I'm reading Hidden History right now. It really rams home the point that deep corruption is a constant throughout all of history. I'd like to add one tiny little point in your paragraph about how the patriot act passed with no opposition. There actually was some opposition, from two politicians as I recall, and soon afterward they received envelopes filled with Anthrax spores, and rapidly changed their tune in support of the act. A little while later it was demonstrated that the Anthrax did not come from an Arab terrorist as the media pushed, but rather from the good old USA, Fort Dietrich military base.
None of them read the so called patriot act. from what I remember biden bragged about writing the act during the arkansas sleazebag's term as potus. But they couldn't pass it, Americans wouldn't stand for the loss of liberty and freedom. They needed a pretext. On 9/11 the pretext happened.
I don't think they ever read any legislation they vote on now, wilson. It's often hundreds, even thousands of pages long. Biden has bragged about passing every horrific law. Thanks.
yes, no one reads the thousands of pages now. there is always something slipped in for some group that bought the congress critter. the entire process is corrupt. Funny how they masquerade as a legitimate government and all they really are is a kakistocracy/kleptocracy.
The real truth about the "Anthrax" is there is no such thing as "Anthrax Germs". Most of the deaths from the "envelopes" were helped mightily by CIA poison potions. But be that as it may, I could see the "Homeland Security Act" coming from a mile away. They tried to push very similar legislation in 1996, but it met broad opposition. They always do multiple beta tests. They did the same thing with Obama Care. Hillary Clinton wanted "nationalized health care" in 1993, but the American public was not quite conditioned for that type of radical communism at the time.
If you want to see the future- just look at the political agenda over the last three years.
Operation Mockingbird can stand on the Aircraft Carrier under the "Mission Accomplished" sign. The major factors in the dumbing down of America have been television, promiscuity, gluttony, and, of course, the school systems. The dumbing down of America was in full swing long before the 1990's. When I was in the Air Force- the Chair Force, as I called Lackland AFB- I routinely came across airmen- airheads, rather- who could not add fractions. What is 1/2 and 2/3? They could not give you the answer to save their soul. It was so bad that the First Week in Basic Training we had to take the recruitment qualifying exams over because recruiters inflating scores was rampant, and those who failed were sent packing. (Somehow, I don't think the recruiters were being made to refund their bonuses.)
I also found the same thing in college. As a tutor, I routinely encountered students in the Calculus courses who could not do basic algebra- something I learned as a freshman in high school. They could applies the rules of the calculus to a polynomial equation no problem, but were dumbfounded as to how to simplify it. They could not multiply to simple binomials using the FOIL method. Totally pathetic. No wonder Boeing can no longer make planes that fly.
And, yes, the "First Gulf War" was a milestone. But I guess the Senior Shrub needed something to distract us from the emerging truth of the "Iran Contra Affair"- it was all Ollie North's fault. Yes, Ollie North was having boatloads of cocaine sent into Los Angeles for Freeway Ricky Ross, and Ronnie knew nothing... I remember Saddam going from hero to goat in three days flat. My only question now is whether Saddam was in on it, and ultimately got a retirement villa in Patagonia down the street from Hitler's, or whether he really became a loose cannon and wanted to start a war with Israel. Guess that will have to wait for Judgment Day.
I did enjoy America Unplugged, but was banned from commenting in the JooToob chat. The aftershow on the theatrical Republican "Convention" was entertainment at its finest.
There were reports in conspiracy circles of witnesses who saw Saddam being evacuated on a military aircraft. One thing for sure, the story about Saddam being found in a hole in the floor of a mud hut was laughable. I used to point out to folks (when I still cared) that it was a known fact that Saddam had been dying his white hair black for decades. The actor allegedly found in the hole had no white roots. This concept seemed to be too difficult for people to grasp...so I gave up. The "hanging" of Saddam was so ridiculous, it was like a Three Stooges episode. Not only are Americans pitifully dumb, they enjoy being dumb, and they enjoy the fake stories that prove their stupidness. It makes me wonder how such folks can make it, day to day, in a complex modern society.
