I've been helping a few old and incapacitated folks with financial, legal, and govt issues, and I've learned to avoid the people contact at all costs as I have experienced the same treatment. If you must call, make it first-grade level clear what exactly you are asking for, and don't cloud the request with any of the real-life details or background info, no matter how pertinent it is... Just say I need X please. However in the past 2 years, I've learned that creating online accounts with valid email and iphone registration are the best approaches for service and communications, and to spend the drudgery of time on their websites to get tasking done. Companies and Govt want to move away from the people Help Desk model, to the automated help model. Always take screenshots of everything, and when sending USPS, always make digital copies to be used later with online tools and correspondence. Also, often times the email accounts provided for help can be shockingly helpful lately. As a long shot if deep govt services are failing, contact your local politicians office, asking for help. I've seen this work with my neighbors a few times. Welcome to American Bureaucracy 2.0. Also, thanks for the tip about not acting too swiftly, which is a new one that is sure to pay off.
Your tale resonates and is absolutely worth telling. The Kafkaesque situations we all face are designed to wear us down. Thankfully in the UK we do have this service which streamlines the process.
Perhaps we're better off to change our last names to Rodriquez in order to receive the customer service the rest of the population is receiving. Or if visiting in person, tell whomever you identify as a black person. I think you could find a cheap 'Fro and some fake gold chains. You'll have to practice at shucking and jiving. I am sorry for the loss of your brother and all the angst over his death in dealing with what should be something quite normal. Afterall, people die every day and so many file for Social Security, there should easily be experts on hand to provide you the services you require. I am sure Ricky forgives you. Getting old is scary as much as getting sick is. Blessings to you, Don!
Yes, getting old can be quite scary. My biggest fear is lying there and not even having the strength to clear my throat. I guess the remedy to that is to split wood for two hours and then walk ten miles. Or shovel snow until I have a heart attack.
At any rate, identifying as a black person won't help you. I do recall one experience I had in Kansas City Missouri (Jackson County- the Third World right in the Middle of America, and I'm sure the residents there of both colors know exactly what i am talking about...) at the Home Depot in midtown on Linwood. I was with a black dude and needed a length of chain cut. I went to the service desk. They said they would call somebody in hardware to help me. Well, nobody responded. I went back to the Service Desk. Nobody could help me there. So I went to the Returns Desk. Nobody there knew how to cut chain either. In utter exasperation, I went to the head cashier, who a manager. She said she could not help me either. "The Service in this place is just blowing my socks off", I shouted out loud.
That was when the whole store was suddenly bending over backwards to help me. I guess they were afraid I might give a bad report to the higher echelons.
Somehow, I don't even think that would have any effect in 2024.
The reason I brought up acting like a black person was because my sister tried 3 times to apply for Social Security at one of the Ohio offices (probably Cleveland) and was told she couldn't get it. This was after standing in line for hours while other folks, and I am referring to blacks, were helped and given what they needed Immediately. Needless to say, she was livid.
I've been to my local Home Depot. When you need help, no one is around. To try and grab one of their scarce employees is outrageous. On numerous occasions, when I've been lucky enough to receive help, I always get rudely interrupted by another customer - and its always a Man. So I just tell them - wait your turn, Mister. The sales person is the one who needs to tell another customer to wait, not me. But they stand there with that deer in the headlights look. I am assuming because I'm an older female, that I can just be stomped on. These "men" are not the younger ones either.
I wouldn't even bother yelling in a store these days. I've watched enough police videos where they come with guns drawn and if they don't like how are you're acting, they just shoot. Or thats the way it appears to me. Some cops are rude as hell and try and intimidate a person to the point that they get the reaction they need to make an arrest.
This country has turned into a police state. But thats the plan. Let all the illegal invaders in that seem to run amok and attack regular tax paying Americans.
