At first, I fell for the 9/11 BS too. When it all happened, the entire debacle was such a shock. And the media blasted this over and over continuously, for days after. Then I remembered about how they found that "terrorist's" ID that somehow, floated gracefully to the ground, undamaged. Then I watched a ton of experienced demolition removers in their process of removing buildings. Then I questioned where were all those airplane parts that hit the Pentagon. I too knew immediately that a huge airliner would have made an impeccable hole in that building. I ended up getting into a huge argument with a friend's husband over that "crash", which he fell for the original narrative. This dude was an engineer too - LOL! It didn't take me too long to formulate my own opinion, becoming extremely suspicious as things did not add up. There were two cops that were interviewed at a gas station as something extremely fast flew over their heads. They claimed it was NOT an airliner and whatever it was, that was the "thing" that hit the Pentagon. I watched a lot of videos and read articles by the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and in my humble opinion, I believe they are pretty correct. They brought up how that steel was cleaned up and shipped out of the country - Immediately! Why, you ask? To hide whatever chemicals were used. Many of those near the buildings heard explosions, even first responders. Don't trust your eyes or ears, folks! Those buildings were taken down purposely without any regards to humans' lives. They had Bldg. 7 already plugged with explosives and were hoping that one of those plane parts would have crashed in that building, or perhaps one of those buildings falling onto 7, who knows, but since that plan (whatever it was) didn't work out, they took it down anyways. Who would ask the deep questions? Most people were extremely stupified anyways and believe what they are told. Being so used to having that ring in their nose and being lead around like sheep. Now with the Scamdemic, its the basically same play, call it whatever part of the play you want, there are so many scenes that lead up to today. Kill as many people as possible. I have family who doesn't believe a shitting thing I tell them even when I forward articles to them. They just hit the Delete button, so I don't even waste my time anymore. I made it one of my permanent resolutions to let them all fall into the growing cracks in the earth. They talk amongst themselves that I am a conspiracy theorist, a nutjob, drama queen, and etc. I wish my father was still alive. He had good instincts and I would love to be able to sit down and just really talk about all these things. He was a mean, but very frustrated person, who worked his tail off for the family (he wanted only 4 kids and stop; my mother wanted as many as possible and got her way). He passed away at age 67, unfortunately, never able to enjoy any kind of retirement. Dad was smart, he didn't believe everything he was told and he said things like they were. I could tell you stories about my family life growing up in that hectic household, but maybe thats another chapter. Anyhoo, Don, I always appreciate your articles. Never any BS, not in my opinion.

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Great points, Fran- thanks!

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I want to know, Don, what really happened to all those people on those airliners. I saw the flight path of one of them that somehow was "intercepted" and very oddly changed a sharp course. Don't remember which flight it was, but that too was very suspicious. Flying a Cessna is hugely different than trying to fly an airliner - just look at all the gauges. And at those high speeds? I think not. Perhaps those planes were taken over remotely. I don't know, but it was not 19 guys carrying box cutters. Were they even actual airliners that hit those buildings? What about all those people who called their families from their cell phones? Was that even real? No decent common sensical answers from anyone on too much of this mass murder. Because of 9/11, I will not go into tall buildings. I won't even fly anymore. I feel more in control of my own movements by keeping my feet as close to Earth as possible.

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There are so many questions about all this, Fran, that it has spawned lots of theories- holograms, electronic beams, empty airplanes, empty buildings, etc. Who knows? I don't consider any speculation more outlandish than the official story. Thanks!

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In the final analysis, I think all the flights were fictional. Astute researchers have found that planes with the same serial numbers as those that allegedly flew into the buildings are still flying. Oops.

At this point, the hologram theory seems most plausible. As a metallurgist, the prospect of an aluminum plane penetrating a steel building is somewhat ridiculous. Planes are essentially flying beer cans.

The impact of the Pentagon is even more hilarious. A plane would bounce off the Pentagon like a beer can off a cement wall.

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I am not so sure. When you consider how a tornado can drive a piece of straw thru wood at such force. I did see the photos of some of the totally melted cars that were blocks away from the carnage. We never did receive any explanations on that phenomena. DEWs only makes sense to me. Just like what they did to all those homes in Paradise, CA.

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We all know building 7 was taken down by the furniture burning in the lobby. Don't be an utter moron. (Just kidding.)

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I forgot about that line. Why didn't they implode other buildings? A little too obvious? Why bldg. 7?

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The speculation has been that there was something they wanted destroyed in Building 7, Fran. That's all we can do- speculate. Thanks.

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The speculation is that building 7 was where they had the DEWs that took down the towers. Then they did in building 7 with a classic controlled demolition.

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I wonder if there were any bodies of importance in there as well. Yes, more speculation. That'll all end when they meet up with St. Peter.

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Loved reading your comment here. I am in different circumstances "down under" in Australia. But I related to the sentiments in your post in a big way.

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An Black ex-Democrat just joined your Special Ops team:


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I didn't know I had a Special Ops team, guest1.6. lol. But I'll take her. Thanks!

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