Its sad to know that everything you said is so true. I was very young when our own government murdered a President, his brother, and a civil rights leader. It took time to realize the truth - its so in your face. All these "viruses" over the years forced me to wake up; something didn't make sense. The gas shortage of the 70s was a farce - thank you Jimmy! And after 9/11 then I knew for sure we were fooked. Things have gotten worse much quicker since then. I started listening to Alex Jones back in 2010, and even if you do not like the man, he is pretty much correct (no I do not listen to him that much anymore. Bad news gets very depressing and there is enough out there). If we're going down, then those politicians and elites are coming along. Even if I have to take one of them with me, I will do so.
But Don, Lee Harvey Oswald fired the Magic Bullet from an Antiquated Rifle through a foliated live oak and blew John Fitzgerald Kennedy's brains out while all the while standing on the steps and watching the parade. It was the greatest feat in human history- dwarfing the moon landings. And we must always vote for the lesser of two evils. So when they finally ask you if you would prefer a bullet in the back of your head or being tossed in the Potomac will a millstone around your neck I am sure you agree the former is more desirable. And of course Building 7 was not brought down with Magic Jet Fuel, the furniture was burning in the lobby.
But more seriously, I always said the FEMA camps were for the desirables, not the rest of us. If you look at the camps, they are clearly designed for keeping people out, not in. When the lights go out, the pumps stop, and the trucks stop rolling, most people will be banging down the doors to get internet access, free fentanyl, and fast food. Then they will sort through the cattle until they come up with their half billion or so they want to keep for breeding and adrenochrome or whatever.
Meanwhile, those huddling into the inner cities will be the prime targets for the herding operation.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope.
Jesus Christ is our only hope and we don't need any intercessor praying for us. We need to be on our knees praying ourselves. God hears the prayers of His people as we pray in Jesus's name.
Our Lady of Fatima gave two requests: One is for the Communion of Reparation of the Five First Saturdays and the other is the Collegial Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Pope and all the bishops in union with him. Until these two requests are fulfilled, we can expect only the multiplication of evils consummating in the reign of the Antichrist.
(Not the that the current occupant of the Chair of Peter, Pope Frantic, nor his collection of Apostate Pederast Birdbrains that comprise the Seat of the Antichrist in Rome have any mind of heeding her requests, as did all his predecessors dating back to Pius XI... but I digress.)
Now I do agree that ultimately, Jesus Christ is Our Only Hope and the only way Our Lady could make these requests is through the Merits He won upon the Holy Wood of the Cross as Eternal High Priest, the Sacrifice prefigured by the Old Testament from the Sacrifice of Abel to that Abraham to the Mosaic Ritual to that of Elias and etcetera.
But Our Lady, as Co-Redeptrix, and Mediatrix of All Grace (two titles which even many "Catholics" do not understand) is the more immediate and proximate source by which we go to the Throne of Grace, just as you cannot access the source of the Primary Living Waters but must have recourse to a spring or a river, or, more immediately, for "modern man", the kitchen faucet.
But that Mary is Our Intercessor is right there in the First Chapter of the Gospel of Luke, where the Angel Gabriel says "Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.", and a little further: "Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found grace with God." And just a few scant verses later, as Our Lady recites what we Catholics call the "Magnificat", Our Lady exclaims: "And Mary said: My soul doth magnify the Lord. And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. Because he hath regarded the humility of his handmaid; for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed."
That Mary is Our Intercessor is also plain from the Acts of the Apostles. The only place where Our Lady is mentioned is again in Chapter One: "All these were persevering with one mind in prayer with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren." And why? Because the Apostles knew that had not Our Lady been there, the Holy Ghost would not have descended on Pentecost, and Holy Mother Church would never have been born, the Apostles being too cowardly to take the Deposit of Faith to the Four Corners of the Earth.
That Our Lady came to Fatima in 1917 nobody can doubt. The Great Miracle of the Sun on October 13th of that year was seen by tens of thousands of people, and was predicted three months in advance. Our Lady came to warn us of the Abomination of Desolation, which cometh. And those who do mot persevere in the prayers of the Most Holy Rosary will surely fall, as Our Lord said "For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect."
If any Protestant makes it to Heaven, he shall realize twas Our Lady who got him there, and he shall thank her for All Eternity.
Mary is NOT our intercessor and praying to or through Mary is useless. The verses you quote say nothing alluding to that. Mary was just a woman, used for God's purpose of bringing us Jesus. She is not to be elevated in position any more than any others, including the apostles, should be. CHRIST IS OUR ONLY INTERCESSOR. Read the Bible. When the curtain rent in two (Matt 27:51; Luke 23:45), the Old Covenant was finished and the New Covenant, with Christ as our new "High Priest" became our intercessor. No longer would Jewish priests enter the Holy of Holies to intercede for the sins of the people. Jesus took their place, interceding for us, as He continues to do today. He came so that all could have access to God, not just holy priests or members of the Sanhedrin. Faith wasn’t based on keeping rules or performance, but on believing in God’s love and being obedient to His will. And, as you can see, Mary has absolutely nothing to with this. The Christ (His only begotten Son) IS THE ONLY MEANS FOR CONNECTING WITH OUR FATHER/GOD IN HEAVEN.
