All very true and sad. As a child my two favorite holidays were Halloween and the 4th of July. Halloween because it was the only night of the year we could roam around free after dark (as an adult we quickly forget what an exciting novelty that was). In the sixties the 4th of July still had that throw-back nostalgic feeling, kind of gay nineties- main street USA feeling...with actual brass bands in the park gazebo and red-white-blue I loved it, because I always liked the past more than the present. That America has been gone for decades, but I'm glad I got to see the tailend of it. The only place I ever heard the national anthem and pledge of alegence in public was at rodeos. After Gulf War I I refused to stand ...but no one ever noticed. Now I don't go to public events.
Tomorrow I will go to the beach. Going to outdoor picnics is the only option left for those of us who do not want to be exposed to vaxed folk. Happy 4th Donald. I hope you enjoy yourself wherever you are (probably at home).
4th of July did evoke memories of the past, Kris. When we moved into our single family home, the first few years they had an old fashioned Independence Day parade through the neighborhood. Everybody waving flags. Somehow that warmed my heart. Have a happy one, too. I will indeed be at home, cooking on the grill. Looks like it's only going to be us and the kids. Thanks!
I said in a previous comment I was going to watch Pollyanna and The Parent Trap again. They are now waiting for me on hold at the library. This caused me to watch some documentaries on the making of those films. Walt Disney cried when viewing the rushes for Pollyanna. It was a time period he could actually remember, and in 1959 it must have hurt to know how far gone that time was.
Huey Long has been erased from public memory, but they couldn't do that with they used the smear campaign. Because he spoke out against American involvement in WWII, and commies in Hollywood, the vile Hollywood crowd try to push that Walt was a pedophile. Jane Wyman said he was in love with Tommy Kirk...but then, she was in the Hollywood sewer all her life, and married to the Great Communicator, who sold us out...over and over again.
If one watches interviews of those who worked for him, they all express their fondness for Walt, and how Disney Studios was like a happy family. A while back Rense did a great report: Walt Disney's war against the Jews. It's still online, for intelligent people who are willing to read long articles.
Perfectly stated. America 2.0 is vacuous, with atrophying cerebral horsepower, overfed and undernourished. America is jewish, reason enough for us to expat to Bulgaria, a place still keenly aware of the horrific fallout of Bolshevism. You express your disgust and disdain with more eloquence than I do. I just want racial and ideological warfare. We have subsidized and tolerated our murderers, long enough. Already the 4th here, my first American birthday 🎈 I hope is it's last. Besotted, evil, corpulent nation.
I'm glad you brought up Hamilton. He was, in my opinion, the early seed of the Deep State. Every country has a deep state, and the larger the country, the more significant the inner power of a deep state.
I think the reason for the above phenomenon is after a hard-fought war, either literally or otherwise, the next generations want to bask in their victory and enjoy the fruits of the revolutionary era. But, while human nature wants to rejoice and further an everyday happy life, the opposite side and evil twin of human nature is plotting their comeback to power. It's a common trope in literature we all enjoy, yet it's also reality. This means after a revolution, vigilance is required to sustain the momentum of the gains won; there can be no slacking off. Alas, that seems impossible.
Unfortunately, the Hamiltonians won over the Jeffersonians. So we got the central bank, which eventually became the Federal Reserve. And huge debt, as Hamilton was father of national debt. And a much larger central government than the Founders wanted. Thanks, Phil!
Yes, this debate, which we all learned or at least glanced at in school, was probably the most significant turning point in US history. The Jefferson / Hamilton debate is little understood today, but its fingerprints are everywhere. 😭
The Hamiltonians and the Jeffersonians were just two wings of the same bird. It is sort of like King Solomon wanting to divide the baby in two and give each "mother" half. Neither is going to receive any of the substance of the whole. From the beginning, Americans have believed in compromise, which is akin to believing that half a baby is better than none.
The majority of the Continental Army, like their Hussien Counterparts, were mercenaries who wanted to enjoy the fruits of their labor. And the Continental Congress complied, showering them in Paper "Continentals" that, after a short while, "Were not worth a Continental". Our history books are nothing but fairy tales. The best way to learn about the Revolutionary War is to drive around and visit the historical sites. When you paste together all the local tales, they tell a far different story- one far removed from even that of the "revisionists". This country really began as a hodgepodge of Big Country Manors that gradually consolidated and were eventually subsumed into the bureaucratic state at every level, the masters of which always remained hidden and lurking in the shadows.