BTW - same sister works at a Home Depot. The horror stories I hear from her about how people steal and just walk out the store. No employee can do anything to stop them either. So the cost of theft falls onto the paying customer. I won't shop there anymore unless necessary.
Yes, lucky us. We get to be in a society in the last stages of an utterly terminal, immoral decline surrounded by people who do not know the history they are about to repeat.
When Our Lady of Fatima said that various nations will be annihilated, she certainly was not whistling Dixie. I suspect ours is at the top of the list. At any rate, I just watched a short highlight of the Abomination that took place in St Patrick's Cathedral on February 15th. Never in a hundred years would I have thought I would see such a spectacle in my lifetime when I was younger.
This Church and Nation are just begging for the Divine Wrath. They mock all that is holy and shake their fists at all that is Apostolic.
There is probably a special place in Hell just for that crowd.
Ahh, so it was that tranny funeral that St. Patrick's held. How can any church claim they were "duped" into hosting it? What an abomination! Unfortunately for all these people, they don't understand that God will not be mocked.
You should have entitled this post: "Dealing With America 2.0- The Bureaucratic Quagmire From The Pit Of Hell."
Officially, I don't deal with America 2.0. I do not exist- have not existed since 1991. When my mother died the bank kept faithfully sending statements detailing the absolute lack of account activity, and then deducting 2 dollars for the service. You can do the math on how long that took to drain the $43 dollars that was left in the account once the social security payment was revoked. Two years later, they sent a letter complaining of the overdraft the $2 fee caused, which threatened penalties. Since then, I have gotten no further letters. I guess somebody finally figured it out. Thank the Blessed Mother for small favors.
The Last time I dealt with Phone Hell was in trying to renew my car insurance. After being transferred 7 times, I was transferred to a line that rang seven times and then got an answering machine suggesting I leave a message. Which I did which I shant repeat here since children might be reading. My car insurance dutifully expired and I got all sorts of hate mail from the state, but just kept on driving anyway, for the next ten years.
About a year ago I got a gift card that did not work. I called customer service and got a maiden from either India or Pakistan, not sure which. They said they fixed the card. it still did not work. I just pitched it.
At any rate, isn't it wonderful living in a country where you pay more and more and get less and less? I think it is only by the grace of God this crummy piece of electronic felgercarb still works. But any day now...
Donald, try Griefshare.org for groups that meet in your locale. Usually churches host them. You should be able to find a group easily, as long as you are not in a rural area.
I appreciate that, Lisa. This post is two years old. I did finally find a really good grief counselor. She helped me out a lot with the guilt, and made me feel good about myself. Thanks!
It's terrible that you should have had to go through all this bs, while grieving for your brother. Donald, you are way too conscientious. You should have just left everything undone, until/if they found out on their own. Since America 2.0 started really unraveling about 15 years ago, folks have just not complyed with a lot of this stuff...and for the most part ...no one even notices.
Sending your original birth certificate to SS? That would be lunacy. In 2008 when I went to renew my driver's license, they had just passed a law requiring a SS number to do this (since rescinded for non-US citizens). They said my number was no good, and I had to go to the SS office to find out why. It was a horrible experience, as always...a long wait. I was told that I was using someone else's number. Thirty years prior, SS had sent me a replacement card with two numbers transposed. I had bought and sold a house, and had numerous bank cards with this number, and NOT ONE of these places ever caught that I was using someone else's number. I asked if the person was still alive. They said they were prohibited from telling me, but said if they were, they would be very old. I think the number was from someone who died fairly young and had never had a credit account. They asked for the bad card, and like a fool, I gave it to them. After I left, I realized that if I were to be accused of identity theft, I had just given away my only proof that it was SS's mistake. SS would have NEVER admitted their mistake.
When I was traveling a lot in the late nineties, I NEVER sent my passport away to an embassy for a visa stamp. That seemed crazy, to trust paper-pushers living the easy life in America, to actually do their job, and return my passport. I always gambled that showing up and getting the visa, on site, would work. It always did. It caused a lot of consternation...but what are they going to do? It would have been way too much work for them to find another plane to send me back. Public servants will do anything to get out of extra work. I know I am highly cynical...but being this way has saved me a lot of extra trouble.