Our Lord Jesus Christ taught the Twelve Apostles what we call the Deposit of Faith. The Apostles in turn were further enlightened by the Holy Ghost after Jesus Ascended into Heaven, elaborating on what Jesus had said. And that is why the Church He founded has four marks: One, Holy, Universal (The word "Catholic" means Universal) and Apostolic. What we have as the Deposit of Faith, the sum total of Divine Revelation, ended with the death of St John, the last Apostle to die.
Part of the Deposit of Faith is the intercession of Our Lady. Our Lady was not a "mere woman" any more than Adam, Abraham, Moses, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, or Daniel were "mere men". They were specially called by God at certain periods in Salvation History, to do Great Works in their Time. Similarly, Our Lady was born in the fullness of time. She was Immaculately Conceived- Indeed, She told Bernadette Sobrious at Lourdes: "I AM THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION".
Our Lady is indeed our Intercessor. Recall what occurred in the Second Chapter of St Luke: "And Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary his mother: Behold this child is set for the fall, and for the resurrection of many in Israel, and for a sign which shall be contradicted; And thy own soul a sword shall pierce, that, out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed."
St Simeon did not limit these hearts to just the generation that would crucify Our Lord Jesus Christ, for all generations crucify Him, as per Saint Paul speaking of the reprobate: "And are fallen away: to be renewed again to penance, crucifying again to themselves the Son of God, and making him a mockery." Our Lady dwells in Eternity, at the Foot of the Cross, beside Her Son, Eternal High Priest. For, although the Sacrifice of Calvary was a Historical Event, it was also an Eternal Event. Every Catholic Mass, said by a priest of the Apostolic Succession, brings the Foot of the Cross to all Times and all Places, that we might have the Opportunity to remain with Our Lord.
The Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was given to the Apostles after the Last Supper on Holy Thursday Evening: "And taking bread, he gave thanks, and brake; and gave to them, saying: This is my body, which is given for you. Do this for a commemoration of me In like manner the chalice also, after he had supped, saying: This is the chalice, the new testament in my blood, which shall be shed for you." [Luke, Chapter 22: Verses 19 and 20]
St Paul reiterates this: "For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread. And giving thanks, broke, and said: Take ye, and eat: this is my body, which shall be delivered for you: this do for the commemoration of me. In like manner also the chalice, after he had supped, saying: This chalice is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as often as you shall drink, for the commemoration of me."
And at every Holy Mass we find Our Lady at the Foot of The Holy Cross, interceding for us with sighs and tears we can hardly fathom or comprehend. Our Lady, at La Salette in 1850, wept before Melanie and Maximan as She foretold the woes about to come upon the world.
I am sorry, but Catholicism is steeped in idolatry--revering Mary and making statues to her, etc. God can and does use any/all of us for His purposes--WITH NONE BEING GREATER THAN THE OTHER. Read the Bible without all the Catholic indoctrination. I was born and raised a Catholic and until I met my husband--simply a Christian/Follower of Christ--I did not realize how far off the Catholic religion really was about a lot of things: man-made rules and rituals that are meaningless and even false doctrines. I encourage you to simply read the Bible, an NIV version is a reliable one, and learn for yourself, without all the clutter of Catholicism.
And why did I think this conversation would lead to the Bible? Of course, I have read the Bible from cover to cover. I quote the Bible extensively. Every Word of the Bible is Inspired by the Holy Ghost, from the first verse of Genesis to the last verse of the Apocalypse. Every word in it is true. The Heavens and the Earth were created in Six Days, Noah rode out the Flood in his Ark, and all the generations from Adam to Our Lord Jesus Christ are just as they are listed in the genealogies of the gospels.
That being said, in the Early Church, no pastor could say to his flock, as Protestant pastors are wont to do: "Now open your Bibles to..." What we know as the Bible was compiled by St Jerome in about 350 AD, and canonized by the Ecumenical Council of Ephesus shortly thereafter. The Bible, meanwhile, is bigger than the Bible. In at least two places, the Apocrypha are quoted. Matthew makes reference, in Chapter 27, to a prophecy of Jeremiah concerning the Thirty Pieces of Silver with which Judas was paid to betray Our Lord. But you will look in vain throughout Jeremiah for any such quote because that quote is in the Fourth Book of Jeremiah which his Scribe, Baruch, took down, a book that never made it into the Bible. Meanwhile, St James, in his epistle, pulls from the Book of Henoch at least twice, and another source concerning the combat over the Body of Moses.
