his nasty escapades...it's just totally disgusting and not very classy. I detest rap (so called music which it's not) it's just disgusting filthy and disrespect words about women and life in general put to boom box pounding. What has this country become? Undignified and low class trash. Bring back religion, or at least the Golden Rule and how about Law and Order which you can bet Harris will not be a party to. Who votes for people like her, the worst VP in history now being pushed by the media. The corporate media and the execs/owners with all the cash are just as much trash as above mentioned. Money can't buy class.

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Yes, P Diddy will almost certainly evade justice, like all the other celebrities, Vicki. Thanks!

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Sep 17Liked by Donald Jeffries

Right now, his case is on the Law&Crime Network. I can't even sit thru watching this garbage. Agree - its not music. Not any happy stuff about the positives in life or love. Christian music is much more entertaining with some pretty good tunes.

Kackula is a creature of the Underworld. Look at her face, and into her eyes. Evil witch, like Hitlery. She may has well have a snake's tongue. I know some folks who really can't decide who to vote for, not like the selection is really all that great. But with her as the Resident in Chief, I feel its all over. MSM is just as evil spewing out lie after lie. I can't believe how people swallow this crap. The Stupids and Insane are in charge (for now). Fall of the Empire.

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Yes, her eyes are very evil and she is an evil creature. People are too dumb to sit down and figure out what is important, they'd rather watch tv and keep charging on to nothingness which is what life is now. Everything is soundbytes.

But....R Kelly is in jail for 30 years (google it) and P. Diddy Sean might just be his cell mate. I hope so.

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Great points, Fran. Athletes who've made many millions, like Allen Iverson and Mike Tyson, somehow lost it all. It would be very hard for the average person to even figure out how to lose such a fortune. Thanks!

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It really sickens me to see them on a talk show and watch them cry the blues with their big baby tears. Like we should or need to feel so sorry for these bums. They frivolously throw away their cash on cars, houses, drugs, and prostitutes, yet flap their gums on how WE should live our lives. Why would anyone want to follow their hideous examples? You would think they would understand about life and money from a hard upbringing to make better choices in life.

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Sep 18Liked by Donald Jeffries

Actually, the ruling class does think poverty is a good thing. It keeps people afraid and powerless.

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Sep 19Liked by Donald Jeffries

I almost always agree with you. The part missing in your agreement of minimum wage hikes is that the long term worker who did everything previously considered "right", but has worked in helping professions (true ones. Not govt or corporate medical) and has great experience, job performance and integrity is now being paid less or equal to the new minimum wage workers who often (not always) are lazy, incompetent and entitled. Maybe they wish they had started a business while young and energetic, but life didn't go their way. Our education is now scoffed at even though we actually know true things and are competent. And veterans who were in less than 20, often because corrupt higher ups broke rules to keep their own and dumped out the true workers? Good luck ever breaking even.

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Great point, Jane. If the minimum wage was raised, I would certainly want to see those with seniority on the job have their wages raised correspondingly. That's another issue with our employment market, which I didn't really address in "Survival of the Richest." Seniority isn't rewarded, it's often penalized, as new workers are hired at higher salaries. Thanks!

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Donald Jeffries

Excuse my ignorance, but I’m a bit confused by the real-life image -- if not by the greater metaphor that the image represents -- of the “defecating homeless guy” (DHG for short). Bear with me on this, but the illogic of this existential phenomenon confounds me, much like that of the "asymptomatic carrier." Based on the many reports I’ve heard about places like SF and LA, the DHG actually sounds like a whole category of existence, and I’m certainly sympathetic. But doesn’t the apparent regular act of public defecation mean that the DHG is...and, again, please excuse the obvious...eating? And doing so on a regular (daily) basis? My ultimate question then is: in a city, how does one obtain regular access to food without a regular means of income?

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Good question, Rob. From begging, I guess? It's undeniable that few if any of the homeless appear to be food deprived. Thanks.

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In my area there are a lot of churches who work together to provide food on a daily basis. Fredericksburg va

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