"This was not available in the latter part of Tudor England"...because war was raged against the monasteries, and many were razed to the ground (I made a pilgrimage to the ruins of Glastonbury in 1999). Since Halloween is a day away...here is a little tidbit. Elizabeth I outlawed souling in England. Before her, in English villages on November 1st and 2nd ( feasts of All Saints and All Souls) folks went door to door offering prayers in exchange for sweet buns ( soul cakes) a custom that still lingers to this day as trick-or-treating. Despite being illegal, the custom, never completely died out in rural Britain.
Same in Germany. The name "Halloween" comes from "All Hallowed Eve" as it is the Vigil before the Feast of All Saints. (Just as "Christmas Eve" is the vigil before Christmas.) What is interesting is that, while the roots of the "Reformation" were vastly different in Germany and England, the Modus Operandi was exactly the same, and the Monasteries, which had benefited the poor and the infirmed for generations, were ruthlessly sacked and plundered, and robbed of their infrastructure. Vassal and Clerical Corruption was replaced by the corruption of the merchants and " businessmen". The poor got a new boss, same as the old boss with one difference- the new boss would not abide family customs that had at least given the peasants something to look forward to for generation. (In Tudor England, the biggest howl was when the Rogation Days were banned. The farmers were afraid that if the Priest did not bless their crops, God would curse the ground.)
I follow this couple on YT who travel to many small towns across America. The poverty is astounding, very sad and shameful. The houses are absolutely trashed where Mother Nature has taken over. Money for wars, to support other countries, money laundering, all these more important than us illegals, now this Green New Deal. Like THAT is going to do a hell of a lot of good.
Just because someone has a dollar more than me doesn't make that person elite. I hope they don't break their arms while patting themselves on the back. God won't care who owns what when their time has come, and it will.
I have spent a great deal of time in third and fourth world countries (I was once taken to task for calling the countries that by a leftist. The correct term is undeveloped) and the poverty is gut wrenching. I was glad and felt lucky by accident of birth to be from western civilization, the only civilization that lifted people out of that poverty and serf dom. Now I can see efforts to return us to the feudal system. Everything is aligned in that direction. From usury to D.I.E. to education (idiocracy) to agenda 2030 to things I don't even know yet.
Yes, wilson, there used to be those kinds of stark differences between the undeveloped nations and America the Beautiful. Now are America 2.0, the world's wealthiest Banana Republic. Thanks!
Donald, with all respect, I don’t understand what you are saying. There are still stark differences between the third world and America. At least there was the last time I was in Haiti and Central America which wasn’t that long ago. And yes I understand the America the beautiful point. I also understand that America is headed in that direction, I think I understand that anyway.
It's going to take a mighty effort to get the Liberal Socialist out of John Jeffries (Just as much effort to get the Opera out of the Fat Lady) but it's worth the effort.
First off, you have to realize that the Narrative for the Dark Ages has been written by the same Court Historians that gave us "Honest Abe". Now, it is rightly said that the Monastics in England provided for the destitute, and that they did, and Good Queen Bess turned "Reformed England" under "Cramner's Godly Order" into the first Absolutist Hell. (It is the Model for those "Dark Ages".)
In Medieval Times, it was not the Peasants that usually fared the worst, but the Middle Management Lords and Counts. We have a saying: Don't Count Your Chickens until they've hatched. The Medieval Kings had to be careful not to hatchet their counts before they chickened. And that includes the popes. Many a count was excommunicated and placed under interdict because they would not support the pontiff in the latest series of alliances against the Bad Guy of the Day- usually either the Holy Roman Emperor or the King of France- depending on whom was more powerful.
Now, without a doubt, the Banksters were running things in those days. The three centers were Genoa, Venice, and Pisa. They played Popes against Kings and Emperors, involving clerics, nobles, and mercenaries in an endless series of wars while maintaining a balance of power between Germany, France, and the Papacy.
Incidentally, when the Pope was selling those famous indulgences that Martin Luther was protesting and Tetzel was merchandising, the Bank of Fugger, the lender to the church bishoprics, had a representative at the church service to make sure they got their cut. Not only were church and state not separate, but the banks were not as well.
Back in those dark ages, the Peasant basically had his dog, his cabin, and his fire, along with the wife and some children, and was not usually troubled. He was something that came along with the package- like the castle and the cows and the pasture and the tithes. Also, back then the peasants usually did not handle money. Their investiture was usually ten chickens or a gallon of cream or 5 bushels of wheat or a keg of cider- depending on the occupation.
I don't know about swearing oaths on Bibles- because there were not really a whole lot of Bibles back in those days. Only about 300 or so complete copies of Scripture were extant circa 1200 AD, and, yes, they were chained to posts, for the same reason that the peasants in the big cities today chain their bicycles to posts.
Like the papacy of yore, the Sheeple of today are often their own worst enemy. My grandparents should have known that "Social Security" is neither social nor would it offer any security. If the government is giving you something, you know there has got to be a catch. The response, from the getgo, to everything from dog licences to building codes to farming subsidies should have been not simply "no", but "HELL NO!"