St John wrote that Our Lord Jesus Christ said and did many more things than were recorded, and opined that the world could not hold all the books that should be written concerning them. This is what we call Apostolic Tradition, and the Books of the Bible are merely a subset of this Tradition, which has been faithfully transmitted from generation to generation by the Holy Ghost.
Our Lord Jesus Christ said that he who does not gather with Me, scatters. And His Word is fulfilled in the multiplicity of Protestant Denominations. They argue over Infant Baptism, the Eucharist, and the Indissolubility of Holy Matrimony, just to name three. Some have accepted practices condemned by Tradition, such as abortion, sodomy, and women priests.
Meanwhile, I do not lean on every word Pope Frantic says. Quite the contrary. The man is obviously an Apostate and Rome has become the Seat of the Antichrist. The corruption and malaise of the Vatican would appall Luther, Zwingli, and Calvin. The Abomination of Desolation has come to dwell in the Holy Place.
And, yes, even the Catholic Church of the 1950's left a lot to be desired. Many Catholics had a Pantheon little different than the Greeks of Old. They were superstitious and had little conception of the Communion of Saints. Regards.
I could certainly identity with this. So far, only two two people (my sister-in-law and her son) have had the grace to say: "You were right, thank you for never giving up on us. We would have taken the clot-shot if we had never met you". As I'm sure you know, it means a lot to hear those words.
I did hear all those insults...and more...but there's another thing I wonder it you also heard. Many times when I was undeniably right about something, I would get "I don't remember you ever saying that". To me the mark of a person of high integrity is the ability to say they are sorry, and that they were wrong. I think this is the rarest trait on earth. I have gone to great lengths to track down folks from my past to apologize... and yet, only one person has ever apologized to me, and that was after I shamed them into it.I have purged my life of all the stubborn, stupid people from my past, and I often wonder...since everything I used to say is now so blatantly they dare admit to themselves that I was right...or are they still refusing to admit they were wrong about everything? I guess the latter.
That's two more people than I have ever had tell me I was right, Kris. It is the rarest trait on earth- a great way to describe it. That's why, conspiratorial implications aside, all the family and friends who demonized us, called us names, cancelled us from their lives, have far too much invested in this COVID psyop to ever admit they were wrong. They don't care about evidence, and they will not reason. Thanks!
I cannot agree with you more. There were times when I was wrong, and I freely admitted it. My boss once called me a "flaming asshole" and the guys never let me forget it. It is by being wrong that we learn. I have been wrong about many things. I am still waiting to see of De Santis ends up as Trump's VP pick. I called that one two years ago.
Meanwhile, my mother fought me until two weeks before she died. But her practically her last words were "Michael, you were right about everything." I do hate being right. I wish I was wrong and this country was in half the shape the liberals pretend it is.
But ostrich syndrome is a fact. There is no convincing these people. Our Lord Jesus Christ warned us about casting pearls before swine.
I have family like that, Kris. Many articles I have sent them, even post jab information from embalmers. Do they ever thank me? Hell no! They wouldn't DARE tell me I was correct. Yes, some took the jabs. Being younger than them, they continue to look down on me like a stupid little child. I didn't realize that being older somehow credits you with being "smarter". LOL! Be that as it may, I keep treading on. I've had to throw people to the curb I thought were friends. Well, if you can't handle the thick or thin, or even have an open mind, I don't want you covering my sixes! I find more people in Small Town America who are Very Awake! Thats where I am headed because the Zombie Apocalypse is coming. Like I always say, Blood is thicker than water, but it ain't thicker than shit!
My siblings and I have not spoken for decades, because I am a "conspiracy theorist". They are like strangers to me, but I know they've all been vaxed. The ironic thing is that I, the poorest and most ostracized member of the family...will end up with everything...and there's a lot to get. I truly wonder how they are dealing with the massive death toll...both parents, my sister's first husband and her best friend, huge numbers of childhood neighbors, teachers and school mates. Because they are mired in denial, I think they are probably trying desperately to convince themselves it's all a coinkydink. The first one who "dies peacefully in their sleep" will finally shock the others out of denial. I spent 30 years trying to help ungrateful fools. Once I saw how everyone rolled over in 2020...I took my retirement. I have extreme amounts of patience...but it is not endless.
I stopped talking to them all in 2001 and in 2010, I decided like a fool to contact my mother (she's responsible for a lot of the intense hatred against me). Over the nine years, I thought perhaps they had changed, improved. That time period really made me think about what those people are really like. But I thought we all could put our faults behind us and move on. Nope. In fact, they became worse. Just because you share DNA with others, that doesn't mean you're "family". Its easy for me to feel connected with strangers, and if I had met my family on the street, I would not want to be friends with any of them. Sorry to hear this scamdemic hit your family in the worst way. So far, all the meanies I have are still breathing. Maybe not for much longer. They don't like my political and other views either. But I don't care, time has proven I was correct. Its now to the point I only hear from the via short emails or Christmas cards. I have an older sister who has taken over the gossip of the family since my mother passed away. Pitiful to think a woman who is 73 is so Hateful yet claims to be such a Catholic zealot.