Modern Society is not complex. Employee roles have been so dumbed down it is ridiculous. And then there were the people in the restaraunt who thought their chicken came from pigs. When I used to watch the training films in some places my intelligence was supremely insulted. In other instances whoever made the film could not understand their faulty logic. If cassette tapes and cigarette cartons are so full of fungi spores that could cause food poisoning then what about the boxes coming in from the food service truck or the tools used by the cleaning crew. Was there something magic about the back door as opposed to the front door? But when I pointed out these logic flaws to the managers, they told me I was defeating the whole purpose of the training film. Which was...??? It takes little to make it in modern society. Just insert slot A into Tab B, unless, of course, if you are gay. Then you have some things to figure out.
The same happens to me. I can only comment on a select few accounts that have less than 10 subscribers, where we are basically exchanging information or just chatting. For the most part, I don't even bother commenting anymore.
Yep, Gulf War I was my wake-up moment. It baffled me that anyone could believe the babies-ripped-from-their-incubators story. Yet I was even more baffled that anyone could believe the 9-11 story...which from the first second I heard it, was clearly a psy-op. Now, almost 23 years later, there is an awful lot of revisionist history going on. I vividly remember the ridiculous "patriotic" emotionalism...and how only a TINY percentage of us realized the truth...those first few days. Not only are most people pitifully stupid...they have no idea how dumb they are, and revise their memories of themselves being duped in the past. As cognisant as I was of the stupidity of Americans...I was still surprised at the up-take of the Jonestown jab. The scamdemic made me cut my final ties to society. I just don't want to be around people anymore...and the fact that the vaxed are shedding deadly spike proteins, make it even easier to be alone all the time.
Donald, you have spoken in the past about how we never see Hispanics in ads, even though they are the largest minority group in the US. I only see ads online or hear ads during podcasts. I am constantly irritated by the Black voices I hear in online ads. Not that I have anything against Black folk, but because it is a viseral reminder that Jews are trying (and succeeding) to replace Whites in American culture. I finally heard a Chicano voice in a podcast ad. It was fake, and it was bad. It was Frito Bandito bad. I can't even remember what the ad was for, but if I was Hispanic, I would have been offended.
Fully agree with you, Kris, about other people. The past four years, I’ve actually been experiencing tangible evil in others, where this year has been unprecedented. Accordingly, I made a personal declaration last month that I would no longer initiate any face-to-face conversation with anyone except service people and that I would try to keep that promise until I see a clear and obvious awakening of a greater number of people. Some of the encounters I’ve had, particularly this year for some reason, have been off-the-charts insane.
That said, you don’t need to worry about vaccine “shedding,” another mainstream narrative designed to divide people. Per this article from Donald, we can do our own LEGITIMATE divides in terms of intelligence (and the lack thereof in others). First, although spike proteins are real, they have never been shown to be present in “viruses,” where the latter themselves have never been proven to exist. Second, to quote Dr. Sam Bailey, “there’s no evidence that nucleic acids and proteins are contagious entities that can shed from one person to make another person sick.” Contagion itself appears to be a lie (see Tom Cowan’s book “The Contagion Myth,” which I read immediately after its publication in Sept. 2020 and quickly sent off to a whole host of relatives that same month, with all but one failing (refusing) to respond to me about it, lol). Beyond poison gas, no “pathogen” can enter your system from the outside in aerosol form. Only if injected directly into the blood stream are you at risk. So regarding “shedding,” there's nothing to worry about. (Stay away from others for all OTHER reasons ;)
Well, you have much more patience than I have, to have held out until.last month. I feel the same...limit my contact with service people to the bare minimum, and no more talking to strangers.
A friend I had since 1976, a fellow conspiracy analyst, died peacefully in his sleep a year ago. He was one of the healthiest people I knew, but he lived in an apartment with three vaxed people. Also, the stories reported by Erica Khan on Rense (three times a week) are full.of shedding deaths. That is enough to convince me. Even IF the vaxed do not shed, their demonstrated stupidity makes them dangerous to be around. Stupid people often end up killing themselves and others, due to their stupidness.
A lot of people are starting to feel like you about not wanting to be with anybody. I was happy to work from home for three years during the Covid but psychologically it really strained me. I ordered food at home and really never went out. I love being home, but it did get to me after a while. That’s what they want.
My life was totally untouched by the scamdemic. I had already purged my life of all the goodies that were used (submit or give up your pleasures) to manipulate the idiot public to take the Jonestown jab. The coming scamdemic was common knowledge in the conspiracy world as early as 2001. That is when I first learned of the plan.
