Aug 26Liked by Donald Jeffries

Faster Than A Speeding Hypersonic Weapon, more Powerful than the US Supreme Court, and able to leap the Pacific Ocean in a Single Bound... It's a Bat, it's a Wuhan Fish Market... It's... THE PLANDEMIC COVID SPIKEBALL!!

In CS Lewis' Screwtape Letters, the Master Devil knowingly tells his pupils that "Human Stupidity May have limits, but after six thousand years we have not found them yet."

(By the way, I missed the Swine Flu National Emergency in 2009. If there were indeed 59 million cases, none of them were anywhere near my neighborhood.)

Yes, I do remember the Great Toilet Paper Scare. That was when I decided to quit using Toilet Paper. I find that using a washcloth means I am much cleaner. Without being disgusting, I can say that Toilet Paper is like National Politics- it excels at spreading stuff around, rather than cleaning it up.

The Plandemic did not get rid of Trump, but it did do a great job on local businesses, many of which shuttered permanently.

You could not sing in the Choir, but you could shop at Walmart.

You could not go to the tavern for a drink, but you could get an abortion or a tatoo.

But if the Plandemic had a silver lining, it is that people learned that Horse Paste is more effective than Vaccines.

Horray for small victories.

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I am STILL trying to figure out why the medical community played along. At our local hospital, it was business as usual. You would have expected to see exhausted staff splayed out in any available chair or frantically running about. My perspective, understandably, is different from the average person, having been in the medical field. However, lowly medic that I am, I could clearly see there was no emergency. No constant sirens- like we hear NOW! No traffic jam of ambulances at the ER. Nothing! I suppose I have to be a bit understanding of the general public, but RN's, doctors, ETC, should have seen this was nonsense. How do they live with themselves??

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Your inside perspective is especially valued, Stephanie. Thanks!

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Aug 26Liked by Donald Jeffries

I have witnessed, including currently, those that wear face diapers walking, riding a bike, and the best one, driving alone in a vehicle. Wait until the New Killer, MonkeyPox, hits the sails.. Africa can take the blame on this one. The one song that comes to my mind right now is the Monkees signature tune - its what our government does best - Monkey Around!

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I CONSTANTLY see the mask-wearing fools out and about in my neighborhood on the South Side of Chicago. Blacks, goodwhites, Hispanics, Orientals, fats, you name it. It has especially become a cult symbol among progressive lefties and black thugs. They're still wearing those damn masks!!!

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They're probably trying to hide the fact that they don't brush their teeth. Most don't even bathe, so I am noticing more and more. Doesn't matter what age either. Notice too how they can't even wash their hands after using the bathroom. Yes, they ARE fools! They can keep their psychotic selves far away from me.

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Aug 27Liked by Donald Jeffries

Due to its global scale, the “super nothing” that was the “super bug” was the ultimate simulation, a fully scripted fairy tale that started out as a tabletop event organized and run by adult children in NYC on October 18, 2019 and that then went “live” three months later with the help of NWO gov’ts.

Simulations now constitute the “news,” fake events about “imaginary hobglobins” (great quote from Menken, btw) that are dished out via TV to a cluelessly captivated audience thoroughly saturated by media. And so we can rightly call the Corona Fake a total “media virus,” a product entirely of cultural conditioning via the TV. The controllers lie with fake statistics, which are the numerical accompaniment to the visual and that today pass for “intelligence,” thus adding weight to any of their false claims of a “pandemic.” The visuals are lies and the statistics are lies. All lies.

But people believe them because the global culture is now one that is fully Hollywoodized, whereby anything that is merely broadcast as “news” and thus said to be “real” will be mindlessly treated as such. This is how far gone people are today. Critical thought has been replaced by media (aka Big Brother). Let the TV, the platform via which media and gov’t work closely together to concoct and spew propaganda, tell you what to believe, what to think, and what to do. Truly an amazing transformation of a once-thinking people into utter zombies.

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