At this point, Clown World is filled with people that, when you point up to a sky filled with lines they reply "What are Chemtrails". The evidence is right in front of their face, but they are trying harder than the Washington Generals to pretend the game isn't rigged, the goalposts are always changing, and words mean little, and truth even less. Never underestimate the power of Stockholm Syndrome. The SHeeple are proud of the prison they have constructed. They are their own jailors. Some keep talking about FEMA camps. They don't need FEMA Camps. They have turned every church, every stadium, every jetliner, every shopping mall, and every fast food into a FEMA camp. Nobody dares say the obvious. They just all stare like a deer into the headlights. And they will have the same fate.

The Trump Train has been being groomed for "Civil War" for almost 10 years. God help America if the OrangeMan does not win. The Camala Crazies are all subsidized gov't agents- we know that. But the Trump Train has millions of egolomaniacs, and they will see nothing but Armageddon if their man doesn't win.

Of course, only a moron thinks anything will be settled by the Dawn's Early Light on November 6th. If we're lucky, we might make it to Armistice Day.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!

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I am inclined to agree with almost your whole post but the last line. My only hope is in the Grace and mercy of God, and in John 15, Jesus did not pray for the world, but for those that are called out of the world to serve him.

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Nobody can get to Heaven without the prayers of Our Lady. If you make it through those Pearly Gates, you will be thanking her for all eternity. Like the Holy Ghost, her Divine Spouse, she intercedes for us with groans unimaginable. May God Bless you on your way, O Theologically Impoverished, and no hard feelings. Hope to see all on the right come Judgment Day. In the meantime the Mystery of Iniquity is much too deep for me to fathom.

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I will take that "Theologically Impoverished" as a compliment, since Jesus himself said in Mathew 5:3 "Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." As concerning "The mystery of iniquity" we were not equipped to plumb the depths of Satan, but there are certainly fates worse than death.

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Nice analysis, WW. Thanks.

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I don't know if that is analysis so much as weeping in the Wilderness. Regards.

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Israel is the head of the snake who controls both Trump and Harris with the only difference being Harris is terrible as terrible can be if it had a baby. Either moron you choose is going to guarantee Israel won't be touched for another four years as your country wastes away in apocalypse ruin.

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They want us to think Israel is the Head of the Snake. And while I am not in any way excusing or minimizing the atrocities of the Satanic Pederasts in Tel Aviv, they are, ultimately, just another branch office, like Brussels, London, and Manhattan. The Head of the Snake is in Rome, at the Vatican, where lies the Seat of the Antichrist.

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"At this point, Clown World is filled with people that, when you point up to a sky filled with lines they reply "What are Chemtrails?" The evidence is right in front of their face, but they are trying harder than the Washington Generals to pretend the game isn't rigged, the goalposts are always changing, and words mean little, and truth even less."

So true.

Reminds me of something Nietzsche once wrote:

"People are constantly being deceived, because they are in constant search - for a deceiver."

The hostile elite know that much. In fact, it's pretty much what they start with - every single time.

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I saw the "debunked" movie 2000 mules. In it were several black and white CCTV video clips from cameras in the vicinity of ballot boxes. I have not seen any of those videos debunked. Nobody that I have seen has claimed that those particular CCTV clips were faked. The clips show blatant 3am ballot box stuffing by individuals zooming in on a scooter or car, jumping out with a backpack, dumping hundreds of envelopes into the ballot box, then throwing away their latex gloves, and driving away! If those videos are the bona fide CCTV footage, then it's case closed cheating. Even with the draconian censorship we are experiencing, I'm still surprised that there hasn't been more analysis of those videos from the side that believes the election was stolen. Particularly with the very unusual overnight flipping of several states that Don described.

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Good point, Kev. I think that unfortunately Dinesh D'Souza has retracted his own movie or something. "Debunked" himself. This is some "opposition" we have. Thanks!

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I looked into it a bit. It seems there was a single individual in the film who dropped the votes from his family in a box and was presented as if he were cheating. He sued and won. A single individual dropping a few envelopes is not the video that I found compelling. The video clips of people wearing gloves dumping stacks of ballots at 3AM is what I found suspicious. This is the classic throwing out the baby with the bathwater phenomenon.

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I agree with you. When Billy Ray Valentine said that all those videos and testimony claiming fraud in 2020 has been "debunked", I was going "huh?"

Are you kidding me. 95% of the electorate voted for Trump in 2020. Nobody would even admit they voted for Biden.

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Hi White Wolf

I like Billy Ray Valentine, I don't agree with everything he says. He makes some good points, but I agree more with Don and Tony. I love the podcast...always gives me food for thought!

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Great post! Thanks Donald!

The theme here is Protected Fraud.

Corruption is called "Virtue" and the lawless are placed above criticism.

While fairness is mocked and the lawful are under attack.

The result is instability, political, economic, etc. In short, a Banana Republic.

Generally, the term banana republic describes a politically and economically unstable country with an economy dependent upon the export of natural resources. The only difference, or addition, in the U.S. is the dependence on the import of human resources, ie; migrants.

And the only people dependent on them are the elite. The elite are using the migrants as WMD to help them destroy the US, and not just the US, by destroying the host population.

Once that's done the migrants will become as obsolete as a giant pile of rotary phones.

Put bluntly, they'll be Jonestowned just like the host population.

The above makes it impossible to dismiss population reduction as a Conspiracy Theory, especially when one takes into account AI, automation, and robots.

And yet, I can't help but see this as a Pyrrhic Victory. And maybe that's what it will be. Time will tell.

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Beautifully expressed, Paul. Thanks!

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One of my bright spots is Judicial Watch. They have been suing different states to clean up their voter rolls. They sued the Blue State of Maryland, they were forced to clean up their voting rolls. To date JW has gotten nearly 4 million people off the voter registration lists in different states.

My question is why didn't the GOP make this a priority after the last election? I don't trust either party, am I just being too cynical?

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It's hard to trust anyone in politics, Robin. It makes you cynical. Yes, Judicial Watch has done some great work. Thanks!

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Change a few names, dates, and details, and you can probably publish this again in a few days as the 2024 recap. I think the 'deep state' needs some new scriptwriters.

As said by others, the purpose of the lies is not the lie, it's so no one knows what to believe.

Accurate elections ARE possible, and have been for some time.

But you can't play God if you can't rig the vote. Know this truth, and you will truly be set free.

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I agree, Shadow. That's why I thought it was timely to republish it now. It may indeed be the same script. Thanks.

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They cheat when people who slave for them all day as clerks are fatigued and can't catch them doing it. This election is going to be no different than 2020 because you have too many sheep who drank the Kamala spiked vodka versus the Trump people who don't know the iced tea they drank was really a long island.

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