Aug 20Liked by Donald Jeffries

The greatest promoter for the whole "Covid-19" madness was not Neil Ferguson, or Anthony Fauci, or CNN, or NBC, or CBS, or ABC. No, the greatest promoter was Pope Frantic, and this Wolf wants the world to remember that. It was during Holy Week 2020 that the Vatican shut down and people were really taking the Plandemic seriously. If HALF the Catholic Bishops would have just simply stood up and said their churches would remain open, and no "Covid Guidelines" would be enforced, the Media Propaganda and the Secular Response would have withered like a plum on hot asphalt in the July Sun. Instead, even Traditional Catholic churches dutifully shut down. So much for Unam Sanctum. So much for Our Lord Jesus Christ the King. No, for the New Sodom the Covid Spikeball was King, and its enforcers were the Masked Karens.

I remember the day of the mask mandate. I was blissfully unaware there was a mandate as I was shopping at the Local Supermarket- Redner's by name. People were looking at me funny because I was not wearing a mask, But people had already been wearing masks for just over a week so I was thinking nothing of it. But then this particularly annoying manager comes up to me and says, "Do you know there is a Mask Mandate?"

"I had no idea," I replied.

"Well, there is. So get out of the store NOW!"

"Do you mind if I finish my shopping first?" I replied. "I have just a few more items to get and I am sure nobody will drop dead from breathing my germs in the meantime, as nobody has yet." As he glared at me I continued. "Not that I particular care about the guidelines, because I think it is all a hoax, but aren't you supposed to stay something like six feet under?" Oh, I wish I could have recorded the look he gave me as he walked away and stormed back to the dock.

Well, when I finished shopping, I committed another Covid Sin and set my basket on the top of the rolling counter. Apparently, everything in the basket was lily pure but the basket itself was just crawling with Covid Germs. The Covid Karen was about as Drama Queen as it gets. She heaved a huge sigh, put my basket on the floor, and spent five minutes sanitizing the entire area, wiping everything down, even her register. Then she check me out and cleaned the machine after I swiped my mother's bank card.

"You just lost a regular customer," I said as I walked out the store. "See you on Judgment Day. Hope you're on the Right Side."

All through March and April 2020, I went everywhere with my dog and stout walking stick. I know the Covid Karens were calling the cops on me as I walked over hill and dale all throughout the countryside. The cops- there were dozens of them- would slow down, think the better of making an encounter, and keep driving on down the road. One thing I did learn in 2020 was that cops are sheeple too- at least, most of them are. I had one cop that was feisty and hounding me. I lost him by taking a shortcut through a wheatfield. There is no better hiding place than a wheatfield, except maybe a cornfield in August. Just 20 feet from his cruiser, and I can hear him swearing over the radio. "I just saw them a minute ago!" But he cannot see me behind the rows of tall winter wheat and last years dead weeds..

He was royally angry that no backup would be sent, and he made his feelings known over the system with a train of expletives that would have made a Marine Bartender blush, then drove away.

It is those small victories against the Communist Police State that help to keep life worth living.

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Your asking too much from a Church/Religion (Catholics) that are professionals at covering up Pedophile priest within the church! The Catholic church is a racket and is less legitimate than the mafia!

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I ask very little of Pope Frantic and His Seat of the Antichrist, except that he do penance for his sins on a dunghill in sackcloth and ashes. Meanwhile, Our Lady did appear at Fatima on October 13th, 1917 and worked the greatest public miracle since Moses parted the waters of the Red Sea.

Yes, the Institutional Catholic Church is a den of Satanic Pederasts, and they have made of the Liturgy and Sacraments an Abomination of Desolation. And various nations are about to be annihilated.

The Satanic Pederasts do a cosmic dance in Brussels, Rome, London, Moscow, Kiev, Tehran, Jerusalem, Tokyo, Peking, New York, and Washington. They think they have won.

They are gravely mistaken.

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Aug 21·edited Aug 21Liked by Donald Jeffries

The CV19 was an incredible lesson on humans--for me. Pathetically afraid of just about everything it seems. And the entire safe campaign is a giant psyop monster. Just yesterday I met a lady who is the safety manager of a large school district. She told me they have a pyramid of safety that is continuously being revised to be safer. She wants the kids in complete lockdown at school and teachers aren't allowed to even leave their door ajar. A horrible violation of safety. And I'm allowed to comment today.

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Yep. The way the masses obeyed the absurd COV ID "mandates" really disillusioned me. I really had given them a bit more credit than that. Thanks, Mike!

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Aug 21·edited Aug 21

I was very disillusioned as well, Donald. I knew most folks were hopeless, but even I was shocked how completely people had been brainwashed. That's when I just gave up trying to inform folks about the big picture. I did have two persons in my circle whom I had been working on for years by presenting all my research on the NWO, and both refused the satanic DNA-altering suicide shots. One said: "Thank you for never giving up on us". That was gratifying. Kinda made all the effort worth it.

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22Liked by Donald Jeffries

“Covid” was just another simulation gone live, something the psychopaths in power long ago learned how to do via the Hollywood-style staging of “events,” assisted by technology, a mocking-bird media told when and how exactly to broadcast the exercise once gone live, and the ever-present crisis actor and actress (aka jackholes who sell their souls to participate in a Satanic game of deception). For comparison, see any and all “mass” shootings (Sandy Hook and Las Vegas being the most recent and notable) and 911.