I realized from the start that these kinds of people never luckily I never wasted any time trying to convince family members. I did try to convince countless others. I recently created a fake fakebook account, so I could see who has kicked the covid vax bucket. turns out. Those still alive have become radical virtue signalers, believers in every psy-op of the last 20 years. If they can't see it now, when its not even being hidden, there was absolutely no chance 30 years ago that I was going to make one iota of difference in their journey to nowhere. It makes me angry now, that I wasted so much of my time.
Leopards never change their spots. I've learned the hard way too, that much breath was wasted and I basically set myself up for a lot of criticism. It is refreshing, however, that those I meet along my travels know what I know and realize all the lies we've been told. In those instances, I don't feel so alone. Regardless, sticking to your gut instincts is best. Like I once was told, you're your own best friend.
Ah, same here. When I became a Traditional Catholic 30 years ago, my extended family on both sides disowned me except for Aunt Joyce. Eventually my parents came around. I am sure my grandmothers would have come around if they had lived longer, especially the one on my mother's side. I also had become somewhat of a conspiracy theorist, and was totally against the first Iraqi War. That was when we crossed the proverbial Rubicon, so to speak. We had no business sticking our nose into an affair between two countries we had neither alliances nor treaties with. That was when our interventionalism went ballistic and past the point of no return. And, subsequently, the lies and hubris would wear thin. Yes, they said, the Iraqis killed 30 odd babies (a story later found to be a complete fabrication) and that justified bombing Saddam into the stone age, killing thousands if not tens of thousands. And years later I would hear of the "highway of death" where we slaughtered civilians fleeing the battle zones. Totally disgusting. And then along came Clinton- new dictator, same as the old, only not so good at keeping his peccadillos in the closet. And then I saw the whole stinking mess for what it was. And I became more and more estranged from all family all the while, especially those working for the gov't and in the banking system.
Hope they wake up... the hour is very, very late for all of us.
The first gulf war was my turning point as well. Religion was the major wedge between myself and my family. Except for my late father, they all were/are leftist pagans who are openly hostile to Christianity. They hide family deaths from me, so I've become skilled at finding that info online.
Yep, we are past the point of no return. As Marty Armstrong states, only a crash and burn is the answer because we will start over.
The country is so brainwashed that we are the good guys; it's sickening. Especially conservatives, since we've done such wonderful things for the earth and society, you are welcome. But we can't be complacent; Russians still need to be killed (Lindsey Graham).
I always thought my end would come before the county's, but now I have better odds of outlasting the Republic. Maybe we will get that long-awaited government change via Providence instead of the usual end-of-an-empire routine. Wouldn't that be nice?
Well, "Hidden History" was the first, and "Masking the Truth" is the most recent, and probably the most important at this moment in time. I tell people to shop around and get the best price they can. I'll be grateful regardless. Thanks!
Lindsey Graham never met a war he did not like. If he would have been running Nazi Germany, he probably would have bombed New York City in 1935.
But hey, let's give the guy a rifle and some grenades, put him on a plane, and let him jump over the Kremlin. We'll cable Putin and let him know he's coming.
I’ll be happy to post it here. Also I tried to get my library order it but it was turned down. I live in a liberal Democrat state, county and town so no way will they go against the mainstream narrative.
I cannot adequately express how I feel about you doing all that in order to support my work. Hearing from wonderful people like you is what keeps me going on. Again, Thank you!
Mary is NOT our intercessor and praying to or through Mary is useless. The verses you quote say nothing alluding to that. Mary was just a woman, used for God's purpose of bringing us Jesus. She is not to be elevated in position any more than any others, including the apostles, should be. CHRIST IS OUR ONLY INTERCESSOR. Read the Bible. When the curtain rent in two (Matt 27:51; Luke 23:45), the Old Covenant was finished and the New Covenant, with Christ as our new "High Priest" became our intercessor. No longer would Jewish priests enter the Holy of Holies to intercede for the sins of the people. Jesus took their place, interceding for us, as He continues to do today. He came so that all could have access to God, not just holy priests or members of the Sanhedrin. Faith wasn’t based on keeping rules or performance, but on believing in God’s love and being obedient to His will. And, as you can see, Mary has absolutely nothing to with this. The Christ (His only begotten Son) IS THE ONLY MEANS FOR CONNECTING WITH OUR FATHER/GOD IN HEAVEN.
Its sad to know that everything you said is so true. I was very young when our own government murdered a President, his brother, and a civil rights leader. It took time to realize the truth - its so in your face. All these "viruses" over the years forced me to wake up; something didn't make sense. The gas shortage of the 70s was a farce - thank you Jimmy! And after 9/11 then I knew for sure we were fooked. Things have gotten worse much quicker since then. I started listening to Alex Jones back in 2010, and even if you do not like the man, he is pretty much correct (no I do not listen to him that much anymore. Bad news gets very depressing and there is enough out there). If we're going down, then those politicians and elites are coming along. Even if I have to take one of them with me, I will do so.