You are one of the few, the wide awake, a graduate of the school of hard knocks, and having an open mind.
Don still lives way to close to the Swamp, in a Swampy House. But my one hope for him lies in the Book Hidden History II, especially the part where he portrays Abraham Lincoln as being completely fake and ghey.
He is a lot closer to the truth than most people, who still think America is God's Promised Land to the Gentiles with a Manifest Destiny to bring Freedom and Democracy to the World, the 20th Century version of the White Man's Burden.
The Swamp was wise to me early on. The only thing I ever got from the Swamp was my motorcycle license, and that begrudgingly, after the third try, because they would have trouble explaining why a kid who could do figure eights on his motorcycle in the parking pen was somehow incompetent for the open road.
But when I applied for a commercial drivers license, forget it. They wanted me to take a breathalizer test, and give a ton of urine samples- and to make sure it was my urine, I was to perform all on camera. Sorry, I ain't going to be reduced to a pornographic product.
Meanwhile, I pride myself on not taking one dime from the government, not even when I was eligible for unemployment, and never taking more on an income tax return than a refund of the deductions.
Our government has become a crime syndicate- on all levels. They waste money, hire their cronies, waste time, fail to do their jobs, and all the while lording it over the sheeple.
Enjoy it while it lasts, guys and gals. When it hits the fan, you will the first on the chopping block.
I always tell folks, I have a Phd from the school of hard knocks. I got my commercial license back when all one had to do was take a written test. Once they brought in all the extra stuff, I let it lapse. All the regulations were really hard on my dad. Here was a guy who would go through gyrations to avoid following regulations, who started a trucking company only because he loved trucks, ironically finding himself, in what was to become one of the most regulated industries in the country.
There is a situation going on in Portland right now, that when I read about it, makes me physically sick to my stomach. It is a text book example of how the woke managers of blue cities, will drive their city off a cliff...before they will admit they were wrong.
The ambulance company that contracts with the county can no longer keep up. Ambulance wait times, in highly vaxed Multnomah County are at one hour. A person hit by a car died waiting an hour for help. The County Chair, Vega-Peterson (picture crazy-lady-plastic-glasses eyes and hair) is acting like a petty dictator. She will not budge on the fact that each ambulance MUST have two paramedics...no matter that all other Oregon counties are fine with only one. The contracting companies just can not comply, because in Oregon paramedics were forced to get the Jonestown jab, and so many have died, that they can't train replacements fast enough. The other county council members have begged her, the Portland city council has begged her, the fire chiefs have begged her, the paramedic union leader has begged her...but she just fined the ambulance company two million dollars because : "they are not honoring their contract by arriving in a timely manner". Imho, the ambulance company needs to admit they are licked, and go elsewhere. After weeks of this nonsense, Vega-Peterson made a public statement today, that she WILL NOT capitulate. What sense of entitlement, what sense of omniscience, has been installed in the brains of these liberal women leaders...that they know THEY ARE THE BOSS?
Now would Vega-Peterson ever be voted out? Never. Voters in these woke cities and states, will ALWAYS double-down on their suicidal policies. America is doomed. I told a solar panel salesman who came to my door yesterday, why would I buy anything for my home when the country wont last until the end of the year? He laughed at me. I would die before I would call an ambulance for myself.
Same here. Since 1984 I swore I would never enter a doctor's office again on my own power. I broke that oath just once, in 1992 when all my hair fell out- my ma thought I was dying of cancer. So I went to the clinic, got charge $20, and paid $400 for a battery of tests, all of which were negative. And they had no idea why all my hair fell out- and I do mean every last hair- even under my armpits. Well, about six months later a get a bill for $100 dollars for doctors fees. I refused to pay it. I am still on somebody's hit list.
