Note: This is another in a continuing series of previously published articles. Please subscribe to my primary Substack here:
On this Memorial Day, there will be ceremonies all across America, honoring our brave soldiers in uniform, and thanking them for their service in our perpetual wars. Every politician will honor them, and speak of our disastrous escapades in other sovereign countries in hushed tones of reverence. That’s the essence of our “bipartisan” foreign policy.
Americans are inexorably “shocked and awed” by the incalculable expenditure of their own money in these pointless exercises of military might, but not in a rational, outraged way. Instead, they become like giddy fan boys pointing to the sky as the latest powerful aircraft conducts a fly over. Somehow, this brings them a sense of pride. It makes them feel safe, I suppose, from the various bogeymen we are always advised are out there seething because they “hate our freedom.”
Americans also have a strange reaction to the mind-numbing amount of human beings lost in these nonstop conflicts abroad. They allow these poor souls to be made into “heroes” who “fought for our freedom.” I would like someone to give me a single example of a U.S. soldier “defending freedom” in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, or anywhere else we have unwisely committed troops to in the last fifty years. In my next book, I will document many of the “heroic” deeds of our boys in uniform, in “good” wars like the Civil War and World War II.
While the deep state has succeeded in getting the vast majority of Americans to worship those who waste their money and kill innocent civilians abroad, they are okay with these soldiers getting inadequate health care once they return to our shores. And as I demonstrated in Hidden History, they have absolutely no interest in finding those purposefully left behind in Korea, Vietnam, or anywhere else as POWs or MIAs. They are simply discarded down the memory hole.
Exactly what is the point of American foreign policy? What are we attempting to accomplish in Iraq? In Afghanistan? In Syria? In Iran? If you discount the “sneak” attack on Pearl Harbor, which I will demonstrate in the upcoming Crimes and Cover-Ups In America: 1776-1963, was a false flag arranged by our own government, then this country has not been attacked by another since the War of 1812. We should only be fighting wars of defense, and only be concerned about protecting our shores.
Instead, all of America’s wars have been wars of aggression. They are never presented that way, of course. Invariably, some “dictator” or “madman” is accused of raping and pillaging, of bayoneting babies or throwing them out of incubators, and our wise and tolerant leaders are forced reluctantly to respond. Their motives are always pure, to spread “freedom” to the rest of the world, and to stop “tyrants” from abusing their own people. “Atrocities” are something other nations commit.
It took Americans to invent the concept of “war crimes.” This started with the legal lynching of Henry Wirz, the commandant of the confederate prisoner of war camp at Andersonville, Georgia. The confederates couldn’t feed their own populace (thanks largely to the “scorched earth” strategy of the “good guys” in blue, who were burning all their crops), so how could they be expected to have much food for their own prisoners of war? As I will show in my book, the confederates attempted not only to swap prisoners with the North, but eventually to just release their own prisoners, but the “good guys” refused to permit it.
Following World War II, this “war crimes” thing became standard operating procedure for the “good guys.” My book will be full of quotes at the time criticizing the Nuremberg Trials for what they were; an outrageous abuse of any notion of “justice.” And again, the inconsistencies are everywhere; why were some Nazis hung, while others went on under Operation Paperclip to become integral parts of our glorious military industrial complex?
The estimates for those killed in the Civil War have ranged from over 600,000 to more than 800,000. A whole generation of young southern males, especially, was essentially sacrificed on Abraham Lincoln’s sacred “altar of freedom.” The same altar, of course, his own son avoided by remaining safely at Harvard until the very end of the war, when he was given a cushy position that kept him far from any field of battle.
World War I, the “Great War” or “The War to End all Wars,” sacrificed more than 18 million young souls upon Lincoln’s blasphemous “altar.” I have yet to hear anyone, court historian or layperson, provide a rational reason for World War I. It was simply a massive bloodshed, which served no purpose other than to replenish the parasitic appetite of powerful bankers, and to make or increase fortunes for the elite, as shown by the great advocate of peace General Smedley Butler.
High-end estimates for total deaths in World War II run to more than 80 million. Of these, in excess of 50 million were civilians. Think about that; the majority of those who died in this “good” war weren’t in uniform, and were fighting no one. I will cover Allied atrocities quite a bit in my new book. The boys of the “greatest generation” certainly did us proud as they “defended freedom” in Africa, and at Normandy, and put an exclamation point on their heroics by dropping atomic bombs on an utterly defeated Japan. But the court historians tell us this was done in order to “save lives,” in perfect Orwellian fashion.
When then Bradley Manning exposed the shameful behavior of US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, he was quickly branded a “traitor” and thrown in prison. Most Americans still think he was wrong to reveal just how our boys were “defending freedom” over there. You know, like playing soccer with decapitated human heads, and killing dogs for fun. And rape. Lots of rape. That’s something that seems to be a byproduct of every war, and American troops are, and have historically been, no different than the boys representing the “bad guys” in these perpetual battles.
Whether it’s Barack Obama, or Donald Trump, or any other American politician, we will inevitably hear homages to those “who gave their lives for us all” on Memorial Day. After all, this is their holiday. Sure, the government and most private businesses get a three day weekend out of it, but the public praise is all theirs. I’m sure that those who lay in shoddy veterans hospitals and await their less than stellar treatment, for injuries attained in their quest to “defend freedom,” take a great deal of solace in this political rhetoric.
The parents of those killed in our military actions understandably accept the nonsensical official narrative that their children were “heroes” who made the “ultimate sacrifice” for all of us. We saw what happened when Pat Tillman’s brother tried to point this out at his memorial service, and how quickly he was whisked off the public stage. Can’t have anyone talk about the prevalence of friendly fire. Can’t have anyone raining on our nonstop patriotic parade.
Many of us will enjoy a holiday with a fine barbecue. Families will get together, and probably someone in every group will throw a bone to the brave troops who collectively are being worshiped for carrying out a vicious, misguided foreign policy. Few anywhere will even hint at what I’m saying here.
Even most anti-war activists will advise us that they “support the troops.” Does this mean they support their senseless killing, raping and pillaging? Aren’t we thereby giving our approval to the immoral, diabolical leaders who give them their orders?
They’re looking for a few good men. And women, too. The military builds character. Before we start chanting “USA! USA!” let’s all remember to thank and each and every soldier, past and present, for their “service.”
I was an enlisted in the Navy. I served aboard an aircraft carrier. It was peacetime but the ship was an industrial environment and a floating gas tank. When anyone thanks me for my service I thank them but tell them it was the worst experience of my life. On a positive note I earned a college degree which was paid for by Uncle Sam. Now that I am older I see what a scam our foreign interventions are and really appreciate people like you discussing our ridiculous foreign policy. Bless you and your readers!
I almost got shipped to the Gulf, but had a medical issue that prevented my enlistment until 6 months had passed. (Sometimes my never ending bad luck works in my favor). I saw 3 friends from my Fleet Hospital off that night. My best friend came home and started drinking. She was really messed up and eventually, she blew up at me over nothing, and I've not seen her since. It still hurts... I was in a grocery store and some message thanking us for our 'service' was blaring on the intercom. In keeping with my reserved style, I was yelling like a crazy person about not providing service; all wars are bankers' wars; what freedom are you referring to ETC. The truly sad part? Nobody paid any attention to me.