Indeed it was. Both my parents died from the vax...as well as two former boyfriends, my sister's first husband and her best friend, and numerous people I remember from childhood (former baby sitters, bus drivers, hair stylists etc.)
What pains me the most, is the death of my dad, who died of rapid-onset CJD, six months after the vax. He was just 15 months shy of his 100th birthday. People always guessed him in his seventies. Everyone believed he would live well past 100. He still drove his pick-up to his shop every day, to putter. I begged him not to commit vaccine suicide, and he promised me he would not. However, my stepmother nagged him into it, which he tried to keep hidden from me...until she spilled the beans. She had a look of triumph on her face, when she told me. It enrages me that she is still alive...but probably not for long. She is now in a wheelchair and in constant pain.
Hopefully she is sorry now, but she is probably too stupid to even understand what happened. Yes, some areas were much harder than others. I lived in a blue state that wasn’t hitt as hard by the vaxx So all the more people there did not believe there was anything wrong with the VAX
She will go to her grave braindead and still believing she did the smart thing. I live in a blue state as well. I think Oregon received some particularly lethal batches.
What is a recurring nightmare to thinking individuals are those who have acquired the "Curious but strange inability to think". Intelligence metrics between individuals and those of the mob mentality is an apples to oranges argument. The propaganda that we swim in is unrelenting in it's nature which narcissism plays a huge role.
Yes, we live in a "culture" where thought is the enemy of wealth, advancement, security, and popularity. But stick around, the Fat Lady has not sung yet.
That reminds me of something I recently saw on "The Corbett Report" where James in a tongue in cheek comment joked about the best way to cover up a conspiracy is with a bureaucracy. The tribal warfare of us vs them is alive and well.
Thanks Don always perceptive. I had to take a bath after being reminded of the last 4 potus peccadilloes. I confess I thought wmds were legit and didn’t learn about 911 until 6-7 years ago. I guess I’m a slow learner.
When I suggest that the hijinks in Butler last weekend were suspicious at best the daggers come out. Even with solid red friends. Raising questions about the absence of blood, a fully intact ear, Neanderthal SS response that included letting a former potus parade around post shooting as though he was auditioning for dancing with the stars and a laughable freeze frame of a bullet traveling at supersonic speed I’m vilified as Barney Fife.
Toss moral depravity into the crock pot with critical thinking sub zero and voila we have America 2024.
It's been my experience that admitting to having been duped is a rare trait, that indicates mature thinking, and an eagerness to learn. May I ask what jolted you out of your slumber, and what did you think of 9-11 conspiracies prior to seven years ago?
Sorry I didn't address the heart of your question what caused me to break through the fog from deception. I started reading alternative channels and dug into their claims. The coup de gras for me was discovering that the earth is flat. That was about 4 years ago. Now I'm in the camp that all conspiracies are true. The only one I'm still researching is the holocaust.
There's a spiritual parallel too. I became a Believer in the Resurrection of Christ and His atoning sacrifice in 1992. From then until 2020 we were in churches that never preached about Satan and Hell. When our business was closed down during the plandemic I read the Bible for myself and discovered that the world is presently ruled by the devil. Jesus will have victory over him eventually, until then he's here to steal, kill and destroy. He's also a master deceiver and our government and it's controllers are ruled by him. The good news is Christ came so that we might have life and have it more abundantly. Jn 10:10 We fight for liberty here on earth knowing there will be meaningful and permanent liberty in eternity.
Thank you for the detailed answer. I had my Paul-on-the-road-to-Damascus moment in 1990. It all became clear to me in a matter of mere seconds. I did a 180 overnight. This was Matthew 7:7 in real life: "seek, and you will find". I had spent the prior year seeking the Truth. I knew what I had been taught was a lie...but what WAS the truth? I had been diligently applying what I had been taught, in my own life...yet my life was falling apart. This was before the Internet, so it involved a lot of reading in libraries and book stores (I was so broke I couldn't buy books). After a year of reading, it all coalesced in one dramatic moment. If one truly seeks the Truth above all else, they will be lead to it. The vast majority hate and fear the truth. Finding the Truth will turn you life upside down. You will be forced to let go of almost everything...which is too steep a price for the average person. There was a huge influence in the conspiracy world, not to go it alone. I truly tried for six years to find a church and a group, to survive what was coming with. I gave up because no group I found had any discerment. It was the blind leading the blind. I've been alone since then, as was meant to be. Three years ago I found the prophecies of a Russian child saint. He said that the tiny minority who would live to see Jesus return would either be alone, or in small groups of three or four.
