May 22Liked by Donald Jeffries

Yes, I do remember Antony Scalia's death. It was just a few months after Clown World truly broke out, when the Mainstream Media was not even pretending or trying to be truthful any more. My father died suddenly (but not unexpectedly) after going to bed, and my mother and I found him dead about half an hour later. We called the ambulance, just so that a medical expert could certify he was dead and then a doctor could issue a death certificate for Social Security etc. After the paramedics left they called the police. The cop was very intrusive and was acting like my mother and I were some sort of conspiracy to murder my father. Not that we had any motive, mind you, or that there was any evidence, but only after the medical examiner had said my father died of massive heart failure did the nonsense stop.

So I can contrast that to Antony Scalia being found dead with a pillow over his head and a dumbass backwater Texas County Clerk just writes it off without even an inquest. And the FBI, which you would think would be all over this like a cheap suit, is not even interested. And of course the man is cremated before the sun goes down. That's what all Devout Catholics want.

Nothing to see here, folks, just like there was nothing to see at Dealy Plaza, Oklahoma City, Manhattan...

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May 22Liked by Donald Jeffries

It's another of the Ford Family of Fine Products!

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May 22Liked by Donald Jeffries

And people choose to ignore whats going on. Much like the cops and how they are so quick to shoot someone. Dressed up in full military garb. Being bowed to because they pretend to "serve and protect". What a joke. All these people who turn the other cheek are going to have a Come To Jesus moment when it happens to them or a member of their family.

However and whomever, I blame BHO and HRC especially. She loves murder. The Clintons have a LONG list of dirty involvements. I include all these attacks on Trump. Those two families are paid by higher ups. CIA and FBI are also heavily involved. You know, money talks........ No morals or ethics. They forget they will meet St. Peter. Their god is the Devil himself. In the end, they will not win!

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On my "I Protest" podcast this Friday, I will have an ex-cop who was appalled by law enforcement. Thanks, Fran.

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May 23Liked by Donald Jeffries

Really looking forward that, Donald.

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May 22Liked by Donald Jeffries

If I can get to your Podcasts, I am on there under JanesDough. Sometimes I am still working, so not always possible. I'd like to hear what this copper has to say. He should write a book before he gets Clintonized. Or Epsteined. Pick your poison.

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Just for the record, the Clintons were long the cronies for the Bushes. The Shrubbery goes way back- Prescott Bush's Father, if memory serves, was on the Industrial Board during WW1, which was really running things in 1917. (Woodrow Wilson was just a figurehead.) Billy Clinton was just a subsidiary keeping the lid on while Ollie North was running drugs through Mena Arkansas as part of the Pipeline going from Columbia to California, as Gary Webb eventually figured out. For his reward he got to reside at the White House while the Shrubbery enjoyed an interregnum from papa to sonny. (It did get messy- even too messy for the Shrubbery to clean up.)

And yes, eventually, there is going to be Hell to Pay when the proverbial chickens come home to roost. I always said when I was in Kansas City that I did not want to be in town the day the locals did not get their welfare. They will burn the place to the ground. I'm sure the same holds true for DC.

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May 22·edited May 22

I can believe that. Both parties pretending to be against each other while they all go to the same drug and sex parties. Clintons make me sick, especially when I think of how those two little boys were murdered. I do remember how one young fella said that orphaned boys were run in and out of the WH when Pappa Sr. was Prez. Many in DC are Ultra-Pervs. That poor kid committed suicide. When DC burns, I will Praise Jesus and sing it in the streets.

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May 23Liked by Donald Jeffries

In 2003 I met a woman from Arkansas who knew the families of those two boys who were murdered. She said everyone in the area knew the truth.

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You probably know this, Kris, but I became friends with Linda Ives, mother of one of those unfortunate teenage boys found dead on the tracks. She never stopped fighting for the truth, but her health never permitted her to come on my show. She died a few years back, and then shockingly her daughter died months later, very strangely. Thanks.

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May 23Liked by Donald Jeffries

It irks me to no end how HRC thinks all women "like" her. Look at how her husband had so many affairs and raped a couple of women, yet will never see prison, besides all these murders they both are involved in. I hope they both burn the hottest in Hell.

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May 24·edited May 24Liked by Donald Jeffries

List is endless for sure and your piece reminds me of Papa Luciani's death, John Paul I, the 'Smiling Pope' , for the whole of 33 days. Cause of death was officially heart attack, but many were the extremely suspicious things around his death, starting with the fact that he had the fortune of having his closest friend as GP, his health checkups were much more frequent than most and apparently never had any cardiac issues until they started pushing the line of his complaining of chest pains the day before. Of course then his body was rushed to be embalmed immediately upon being discovered, departing from both Vatican protocol and Italian law.

