Aug 15Liked by Donald Jeffries

Once upon a time I was a bona fide sheeple. When I was a teenager my pride and joy hanging from the ceiling was a huge 1/48 scale B-29 Stratofortress, in one corner was the B-17 Flying Fortress, probably the most recognizable plane from WW2, and the B-24 "Liberator". (It was a Liberator all right- it liberated souls from their mortal bodies, raining death from the skies.) On my shelf were scale models of every plane that flew in WW2, from the Japanese Zero to the German Messerschmidt, and the 18 or so designs the USA threw into the skies to defeat 'Dem Evil Nazis. I also had every ship featured in the Movie Sink the Bismarck. Yes, I was totally in love with war. We were the Good Guys, the Fearless Christians making the World safe for the Sweet Polly Purebreds and the Lois Lanes.

Only much later, after the turn of the century, would the grim truth sink in. My initial reaction was anger- anger that I had been so thoroughly deceived by Bottom Dwelling Mudsuckers posing as virtuous men. (Some of them, like Cardinal Spellman, even presuming to wear clerical garb.)

But they were all in on it. Pearl Harbor was a joint exercise planned on both sides of the Pacific- and Atlantic, for that matter. WW2 was in many ways the final death knell for what remained of Christendom, which had been dismembered by the Triple Entente following the Great War of 1914. And what came after was the mopping-up operation. Rhodesia. South Afrika. Biafra. Somalia. Pengow. (most people don't know half those places exist, let alone can they find them on a map.) Mark Twain was wrong. God did not invent war. The Demons invented War. War is the Devils Crown Jewel- the ultimate in "legalized" murder. In WW2 both sides- at least the soldiers on the ground- thought their cause was justified. One might argue, and many do, that the German cause was noble- trying to defend Eastern Europe from the murderous Bolsheviks. One could make the case the war against England and France was only fought reluctantly, after provocation from both said countries. Of course, for Japan, the words of Smedley Butler ring true- that war was a racket. And what a racket! The Japanese looted treasure from China, Burma, and throughout the Pacific Rim. It was transferred to the Philippines, and from there found it way into the coffers of the CIA, for their "Black Ops".

The ugly truth is out there, but getting harder to research by the day. And meanwhile, the Internet Shills have turned Truth into a Racket. Talk about the buyers and sellers in the temple! Google and the Cyber-Economy are built on the keystrokes of an army of "truthers" some close to the target, others just experimenting to see what half-awake sheeple will swallow.

But buy them a coffee, and don't let their BMWs run out of gas.

God help us with what lies ahead.

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Brilliant analysis, WW. As Harry Patch, the last surviving WWI soldier put it, "War is organized murder and nothing else." Thanks!

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My eyes were opened in 1989 by the simple question, “If an act is immoral when an individual does it, how does it become moral when a government does it?” Theft (taxation), extortion (permits and licensing), homicide/genocide (war), etc. spring to mind.

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There is such a thing as a "Just War" which is essentially an act of collective self defense. But America was founded on the premise that "Might Makes Right". America was also founded on the premise of "Separation of Church and State". The problem there is what sort of religion is the state going to have. For a State must have a religion. A "non-denominational" state is as great an absurdity as a day with no weather. Just imagine your meteorologist saying: "There will be no weather today..." Basically, the religion of America is gnostic, and the New Pantheon is the "Founding Fathers" all of whom were agnostic, if not downright Satanists.

While both the Catholic and Protestant Kings of the Post-Reformation world left a LOT to be desired, as they were essentially hippocrits, they could at least appeal to the foundation of the Ten Commandments. With the dawn of Communism, the New Commandments became the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and etc, and men quickly discovered that the letter of the law is quite elastic, and they can get it to mean practically the opposite of what it says, without batting an eyelash.

And you have hit the nail on the head- for quite some time now, we have lived in a land of institutionalized crime. Landowners are deprived of their property, all in the name of taking from the "haves" and giving to the "have nots" Even Don Jeffries believes, to a certain extant, in this "Social Darwanism". Now I get that we have the big "Robber Barons" who built rail and steel and oil monopolies, aggregating huge swaths of the modern economy to themselves and using unfair practices to destroy "competition". The solution that was proposed to us is "Big Gubbermint" to whip them boys in line. But the Robber Barons just simply got control and use the government as a "revolving door" for their vassals. The real solution is the elimination of these institutional tyrannies and a return of authority to parents and local leaders with real skills, knowhow, and intelligence. Now, of course, things won't be perfect... we will have to deal with warlords and petty dictats until the crack of doom... but the Law of God might just permeate society, and chivalry might live again... please God.


