Reparations- Deep State Exclamation Point
From my archived blog "Keeping it Unreal," at
Note: This is another in a continuing series of previously published articles. Please subscribe to my primary Substack “I Protest” here:
I predicted many years ago, when it was first being suggested in quiet corners of our collapsing country, that one day reparations for slavery will become a reality. In recent weeks, a campaign has begun- a predictable type of media driven agenda to those familiar with gradualism- to push a reparations bill through Congress.
Watching White presidential candidates competing with each other to acquiesce the loudest to this ridiculous proposal, it becomes clearer than ever that America is being run into the ground by certifiable idiots. Corrupt idiots at that. Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, whose monumental incompetence I have written about before, introduced something called the Commission to Study and Develop Reparations Proposals for African Americans Act in January. It’s fitting that someone who thinks we won in Vietnam and planted a flag on Mars is the primary moving force behind this ludicrous legislation.
Beto O’Rourke, being promoted relentlessly as some kind of “rock star” by our state- run media, quickly climbed on board the reparations train. “That is something I would sign into law as president of the United States.” O’Rourke told Rev. Al Sharpton, predictably front and center here. O’Rourke proclaimed that we shouldn’t “just celebrate civil rights victories…we also look at the brutality, the violence, the continuing suppression today.”
Andrew Yang, being touted as a new maverick in the Democratic party, called reparations “a logical step.” Elizabeth Warren is a supporter as well, declaring, “We must confront the dark history of slavery and government-sanctioned discrimination in this country that has had many consequences including undermining the ability of Black families to build wealth in America for generations.” Kamala Harris and Corey Booker, two more of the sterling cast of Democratic Party presidential candidates, support some form of reparations.
It was disconcerting to watch video of Elizabeth Warren and others fawning over someone like Al Sharpton. For those unfamiliar with Sharpton’s actual background, he was a drug dealer who was turned into an undercover FBI agent to avoid prosecution. He first burst onto the fake news scene through his close involvement in the Tawana Brawley case. Brawley was a young black girl who claimed to have been raped by bunch of powerful White racists. Her story was proven to be a hoax, a forerunner to the Jussie Smollett extravaganza, but it is never mentioned any longer in polite society. The fact that such an obnoxious race pimp is considered one of the top Black American “leaders” tells us all we need to know about the state of race relations in this country.
The idea of paying Black Americans who are alive today for something some of their ancestors went through 150 years or more ago is preposterous on the surface. The logistics here don’t seem to matter; all that is important is the emotion-driven, virtue signaling narrative. Who, for instance, would qualify to receive reparations? Would you have to prove that you had at least one ancestor who was a slave in America? What about all those who immigrated to America after slavery had been abolished? Would they still get paid just because of their skin color?
Just about 3 percent of Americans currently identify as multi-racial. Most of these have at least some portion of Black blood in them. Would a half-Black person get one half of whatever reparations are doled out? How about someone who had a Black great-grandparent? Would they still get something, despite being for all intents and purposes White? How about all the Blacks from South America, who obviously had no ancestors on southern plantations? Would they still somehow qualify?
Perhaps even more important is who would be paying these reparations. Simply assessing a special tax wouldn’t work, unless you exempted all Black people from paying it. Would White immigrants who arrived at Ellis Island in the early 1900s have to pay for something their parents and grandparents had nothing to do with? How about Asians, Middle Easterners, and Hispanics? Their ancestors weren’t in America during the slavery era. Why should they pay reparations?
Then there is the inconvenient fact that, while the numbers vary according to source, only a tiny fraction of White people ever owned slaves in the United States. I know for a certainty, having mapped out my personal genealogy, that my ancestors never owned any slaves. Why should I have to pay? Why should any White people living today have to pay for something their ancestors had no connection to?
And then there is the philosophical question of why even descendants of White plantation owners should have to pay reparations to Black people who have never been slaves. The sins of the father, and all that. The very concept is madness, and the fact it is being seriously considered reflects the insanity that has gripped much of the population. We expect our depraved cultural icons and corrupt “representatives” to promote awful ideas like this, but the general public ought to know better. After all, they are the ones that will be footing the bill.
Recent polls give reasonable people little cause for confidence. Some 25 percent of Americans expressed support for “financial compensation and government assistance” to the descendants of slaves, while 32 percent supported the notion that descendants of slaves are “entitled to reparations.” 64 percent of blacks supported reparations, while a surprising 37 percent of Asians and 42 percent of Hispanics did. Perhaps they believe they will be exempted from paying for it. Only 13 percent of self-described conservatives backed the idea, while 54 percent of liberals did.
Julian Castro, a former Obama cabinet member who is yet another Democratic Party presidential candidate, blasted Bernie Sanders for his reluctance to endorse reparations. Castro told CNN, “I’ve long believed that this country should address slavery, the original sin of slavery, including by looking at reparations. If I’m president, then I’m going to appoint a commission or task force to determine the best way to do that.” Presumably, no “white nationalist” (which has come to increasingly mean anyone opposed to overt racial favoritism) will be on that commission.
Really, reparations is just the logical culmination of the new forms of discrimination, that were given a legal imprimatur with Affirmative Action. Most Americans don’t realize that “race norming” of qualification tests provided unimaginable assistance to blacks trying to get well-paid, benefits-laden government jobs. Quotas and Affirmative Action mandated that race, especially one particular race, was considered first and foremost for virtually every job in the work force. Don’t get caught without your “We are an equal opportunity employer” logo.
As I’ve noted before, slavery was an unfortunate reality all over the world for far too long. Dumbed down Americans, who know little or nothing of their own history, believe that it was a specific product of hissing, drooling, tobacco spitting white southern racists. They seem to care little about slavery outside of this Hollywood- driven fantasy, which explains their silence about the estimated 40 million slaves in the world today. 10 million of these are in India alone. Where are the demands from the social justice warriors for a boycott of India?
The reason why no one mentions modern slaves is because almost all of those enslaving them are nonwhite. That doesn’t fit the narrative. There must always be a white man to blame, and there are no available whites in places like India, North Korea, China, or Pakistan. This is also why feminists are silent about the abominable way women are treated in Muslim cultures, or by female genital mutilation in Africa. No whitey there either. Gay rights groups are just as close-lipped about the third-class citizenship gays enjoy in Muslim countries. Again, can’t blame a white for that.
Reparations will increase America’s divisiveness to the breaking point. This is what elites want- order out of chaos. Divide and conquer.
Isn't that what Welfare is and has been for? I don't understand all this Black repression. They are doctors, actors, athletes, politicians, lawyers, engineers, business owners, policemen, firemen, and etc. Absolutely nothing positive will come out of this and as you stated, will cause more division, but thats the intent. I see it as money laundering. Just like the Ukraine debacle. Its bad enough I have to pay taxes for their rent assistance, healthcare, EBT cards and everything else while I have to scrimp and save. Taxes for their children to attend school and get an education so they can contribute to society. Not my fault they choose not to. Can't claim them as dependents on my 1040! Is Ms. Warren now going to proclaim she has some Black blood in her like she did for being Native American? These politicians need to be physically thrown out! Like the trash they are!
First of all my family did not arrive here till the late 1800s early 1900s long after slavery was abolished, so why should I have to pay reparations when my family wasn’t even here during slavery? And what about reparations for the Native Americans? or the Irish who were kept from working with the NINA laws or those who were sent to interment camps (I believe the Japanese did receive $20,000) but there were Germans and Italians who were also in interment camps too. Why should anyone pay for something none of us now living had anything to do with what happened 150+ years ago?