Needless to say, when the World War One Veterans stormed Washington to get their pension payments, they should have burned the place to the ground when MacArthur and Eisenhower were arrayed against them. My Great Uncle was part of that protest, and he always resented the gov't afterward.
(It looks like Washington will have to be burned to the ground sooner or later. I prefer the Ruskies or the ChiComs do the job, but if there are any leaders out there looking for a few good men... I be available.)
Donald, Your book sounds both incredibly interesting and important.
From today's write-up, I especially appreciate this: "There is nothing sacred, or spiritual, about being poor. With all the wealth at our disposal, it’s criminal that poverty still exists."
I appreciate that, Katherine. "Survival of the Richest" received the most critical praise of any of my books. But even having Naomi Wolf write the Foreword to the paperback didn't result in that many sales. I'm very proud of it. Thanks!
As I was reading an article by Kelleigh Nelson this morning, it began with the following quote: "If you want to know about governments, all you need to know is two words: —Governments lie. I.F.Stone, investigative journalist" Sometimes the simplest expressions about factions (Special Interest Groups) can be both truthful and factual, something that cannot be permitted in that world of magical thinking the would be rulers and leaders absolutely abhor..
After inheriting a copy of Nancy Isenburg's "The 400 Year Old Story of Class in America" seeing the prevailing seven deadly sins that God's law is against, but codified into cancel culture morality, so that any absurdity can be war gamed, by warfare/lawfare by a wicked and adulterous generation that seeks after a sign. Since I view God as apolitical, this world is divided by those who want to share in the spoils system that destroys their neighbors, and ignore the Natural law that can never be abolished in the hearts of men. If, as it is written; The fear of the Lord is to hate and eschew evil, pride and arrogance (a clear sign of mental illness and source of cognitive dissonance), then the fear of men or devils operates to disparage the Gospel Truth in teaching that "men can save themselves". which begs the question, to what end. If God chooses not to help us, he might have his reasons.
Good points, Clyde. The problem in our modern society is that an ever increasing number of people simply can't make without some kind of help. Families would obviously be optional, but they are largely dysfunctional and not an option for most in need. So many fewer mental hospitals, while there are so many more people who have some kind of mental illness. Look at all the kids on the autism spectrum, which has exploded since they started mandating all those vaccines. We have to have some kind of safety net for these millions of people, who will not be able to function as totally independent adults. Anyway, people know why Huey Long is my all time political hero. Thanks.
"This was not available in the latter part of Tudor England"...because war was raged against the monasteries, and many were razed to the ground (I made a pilgrimage to the ruins of Glastonbury in 1999). Since Halloween is a day away...here is a little tidbit. Elizabeth I outlawed souling in England. Before her, in English villages on November 1st and 2nd ( feasts of All Saints and All Souls) folks went door to door offering prayers in exchange for sweet buns ( soul cakes) a custom that still lingers to this day as trick-or-treating. Despite being illegal, the custom, never completely died out in rural Britain.
Thanks for sharing that, Kris!
Same in Germany. The name "Halloween" comes from "All Hallowed Eve" as it is the Vigil before the Feast of All Saints. (Just as "Christmas Eve" is the vigil before Christmas.) What is interesting is that, while the roots of the "Reformation" were vastly different in Germany and England, the Modus Operandi was exactly the same, and the Monasteries, which had benefited the poor and the infirmed for generations, were ruthlessly sacked and plundered, and robbed of their infrastructure. Vassal and Clerical Corruption was replaced by the corruption of the merchants and " businessmen". The poor got a new boss, same as the old boss with one difference- the new boss would not abide family customs that had at least given the peasants something to look forward to for generation. (In Tudor England, the biggest howl was when the Rogation Days were banned. The farmers were afraid that if the Priest did not bless their crops, God would curse the ground.)
I follow this couple on YT who travel to many small towns across America. The poverty is astounding, very sad and shameful. The houses are absolutely trashed where Mother Nature has taken over. Money for wars, to support other countries, money laundering, all these more important than us illegals, now this Green New Deal. Like THAT is going to do a hell of a lot of good.
Just because someone has a dollar more than me doesn't make that person elite. I hope they don't break their arms while patting themselves on the back. God won't care who owns what when their time has come, and it will.
That sounds very interesting, Fran. Do you know the name of their YT channel? Thanks!
Yes, its Joe and Nic's Road Trip. Here is the link to part of their DECAYING AMERICA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYBz9fcdnUU
I have spent a great deal of time in third and fourth world countries (I was once taken to task for calling the countries that by a leftist. The correct term is undeveloped) and the poverty is gut wrenching. I was glad and felt lucky by accident of birth to be from western civilization, the only civilization that lifted people out of that poverty and serf dom. Now I can see efforts to return us to the feudal system. Everything is aligned in that direction. From usury to D.I.E. to education (idiocracy) to agenda 2030 to things I don't even know yet.
Yes, wilson, there used to be those kinds of stark differences between the undeveloped nations and America the Beautiful. Now are America 2.0, the world's wealthiest Banana Republic. Thanks!
