Sep 5Liked by Donald Jeffries

You're on your own in the USA. Government exists of, by and for itself. If you're White, don't expect anything. Years ago I was in the Border Patrol academy. One of the instructors who like myself had gotten into the Border Patrol at the maximum age told me "it was my last chance at a decent job". By that he meant a government job and the pension that went with it. I quit after I got off probation at my duty station. Having a badge, gun and costume didn't mean anything to me. There was minor corruption. One corruption was we filled out our own time sheets. It was understood that we filled out 12 hrs per day. The reason was to show that the agents were over worked and needed more funding. I just went to a military reunion and all or nearly all the attendees were former government employees, mostly police. The system is completely rotten. Basically we are funding a government that is nothing more than a giant bloated parasite and that parasite will kill the host.

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Thanks for sharing that, wilson!

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Double thanks for sharing. One thing that frustrates me is all the "minor corruption" you were talking about- like inflating the time sheets. That is graft pure and simple, and should be a felony. But that is just standard operating procedure for most government agencies. The school districts do something similar. Let's spend more money than we have to just to overspend the current years budget. That sends the message that we need more money so property taxes get raised. What a nice racket. I used to see the same thing at the unemployment office. Some employees would take a "personal day" but nevertheless the boss would clock them in an out so he could report to the state office how "overworked" his district was. And the DMV??? Don't even get me started.

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good post. Those are examples that you directly know about. fraud, waste and abuse is normal. Rumsfeld/DOD couldn't account for 2 trillion or something like that. Then 9/11 and everyone forgets. There is no accounting with foreign aid. We know some aid comes back to the US for bribes and through such foreign agents as AIPAC to influence/buy elections.

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Well said Wilson

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Sep 6Liked by Donald Jeffries

I think Job 13:4 best describes those "History Revisionist" who only report on what their version of "reality" is. He told them: "Job 13:4

"But ye are forgers of lies, ye are all physicians of no value." They do language change ups like a perpetual motion kaleidoscope in an attempt to disguise their obvious intentions. Like I was signed up for SNAP "benefits" by a local social worker and received "food stamps" for about 8 months. After 8 months they sent me an interrogatory which they labeled as an "Interim Report", from the DHS. It was 18 pages inquiring about what property was in my possession of any value, where they wanted me to sign and date in three different locations although there was no phone number or person to contact concerning this alleged report which was signed at the bottom of all 18 pages with a barcode and a QR code. Essentially, they wanted me to contract with one of their many lies, (like the ALL UPPERCASE NAME) as also self identifying as a bar code or QR code. I've called their office several times to be put on hold for up to 50 minutes at a time only to be "disconnected". They are so determined not to "touch" my reality, and have so insulated themselves from any personal responsibility or accountability, that it's difficult for me to even fathom that we inhabit the same planet, let alone country. I am now experiencing a lot of service/no service from my Verizon internet on a much more frequent and regular basis, although they have never missed a payment for their service.

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Sep 6Liked by Donald Jeffries

Make America Free Again - LOL! That won't ever happen, not here. And certainly NOT will all these useless government bottom feeders. You're free to fight back, if you can, and free to die. Thats about it. What irks me is the total stupidity of so many Citizens, its beyond cringe. I just had a young pup stop at my front door the other day, trying to convince me of his Kackles Harris bullshit. I told him off. He made the excuse because of "her", he had a job. Really? What efforts has this kid made on looking for job? I'd bet he is brainwashed by his stupid parents. Most likely, lives in his Mommy's basement and will never truly amount to anything. By the time he left, he wasn't happy. I seriously doubt he has two brain cells he can use and never will. I guess its not really his fault knowing its all trickled down from his family thru the education system.

You pretty much touched on every facet of our failed government, Don. For those of us in the "know", you have to argue and fight with every bureaucracy there is, just for your right to have whats coming to you. They sit at desks on their cell phones, chatting with each other about whats new on X or Fakebook or Instagram. Picking their noses and coughing up whats left of their brains.

As you know, I work from home, part time for the same company I worked full time for. So sometimes, I have to cover for the receptionist. Yes, I can do that. Don't want to, but its a paycheck and I need the money. I had a man call from a company in CA that was angry as hell because he couldn't get the service he needed for a repair from one of our managers. So I gave him the name, phone number of her manager and the president of the organization. Told him to send an email with the details, that way he has proof of his communication. He thanked me profusely and said I was a good employee. I know for a hard core fact that this woman he tried to deal with has cost the company many thousands because of her lack of taking care of business. How this company could afford to keep such an employee is beyond me. If I was in any position that mattered, she'd be fired immediately.

So in short, its not just government that is so lackadaisical.. Its also businesses with these useless workers. Paying big bucks for people who screw off and don't produce. I don't know how employers continue to look the other way. I can't stand witnessing the "whatever" attitude employees have nowadays. It wasn't like that at all when I first started working full time. People continue to drift along, its so frightening. I don't want any of these asshats knocking on my door for anything once it all collapses. I won't help any of them.

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Great rant, Fran. Thanks!

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Sep 6Liked by Donald Jeffries

We must have advocates to help us deal with all the bureaucratic insanity being thrown at us everyday. How do the elderly or handicapped that don't have family help, ever survive? The Social Security system is such a mess! You explained it perfectly Don, waiting on hold for an hour only to be cut off. Rude employees, many untrained, and horrible attitudes.

The phone systems at every business, private and governmental, are horrible! No one answers their phone anymore. You have to go through so many levels to get to the right person, often I hang up out of pure frustration.

Don, you have such a great way of expressing my constant frustrations. Please keep up the great work, I seem to tolerate society better looking at it through your eyes.

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I really appreciate hearing that, Robin. Thank you!

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Sep 5Liked by Donald Jeffries

Don, there's a good name I saw in another commentary site that describes all these useless politicians ,bureaucrats,and professional idiots; Bunmbledicks! That name has become an important part of my vocabulary. It's too bad our old buddy George Carlin is not around anymore to sound off on all this stupidity.

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Good one, Philip. Thanks!

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Sep 6Liked by Donald Jeffries

Bravo! Great article! Thanks!

Pay more for less. Absolutely!

And to add insult to injury, the loss of one's basic freedoms. No doubt the cruelest blow.

Collapse is a word often used, not without reason. But as your article makes clear, we could add decadence, disintegration, and evaporation. Of course, one could go on but they'd never finish.

Probably the only bright spot is that the system you so perfectly describe is unsustainable.

But what next?

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Thanks, Paul!

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