Yes, that is correct, thank you. This is why history repeats, and people are shocked. Human nature never changes and always works for self-interest. The ideas of a few top people are inspiring to read about, yet it's impossible to get the majority behind them; new ideals seem to attract only handfuls of faithful followers. The majority always consider what's in it for them before anything else, along with fear, and we get this big mess of agendas fighting over dominance. What was accomplished in the late 1700s was incredibly difficult; the odds of getting as far as they did were amazing. I'm guessing that the vast ocean and means of travel significantly impact the outcome. The history would be vastly different if the UK were on the same continent.
The bottom line is, as the Bible Says, the Number of Fools is Infinite. The vast majority of people do not look beyond their noses, so to speak, and are only interested in what is going to profit them in the foreseeable future, and what pleasures they can amass in the meantime. Very few see the much broader and deeper war between Powers and Principalities for the Souls of Men, let alone to Eternity. And today especially, where a bum under a bridge can have more plastic ecstasies than those clothed in soft garments and living in palaces, to paraphrase Our Lord, the fools have been squared, cubed, and cubed again. Like the "Epsilons" of Huxley's Brave New World, they will enjoy their "SOMA" until the brutal, bitter end.
May Our Lady raise some corageous souls to assemble for the battle..
Agreed. Being a patriot is akin to being a fan of a sports team. Wear the gear, rage against the enemy of the day and support the team no matter how terrible they play. Does not matter if they are a bunch of doped up, addled minded trained animals used for the enrichment of billionaires to their own detriment. By God they play for the home team or at least they do until they get more money to go somewhere else and if you don;t support the home team you are horrible and should move. So at the ball game or the rodeo this 4th of July while the planes that are used to wage war and kill around the world fly over the arena, let the proud tears flow for living in a country where you are free to live in total ignorance. I will admit to having hot dogs and hamburgers but not to celebrate the ritual nonsense just because I love to grill and eat and who knows with the way prices are not sure how much longer I can afford to .
I never saw that truth borne out so candidly as in the First Gulf War in 1990. It was like a an '80's GI Joe cartoon in real life crossed with an NFL game. The only thing missing were "Support the Troops" Jerseys and taking a sip of beer every time a bomb dropped on Baghdad or a Patriot fragged a SCUD Missile. Totally disgusting and beyond juvenile.
Great article (as usual) Don. My wife and I attended a couples golf outing this morning with a group lunch following. My wife always squirms internally during these golf events, they always start the after-golf proceedings with the pledge of allegiance and a quick silent prayer. And I do not participate in saying the pledge of allegiance. I stand with my hands at my side, I obviously do not want to cause her unnecessary pain. But at this point in my life, and the life of this country, I am finished with mindless nationalism! Internally I pledge my allegiance to my family, which is only my wife and daughters. Not to a flag, and certainly not to the criminals in charge of this realm we inhabit. I’m not sure where we’ll all end up eventually, I’m not optimistic about life in this country, and I’m unsure about the post-physical existence. It’s been a difficult personal road for me wading through evidence to identify the massive amount of bullshit in this current world. But I wouldn’t trade it. Nope! Hopefully younger generations (I’m also a 1956 birth) haven’t lost their ability to think for themselves. I have two kids still capable of critical thinking, maybe there are millions more…
With forced vaccination, that is, forced medical treatment, even our bodies are to be subject to state control. Was it Benjamin Rush, one of the signers, who wanted to include medical freedom as a basic human right?
There will be parades and cookouts and fireworks, with thousands of mainstream media announcers breathlessly proclaiming, "Let's Go Brandon"! There will be video clips of Joe in his aviator sunglasses while he sits in his Corvette and eats ice cream. Audio engineers will drop in wild crowd cheers every time Joe licks the ice cream, and they will include plenty of Kamala Harris cackles. Yippee...Yayyy! Happy Julyteenth Day 2024. (sar off)
Heard you on Jeff Rense Monday night. It was refreshing to hear you talk about sport and music without all the politically correct DEI spin usually added by mainstream media.
I appreciate you listening, Liber8or. We actually talk about the entertainment world pretty often. Jeff isn't a big sports guy, so that's usually just me bringing it up. Thanks!