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Aug 16Liked by Donald Jeffries

I disagree with St Augustine and his “just war” teaching which has been exalted by both Rome and her bastard children, the Protestants. (Can you name an aggressor who has not claimed, “He hit me first”?)

The Last Day will come when the Great Commission is fulfilled, and as long as men and women defend the City of Man rather choose than martyrdom, the fallen sons of God rejoice in the abeyance of their judgement.

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I agree, G. Alan. As Benjamin Franklin said, there is no such thing as a good war or a bad peace. Thanks!

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So essentially what you are saying is that if two armed men are invading your home full of six children, that husband and wife cannot grab their shotguns and defend the home. Is not that a "war" writ small? And would not their actions be justified? So now in place of the home you have a city, and in place of the two armed men you have invading barbarians, and in place of husband and wife you have the defending posse. Are not their defensive actions justified?

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The standard canard. At least be original, Wolf!

If you were celebrating Holy Mass with your family and friends in 125AD and Roman soldiers burst in, would you grasp for swords or die as martyrs? (Would you even bring a sword to Mass?)

I’m sorry, I’m Orthodox in my faith, and believe my home is also a sanctuary of Christ, with an altar, candles, and incense where we pray to the God Most High. It doesn’t matter if we’re cooking or playing Yahtzee, it’s still a holy place where Christ is king.

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Against the Satanic Pederasts there is no surrender, no quarter, and no mercy. Yes, my home too is a sanctuary for the Mother of Sorrows, and a Monastery to Christ the King. And yes, were it me, a martyr's death is glorious. But the Cristeros were fighting for Holy Mexico, it is said that Our Lord was riding a White Horse, routing the Federalis. And Colonel Moscada of the Alcazar, against all odds, and the women and children with him, would not surrender, but fought to the last. The communists even captured his son, and bid him surrender to save his life, and the Colonel bade his son to die with honor, because with our enemy there is no honor, no code, no principle, no commandment, and no scruples. They think only of rape, of plunder, of pillage, of murder, and of destruction. Were another way possible, I would advocate it. But the Just War is true, and was fought by Israel in the Old Testament. Same God. Same Religion. Same commandments. Same Salvation History. And so before the Icons, will I fight, should God will, to save the women and the children. They will die after me, and under me.

Viva Cristo Rey.

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“rather than choose” I hate that Substack doesn’t permit editing. Oh well. I imagine that prior to 2028, Substack will be gone, a victim of censorship.

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Note that you CAN edit. I do it all the time. Click on the little ellipsis menu to the right of the "Like/Reply/Share" line and select.

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16Liked by Donald Jeffries

How about the hundreds of U.S. air attacks conducted this century in the Middle East, with 1000s of civilians killed, always the true victims of our modern "wars" (usually conducted by joystick-wielding "warriors" parked comfortably in leather chairs in a/c'd rooms far away from the areas of "combat")?

So just via drone in the years 2001–2017, there were 620 strikes, courtesy of two stooges in chief, Dubya Bush (57 total during his glorious two-term presidency) and the great CIA “change” agent, Barack Obama (563 total during his eight years; 246 in his first three).

Many of the strikes targeted wedding parties and funerals! Only true psychopaths could do such things. Some of the few notable of the deadliest drone strikes in which civilians were killed:

1. Uruzgan wedding bombing (Afghanistan) on July 1, 2002 that killed 54 civilians.

2. Haska Meyna wedding party airstrike (Afghanistan) on July 6, 2008 that killed 47, including…wait for it…the bride! According to Wikipedia, “The targeted group was escorting a bride to a wedding ceremony in the groom's village in Haska Meyna District of Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan.”

3. Wech Baghtu wedding party airstrike (Afghanistan) on November 7, 2008, one of Dubya’s last great acts as POTUS. 37 killed, including…wait for it…23 children and 10 women! That’s some seriously precise targeting of combatants, ain’t it?

4. Just three days in office, on January 23, 2009, Obama orders an air attack on Waziristan (“two separate attacks by 5 missiles fired from drones”; Wikipedia) in which 19 people, all civilians, were killed. Deaths included four children. Nobel Prize Winner Obama starts his presidency strong.