By the way, all cities are "Blue Cities". Some are just a much deeper shade than others.
In Kansas City, you could forget about an ambulance. The druggies used to drive their comrades with gunshot wounds to the hospital emergency room.
Did you ever find out why all your hair fell out? I am having same issues (don't have to shave pits or legs - lol). Its not "age" either. My problem is thats it has been a very slow process. Yes, I am changing my diet. Nothing seems to help. I also refuse to see any doctors. They're licensed to kill and don't give a crap either. I am not on any meds.
Reading all those articles from that Agent person here on Substack has really woken me up. Those supplements that I thought were healthy for me are in the garbage.
I have no idea to this day. I worked with all sorts of exotic chemicals in the lab, and was close to TMI when it melted down. So maybe I'm just like one of those wolves of Chernobyl.
LOL! I've been thru radiation therapy when I had that tumor removed from my spinal cord. I asked the oncologist if it would affect my liver or kidneys. Of course, he said no. But it did sterilize me, which I didn't care. My thyroid levels are way out of wack, so trying to get that under control. Thats been a total nightmare. Looking at the population nowadays, men and women are bald. They want us looking like those "aliens" they keep saying are around. I guess we'll be easy targets.
I appreciate that, Kris. There has been a huge scandal of illegals using SS#s now for years. No one seems to care. Anything goes if you're "undocumented." Thanks!
Your brother Ricky's journey in this God-forsaken (and I mean that literally) country is emblematic of the Third World Nation we have become. You were a good brother, you loved him the best you could. In this world that means everything, so many of us are all alone. God bless you and your kind wife.
If this country were the Third World that may be an improvement. At least in the Third World they don't have to actually PAY for all the incompetence, and nobody bothers their chickens.
I've been helping a few old and incapacitated folks with financial, legal, and govt issues, and I've learned to avoid the people contact at all costs as I have experienced the same treatment. If you must call, make it first-grade level clear what exactly you are asking for, and don't cloud the request with any of the real-life details or background info, no matter how pertinent it is... Just say I need X please. However in the past 2 years, I've learned that creating online accounts with valid email and iphone registration are the best approaches for service and communications, and to spend the drudgery of time on their websites to get tasking done. Companies and Govt want to move away from the people Help Desk model, to the automated help model. Always take screenshots of everything, and when sending USPS, always make digital copies to be used later with online tools and correspondence. Also, often times the email accounts provided for help can be shockingly helpful lately. As a long shot if deep govt services are failing, contact your local politicians office, asking for help. I've seen this work with my neighbors a few times. Welcome to American Bureaucracy 2.0. Also, thanks for the tip about not acting too swiftly, which is a new one that is sure to pay off.
Good for you, Roberto. Thanks!
You do have a liking for torture, hope your penances save many souls.
bless you for writing all of this.
Thank you, Alanna!
Your tale resonates and is absolutely worth telling. The Kafkaesque situations we all face are designed to wear us down. Thankfully in the UK we do have this service which streamlines the process.
God bless you sir.
Thanks, Paul!
Perhaps we're better off to change our last names to Rodriquez in order to receive the customer service the rest of the population is receiving. Or if visiting in person, tell whomever you identify as a black person. I think you could find a cheap 'Fro and some fake gold chains. You'll have to practice at shucking and jiving. I am sorry for the loss of your brother and all the angst over his death in dealing with what should be something quite normal. Afterall, people die every day and so many file for Social Security, there should easily be experts on hand to provide you the services you require. I am sure Ricky forgives you. Getting old is scary as much as getting sick is. Blessings to you, Don!
Good points, Fran. Thank you!
Yes, getting old can be quite scary. My biggest fear is lying there and not even having the strength to clear my throat. I guess the remedy to that is to split wood for two hours and then walk ten miles. Or shovel snow until I have a heart attack.