“…There is no position which depends on clearer principles, than that every act of a delegated authority, contrary to the tenor of the commission under which it is exercised, is void. No legislative act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution, can be valid. To deny this, would be to affirm, that the deputy is greater than his principal; that the servant is above his master; that the representatives of the people are superior to the people themselves; that men acting by virtue of powers, may do not only what their powers do not authorize, but what they forbid.” Alexander Hamilton, Federalist 78
My comment on today’s Epoch Times article about Independence Day:
While hundreds of nonviolent political prisoners remain locked up for expressing their outrage at election fraud on January 6, 2021, the national debt is around $34 trillion, DC, the district of criminals, has the audacity to spend 10s, 100s of $1000s or $millions (?) on fireworks!!! DC has no right to celebrate Independence Day. DC is occupied territory by global corporations, fascists and oath violating, traitorous public servants.
Celebrate Independence Day locally, not in the district of criminals. Boycott DC on July 4, 2024. And don’t suffer the delusion that either presidential candidate is going to save this nation. Neither Biden nor Trump are a solution. The presidential election is a farce. It’s fraudulent political theater. Not a real election. It’s a selection. Focus on state and local elections.
Well, I will celebrate by remembering what better men once sacrificed for their descendants. Those Founders look better all the time, when you contrast with our present-day Banana Republic. Thanks, G. Alan!
I love to tease my SAR friend that his ancestors fought against his other ancestors in the 1770s.
When I disengage from American patriotism, I ask why did 20,000+ “American” Englishmen and 24,000 “British” Englishmen die in a cause that resulted in two countries that continued along parallel lines?
The same reason all the soldiers fought and died in WW1 and WW2- Big Oil, and Bankster fun and profit- and some of the battles, I think, were nothing other than Satanic Rituals. Unlike in the days of the Philistines, the rituals of the Satanists these days are more subtle and occult.
You didn't rain on the 4th of July parade. That was not even mostly cloudy. But, ah, where to begin?
For starters, the "Son's of Liberty" were a bunch of Freemasonic Radicals whose headquarters was the Green Dragon Lodge in Boston. They got their marching orders, believe it or not, right down the street from Blackfriars' Bridge, at the headquarters of the British East India Company, which, you can be sure, was really running things. King George and Parliament were just so many fronts, like today's White House, the Vatican, and Ten Downing Street. (The Sheeple should have learned that in 2020, if they were paying attention.) Much evidence exists that the "Revolutionary War", like nearly all wars since before Columbus set foot in the West Indies, which he thought was India- Columbus was really not that good at math or history. Erostostanes figured the earth at about 24,000 circumference some 700 years before Our Lord Jesus Christ was born. Just from the position of the stars- ok, I get the Latitude problem- Chris should have figured out he did not sail even a quarter of the way to India... where was I? Oh yeah- the Revolutionary War was fought by the Banksters for fun and profit.
Their new wind-up toy, the United States of America, was the first modern nation to officially separate Church and State, to the detriment of both, and finished the job Luther, Calvin, and Zwingly started. Of course, not all the "Founding Fathers" were completely in on it. Useful idiots- and probably downright decent men, such as Patrick Henry and Thomas Paine, did much to inspire the masses but would be tossed under the proverbial bus afterwards.
The so-called "separation of powers" for which are country is lauded really derives from Christendom, which saw authority divided between church, state, and the merchants, which were three truly independent centers of power. In Medieval Christendom, bad as things were, if the king got too uppity, the peasants could appeal to the bishop, and if both were in cahoots, the merchants could shut down things very quickly by making "carnival day" a nightmare. (Rarely were all three in cahoots, because the interests of the church were decidedly opposed to those of the merchants, and if a merchant or a king was put under interdict... well, as they say in the mafia... "curtains"... at the funeral parlor.) Unfortunately, the "separation of powers" under the constitution was completely an illusion, as the cabal quickly got control of the gov't by means of their favorite profession- law and the courts.
Thomas Jefferson was hardly enlightened. His philosophy is downright boorish, and his "de-mytholizing" of the Gospels downright blasphemous. Jefferson was nothing but an antecedent to Karl Marx. We can thank Jefferson for warning us about the plans of the Banksters, but I fear this was nothing more than gaslighting. His chummyness with Frankie is of course disturbing, as Ben was easily the most corrupt and perverted of the lot. "Would you like to join me in the pursuit of happiness?"