But Don, Lee Harvey Oswald fired the Magic Bullet from an Antiquated Rifle through a foliated live oak and blew John Fitzgerald Kennedy's brains out while all the while standing on the steps and watching the parade. It was the greatest feat in human history- dwarfing the moon landings. And we must always vote for the lesser of two evils. So when they finally ask you if you would prefer a bullet in the back of your head or being tossed in the Potomac will a millstone around your neck I am sure you agree the former is more desirable. And of course Building 7 was not brought down with Magic Jet Fuel, the furniture was burning in the lobby.
But more seriously, I always said the FEMA camps were for the desirables, not the rest of us. If you look at the camps, they are clearly designed for keeping people out, not in. When the lights go out, the pumps stop, and the trucks stop rolling, most people will be banging down the doors to get internet access, free fentanyl, and fast food. Then they will sort through the cattle until they come up with their half billion or so they want to keep for breeding and adrenochrome or whatever.
Meanwhile, those huddling into the inner cities will be the prime targets for the herding operation.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope.
You may be right, WW. Thanks.
Jesus Christ is our only hope and we don't need any intercessor praying for us. We need to be on our knees praying ourselves. God hears the prayers of His people as we pray in Jesus's name.
Our Lady of Fatima gave two requests: One is for the Communion of Reparation of the Five First Saturdays and the other is the Collegial Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Pope and all the bishops in union with him. Until these two requests are fulfilled, we can expect only the multiplication of evils consummating in the reign of the Antichrist.
(Not the that the current occupant of the Chair of Peter, Pope Frantic, nor his collection of Apostate Pederast Birdbrains that comprise the Seat of the Antichrist in Rome have any mind of heeding her requests, as did all his predecessors dating back to Pius XI... but I digress.)
Now I do agree that ultimately, Jesus Christ is Our Only Hope and the only way Our Lady could make these requests is through the Merits He won upon the Holy Wood of the Cross as Eternal High Priest, the Sacrifice prefigured by the Old Testament from the Sacrifice of Abel to that Abraham to the Mosaic Ritual to that of Elias and etcetera.
But Our Lady, as Co-Redeptrix, and Mediatrix of All Grace (two titles which even many "Catholics" do not understand) is the more immediate and proximate source by which we go to the Throne of Grace, just as you cannot access the source of the Primary Living Waters but must have recourse to a spring or a river, or, more immediately, for "modern man", the kitchen faucet.
But that Mary is Our Intercessor is right there in the First Chapter of the Gospel of Luke, where the Angel Gabriel says "Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.", and a little further: "Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found grace with God." And just a few scant verses later, as Our Lady recites what we Catholics call the "Magnificat", Our Lady exclaims: "And Mary said: My soul doth magnify the Lord. And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. Because he hath regarded the humility of his handmaid; for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed."
That Mary is Our Intercessor is also plain from the Acts of the Apostles. The only place where Our Lady is mentioned is again in Chapter One: "All these were persevering with one mind in prayer with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren." And why? Because the Apostles knew that had not Our Lady been there, the Holy Ghost would not have descended on Pentecost, and Holy Mother Church would never have been born, the Apostles being too cowardly to take the Deposit of Faith to the Four Corners of the Earth.
That Our Lady came to Fatima in 1917 nobody can doubt. The Great Miracle of the Sun on October 13th of that year was seen by tens of thousands of people, and was predicted three months in advance. Our Lady came to warn us of the Abomination of Desolation, which cometh. And those who do mot persevere in the prayers of the Most Holy Rosary will surely fall, as Our Lord said "For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect."
If any Protestant makes it to Heaven, he shall realize twas Our Lady who got him there, and he shall thank her for All Eternity.
Mary is NOT our intercessor and praying to or through Mary is useless. The verses you quote say nothing alluding to that. Mary was just a woman, used for God's purpose of bringing us Jesus. She is not to be elevated in position any more than any others, including the apostles, should be. CHRIST IS OUR ONLY INTERCESSOR. Read the Bible. When the curtain rent in two (Matt 27:51; Luke 23:45), the Old Covenant was finished and the New Covenant, with Christ as our new "High Priest" became our intercessor. No longer would Jewish priests enter the Holy of Holies to intercede for the sins of the people. Jesus took their place, interceding for us, as He continues to do today. He came so that all could have access to God, not just holy priests or members of the Sanhedrin. Faith wasn’t based on keeping rules or performance, but on believing in God’s love and being obedient to His will. And, as you can see, Mary has absolutely nothing to with this. The Christ (His only begotten Son) IS THE ONLY MEANS FOR CONNECTING WITH OUR FATHER/GOD IN HEAVEN.