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Nice summary, Rob. Thanks!

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Yes - we live in a dramocracy - a novel development in the history of civilization - in which the government produces a steady stream of theatrical performances - the most recent being the "assassination attempt".

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I don't know if I ever told you this: I'm not sure exactly when this happened, but we were shopping. and as usual, the only ones not wearing masks. Mike went to get something and as I waited, I spotted a woman (apparently also waiting) who was unmasked. So, I said "excuse me, but can I ask you a question?" She didn't run screaming from me or appear terrified, and said "yes?" I asked if she'd mind sharing why she and her husband were not masked. Her reply was interesting- she said her daughter was an attorney for then Governor Wolf. I don't recall the conversation verbatim, but basically she said her daughter had been told lockdowns were coming, I believe, before a pandemic was declared. This woman was clearly a Trumpite and implied the covid thing was somehow designed to work against him. It was an odd conversation. I did want to say "your daughter has no ethics, apparently", but I said have a nice day and walked off.

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Wow. Thanks for sharing, Stephanie!

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"Medically-induced police state," now that was good construction of a label.

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Aug 20Liked by Donald Jeffries

They were working on it for years. They deserve some recognition. And Don would know.

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Forgive me, I sense that I have stepped into a room in the midst of a well-exercised conversation of which I am not a part. To whom does the word 'they' refer and why would "Don know"?

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Yes, a good reminder. I hope people heed it.

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Yes, we should never forget 2020. It will go down in history as the year America died.

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Aug 21Liked by Donald Jeffries

All my research with which I tried to wake up the sheeple: http://www.issuesoutline.org/#covid19fraud

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Thanks, Mark!

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Aug 21Liked by Donald Jeffries

I wrote 4 songs about C19:

COVID Slaves

Not About a Virus

If You Don’t Know History

Let The Spirit


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Thanks for sharing, Mark!

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Aug 20Liked by Donald Jeffries

Because my wife and I had planned a grand trip to Italy in the spring of 2020, I was closely monitoring accounts of the virus spreading from China to Italy.

In Italy, it was immediately clear that the fatalities were among the elderly. Then came the Diamond Princess, a floating laboratory for evaluating the mortality of the disease, and it proved to be no more remarkable than the seasonal flu. (Naturally, the Diamond Princess went into the Memory Hole.)

Watching most of the USA overreact, we wondered what Mexico would do. To his credit, AMLO reacted more like the seasoned old man that he is than a politician, however the health minister with credentials from Harvard or some other institution of disinformation pushed the WHO agenda. Even though we live near a city with thousands of gringos, mostly from NYC and California, the measures were tepid. Restaurants had to remove 2/3 of their seating, I think maybe bars were closed, and one had to wear a mask in grocery stores, etc. Schools were closed. As White Wolf documented, the Roman Catholic Church folded like a gambler with a pair of duces. Ridiculous.

Except for church, our lives went on routinely. We wore masks going to the market, but ignored the arrows on the floor like proper Mexicans. We did the fool thing of wearing a mask into restaurants then immediately removing it—like that makes sense! Our mezcal group continued to meet as scheduled with no changes.

Eventually, Santa Misa resumed in one location outside of town on the down low. Not many people went, and we had to space out and wear a mask, but at least we were able to receive the Host again, albeit in the hand, which older Catholics don’t like to do.

Mexico followed its Constitution which forbids mandatory medical treatment for adults, so when the pokes became available, they were voluntary. The Russian and Chinese versions came first, then the lousy British formula, and eventually the anticipated Pfi$er Elixir of Life (continually refrigerated below -15C of course!). Because the Mexican impulse to be as cool as Americans and Spaniards walks hand in hand with defiant non-conformity, lots of Mexicans rolled up their sleeve. Pity.

BTW, I had zero interest in the Pfi$er cash cow when I read its trial results. The only thing that was done properly was the size of the test group was almost exactly the same as the size of the control group. They ran it for only 59 or 60 days, and unless one compared the number of infections group vs. group to get a “95% reduction”, the overall number of infections in both groups was very low. (I believe the infection rate was 0.4% for the treatment group and 0.9% for the control group. Not persuasive for a serum only tested for two months, and later we learned that to be “infected” in the treatment group, one had to test positive AND present symptoms, while either alone was a sign of “infection” in the control group.)

Dark days indeed. Given the scant uptake of boosters, many Americans learned a lesson of sorts. When the bad guys introduce a hemorrhagic fever or another disease with a significant fatality rate, I wonder what people will do? By the end of 2025, Deagel projects there will only be 99-100 million Americans. How does that occur? War or pestilence?

Kýrie, eléison.

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I appreciate you sharing your experiences outside of the U.S., G. Alan. Thanks!

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A very big plus of the “C19 Affair” (like an episode of The Man from U.N.C.L.E.) was that in February 2021, we flew to Cancun and stayed at the fancy Live Agua all-inclusive resort for about 20% the normal price. Several months later, we flew to Puerto Vallarta and stayed at a premium resort, again for less than half the regular rate. Good luck enforcing masking at a beach resort in Mexico!

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All of it went against the United States Constitution! We do NOT live in a Democracy (like what all the ass hole politician's parrot) we live in a Constitutional Republic and the U.S. Constitution i the Supreme Law of the Land!

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