Yes, I forgot about that coupling. Almost as bad an image as Zelensky playing chop sticks.

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First I've heard of this. Yes, a horrible mental picture.

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As always, Don, your biting insight filled reporting leaves no road excrement unturned in your yeoman ongoing efforts to widen the path all Americans need to take toward Enlightenment! When I first saw Zelensky drop his trousers and flop his member on a piano in front of a theatre filled with Ukrainians I could not believe it. However, given the fact that our Zionist puppet at the time, Barack, bath house Barry, Obama, agreed that this sorry ass example of humanity should become Ukraine's Zionist puppet, it makes sense. It was the Obama/Biden administration that initiated the coup in 2014 that may, God forbid, will lead to a wider war. Plus, I could not agree more with you characterization of court historian Michael, (LBJ revisionist) Beschloss. The best thing I can say about him is that he is loathsome, individual sans a thread of empathy for humans with a different bloodline. Decades ago when he first appeared on Public TV with fellow Zionist guided Biographer, Doris. the plagiarist, Goodman, I stopped giving money to PBS.

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I really appreciate those kind words, Eric. I've written about Goodwin in a couple of my books. Apparently had an affair with LBJ, and is probably the foremost female Lincoln apologist. So she's the total package. Thanks!

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We are living in parallel Earth where only a minority realizes the dangers we are in--the rest go on as usual. Of course, this is not really true as unconsciously we see its malevolent effects daily (ie, increase in crime, lawlessness and immorality; individual psychotic breakdowns; sexual insanity). The masses are too terrified to see the unified picture, or better put--the common denominator of the sick ruling elite. As the elite represent the all powerful and life-giving parents, they are taboo for close examinations as this might lead to some uncomfortable personal history.

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Yes, the war started a long time ago, here in America. They've just ramped it up over the last 20 years. I agree, be nice to others and help them if you can, even in small ways. As they say, Pay It Forwards. Spread the Goodness that is in Mankind. They cannot take it away from us, nor our love or faith.

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Happy New Year, Don!

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Thanks, Rhonda- same to you!

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