Sep 23Liked by Donald Jeffries

I was following Alex Jones every day at that time (I stopped when he fired David Knight.) and followed all the coverage about Sandy Hook and the Halbig interviews. They were deleted from YouTube. So Jones couldn’t defend himself in the court of public opinion. That mass shooting story inspired me to compile the 2nd Amendment page on my website. http://issuesoutline.org/2nd_amendment_page.htm

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He was doing good work then, Mark. He had Wolfgang on several times. Then pretty much threw him under the bus. Thanks!

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Your page is impressive, there may be a few other additions you could consider about those who insist on "ruling" the people. Innocents Betrayed, https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0414155/ and Beyond Treason which is about the betrayal of American Vets in plain view of everyone who looks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmgIcfMN7UI

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I updated the 2nd Amendment page and found different links to several pages that had been banned or memory holed, including this Jones’ interview with Wolfgang Halbig.


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Sep 23Liked by Donald Jeffries

" Alex Jones was not allowed to raise the First Amendment in his defense. " When it comes to per-meditated murders (think Event 201) and other war games played out by hostile corporate interest, both enumerated and unenumerated "Rights" are as Orwell stated "Vaporized". In real wars, performed in real time, real people die (are sacrificed) to "The Greater Good" of the disembodied franchise called society, among other appellations. Although sometimes the highly squelched poetic justice prevails, (like a rumor about an individual taking out a swat team with a handgun) the one's who demand control of the narrative will never cede power back to the people to whom it rightfully belongs short of being wrested back from them in the only language they understand.

They have no issues with killing the innocent to further their nefarious plans, but when the hunted turns hunter, there will quite literally be "hell to pay". You only get to choose until you have no choice.

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Marysvillle Pilchuck High School shooting published before it started, porta potty on scene outside school property, and refreshments on scene including a food truck. They don’t alter the script much.

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Yep. If only we had a free press, Mike. Thanks.

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Great stuff, Timothy. Thanks!

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Sep 23Liked by Donald Jeffries

Sandy Hook was the most ridiculous of all the False Flags. So Adam Lanza goes striding up to the Sandy Hook Elementary School in full daylight with two automatic weapons and 600 rounds of ammo and just walks through an open door during school hours, and is not seen by one administrator or on-campus cop. He starts shooting up one room while everybody else remains "locked down" and not one person runs for their lives. It takes the outside police 15 minutes to respond to the shooting even though the cop shop is less than a mile away and apparently all the cops were at a donut shop two towns over and caught in traffic. After the shooting all the kids are lined up fire-drill style in the parking lot and no parents or anybody else is allowed access.

In the aftermath their is not one photo of one body.

And Mr Posner apparently thought the whole episode uproarously funny before going on camera.

I don't know about Wolfgang Halabig. Heard some bad reports about him.

Some people say the children allegedly shot were seen at the Superbowl Halftime Show.

Nothing surprises in Clown World, where ontology blurs into theatre.

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I think you're referring to Robbie Parker, the parent on camera, WW. Thanks.

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Yes, you're right. Don't know where I got Posner from.

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It is illegal to question the Holocaust in ~ 20 countries. Movies, museums and books are still coming out about the event which is questionable due to the fact that no forensic evidence exists. But we have all been brainwashed to think that "never again" means no more genocide of a certain culture. That culture is itself currently engaged in genocide in Gaza. Stew Peters and Candace Owens are the latest public figures to wise up to the fraud and are being punished for their candor.

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And the Antisemitism Awareness Act makes it illegal to question it here, too, Kenneth, along with basically any criticism of Jews or Israel. Thanks.

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H.R.690 passed the House. Considering all the standing ovations that Netanyahu got on his recent visit, it is likely it will pass the Senate as well.

So America, the last bastion of free speech, will go down to the whims of those seeking to protect their lies.

Living and sharing your truth will be punishable by whatever TPTB decide is necessary to protect their lies. Trump has signalled he wants the death penalty for antisemites.

Will living the lies of officialdom turn us into the same demons the Christians seek to avoid?

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I have some confidence in this newsletter - but some links etc - if available - would add credibility.

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Thanks Clyde, i’ll check those out.

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