Our Lord Jesus Christ taught the Twelve Apostles what we call the Deposit of Faith. The Apostles in turn were further enlightened by the Holy Ghost after Jesus Ascended into Heaven, elaborating on what Jesus had said. And that is why the Church He founded has four marks: One, Holy, Universal (The word "Catholic" means Universal) and Apostolic. What we have as the Deposit of Faith, the sum total of Divine Revelation, ended with the death of St John, the last Apostle to die.
Part of the Deposit of Faith is the intercession of Our Lady. Our Lady was not a "mere woman" any more than Adam, Abraham, Moses, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, or Daniel were "mere men". They were specially called by God at certain periods in Salvation History, to do Great Works in their Time. Similarly, Our Lady was born in the fullness of time. She was Immaculately Conceived- Indeed, She told Bernadette Sobrious at Lourdes: "I AM THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION".
Our Lady is indeed our Intercessor. Recall what occurred in the Second Chapter of St Luke: "And Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary his mother: Behold this child is set for the fall, and for the resurrection of many in Israel, and for a sign which shall be contradicted; And thy own soul a sword shall pierce, that, out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed."
St Simeon did not limit these hearts to just the generation that would crucify Our Lord Jesus Christ, for all generations crucify Him, as per Saint Paul speaking of the reprobate: "And are fallen away: to be renewed again to penance, crucifying again to themselves the Son of God, and making him a mockery." Our Lady dwells in Eternity, at the Foot of the Cross, beside Her Son, Eternal High Priest. For, although the Sacrifice of Calvary was a Historical Event, it was also an Eternal Event. Every Catholic Mass, said by a priest of the Apostolic Succession, brings the Foot of the Cross to all Times and all Places, that we might have the Opportunity to remain with Our Lord.
The Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was given to the Apostles after the Last Supper on Holy Thursday Evening: "And taking bread, he gave thanks, and brake; and gave to them, saying: This is my body, which is given for you. Do this for a commemoration of me In like manner the chalice also, after he had supped, saying: This is the chalice, the new testament in my blood, which shall be shed for you." [Luke, Chapter 22: Verses 19 and 20]
St Paul reiterates this: "For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread. And giving thanks, broke, and said: Take ye, and eat: this is my body, which shall be delivered for you: this do for the commemoration of me. In like manner also the chalice, after he had supped, saying: This chalice is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as often as you shall drink, for the commemoration of me."
And at every Holy Mass we find Our Lady at the Foot of The Holy Cross, interceding for us with sighs and tears we can hardly fathom or comprehend. Our Lady, at La Salette in 1850, wept before Melanie and Maximan as She foretold the woes about to come upon the world.
I am sorry, but Catholicism is steeped in idolatry--revering Mary and making statues to her, etc. God can and does use any/all of us for His purposes--WITH NONE BEING GREATER THAN THE OTHER. Read the Bible without all the Catholic indoctrination. I was born and raised a Catholic and until I met my husband--simply a Christian/Follower of Christ--I did not realize how far off the Catholic religion really was about a lot of things: man-made rules and rituals that are meaningless and even false doctrines. I encourage you to simply read the Bible, an NIV version is a reliable one, and learn for yourself, without all the clutter of Catholicism.
And why did I think this conversation would lead to the Bible? Of course, I have read the Bible from cover to cover. I quote the Bible extensively. Every Word of the Bible is Inspired by the Holy Ghost, from the first verse of Genesis to the last verse of the Apocalypse. Every word in it is true. The Heavens and the Earth were created in Six Days, Noah rode out the Flood in his Ark, and all the generations from Adam to Our Lord Jesus Christ are just as they are listed in the genealogies of the gospels.
That being said, in the Early Church, no pastor could say to his flock, as Protestant pastors are wont to do: "Now open your Bibles to..." What we know as the Bible was compiled by St Jerome in about 350 AD, and canonized by the Ecumenical Council of Ephesus shortly thereafter. The Bible, meanwhile, is bigger than the Bible. In at least two places, the Apocrypha are quoted. Matthew makes reference, in Chapter 27, to a prophecy of Jeremiah concerning the Thirty Pieces of Silver with which Judas was paid to betray Our Lord. But you will look in vain throughout Jeremiah for any such quote because that quote is in the Fourth Book of Jeremiah which his Scribe, Baruch, took down, a book that never made it into the Bible. Meanwhile, St James, in his epistle, pulls from the Book of Henoch at least twice, and another source concerning the combat over the Body of Moses.
St John wrote that Our Lord Jesus Christ said and did many more things than were recorded, and opined that the world could not hold all the books that should be written concerning them. This is what we call Apostolic Tradition, and the Books of the Bible are merely a subset of this Tradition, which has been faithfully transmitted from generation to generation by the Holy Ghost.
