The Impossible Math of Social Security is a subset of The Impossible Math of the Federal Budget. From subsidies paid to local municipalities and sheriffs' departments, military budgets, payoffs to "Public Transportation" like Greyhound Bus Company and Southwest Airlines, kickbacks to Walmarts to build in various towns, employing legions in government bureaucracies and the "intelligence agencies" and many other payoffs too varied and sundry to list here, Federal Spending has been, since the Roosevelt "New deal"-and what a deal!- a Big Sucking Sound.

Americans are hit with more taxes than the most clever Banana Republic. Taxes at the gas pump. Taxes on Imports. Taxes on Wages. Taxes on Inheritances. The poor chumps who win a prize on Wheel of Fortune or The Price is Right usually have to sell the prize to pay the taxes. The same with those who get property through an inheritance.

The Congressional General Accounting Office is a Cosmic Joke. And it is well known that the Clinton Crime Family took the alleged surplus from the Social Security Trust and turned the Bush Budget Deficits into the Clinton Surpluses. Somewhere you wrote the Social Security System will go bankrupt in 2033, quoting CNN. What a laugh. Social Security was bankrupt by the late 1950's. Even with the contributions of the Baby Boomers, Medicare was being milked by the doctors to the tune of billions annually, and that was REAL MONEY back in those days, not Chump Change to donate to Ukraine.

Companies had to stop paying pensions because they realized the overhead was going to bankrupt them. Even the railroads could not afford it. And you have the massive bureaucracy of the Federal Government claiming they can fix things? PUH-Lease. The day that a Federal Bureaucracy fixes anything is the day cats are afraid of mice, dogs stop biting, and trees stop falling.

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Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!

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As usually everything government touches gets screwed up. Considering life expectancy was well under 65 when SS was created it was just another Democrat con scheme. Then came outright theft as they robbed the fund of 3 trillion dollars. Then Obama wanted to the fund and Medicare to fund Medicaid. And fools continue to vote for these corrupt idiots.

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I am a big fan of Armstrongeconomics.com. All will start unraveling in 2031. War is the biggest contributor to inflation. Hold on to your tangible assets.

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Also as a self employed Realtor I paid double SS my share and my employer’s share since I was the employer and employee.

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I took my SS at age 62 because it is better in my pocket than the government’s plus I paid into it since I was 17 and no one knows how long they will live. Yes my income was limited till I reached full retirement age which was 65 in my case but as Realtor I turned 62 during the mortgage crisis in 2008 so with my expenses and working less I was able to keep my income within the allowed amounts almost.I did have to pay back some but it was nice to work less. It was worth it to take it at 62.

I agree All income should be required to pay into SS not just the poor middle class

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I have a suggestion - cut the alphabet soup agencies and politicians by 75%. They're basically like people on Welfare. They contribute nothing to society and don't produce a thing, except more problems.

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