At any rate, identifying as a black person won't help you. I do recall one experience I had in Kansas City Missouri (Jackson County- the Third World right in the Middle of America, and I'm sure the residents there of both colors know exactly what i am talking about...) at the Home Depot in midtown on Linwood. I was with a black dude and needed a length of chain cut. I went to the service desk. They said they would call somebody in hardware to help me. Well, nobody responded. I went back to the Service Desk. Nobody could help me there. So I went to the Returns Desk. Nobody there knew how to cut chain either. In utter exasperation, I went to the head cashier, who a manager. She said she could not help me either. "The Service in this place is just blowing my socks off", I shouted out loud.
That was when the whole store was suddenly bending over backwards to help me. I guess they were afraid I might give a bad report to the higher echelons.
Somehow, I don't even think that would have any effect in 2024.
The reason I brought up acting like a black person was because my sister tried 3 times to apply for Social Security at one of the Ohio offices (probably Cleveland) and was told she couldn't get it. This was after standing in line for hours while other folks, and I am referring to blacks, were helped and given what they needed Immediately. Needless to say, she was livid.
I've been to my local Home Depot. When you need help, no one is around. To try and grab one of their scarce employees is outrageous. On numerous occasions, when I've been lucky enough to receive help, I always get rudely interrupted by another customer - and its always a Man. So I just tell them - wait your turn, Mister. The sales person is the one who needs to tell another customer to wait, not me. But they stand there with that deer in the headlights look. I am assuming because I'm an older female, that I can just be stomped on. These "men" are not the younger ones either.
I wouldn't even bother yelling in a store these days. I've watched enough police videos where they come with guns drawn and if they don't like how are you're acting, they just shoot. Or thats the way it appears to me. Some cops are rude as hell and try and intimidate a person to the point that they get the reaction they need to make an arrest.
This country has turned into a police state. But thats the plan. Let all the illegal invaders in that seem to run amok and attack regular tax paying Americans.
BTW - same sister works at a Home Depot. The horror stories I hear from her about how people steal and just walk out the store. No employee can do anything to stop them either. So the cost of theft falls onto the paying customer. I won't shop there anymore unless necessary.
Yes, lucky us. We get to be in a society in the last stages of an utterly terminal, immoral decline surrounded by people who do not know the history they are about to repeat.
The fall of Rome and Sodom and Gomorrah comes to my mind, a lot. So is the total wipe-out of the Mayans and Aztecs.
When Our Lady of Fatima said that various nations will be annihilated, she certainly was not whistling Dixie. I suspect ours is at the top of the list. At any rate, I just watched a short highlight of the Abomination that took place in St Patrick's Cathedral on February 15th. Never in a hundred years would I have thought I would see such a spectacle in my lifetime when I was younger.
This Church and Nation are just begging for the Divine Wrath. They mock all that is holy and shake their fists at all that is Apostolic.
There is probably a special place in Hell just for that crowd.
Ahh, so it was that tranny funeral that St. Patrick's held. How can any church claim they were "duped" into hosting it? What an abomination! Unfortunately for all these people, they don't understand that God will not be mocked.
You should have entitled this post: "Dealing With America 2.0- The Bureaucratic Quagmire From The Pit Of Hell."
Officially, I don't deal with America 2.0. I do not exist- have not existed since 1991. When my mother died the bank kept faithfully sending statements detailing the absolute lack of account activity, and then deducting 2 dollars for the service. You can do the math on how long that took to drain the $43 dollars that was left in the account once the social security payment was revoked. Two years later, they sent a letter complaining of the overdraft the $2 fee caused, which threatened penalties. Since then, I have gotten no further letters. I guess somebody finally figured it out. Thank the Blessed Mother for small favors.
The Last time I dealt with Phone Hell was in trying to renew my car insurance. After being transferred 7 times, I was transferred to a line that rang seven times and then got an answering machine suggesting I leave a message. Which I did which I shant repeat here since children might be reading. My car insurance dutifully expired and I got all sorts of hate mail from the state, but just kept on driving anyway, for the next ten years.