American history is peppered with the efforts of a Few Good Men- perhaps Jackson was one of them, although his "Trail of Tears" concerning the Southeastern Cherokees and Seminoles is discouraging. And meanwhile the "Land of the Free" wasted no time with "Manifest Destiny" and the ongoing war with Catholic- though corrupt- Mexico. (But Our Lady of Guadalupe will have her day!!) The San Patricio Brigade saw through it all, finally, and were executed as traitors by- was it Sheridan?- I forget. Had there been more than a few good men in the Confederacy and Mexico in 1860- the history of America might be very, very different. But like Camelot... one can always dream of what might have been.
And for all its war on Christendom, from the Halls of Montezuma to the Philippines, this country was always hailed as "That Great Land" especially by the Putrid Pius Pontiffs- I think especially of Pius X abd Pius XII, while Pius IX was the only monarch to recognize the Confederacy, and even sent Jefferson Davis a Replica of Our Lord's Crown of Thorns, though it was not of much use while he was chained to the damp prison walls of Montgomery, awaiting trial for doing the same things George Washington did.
But neither Jeff Davis nor Pius IX were, I fear, honorable men. Although they led many honorable men to ghastly, futile deaths- at least in human terms- the book has yet to be closed concerning eternity.
So a big BAH! HUMBUG! to "Independence Day," and may successive summer thunderstorms rain on all your parades and fireworks. The United States was the creation of noxious Freemasonic scum, who disguised all their attacks on true liberty- the liberty of the son's of God- under the most glorious prose and poetry- but all of it lies and damned lies.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!
All very true and sad. As a child my two favorite holidays were Halloween and the 4th of July. Halloween because it was the only night of the year we could roam around free after dark (as an adult we quickly forget what an exciting novelty that was). In the sixties the 4th of July still had that throw-back nostalgic feeling, kind of gay nineties- main street USA feeling...with actual brass bands in the park gazebo and red-white-blue I loved it, because I always liked the past more than the present. That America has been gone for decades, but I'm glad I got to see the tailend of it. The only place I ever heard the national anthem and pledge of alegence in public was at rodeos. After Gulf War I I refused to stand ...but no one ever noticed. Now I don't go to public events.
Tomorrow I will go to the beach. Going to outdoor picnics is the only option left for those of us who do not want to be exposed to vaxed folk. Happy 4th Donald. I hope you enjoy yourself wherever you are (probably at home).
4th of July did evoke memories of the past, Kris. When we moved into our single family home, the first few years they had an old fashioned Independence Day parade through the neighborhood. Everybody waving flags. Somehow that warmed my heart. Have a happy one, too. I will indeed be at home, cooking on the grill. Looks like it's only going to be us and the kids. Thanks!
I said in a previous comment I was going to watch Pollyanna and The Parent Trap again. They are now waiting for me on hold at the library. This caused me to watch some documentaries on the making of those films. Walt Disney cried when viewing the rushes for Pollyanna. It was a time period he could actually remember, and in 1959 it must have hurt to know how far gone that time was.
Huey Long has been erased from public memory, but they couldn't do that with they used the smear campaign. Because he spoke out against American involvement in WWII, and commies in Hollywood, the vile Hollywood crowd try to push that Walt was a pedophile. Jane Wyman said he was in love with Tommy Kirk...but then, she was in the Hollywood sewer all her life, and married to the Great Communicator, who sold us out...over and over again.
If one watches interviews of those who worked for him, they all express their fondness for Walt, and how Disney Studios was like a happy family. A while back Rense did a great report: Walt Disney's war against the Jews. It's still online, for intelligent people who are willing to read long articles.
Walt Disney was a classic American success story, back when they were possible. He was one of a kind. Thanks, Kris!
Perfectly stated. America 2.0 is vacuous, with atrophying cerebral horsepower, overfed and undernourished. America is jewish, reason enough for us to expat to Bulgaria, a place still keenly aware of the horrific fallout of Bolshevism. You express your disgust and disdain with more eloquence than I do. I just want racial and ideological warfare. We have subsidized and tolerated our murderers, long enough. Already the 4th here, my first American birthday 🎈 I hope is it's last. Besotted, evil, corpulent nation.