Our Lord Jesus Christ said that he who does not gather with Me, scatters. And His Word is fulfilled in the multiplicity of Protestant Denominations. They argue over Infant Baptism, the Eucharist, and the Indissolubility of Holy Matrimony, just to name three. Some have accepted practices condemned by Tradition, such as abortion, sodomy, and women priests.
Meanwhile, I do not lean on every word Pope Frantic says. Quite the contrary. The man is obviously an Apostate and Rome has become the Seat of the Antichrist. The corruption and malaise of the Vatican would appall Luther, Zwingli, and Calvin. The Abomination of Desolation has come to dwell in the Holy Place.
And, yes, even the Catholic Church of the 1950's left a lot to be desired. Many Catholics had a Pantheon little different than the Greeks of Old. They were superstitious and had little conception of the Communion of Saints. Regards.
I could certainly identity with this. So far, only two two people (my sister-in-law and her son) have had the grace to say: "You were right, thank you for never giving up on us. We would have taken the clot-shot if we had never met you". As I'm sure you know, it means a lot to hear those words.
I did hear all those insults...and more...but there's another thing I wonder it you also heard. Many times when I was undeniably right about something, I would get "I don't remember you ever saying that". To me the mark of a person of high integrity is the ability to say they are sorry, and that they were wrong. I think this is the rarest trait on earth. I have gone to great lengths to track down folks from my past to apologize... and yet, only one person has ever apologized to me, and that was after I shamed them into it.I have purged my life of all the stubborn, stupid people from my past, and I often wonder...since everything I used to say is now so blatantly they dare admit to themselves that I was right...or are they still refusing to admit they were wrong about everything? I guess the latter.
That's two more people than I have ever had tell me I was right, Kris. It is the rarest trait on earth- a great way to describe it. That's why, conspiratorial implications aside, all the family and friends who demonized us, called us names, cancelled us from their lives, have far too much invested in this COVID psyop to ever admit they were wrong. They don't care about evidence, and they will not reason. Thanks!
There are none so blind as those who will not see!
I cannot agree with you more. There were times when I was wrong, and I freely admitted it. My boss once called me a "flaming asshole" and the guys never let me forget it. It is by being wrong that we learn. I have been wrong about many things. I am still waiting to see of De Santis ends up as Trump's VP pick. I called that one two years ago.
Meanwhile, my mother fought me until two weeks before she died. But her practically her last words were "Michael, you were right about everything." I do hate being right. I wish I was wrong and this country was in half the shape the liberals pretend it is.
But ostrich syndrome is a fact. There is no convincing these people. Our Lord Jesus Christ warned us about casting pearls before swine.
Perfectly said, WW. Thanks!
I repeat that verse to myself often.
I have family like that, Kris. Many articles I have sent them, even post jab information from embalmers. Do they ever thank me? Hell no! They wouldn't DARE tell me I was correct. Yes, some took the jabs. Being younger than them, they continue to look down on me like a stupid little child. I didn't realize that being older somehow credits you with being "smarter". LOL! Be that as it may, I keep treading on. I've had to throw people to the curb I thought were friends. Well, if you can't handle the thick or thin, or even have an open mind, I don't want you covering my sixes! I find more people in Small Town America who are Very Awake! Thats where I am headed because the Zombie Apocalypse is coming. Like I always say, Blood is thicker than water, but it ain't thicker than shit!
My siblings and I have not spoken for decades, because I am a "conspiracy theorist". They are like strangers to me, but I know they've all been vaxed. The ironic thing is that I, the poorest and most ostracized member of the family...will end up with everything...and there's a lot to get. I truly wonder how they are dealing with the massive death toll...both parents, my sister's first husband and her best friend, huge numbers of childhood neighbors, teachers and school mates. Because they are mired in denial, I think they are probably trying desperately to convince themselves it's all a coinkydink. The first one who "dies peacefully in their sleep" will finally shock the others out of denial. I spent 30 years trying to help ungrateful fools. Once I saw how everyone rolled over in 2020...I took my retirement. I have extreme amounts of patience...but it is not endless.
I stopped talking to them all in 2001 and in 2010, I decided like a fool to contact my mother (she's responsible for a lot of the intense hatred against me). Over the nine years, I thought perhaps they had changed, improved. That time period really made me think about what those people are really like. But I thought we all could put our faults behind us and move on. Nope. In fact, they became worse. Just because you share DNA with others, that doesn't mean you're "family". Its easy for me to feel connected with strangers, and if I had met my family on the street, I would not want to be friends with any of them. Sorry to hear this scamdemic hit your family in the worst way. So far, all the meanies I have are still breathing. Maybe not for much longer. They don't like my political and other views either. But I don't care, time has proven I was correct. Its now to the point I only hear from the via short emails or Christmas cards. I have an older sister who has taken over the gossip of the family since my mother passed away. Pitiful to think a woman who is 73 is so Hateful yet claims to be such a Catholic zealot.