5. U.S. drone strike in Waziristan (Pakistan) on June 22, 2009 that “kills at least 150-180 civilians (including children) who were attending a funeral and were peacefully gathered.” (Wikipedia)

Did you get that last one? 180 civilians killed attending a funeral! Some seriously sick ^%#* there. As great a mass murder as could be imagined, and Obama is now treated to long applause when he attends an NBA finals game (https://www.nbcsportsbayarea.com/nba/golden-state-warriors/barack-obama-attends-nba-finals-game-2-between-raptors-warriors/1346041/).

6. Makeen airstrike (Pakistan) on June 23, 2009 that kills at least 80 civilians, “many of whom were attending the funerals of people killed in the air strikes earlier in the day” (!).

And how ‘bout that one? Another targeting of a funeral, this one for victims of the drone strike on the PREVIOUS day. 80 innocents killed.

The glorious U.S. military has, of course, been everywhere this century conducting killing operations. In Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia from 2009–2016, independent estimates suggest that “civilians made up between 7.27% to 15.47% of deaths in U.S. drone strikes.” Over 1,000 civilians killed in Pakistan. How about the Iraq War of 2003–2011? Estimates based on the Iraq Body Count site: 14,404 civilians killed!

Yemen, Somalia, and Pakistan were favorite targets of Obama and he approved all of the strikes. Acc. to Wiki, “Obama's approval was required for every strike in Yemen and Somalia, as well as ‘the more complex and risky strikes in Pakistan’ (about one-third of the total as of 2012).”

The numbers of civilian deaths “reported” by always-trustworthy Western sources are alone obscene, but of course the actual numbers are probably much higher (numbers always being purposely underreported -- i.e., reduced for propaganda purposes -- when killing operations under the DOD and its affiliates are conducted; cf. vaccine deaths during the Covid War on civilians).

Just gettin’ it done, aren't you guys? Protectin' our freedoms. Respect (not).

And people wonder why I hate the U.S. military. (That comment alone probably worth a drone strike on my compound.)

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Great points, Rob. Thanks!

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Aug 15Liked by Donald Jeffries

Its their handlers, Don. You know, Rothschilds, et al. I've said it years ago and will continue to say it - America will be the military police force of the world and we slaves will keep working to support their murders.

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Aug 15Liked by Donald Jeffries

Does the “Rothchilds, et al..” excuse the average American who gets excited and whoops it up when the air force does a flyover at a sportsball game? Who puts multiple ‘Murican flags in the bed of his pickup truck? Who parrots “Thank you for your ‘service’”? (The combat vets that I know HATE what they did. Guys who “served” in the rear wear their “service” with pride.)

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They don't call it "The Chair Force" for nothing. The Pentagon has a hundred thousand bureaucrats and just about as many lobbyists. They have more lawyers than sergeants.

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Aug 15Liked by Donald Jeffries

Another good article Donald! Just reflecting on the language of the "Leiber Code" and the idol we call "The United States" or The Report on Iron Mountain declaring that "War is the primary social system, and everything else is secondary" as well as their "Herd Management" analysis is always indicative that "The rich men of the earth" are mimicked by the perpetual "Hunger Games" that they like all pagans demand sacrifice, Just the opposite of what Jesus called for. The sycophants who sell out their neighbors for a bowl of pottage will not escape the evil to come. That in the fact that God doesn't make threats, he only keeps his promises.

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Thanks, Clyde!

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Aug 15·edited Aug 15Liked by Donald Jeffries

I love Mark Twain quips, and the one above has got to be one of his best. Somehow I missed that one. Thanks.

I've been harping about Mosaddegh and Lumumba for years...but I recently gave up...because how do you explain this stuff to folks who think Africa is a country, have never even heard of the Congo, and who's fuzzy perception of Iran is just cranky old bearded men in turbans? It is timely that you repost this now. From the comment section of your site, I get the feeling that you have a lot of new readers, drawn to your writing because the craziness you write about has become so blatant, even normies can no longer ignore it. Many seem out to sea trying to put the puzzle pieces together. These things have been going on since America began...just not so in-your-face. Your new readers need a tutorial...and you do it so eloquently.

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Thanks, Kris!

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Yes, it all started with Lincoln. A total tyrant!