One of if not the most qualified to ever be Pope, for being both extremely educated, committed to living life with rigid ethics, morality, frugality and modesty. During his time as Patriarch of Venezia, he never accepted the papal launch to commute taking the regular 'vaporetto', Venice's version of mass transit, waterbuses, for being wasteful of resources When accepting the decision of the conclave he refused the Papal throne. Chose 'Humility' as his motto. Those traits were noticed and the reason for being selected to be Pope, something he tried hard to refuse and only decided to accept because of the information he became privy to, the Masonic infiltration in the Vatican. One of the many reasons that conspiracies abound is in fact regarding the reading material he was found holding in bed. Officially The Passion of Christ but testimonies given tell he was going through papers containing a list of 120+ Vatican officials known to have been affiliated with secret Masonic lodges.


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Yes, the death of Pope John Paul I was certainly suspicious, Least Serene. At that time, there was a seeming mobster character named Bishop Paul Marcincus, who was running the Vatican bank. There was a good book on the subject, can't remember the name, but I was impressed after reading it. Thanks.

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May 24·edited May 24Liked by Donald Jeffries

Yes, Marcinkus, who grew up in Cicero, IL, fascinated with Al Capone who had been also based there but a a few years earlier. Marcinkus was also the first American who rose to the top of the Vatican and in the 'Vatican Girl' Netflix docuseries he comes out looking as not so unlikely the one responsible for Emanuela Orlandi's disappearance. That was a huge case in Italy back then that carried on for decades and still remains unsolved.

You may be referring to David Yallop's 'In God's Name' from 1984 but many others on the subject came out thru the yrs up until recently

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Yes, it was Yallop's book, Lease Serene. Thanks!

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May 22Liked by Donald Jeffries

From “Fiddler on the Roof”


Leibesh: Is there a proper blessing for the czar?

Rabbi: A blessing for the czar? Of course. May God bless and keep the czar... far away from us.


The only way to be safe in America 2.0 is to stay far away from D.C.!

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The Blessing for DC is very unlike the Blessing for the Czar, but closer to that of incense, something to the effect of "May you emit a pleasing odor to Him in whose honor thou shalt be burned....

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The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).

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May 22Liked by Donald Jeffries

Right on

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Sadly, many (most?) people are intellectually incapable of the complex and stratified levels of analyses that are required for skepticism and the investigation conspiracies, of which there are multitude. It is too painful for the brain to work harder than , binary, team A versus team B thinking. The exercise of power at the level of national and international affairs is, essentially, nothing but massive, interlocking conspiracies. Naively, and with a taste for ancient Greek philosophy, I use to try to school fellow government workers in the notion of Politics as the art of friendship. They "schooled" me back that politics is the art of obsessive and compulsive secrecy, lying, dirty tricks, defamatory murder, directed mobbing and the abuse of power. And this is all covered by conventional, cynically-exercised feel-good myths. In an April 15, 2024 interview of John Mearsheimer by Paul Salvatori regarding the treatment of the Palestinians in Gaza by the Israelis, the two discussants touch on the prospects for international politics to come to be governed by altruism and higher principals. Mearsheimer lays a foundation of the distinction between the guiding compasses of morality and self-interest. He suggests that only on occasion do the two compass needles align. Note, he does not, and this may have been key to his academic survival, Mearsheimer offers analysis: he does not supply imperatives of action for achieving a politics of nobility, nor does his analysis--here at least--offer anything of explanation for the alignment of the compass needles. The reader is left to assume, if desired, that that the occasion those alignments are stochastic. While not explicitly adopting his interviewer's term 'Marchiavellian', Mearsheimer recasts the topic in terms of "rationality," and supplies his personal conclusion that the world operates according to rational, self-interested "reality." Your remembrance of the suspicious death of Supreme Court Justice Scalia at Cibalo Creek Ranch is much appreciated and is very apt at this time. It speaks to the game, and the rules of the game, that those who would ascend to prominence in power politics assume. I have wondered if Justice Scalia knew full well what his trip to Cibalo Ranch meant, just as a condemned man knows what the march from his cell to the execution chamber means.

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The day on which the principles of morality and the self-interest of the Cabal align will be the same day we can sunbathe in Antarctica and all the snow melts off of Kilimanjaro.

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This does seem to be the case.

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