Thanks, Anti!
I'm glad you brought up Hamilton. He was, in my opinion, the early seed of the Deep State. Every country has a deep state, and the larger the country, the more significant the inner power of a deep state.
I think the reason for the above phenomenon is after a hard-fought war, either literally or otherwise, the next generations want to bask in their victory and enjoy the fruits of the revolutionary era. But, while human nature wants to rejoice and further an everyday happy life, the opposite side and evil twin of human nature is plotting their comeback to power. It's a common trope in literature we all enjoy, yet it's also reality. This means after a revolution, vigilance is required to sustain the momentum of the gains won; there can be no slacking off. Alas, that seems impossible.
Unfortunately, the Hamiltonians won over the Jeffersonians. So we got the central bank, which eventually became the Federal Reserve. And huge debt, as Hamilton was father of national debt. And a much larger central government than the Founders wanted. Thanks, Phil!
Yes, this debate, which we all learned or at least glanced at in school, was probably the most significant turning point in US history. The Jefferson / Hamilton debate is little understood today, but its fingerprints are everywhere. 😭
The Hamiltonians and the Jeffersonians were just two wings of the same bird. It is sort of like King Solomon wanting to divide the baby in two and give each "mother" half. Neither is going to receive any of the substance of the whole. From the beginning, Americans have believed in compromise, which is akin to believing that half a baby is better than none.
The majority of the Continental Army, like their Hussien Counterparts, were mercenaries who wanted to enjoy the fruits of their labor. And the Continental Congress complied, showering them in Paper "Continentals" that, after a short while, "Were not worth a Continental". Our history books are nothing but fairy tales. The best way to learn about the Revolutionary War is to drive around and visit the historical sites. When you paste together all the local tales, they tell a far different story- one far removed from even that of the "revisionists". This country really began as a hodgepodge of Big Country Manors that gradually consolidated and were eventually subsumed into the bureaucratic state at every level, the masters of which always remained hidden and lurking in the shadows.
Lurking in the shadows around that time was Albert Pike and his freemasons.
Yes, that is correct, thank you. This is why history repeats, and people are shocked. Human nature never changes and always works for self-interest. The ideas of a few top people are inspiring to read about, yet it's impossible to get the majority behind them; new ideals seem to attract only handfuls of faithful followers. The majority always consider what's in it for them before anything else, along with fear, and we get this big mess of agendas fighting over dominance. What was accomplished in the late 1700s was incredibly difficult; the odds of getting as far as they did were amazing. I'm guessing that the vast ocean and means of travel significantly impact the outcome. The history would be vastly different if the UK were on the same continent.
The bottom line is, as the Bible Says, the Number of Fools is Infinite. The vast majority of people do not look beyond their noses, so to speak, and are only interested in what is going to profit them in the foreseeable future, and what pleasures they can amass in the meantime. Very few see the much broader and deeper war between Powers and Principalities for the Souls of Men, let alone to Eternity. And today especially, where a bum under a bridge can have more plastic ecstasies than those clothed in soft garments and living in palaces, to paraphrase Our Lord, the fools have been squared, cubed, and cubed again. Like the "Epsilons" of Huxley's Brave New World, they will enjoy their "SOMA" until the brutal, bitter end.
May Our Lady raise some corageous souls to assemble for the battle..
Agreed. Being a patriot is akin to being a fan of a sports team. Wear the gear, rage against the enemy of the day and support the team no matter how terrible they play. Does not matter if they are a bunch of doped up, addled minded trained animals used for the enrichment of billionaires to their own detriment. By God they play for the home team or at least they do until they get more money to go somewhere else and if you don;t support the home team you are horrible and should move. So at the ball game or the rodeo this 4th of July while the planes that are used to wage war and kill around the world fly over the arena, let the proud tears flow for living in a country where you are free to live in total ignorance. I will admit to having hot dogs and hamburgers but not to celebrate the ritual nonsense just because I love to grill and eat and who knows with the way prices are not sure how much longer I can afford to .
I'll be eating hamburgers and hot dogs, too, spnbb. Great summary. Thanks!
Make sure you know exactly where they hot dogs came from and who made them. Stay away from Oscar Meyer wieners!