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Aug 15Liked by Donald Jeffries

Lincoln had a lot of help, from what I gather. Between Sheridan and Sherman, West Point must have had some real hosers at some point...

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I'll have more about Lincoln and his generals in my upcoming "American Memory Hole," WW, but also explore the precursor to Lincoln's "Total War" and "Scorched Earth" strategy, by detailing some atrocities from the Mexican-American War. Thanks!

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Hope you have a write-up on the San Patricio Battalion. Looking forward to the release of the book. It is at the top of my bucket list.

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Aug 15Liked by Donald Jeffries

He was like an abusive husband—“You’re mine and I’ll beat you until you come back to me.”

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Aug 17Liked by Donald Jeffries

Great piece Don! I was born in 1955, we have been in some kind of military aggression my entire life. I can't say we have been at war because all these aggressions have NEVER been declared war by our Congress.

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Great point, Robin. Thanks!

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Aug 16Liked by Donald Jeffries

Donald, there are far fewer “amens” to this article than there are to most of your essays. Is it because conservatives/traditionalists love war? That they want The Donald to attack Iran on behalf of Bibi’s ethnic cleansing?

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That's because this is my backup Substack, which I use to post older articles. It has far fewer subscribers. Thanks.

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Aug 15Liked by Donald Jeffries

America is no longer a country—it’s an empire. War and the threat of war are what empires do.

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America never was a country. It was a creation of the British East India Company.

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Aug 16Liked by Donald Jeffries

I think Tulsi Gabbard has finally figured out that she's been betrayed. I wish someone in the media would PUH- LEEZE ask her about why she joined Klaus Schawb's Young Global Leaders? Maybe she never did? Maybe Klaus just used her name? Maybe she made a mistake and now she's learned what scum the WEF is? I'd like to know because I like Tulsi. She has a lot of positive military experience.

Likewise, Willie Nelson's kid Lukas Nelson is plastered all over Young Global Leaders Web site. No one has done more good in the world , helped so many causes and been fucked over so many times as Willie Nelson. I can't imagine WHY his kid Lukas would join YGL? IDK. Lukas Nelson was mentored by Neil Young...who definitely has had some issues over the years.

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I have a soft spot for Tulsi, too, Liber8or. I know all about her background, but she sure sounds good in comparison to almost all the others. She was really the lone sane Democrat left in public office. I didn't know that about Willie's boy. I remember when Willie would talk 9/11 truth with Alex Jones. Yes, Neil Young, like Springsteen and so many other artists I admired, really showed his true colors during the COVID psyop. Thanks!

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Aug 17·edited Aug 17

Willie Nelson was pushing the suicide shots. NO ONE receives fame and fortune unless they pledge allegiance to the globalist parasites. Dolly Parton and Willie Nelson were semi obscure country singers for decades, when both were catapulted to mainstream fame in the 1978-1980 time period. Both starred in their first films in 1980 (Honeysuckle Rose was the last film I saw in a cinema -and I don't feel like I've missed anything-also saved a bunch of money). My theory is both went through some satanic ritual in 1978, pledging allegiance to the NWO...maybe it was the same ceremony. Parton seems to have millions to give away for death vaxes and other causes. I think the globalists use her as a front to fund their causes. I get sickened just hearing their names...and I say that as someone who liked Nelson enough to go to his concerts pre-1980.

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Aug 17·edited Aug 17

I might add, that there was another established country singer who was given the same treatment during those years...but nothing ever came of it. I vividly remember the "makeover" of Tanya Tucker in 1979. A new album (TNT) with a completely new sound...featuring a racy (at the time) picture of her on the cover. However, Tanya never received the Dolly treatment. She never starred in a major motion picture, and never became a household name like the other two. I believe she was made an offer that she turned down.

All Young Global Leaders know EXACTLY what they have sold their souls for. This is the entire premise of Satanism going back to The Garden story. Satan can tempt and use trickery, but people must CHOOSE EVIL by their own free will. The whole point of human life is a test...will one chose earthly pleasures, and eventually lose in the end ...or will one take the narrow way? In my own personal cosmology, this test has gone on for countless lifetimes...but now we face the final winnowing. If one has arrived at this time, and is still completely unaware that they are in a test, that means they have been squandering opportunities to advance, all along. I'm sorry, but I have no sympathy for the "good" people who were tricked into taking the suicide vax. Apparently they had more important things to be doing, than thinking about the meaning of their lives and the future of their souls.

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