I realized from the start that these kinds of people never luckily I never wasted any time trying to convince family members. I did try to convince countless others. I recently created a fake fakebook account, so I could see who has kicked the covid vax bucket. turns out. Those still alive have become radical virtue signalers, believers in every psy-op of the last 20 years. If they can't see it now, when its not even being hidden, there was absolutely no chance 30 years ago that I was going to make one iota of difference in their journey to nowhere. It makes me angry now, that I wasted so much of my time.
Leopards never change their spots. I've learned the hard way too, that much breath was wasted and I basically set myself up for a lot of criticism. It is refreshing, however, that those I meet along my travels know what I know and realize all the lies we've been told. In those instances, I don't feel so alone. Regardless, sticking to your gut instincts is best. Like I once was told, you're your own best friend.
Ah, same here. When I became a Traditional Catholic 30 years ago, my extended family on both sides disowned me except for Aunt Joyce. Eventually my parents came around. I am sure my grandmothers would have come around if they had lived longer, especially the one on my mother's side. I also had become somewhat of a conspiracy theorist, and was totally against the first Iraqi War. That was when we crossed the proverbial Rubicon, so to speak. We had no business sticking our nose into an affair between two countries we had neither alliances nor treaties with. That was when our interventionalism went ballistic and past the point of no return. And, subsequently, the lies and hubris would wear thin. Yes, they said, the Iraqis killed 30 odd babies (a story later found to be a complete fabrication) and that justified bombing Saddam into the stone age, killing thousands if not tens of thousands. And years later I would hear of the "highway of death" where we slaughtered civilians fleeing the battle zones. Totally disgusting. And then along came Clinton- new dictator, same as the old, only not so good at keeping his peccadillos in the closet. And then I saw the whole stinking mess for what it was. And I became more and more estranged from all family all the while, especially those working for the gov't and in the banking system.
Hope they wake up... the hour is very, very late for all of us.
The first gulf war was my turning point as well. Religion was the major wedge between myself and my family. Except for my late father, they all were/are leftist pagans who are openly hostile to Christianity. They hide family deaths from me, so I've become skilled at finding that info online.
My kin for the most part are agnostic. What riles them is criticism of the sacred cows.
Yep, we are past the point of no return. As Marty Armstrong states, only a crash and burn is the answer because we will start over.
The country is so brainwashed that we are the good guys; it's sickening. Especially conservatives, since we've done such wonderful things for the earth and society, you are welcome. But we can't be complacent; Russians still need to be killed (Lindsey Graham).
I always thought my end would come before the county's, but now I have better odds of outlasting the Republic. Maybe we will get that long-awaited government change via Providence instead of the usual end-of-an-empire routine. Wouldn't that be nice?
Can't argue with you, Phil. Thanks!
Thanks. BTW, what is a good title to start reading your work? And any preference for where I buy it?
Well, "Hidden History" was the first, and "Masking the Truth" is the most recent, and probably the most important at this moment in time. I tell people to shop around and get the best price they can. I'll be grateful regardless. Thanks!
The best Title by far is Hidden History. The first volume is a great primer. The second volume will have your jaw dropping every other page.
Lindsey Graham never met a war he did not like. If he would have been running Nazi Germany, he probably would have bombed New York City in 1935.
But hey, let's give the guy a rifle and some grenades, put him on a plane, and let him jump over the Kremlin. We'll cable Putin and let him know he's coming.
This was a wonderful piece of writing - thank you Don 👍
Thanks, Smoke!
I tried to post my 5 star review of Masking the Truth on Amazon but it does not appear. I did post it on Good Reads where it does appear.
I appreciate you telling me that, Nancy. I wonder how many people have actually reviewed or rated it. I knew they'd censor it somehow. Thanks!
I’ll be happy to post it here. Also I tried to get my library order it but it was turned down. I live in a liberal Democrat state, county and town so no way will they go against the mainstream narrative.
I cannot adequately express how I feel about you doing all that in order to support my work. Hearing from wonderful people like you is what keeps me going on. Again, Thank you!
Mary is NOT our intercessor and praying to or through Mary is useless. The verses you quote say nothing alluding to that. Mary was just a woman, used for God's purpose of bringing us Jesus. She is not to be elevated in position any more than any others, including the apostles, should be. CHRIST IS OUR ONLY INTERCESSOR. Read the Bible. When the curtain rent in two (Matt 27:51; Luke 23:45), the Old Covenant was finished and the New Covenant, with Christ as our new "High Priest" became our intercessor. No longer would Jewish priests enter the Holy of Holies to intercede for the sins of the people. Jesus took their place, interceding for us, as He continues to do today. He came so that all could have access to God, not just holy priests or members of the Sanhedrin. Faith wasn’t based on keeping rules or performance, but on believing in God’s love and being obedient to His will. And, as you can see, Mary has absolutely nothing to with this. The Christ (His only begotten Son) IS THE ONLY MEANS FOR CONNECTING WITH OUR FATHER/GOD IN HEAVEN.