About a year ago I got a gift card that did not work. I called customer service and got a maiden from either India or Pakistan, not sure which. They said they fixed the card. it still did not work. I just pitched it.
At any rate, isn't it wonderful living in a country where you pay more and more and get less and less? I think it is only by the grace of God this crummy piece of electronic felgercarb still works. But any day now...
Donald, try Griefshare.org for groups that meet in your locale. Usually churches host them. You should be able to find a group easily, as long as you are not in a rural area.
I appreciate that, Lisa. This post is two years old. I did finally find a really good grief counselor. She helped me out a lot with the guilt, and made me feel good about myself. Thanks!
It's terrible that you should have had to go through all this bs, while grieving for your brother. Donald, you are way too conscientious. You should have just left everything undone, until/if they found out on their own. Since America 2.0 started really unraveling about 15 years ago, folks have just not complyed with a lot of this stuff...and for the most part ...no one even notices.
Sending your original birth certificate to SS? That would be lunacy. In 2008 when I went to renew my driver's license, they had just passed a law requiring a SS number to do this (since rescinded for non-US citizens). They said my number was no good, and I had to go to the SS office to find out why. It was a horrible experience, as always...a long wait. I was told that I was using someone else's number. Thirty years prior, SS had sent me a replacement card with two numbers transposed. I had bought and sold a house, and had numerous bank cards with this number, and NOT ONE of these places ever caught that I was using someone else's number. I asked if the person was still alive. They said they were prohibited from telling me, but said if they were, they would be very old. I think the number was from someone who died fairly young and had never had a credit account. They asked for the bad card, and like a fool, I gave it to them. After I left, I realized that if I were to be accused of identity theft, I had just given away my only proof that it was SS's mistake. SS would have NEVER admitted their mistake.
When I was traveling a lot in the late nineties, I NEVER sent my passport away to an embassy for a visa stamp. That seemed crazy, to trust paper-pushers living the easy life in America, to actually do their job, and return my passport. I always gambled that showing up and getting the visa, on site, would work. It always did. It caused a lot of consternation...but what are they going to do? It would have been way too much work for them to find another plane to send me back. Public servants will do anything to get out of extra work. I know I am highly cynical...but being this way has saved me a lot of extra trouble.
You are one of the few, the wide awake, a graduate of the school of hard knocks, and having an open mind.
Don still lives way to close to the Swamp, in a Swampy House. But my one hope for him lies in the Book Hidden History II, especially the part where he portrays Abraham Lincoln as being completely fake and ghey.
He is a lot closer to the truth than most people, who still think America is God's Promised Land to the Gentiles with a Manifest Destiny to bring Freedom and Democracy to the World, the 20th Century version of the White Man's Burden.
The Swamp was wise to me early on. The only thing I ever got from the Swamp was my motorcycle license, and that begrudgingly, after the third try, because they would have trouble explaining why a kid who could do figure eights on his motorcycle in the parking pen was somehow incompetent for the open road.
But when I applied for a commercial drivers license, forget it. They wanted me to take a breathalizer test, and give a ton of urine samples- and to make sure it was my urine, I was to perform all on camera. Sorry, I ain't going to be reduced to a pornographic product.
Meanwhile, I pride myself on not taking one dime from the government, not even when I was eligible for unemployment, and never taking more on an income tax return than a refund of the deductions.
Our government has become a crime syndicate- on all levels. They waste money, hire their cronies, waste time, fail to do their jobs, and all the while lording it over the sheeple.
Enjoy it while it lasts, guys and gals. When it hits the fan, you will the first on the chopping block.
I always tell folks, I have a Phd from the school of hard knocks. I got my commercial license back when all one had to do was take a written test. Once they brought in all the extra stuff, I let it lapse. All the regulations were really hard on my dad. Here was a guy who would go through gyrations to avoid following regulations, who started a trucking company only because he loved trucks, ironically finding himself, in what was to become one of the most regulated industries in the country.
