or in the case of our county and Commonwealth, services on paper you never really get. Sort of like being taxed for protection from the French and the Indians of which, we never got but Parliament discovered the cash cow called, "For the Common Good" and it's cousin, "For the Good of the people"

"Vote for me and I'll set you free!" The Four Tops

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The only taxes I pay directly to the Federal, State, and County governments are the horrid Income Tax, excise taxes on my vehicles, and the Goddamn Property Tax (with bond payments) to the County. All of the other taxes are user taxes and fees. They are mostly hidden like the Fed's Inflation Tax.

One day people won't pay those direct taxes and the State will go 100% to the indirect taxes.

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Taxes! Fecking taxes! Here in Healdsburg, CA (I read in the local paper years ago when the local paper still covered news) that each new fireman hired by the city costs $180,000/year in salary, benefits, and pension. And that's just for a starting fireman!

I HATE Milton Friedman for suggesting the withholding taxes in WWII. Milton finally admitted that it was probably a mistake on his part. Well, put your sorries in a sack, Milton. WWII is long over and we still have the withholding taxes and Daylight Savings Time, too. Whoopee!

Great article, DJ. Thanks.

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Yep. That was quite a long "temporary" measure, wasn't it? Thanks!

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Middle class Americans will never get their money's worth as long as billions are being wasted on a bloated military, made worse by politicians (esp. by dementia Joe) who keep repeating they'll send billions to corrupt Ukraine "for as long as it takes." Just last weekend, Tucker Carlson interviewed several of the R candidates and made a fool out of our hapless former VP Pence. Neocon Pence was all on-board the Biden Train on the Ukraine fiasco, but when Tucker questioned him about the deplorable states of our cities, Pence said that it was "none of my concern." That captures the pro-war anti-American neocon mindset in a nutshell.

However, I disagree with the idea of "means testing" Social Security. That would collapse its popular support and turn it into just another welfare program like SNAP (formerly food stamps). Rather, they should lift the cap on contributions to both Social Security and Medicare.

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Outsider: Social Security and Medicare have to GO! Sure, end the Fed first and cut the military budget 90% first. But that's not gonna happen.

The DC Maniacs will cut SS and Medicare to the bone first.

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