Awesome article Don. Thanks for sharing your thoughts

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Thanks, Greg!

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I remember as a child in the 50s...being led into the hallway of my elementary school and lined up against the wall , told to "Duck and Cover". We did this drill at least once per week. When Joe and his Communist pals start a nuclear war, what the hell good is it to put your arms over your head?

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Exactly, or "hide" under your desks. When I look back, I wish I was smart enough to question things, but what do you know as a kid, other than to follow along with the brainwashing. This is WHY they want to get rid of older folks who lived during some of these traumatic times so we have nothing to pass onto the kids or grandkids. At least the Native People's are smart enough to pass on what they have learned.

Anyone who writes books about the Truth of our history, I expect major book burnings. And if you speak out, expect to rot in prison for the rest of your lives. I see this now with actual thugs being let out of prison for major crimes. Like that isn't intentional.

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The Sandy Hook controversy inspired me to create this page, which includes a long list of founding fathers quotes. http://issuesoutline.org/2nd_amendment_page.htm

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I appreciate you sharing the link to Tom DiLorenzo's book on Hamilton and Jefferson, Timothy. DiLorenzo's Lincoln work has been especially valuable. I covered the battle between Hamilton and Jefferson, and the modern campaign to discredit Jefferson, in my own "Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963." Thanks!

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Thomas Jefferson said that the Tree of Liberty must be often watered by the blood of patriots and tyrants. The only question: Will it be the blood of patriots or tyrants this time around?

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If it's any consolation, both Hamilton and Lincoln were shot to death.

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Fergus Borderich is a lying idiot! The American Revolution began at Concord when the British came to take away the guns and munitions of the American colonists.

The founders of the uSA KNEW how important gun ownership was to prevent tyranny.

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Actually the "American Revolution" began under Blackfriars Bridge in 1717. They had big plans for the years 1776, 1789, and 1812. Later they made plans for 1848, 1871, 1889, 1905, and 1917. Still later they made plans for 1938 and 1949. 1960 was a really bonny year. So was 1970 and 1984. Then there was 2001 and 2020. Next up is 2025 and 2030. But I do think that will hit quite the snag in 2029. Do stay tuned.

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"History" is not written by the Victors. There were no "victors" in the "Civil War", the Franco-Prussian War, WW1, WW2, or WW3 (It isn't finished yet, but the "victors" will be Russia, China, and India. As for the USA- Germany 1946 will be the template- the chickens always come home to roostsky). No, rather "history" is written by liars and their paid shills in order to goad and lull innocent sheeple into still more useless adventures at home and abroad over there. We recently celebrated Veterans Day. I'm sure many Americans hit their favorite Fast Food Venue and got a Mc-Kill-Yourself Frankenfood simulated meat pattie, "french fries" that disintegrate into an interesting powder when left sitting in the rain, and a "milkshake" that has ingredients that would make Pfizer blush. Meanwhile our "veterans" are homeless, insane, and committing suicide at rates that give Bill gates pause.

Fortunately Real History was written by the Four Evangelists, and every good Christian knows how this story ends.

"In the End, My Immaculate Heart will Triumph..."

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