Donald, with all respect, I don’t understand what you are saying. There are still stark differences between the third world and America. At least there was the last time I was in Haiti and Central America which wasn’t that long ago. And yes I understand the America the beautiful point. I also understand that America is headed in that direction, I think I understand that anyway.
It's going to take a mighty effort to get the Liberal Socialist out of John Jeffries (Just as much effort to get the Opera out of the Fat Lady) but it's worth the effort.
First off, you have to realize that the Narrative for the Dark Ages has been written by the same Court Historians that gave us "Honest Abe". Now, it is rightly said that the Monastics in England provided for the destitute, and that they did, and Good Queen Bess turned "Reformed England" under "Cramner's Godly Order" into the first Absolutist Hell. (It is the Model for those "Dark Ages".)
In Medieval Times, it was not the Peasants that usually fared the worst, but the Middle Management Lords and Counts. We have a saying: Don't Count Your Chickens until they've hatched. The Medieval Kings had to be careful not to hatchet their counts before they chickened. And that includes the popes. Many a count was excommunicated and placed under interdict because they would not support the pontiff in the latest series of alliances against the Bad Guy of the Day- usually either the Holy Roman Emperor or the King of France- depending on whom was more powerful.
Now, without a doubt, the Banksters were running things in those days. The three centers were Genoa, Venice, and Pisa. They played Popes against Kings and Emperors, involving clerics, nobles, and mercenaries in an endless series of wars while maintaining a balance of power between Germany, France, and the Papacy.
Incidentally, when the Pope was selling those famous indulgences that Martin Luther was protesting and Tetzel was merchandising, the Bank of Fugger, the lender to the church bishoprics, had a representative at the church service to make sure they got their cut. Not only were church and state not separate, but the banks were not as well.
Back in those dark ages, the Peasant basically had his dog, his cabin, and his fire, along with the wife and some children, and was not usually troubled. He was something that came along with the package- like the castle and the cows and the pasture and the tithes. Also, back then the peasants usually did not handle money. Their investiture was usually ten chickens or a gallon of cream or 5 bushels of wheat or a keg of cider- depending on the occupation.
I don't know about swearing oaths on Bibles- because there were not really a whole lot of Bibles back in those days. Only about 300 or so complete copies of Scripture were extant circa 1200 AD, and, yes, they were chained to posts, for the same reason that the peasants in the big cities today chain their bicycles to posts.
Like the papacy of yore, the Sheeple of today are often their own worst enemy. My grandparents should have known that "Social Security" is neither social nor would it offer any security. If the government is giving you something, you know there has got to be a catch. The response, from the getgo, to everything from dog licences to building codes to farming subsidies should have been not simply "no", but "HELL NO!"
Needless to say, when the World War One Veterans stormed Washington to get their pension payments, they should have burned the place to the ground when MacArthur and Eisenhower were arrayed against them. My Great Uncle was part of that protest, and he always resented the gov't afterward.
(It looks like Washington will have to be burned to the ground sooner or later. I prefer the Ruskies or the ChiComs do the job, but if there are any leaders out there looking for a few good men... I be available.)
My hero IS Huey Long, WW. Thanks.
Donald, Your book sounds both incredibly interesting and important.
From today's write-up, I especially appreciate this: "There is nothing sacred, or spiritual, about being poor. With all the wealth at our disposal, it’s criminal that poverty still exists."
I appreciate that, Katherine. "Survival of the Richest" received the most critical praise of any of my books. But even having Naomi Wolf write the Foreword to the paperback didn't result in that many sales. I'm very proud of it. Thanks!
As I was reading an article by Kelleigh Nelson this morning, it began with the following quote: "If you want to know about governments, all you need to know is two words: —Governments lie. I.F.Stone, investigative journalist" Sometimes the simplest expressions about factions (Special Interest Groups) can be both truthful and factual, something that cannot be permitted in that world of magical thinking the would be rulers and leaders absolutely abhor..
After inheriting a copy of Nancy Isenburg's "The 400 Year Old Story of Class in America" seeing the prevailing seven deadly sins that God's law is against, but codified into cancel culture morality, so that any absurdity can be war gamed, by warfare/lawfare by a wicked and adulterous generation that seeks after a sign. Since I view God as apolitical, this world is divided by those who want to share in the spoils system that destroys their neighbors, and ignore the Natural law that can never be abolished in the hearts of men. If, as it is written; The fear of the Lord is to hate and eschew evil, pride and arrogance (a clear sign of mental illness and source of cognitive dissonance), then the fear of men or devils operates to disparage the Gospel Truth in teaching that "men can save themselves". which begs the question, to what end. If God chooses not to help us, he might have his reasons.
Good points, Clyde. The problem in our modern society is that an ever increasing number of people simply can't make without some kind of help. Families would obviously be optional, but they are largely dysfunctional and not an option for most in need. So many fewer mental hospitals, while there are so many more people who have some kind of mental illness. Look at all the kids on the autism spectrum, which has exploded since they started mandating all those vaccines. We have to have some kind of safety net for these millions of people, who will not be able to function as totally independent adults. Anyway, people know why Huey Long is my all time political hero. Thanks.
The Second presentation is VERY informative. Thank you for the information.