I never saw that truth borne out so candidly as in the First Gulf War in 1990. It was like a an '80's GI Joe cartoon in real life crossed with an NFL game. The only thing missing were "Support the Troops" Jerseys and taking a sip of beer every time a bomb dropped on Baghdad or a Patriot fragged a SCUD Missile. Totally disgusting and beyond juvenile.
Great article (as usual) Don. My wife and I attended a couples golf outing this morning with a group lunch following. My wife always squirms internally during these golf events, they always start the after-golf proceedings with the pledge of allegiance and a quick silent prayer. And I do not participate in saying the pledge of allegiance. I stand with my hands at my side, I obviously do not want to cause her unnecessary pain. But at this point in my life, and the life of this country, I am finished with mindless nationalism! Internally I pledge my allegiance to my family, which is only my wife and daughters. Not to a flag, and certainly not to the criminals in charge of this realm we inhabit. I’m not sure where we’ll all end up eventually, I’m not optimistic about life in this country, and I’m unsure about the post-physical existence. It’s been a difficult personal road for me wading through evidence to identify the massive amount of bullshit in this current world. But I wouldn’t trade it. Nope! Hopefully younger generations (I’m also a 1956 birth) haven’t lost their ability to think for themselves. I have two kids still capable of critical thinking, maybe there are millions more…
Thanks, Scott!
With forced vaccination, that is, forced medical treatment, even our bodies are to be subject to state control. Was it Benjamin Rush, one of the signers, who wanted to include medical freedom as a basic human right?
Rush was a physician, so probably so, includeMeOut. Thanks.
Yes, it was Benjamin Rush.
WW2 wasn't the good war that everyone believes.
It certainly wasn't, Gene. As Ben Franklin said in his least remembered quote, "There is no such thing as a good war or a bad peace." Thanks.
There will be parades and cookouts and fireworks, with thousands of mainstream media announcers breathlessly proclaiming, "Let's Go Brandon"! There will be video clips of Joe in his aviator sunglasses while he sits in his Corvette and eats ice cream. Audio engineers will drop in wild crowd cheers every time Joe licks the ice cream, and they will include plenty of Kamala Harris cackles. Yippee...Yayyy! Happy Julyteenth Day 2024. (sar off)
Heard you on Jeff Rense Monday night. It was refreshing to hear you talk about sport and music without all the politically correct DEI spin usually added by mainstream media.
I appreciate you listening, Liber8or. We actually talk about the entertainment world pretty often. Jeff isn't a big sports guy, so that's usually just me bringing it up. Thanks!
Hamilton got one thing right.
“…There is no position which depends on clearer principles, than that every act of a delegated authority, contrary to the tenor of the commission under which it is exercised, is void. No legislative act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution, can be valid. To deny this, would be to affirm, that the deputy is greater than his principal; that the servant is above his master; that the representatives of the people are superior to the people themselves; that men acting by virtue of powers, may do not only what their powers do not authorize, but what they forbid.” Alexander Hamilton, Federalist 78
My comment on today’s Epoch Times article about Independence Day:
While hundreds of nonviolent political prisoners remain locked up for expressing their outrage at election fraud on January 6, 2021, the national debt is around $34 trillion, DC, the district of criminals, has the audacity to spend 10s, 100s of $1000s or $millions (?) on fireworks!!! DC has no right to celebrate Independence Day. DC is occupied territory by global corporations, fascists and oath violating, traitorous public servants.
Celebrate Independence Day locally, not in the district of criminals. Boycott DC on July 4, 2024. And don’t suffer the delusion that either presidential candidate is going to save this nation. Neither Biden nor Trump are a solution. The presidential election is a farce. It’s fraudulent political theater. Not a real election. It’s a selection. Focus on state and local elections.
Reasons not to support Trump:
I concur 100%. No Independence Day celebration for me and mine. (Okay, maybe a charred German sausage and a Mexican beer or two.)
Well, I will celebrate by remembering what better men once sacrificed for their descendants. Those Founders look better all the time, when you contrast with our present-day Banana Republic. Thanks, G. Alan!
I love to tease my SAR friend that his ancestors fought against his other ancestors in the 1770s.
When I disengage from American patriotism, I ask why did 20,000+ “American” Englishmen and 24,000 “British” Englishmen die in a cause that resulted in two countries that continued along parallel lines?