There is a situation going on in Portland right now, that when I read about it, makes me physically sick to my stomach. It is a text book example of how the woke managers of blue cities, will drive their city off a cliff...before they will admit they were wrong.
The ambulance company that contracts with the county can no longer keep up. Ambulance wait times, in highly vaxed Multnomah County are at one hour. A person hit by a car died waiting an hour for help. The County Chair, Vega-Peterson (picture crazy-lady-plastic-glasses eyes and hair) is acting like a petty dictator. She will not budge on the fact that each ambulance MUST have two paramedics...no matter that all other Oregon counties are fine with only one. The contracting companies just can not comply, because in Oregon paramedics were forced to get the Jonestown jab, and so many have died, that they can't train replacements fast enough. The other county council members have begged her, the Portland city council has begged her, the fire chiefs have begged her, the paramedic union leader has begged her...but she just fined the ambulance company two million dollars because : "they are not honoring their contract by arriving in a timely manner". Imho, the ambulance company needs to admit they are licked, and go elsewhere. After weeks of this nonsense, Vega-Peterson made a public statement today, that she WILL NOT capitulate. What sense of entitlement, what sense of omniscience, has been installed in the brains of these liberal women leaders...that they know THEY ARE THE BOSS?
Now would Vega-Peterson ever be voted out? Never. Voters in these woke cities and states, will ALWAYS double-down on their suicidal policies. America is doomed. I told a solar panel salesman who came to my door yesterday, why would I buy anything for my home when the country wont last until the end of the year? He laughed at me. I would die before I would call an ambulance for myself.
Same here. Since 1984 I swore I would never enter a doctor's office again on my own power. I broke that oath just once, in 1992 when all my hair fell out- my ma thought I was dying of cancer. So I went to the clinic, got charge $20, and paid $400 for a battery of tests, all of which were negative. And they had no idea why all my hair fell out- and I do mean every last hair- even under my armpits. Well, about six months later a get a bill for $100 dollars for doctors fees. I refused to pay it. I am still on somebody's hit list.
By the way, all cities are "Blue Cities". Some are just a much deeper shade than others.
In Kansas City, you could forget about an ambulance. The druggies used to drive their comrades with gunshot wounds to the hospital emergency room.
Did you ever find out why all your hair fell out? I am having same issues (don't have to shave pits or legs - lol). Its not "age" either. My problem is thats it has been a very slow process. Yes, I am changing my diet. Nothing seems to help. I also refuse to see any doctors. They're licensed to kill and don't give a crap either. I am not on any meds.
Reading all those articles from that Agent person here on Substack has really woken me up. Those supplements that I thought were healthy for me are in the garbage.
I have no idea to this day. I worked with all sorts of exotic chemicals in the lab, and was close to TMI when it melted down. So maybe I'm just like one of those wolves of Chernobyl.
LOL! I've been thru radiation therapy when I had that tumor removed from my spinal cord. I asked the oncologist if it would affect my liver or kidneys. Of course, he said no. But it did sterilize me, which I didn't care. My thyroid levels are way out of wack, so trying to get that under control. Thats been a total nightmare. Looking at the population nowadays, men and women are bald. They want us looking like those "aliens" they keep saying are around. I guess we'll be easy targets.
I appreciate that, Kris. There has been a huge scandal of illegals using SS#s now for years. No one seems to care. Anything goes if you're "undocumented." Thanks!
Your brother Ricky's journey in this God-forsaken (and I mean that literally) country is emblematic of the Third World Nation we have become. You were a good brother, you loved him the best you could. In this world that means everything, so many of us are all alone. God bless you and your kind wife.
If this country were the Third World that may be an improvement. At least in the Third World they don't have to actually PAY for all the incompetence, and nobody bothers their chickens.
So true.