Fascinating piece - thank you Don for taking the time to write it. I really related to that last paragraph regarding how people don't seem to ever respect those who treat them well. I've always tried to be nice to people and put them at ease around me yet paradoxically I've never felt respected or valued by anyone. Strange world. Anyway, thank you again - your writing is a breath of fresh air in this fucked up world we live in :)

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Thank you for the kind words, Smoke. I go into this phenomenon of people respecting "toughness" more than kindness, in my book "Bullyocracy." Thanks!

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Thank you for the reply, Don. I'm currently reading your 'Crimes and Coverups in American Politics' book and enjoying having my entire view of history destroyed. 'Hidden History' changed my life when I read it last summer. Funnily enough, Bullyocracy is next on my reading list. Thank you again :)

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Thank you!

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If such media organizations like Fox News, or any of the networks with letters calling themselves ABC, CBS, or NBC, would feature someone on a regular basis with the insight and instincts that Don Jeffries possesses, then perhaps millions might begin to seriously re-think how this World truly works. Of course, I think that Tupac Shakur performing a live concert on the Fox News set has a better chance at happening than seeing Don on that network anytime soon. Don continues to provide penetrating and thought-provoking columns and talking points, however, his thought processes in all of his pieces would never see the light of day in any mainstream newspaper in America. Acknowledging this fact should make clear to anyone that when Jeffries decides to author a piece, it means that it is must read material for all. Another spectacular prose, Don. Thank you for all of your hard work and speaking inarguable truth with each of your stories.

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Thank you so much for your kind words, and your support, my friend.

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