The same reason all the soldiers fought and died in WW1 and WW2- Big Oil, and Bankster fun and profit- and some of the battles, I think, were nothing other than Satanic Rituals. Unlike in the days of the Philistines, the rituals of the Satanists these days are more subtle and occult.
You didn't rain on the 4th of July parade. That was not even mostly cloudy. But, ah, where to begin?
For starters, the "Son's of Liberty" were a bunch of Freemasonic Radicals whose headquarters was the Green Dragon Lodge in Boston. They got their marching orders, believe it or not, right down the street from Blackfriars' Bridge, at the headquarters of the British East India Company, which, you can be sure, was really running things. King George and Parliament were just so many fronts, like today's White House, the Vatican, and Ten Downing Street. (The Sheeple should have learned that in 2020, if they were paying attention.) Much evidence exists that the "Revolutionary War", like nearly all wars since before Columbus set foot in the West Indies, which he thought was India- Columbus was really not that good at math or history. Erostostanes figured the earth at about 24,000 circumference some 700 years before Our Lord Jesus Christ was born. Just from the position of the stars- ok, I get the Latitude problem- Chris should have figured out he did not sail even a quarter of the way to India... where was I? Oh yeah- the Revolutionary War was fought by the Banksters for fun and profit.
Their new wind-up toy, the United States of America, was the first modern nation to officially separate Church and State, to the detriment of both, and finished the job Luther, Calvin, and Zwingly started. Of course, not all the "Founding Fathers" were completely in on it. Useful idiots- and probably downright decent men, such as Patrick Henry and Thomas Paine, did much to inspire the masses but would be tossed under the proverbial bus afterwards.
The so-called "separation of powers" for which are country is lauded really derives from Christendom, which saw authority divided between church, state, and the merchants, which were three truly independent centers of power. In Medieval Christendom, bad as things were, if the king got too uppity, the peasants could appeal to the bishop, and if both were in cahoots, the merchants could shut down things very quickly by making "carnival day" a nightmare. (Rarely were all three in cahoots, because the interests of the church were decidedly opposed to those of the merchants, and if a merchant or a king was put under interdict... well, as they say in the mafia... "curtains"... at the funeral parlor.) Unfortunately, the "separation of powers" under the constitution was completely an illusion, as the cabal quickly got control of the gov't by means of their favorite profession- law and the courts.
Thomas Jefferson was hardly enlightened. His philosophy is downright boorish, and his "de-mytholizing" of the Gospels downright blasphemous. Jefferson was nothing but an antecedent to Karl Marx. We can thank Jefferson for warning us about the plans of the Banksters, but I fear this was nothing more than gaslighting. His chummyness with Frankie is of course disturbing, as Ben was easily the most corrupt and perverted of the lot. "Would you like to join me in the pursuit of happiness?"
American history is peppered with the efforts of a Few Good Men- perhaps Jackson was one of them, although his "Trail of Tears" concerning the Southeastern Cherokees and Seminoles is discouraging. And meanwhile the "Land of the Free" wasted no time with "Manifest Destiny" and the ongoing war with Catholic- though corrupt- Mexico. (But Our Lady of Guadalupe will have her day!!) The San Patricio Brigade saw through it all, finally, and were executed as traitors by- was it Sheridan?- I forget. Had there been more than a few good men in the Confederacy and Mexico in 1860- the history of America might be very, very different. But like Camelot... one can always dream of what might have been.
And for all its war on Christendom, from the Halls of Montezuma to the Philippines, this country was always hailed as "That Great Land" especially by the Putrid Pius Pontiffs- I think especially of Pius X abd Pius XII, while Pius IX was the only monarch to recognize the Confederacy, and even sent Jefferson Davis a Replica of Our Lord's Crown of Thorns, though it was not of much use while he was chained to the damp prison walls of Montgomery, awaiting trial for doing the same things George Washington did.
But neither Jeff Davis nor Pius IX were, I fear, honorable men. Although they led many honorable men to ghastly, futile deaths- at least in human terms- the book has yet to be closed concerning eternity.
So a big BAH! HUMBUG! to "Independence Day," and may successive summer thunderstorms rain on all your parades and fireworks. The United States was the creation of noxious Freemasonic scum, who disguised all their attacks on true liberty- the liberty of the son's of God- under the most glorious prose and poetry- but all of it lies and damned lies.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!