They're gearing up for another scamdemic with Monkey-business pox and West Nile. I hope most people won't be stupid enough to fall for this again. Evil is unrelenting as we are witnessing. It is so hypocritical that they pretend to worry about man-made diseases yet allow drugs into this country which are killing people faster than any "virus". The crime and murder from Illegal Aliens is skyrocketing. and they all look the other way. The tyranny happening right now is unbelievable, in this so called "free" nation. by God help us.
I don't think they are going to hit us with another Plandemic. They are just running interference to cover the vaxx deaths, among other things. In some respects, the establishment overplayed their hand and is in damage control mode. Meanwhile, I think they are getting ready to pull the proverbial plug. but they seem to have a lot invested in Trump so maybe they will wait until after the S(election)
Oh, I totally agree. As Baby Shrub said: "All Options are on the table." Right now I am just trying to discern, amid all the curve balls, what the agenda is going forward. I am amazed the Democratic Convention was uneventful.
Keep in mind that this is a S(election), not an election. The Democrats and Republicans have not been cheating for a long time. All the politicians are handed their scripts, and rehearse their lines. In retrospect, we can clearly see why politics has never made sense- it was never meant to.
We must never forget 2020. And one small glimmer of good news is that most Americans have not. The number of Masked Karens has dwindled to a vanishing point in my parts. (Saw two at the Farmers' Market about a month ago. Even with the fully compliant back in the day, I can now talk about the Plandemic. People that called me a "dangerous denier" have apologized. And many people think I am a hero for refusing to go along with the narrative.
All of the current hubbub about MoneyPox (As Jason Barker said- the K is Silent) and West Nile ChickenPox is just beta-testing, as far as I am concerned. The real action is World War Three Theatre. They just want to keep us mis-directioned in the meantime,
You actually got apologies? That shocks me. Things are still bad here in zombieland. Still many masked idiots. I saw one riding a bike in 90+ temps the other day. How are people so stupid and self-destructive not dead yet?
I do use the term scamdemic with service people. Some agree, the others are silent. The stigma of speaking the truth still scares folks.
Yes, at Farmers' Market, I have gotten apologies. I don't want to overstate my case, however. Most of them are still invested in the political process, and think that Trump is going to save them. (They seem to have totally forgotten that Trump already was president, and did not save them during the first go-round.) They look upon me as a blasphemer and a heretic, because I am not voting for anybody, "Not voting Trump is a vote for the Deep State" is their motto. They cannot see that Trump is part of the KayFabe, and is much a part of the club as the Cackling Camel.
Also, my world is a subset of this local zombieland. If I were to walk around downtown, I would probably have to put with the woke, the broke, and the bloke. (I have not been downtown in three years.) My cosmos is restricted to three farms, the forest on the hill, and the farmers' market. Some medieval monasteries were larger. But soon I will leave my cloister for distant horizons. Even here the insanity slowly percolates.
In borrowing a quote from a website I was researching yesterday;
"Dietrich Bonhoeffer argued that stupid people are more dangerous than evil ones. This is because while we can protest against or fight evil people, against stupid ones we are defenseless — reasons fall on deaf ears. Bonhoeffer’s famous text, which we slightly edited for this video, serves any free society as a warning of what can happen when certain people gain too much power." The link to the site makes some very interesting comments as well.
The mass formation psychosis does indeed have a "stupefying" effect on the rational thinking minds observing these phenomena. Hobgoblins, Monsters and men more devoted to Idolatry than the one savior who doesn't require a vote is more mystery and intrigue that I want to tangle with.
I've always thought that stupid people were just as dangerous as evil people. I have zero forgiveness for anyone who went along with any mandate...anyone who wore a mask while taking a walk...or obeyed any other order from headquarters. Going in stores was different. Private businesses have the right to commit business suicide if they wish. Any willing acquiescence to BS scare tactics made one part of the evil. If you "didn't know" and you were an adult on 09/11/2001...then it's your own fault for ignoring what had been going on right in front of your face for the prior 19 years. Willful ignorance.
Its similar to one of three people knocking someone out on a bridge and dumping the body over the rails, and one person saying that it didn't matter that they helped out, the body was going over the rails anyway. How do you know that? That question can never be answered. At the very least they will be charged as an accomplice to murder.
Now the powers that be are gearing up for another lockdown. This time it's an information lockdown, as they silence all voices that oppose the global regime.
You've got that right. The Internet is becoming a Dumpster Fire. In the meantime, if they do roll with Mon(k)eyPox, Pope Frantic will be the biggest spokesman.
Four and a half years later and not a single arrest. Mr. Operation Warp Speed is now involved in another major hoax. Possibly far greater than OWS if he declares himself God. It feels like he's almost there. And I'm allowed to comment today. SS is so good to me. 900 subscribers and only a fraction receive email notification when I post.
What the global elite parasite class did in 2020, was tried and true mind-control techniques. First come on hard and heavy as a tyrant...then ease up a little and give the victim a little freedom...then back to hard*** again. Do this over and over until the victim is a cowering, cringing dog. It works for a lone abuser as well as tyrannical government. We saw this all through 2020.
This plandemic plus killer vaccine had been talked about in conspiracy circles for more than 20 years, so of course I didn't believe the narrative from December 2019 onward. What did surprise me is the almost total compliance. That's when I realized we were way further along in the world take-over plan than I had thought.
They're gearing up for another scamdemic with Monkey-business pox and West Nile. I hope most people won't be stupid enough to fall for this again. Evil is unrelenting as we are witnessing. It is so hypocritical that they pretend to worry about man-made diseases yet allow drugs into this country which are killing people faster than any "virus". The crime and murder from Illegal Aliens is skyrocketing. and they all look the other way. The tyranny happening right now is unbelievable, in this so called "free" nation. by God help us.
