Thanks for discussing the other side of the coin. It is popular to lambast the "snowflake" generation, and granted, there are and always have been people who whine, feel entitled to unearned success, etc. However, it is critical to note the dramatic change in our society which created this "snowflake" phenomenon. There are plenty of this generation who, like you point out, are not optimistic about their future. And they are correct. I remember being that age and it never entering my mind that I would not at some point be able to buy a house, as long as I worked hard enough. With the astounding devaluation of the US dollar over the last 30 years, with trillions of dollars transferred from regular citizens pockets to financially connected pockets through totally corrupted machinations of the 2008 and 2020 crises, many in the current generation will never be able to buy their own home. It reminds me of the Ayn Rand quote "When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion - when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing - when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors - when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you - when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice - you may know that your society is doomed."

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Ayn Rand nailed it way back then. Seeing Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" played out in real time by the worst actors/actresses to date is indeed micro-warfare/lawfare against individual Christians and their families is the blood-sport referred to "In the Report from Iron Mountain". Since I repented of being a part of "The Green Machine" and refused to be just another hired mercenary (fighting against flesh and blood), I've resolved to myself, that I would rather be a martyr for Jesus that participate in Babylonian sins.

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You probably know this, Clyde, but I always have to mention it when I hear Alinsky's name. He dedicated "Rules for Radicals" to....Lucifer. Thanks.

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Alinsky should have dedicated "Rules for Radicals" to Karl Marx. Das Kapital was already dedicated to Lucifer.

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Great comment, Kev. Thanks!

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It's a "Public/Private/Partnership" of public hypocrites and private hypocrites. Let's rob the poor and get them to pay for our "Public/Private" kill-boxes. Hence, rest-homes, prison industrial complex, HOA's, anywhere the poor are (out of sight, out of mind) for the controllers that C.S. Lewis spoke of in "The Abolition of Man".

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That's a good description of it, Clyde. Thanks!

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Thank you Donald, it is surreal how they can "frame mischief by a law" and commit crimes against humanity, swallowing camels and straining at gnats. Not letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing. Don't pay attention to the ongoing genocides, pick your politics (like you have a choice).

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I'm curious, Donald...did Salon have to get your permission to excerpt your book? Was it a total surprise, or did your agent pitch Salon? Being an mouthpiece of the rich elite...and pretty much only read by their brainwashed followers...they only deigned to publish your work because it fits their narrative about class warfare and UBI. Do you think that article helped sales of your book? There's no such thing as bad publicity... for a writer, anyway.

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No, they never asked my permission, Kris. If it was pitched by anyone, it was without my knowledge. As I said, I was shocked to find they'd published it. Even though the book reveals the unfairness of our economy, the Left pretty much ignored it, except for Naomi Wolf. I don't think it added many sales, since the book never sold well. Thanks!

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I read "Survival of the Richest" several months ago. Great Read, but not entirely over the target. The Satanic Pederasts have set things up so that their immediate underlords- people like Donald Trump, Vlad Putin and Pope Frantic- profit immensely. But they themselves desire nothing but domination, murder, and destruction. Meanwhile, they have shielded themselves by the Child Porn laws, which makes investigation of their activities, let alone exposure, extremely dangerous. A masterstroke of Hell is protecting vice under the guise of promoting virtue.

The War we are engaged in is Apocalyptic, and ultimately concerns the Salvation of Souls. Our Lady of Fatima said that various nations would be annihilated. Given the crimes and coverups chronicled in the first three volumes of American Memory Holes- which does not include the bulk of the atrocities of the Mexican War of 1848, especially those perpetrated against the population of Vera Cruz, nor the atrocities of the "Spanish American" War of 1898, which the Evil Pius X virtually ignored.

The height and breath and depth of stupidity utterly flabbergasts me. I have just read from Catholic websites about our moral obligation to vote. Are they kidding me? Anybody who takes the current circus of insanity seriously has utterly lost the plot.

Trump will get elected, the Satanic Pederasts will usher in their massive false flag using lithium-ion batteries, HAARP Rain Bombs, Directed Energy Weapons- which have been absolutely documented in Lahina- and a new Plandemic. Trump will lead his MAGA Lunatics on a grand idealistic crusade for a Greater Israel as the Evangelicals cheer him on, while Pope Frantic showers us with an ocean of Luv.

This is the Time of Times and the End of Ends. Many longed to see what we will see, and have not seen it. But we will. Blood will flow on all sides. This will make Omaha Beach look like a Sunday in Central Park.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!

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Thanks, WW.

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The inundation of the job markets with immigrant labor and the raising of the retirement age are both obvious “[blank] you” gestures directed at mostly White people and the young and completely in line with the goal of destroying European civilization via enslavement and destitution. The leaders are anything but “clueless,” as these goals of destruction are often stated as intentional – or at least done so by the likes of the current pedophilic POS-in-chief (in 2015, as the then-POS-VP, when he openly stated in his classic arrogant jackhole style, “the wave [of immigration] continues. It’s not gonna stop nor should we want it to stop”).

The House and Senate and, I would argue, all major companies – the latter in (subsidized?) financial positions such that they can reject qualified White applicants – are all toeing the line and pushing these goals of slow destruction of the civilization. Given what we just experienced with the Covid psyop, it’s clear that every entity with any kind of power, whether political (all gov’t bodies from the local to the federal levels), cultural (mainstream media and Hollywood), or economic (corporations), has been captured by this manifest Evil and is thus screwing over as many of the once-qualified (i.e., normal citizens with a brain and work ethic) as possible. Done psychologically via propaganda, physiologically via the medical industry, and economically via exclusion from the job markets. It’s all of the same.

And so regular Americans, i.e., lower and middle class (mostly) Whites, are now being treated in the same manner as a certain illegally founded and well-funded nation in the M.E. treats its neighbors to its immediate East. Americans of European ethnicity and Palestinians. There’s hardly a difference. Both conquered and subdued by a foreign power.

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Beautifully said, Rob. Thanks!

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The cost of rent, purchasing a home and college education is astronomical. Yet I continue to see farmlands being stripped away for the building of more subdivisions and huge apartment complexes. If people cannot afford to rent/purchase, how are these places being built? Who is funding this?

Are these future homes for illegals that are built on our tax dollars? None of it makes any sense to me at all. How can the MSM talk about a housing shortage?

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