I don't think they are going to hit us with another Plandemic. They are just running interference to cover the vaxx deaths, among other things. In some respects, the establishment overplayed their hand and is in damage control mode. Meanwhile, I think they are getting ready to pull the proverbial plug. but they seem to have a lot invested in Trump so maybe they will wait until after the S(election)
Nothing is off the table, in my opinion. These people are Total Evil and out of control.
Oh, I totally agree. As Baby Shrub said: "All Options are on the table." Right now I am just trying to discern, amid all the curve balls, what the agenda is going forward. I am amazed the Democratic Convention was uneventful.
I'll be more amazed if the DemonRats don't cheat again this election. They don't have too many other cards to play.
Keep in mind that this is a S(election), not an election. The Democrats and Republicans have not been cheating for a long time. All the politicians are handed their scripts, and rehearse their lines. In retrospect, we can clearly see why politics has never made sense- it was never meant to.
We must never forget 2020. And one small glimmer of good news is that most Americans have not. The number of Masked Karens has dwindled to a vanishing point in my parts. (Saw two at the Farmers' Market about a month ago. Even with the fully compliant back in the day, I can now talk about the Plandemic. People that called me a "dangerous denier" have apologized. And many people think I am a hero for refusing to go along with the narrative.
All of the current hubbub about MoneyPox (As Jason Barker said- the K is Silent) and West Nile ChickenPox is just beta-testing, as far as I am concerned. The real action is World War Three Theatre. They just want to keep us mis-directioned in the meantime,
You actually got apologies? That shocks me. Things are still bad here in zombieland. Still many masked idiots. I saw one riding a bike in 90+ temps the other day. How are people so stupid and self-destructive not dead yet?
I do use the term scamdemic with service people. Some agree, the others are silent. The stigma of speaking the truth still scares folks.
Yes, at Farmers' Market, I have gotten apologies. I don't want to overstate my case, however. Most of them are still invested in the political process, and think that Trump is going to save them. (They seem to have totally forgotten that Trump already was president, and did not save them during the first go-round.) They look upon me as a blasphemer and a heretic, because I am not voting for anybody, "Not voting Trump is a vote for the Deep State" is their motto. They cannot see that Trump is part of the KayFabe, and is much a part of the club as the Cackling Camel.
Also, my world is a subset of this local zombieland. If I were to walk around downtown, I would probably have to put with the woke, the broke, and the bloke. (I have not been downtown in three years.) My cosmos is restricted to three farms, the forest on the hill, and the farmers' market. Some medieval monasteries were larger. But soon I will leave my cloister for distant horizons. Even here the insanity slowly percolates.
Nothing has changed. We are in Lockdown 2.0. The human race is too fucking stupid to see.
In borrowing a quote from a website I was researching yesterday;
"Dietrich Bonhoeffer argued that stupid people are more dangerous than evil ones. This is because while we can protest against or fight evil people, against stupid ones we are defenseless — reasons fall on deaf ears. Bonhoeffer’s famous text, which we slightly edited for this video, serves any free society as a warning of what can happen when certain people gain too much power." The link to the site makes some very interesting comments as well.
The mass formation psychosis does indeed have a "stupefying" effect on the rational thinking minds observing these phenomena. Hobgoblins, Monsters and men more devoted to Idolatry than the one savior who doesn't require a vote is more mystery and intrigue that I want to tangle with.
I've always thought that stupid people were just as dangerous as evil people. I have zero forgiveness for anyone who went along with any mandate...anyone who wore a mask while taking a walk...or obeyed any other order from headquarters. Going in stores was different. Private businesses have the right to commit business suicide if they wish. Any willing acquiescence to BS scare tactics made one part of the evil. If you "didn't know" and you were an adult on 09/11/2001...then it's your own fault for ignoring what had been going on right in front of your face for the prior 19 years. Willful ignorance.
Its similar to one of three people knocking someone out on a bridge and dumping the body over the rails, and one person saying that it didn't matter that they helped out, the body was going over the rails anyway. How do you know that? That question can never be answered. At the very least they will be charged as an accomplice to murder.
The Bible doesn't call them Sheep for nothing.
Now the powers that be are gearing up for another lockdown. This time it's an information lockdown, as they silence all voices that oppose the global regime.
You've got that right. The Internet is becoming a Dumpster Fire. In the meantime, if they do roll with Mon(k)eyPox, Pope Frantic will be the biggest spokesman.
Four and a half years later and not a single arrest. Mr. Operation Warp Speed is now involved in another major hoax. Possibly far greater than OWS if he declares himself God. It feels like he's almost there. And I'm allowed to comment today. SS is so good to me. 900 subscribers and only a fraction receive email notification when I post.
It's incredible that common sense commentaries such as these on the Covid Insanity didn't gain more traction when they were needed.
Facebook let me say pretty much whatever I wanted at first, RB. Then came the Shadow Ban. Thanks!
2020 wa the year Horse Sense was just for Equines.
What the global elite parasite class did in 2020, was tried and true mind-control techniques. First come on hard and heavy as a tyrant...then ease up a little and give the victim a little freedom...then back to hard*** again. Do this over and over until the victim is a cowering, cringing dog. It works for a lone abuser as well as tyrannical government. We saw this all through 2020.
This plandemic plus killer vaccine had been talked about in conspiracy circles for more than 20 years, so of course I didn't believe the narrative from December 2019 onward. What did surprise me is the almost total compliance. That's when I realized we were way further along in the world take-over plan than I had thought.
Their horses are already kicking their hooves in the premixes...