There is tons of information online about the holohoax. The last thing to fall for me, was the round earth-outer space thing.
You must have heard of the 9-11 "conspiracies" for years before you realized they were true. Can you remember what you thought about them, and the people who were trying to make them known? I recall taking a lot of flack from "patriotic" types because I knew it was a psy-op from the first second I got the news...and I was very vocal about it. Also, can you think of what it was that made you open enough to look into alt-news? What was the impidus? This subject interests me. There may yet be hope for those I have written off as a lost cause.
Wow what an amazing story. You indeed had a Damascus road experience from dark to immediate light. Honestly I never heard about runway lights going on this quickly. You were given divine discernment.
Yes there were 2-3 who whispered in my ear about the true 911 and I dismissed them partially because they had shaky personal lives and partially because I couldn’t fathom evil this unfathomable especially from the golden boy Bushes.
As for the western churches I’ve also been a critic for 10-15 years. Most are all about feeding buildings programs and staff rather than making disciples. A friend calls seminaries cemeteries which is about right. We go to a small church of 30 to assemble and fellowship. The work and fruit for me is in the Word and on my knees.
Thank you for the explanation. To be an authentic Christian, one MUST take up the cross. The Book of Acts is an instruction manual for aspiring Christians, but few get it. The majority of Christians are cultural Christians. It's comfy, its familiar, its a great place for your social life...but forget about the hard stuff.
You probably already know this...but the true father of Barbara Bush was Aleister Crowley. The elite try to hide their inbreeding...but family resemblance outs them, in the end. Compare photos of a young Fidel Castro with photos of Justin Trudeau. They could be twins.
Thanks for the compliment Kris. I truly believe that as we move along in years things become clearer. Project Mockingbird has been an effective brainwashing tool for the globalists. We don't know what we don't know.
Regarding 911 and the subsequent Iraq invasion I was ignorant of Bush Sr's leadership in the JFK assassination, his secret society bondage and the dark motivation behind his infamous NWO proclamations. I bought the narrative that Saddam was a bad guy and had weapons pointed at his people and at us.
I was in NYC during 911 and it never occurred to me that our own government could have the level of depravity necessary to cause that kind of death and destruction on it's own people. I'm now persuaded that our government is run by puppets who take their marching orders from bankers and Zionist Israel. Cathy O'Brien's book Trance Formation of America has also opened my eyes to the malevolence.
As you know our republic is teetering on the edge of collapse. We're working on it's restoration using 1A petitions in northern VA and other counties around the country. If you're interested you can learn more at Loudoun-Liberty.org. May God show us mercy. God bless you Kris.
I appreciate that, Henry. Yes, lots of strangeness in Butler. But as you note, we must tread lightly because the Trump supporters will tolerate no questioning of anything involving him. Meanwhile, the "Woke" Left has finally discovered an event they can publicly declare is fake. Thanks!
We do have a population of convenience drones where the majority of citizens do not value freedom. Most are obsessed with vapid nonsense and choose to ignore unpleasant truths. However, I must disagree with the stress of modern world cause. Most stress is self induced caused by not having the willpower to say no to the tyranny and the seduction of convenience, immediate gratification and the plethora of idiotic and nonsensical distractions.
People in the past didn’t have time for stress other than the stress they had with work and making enough money to eat. We have had it much easier relatively speaking.
We have become a nation consumed by complacency and apathy while tolerating unimaginable evil and corruption. Not a great recipe for maintaining a Constitutional Republic. We know deep down inside what is required to maintain a free, vibrant and prosperous nation but we refuse to take the action to keep it this way. We have become a nation of cowards and fools. Most Americans prefer not to be called a racist rather than take the necessary action to remain free.
“Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.”
― Aristotle
“Complacency is the deadly enemy of spiritual progress. The contented soul is the stagnant soul.”
-Aiden Wilson Tozer-
“The average age of the world's great civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, from dependency back to bondage.”
-Alexander Fraser Tytler-
“Deliver us from evil - from moral duplicity and weakness, from laziness and spiritual complacency, from those lies we tell ourselves from our fear of facing the truth.”
-Rich Mullins-
“The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it.”
-Robert H. Schuller-
“A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.”
-Dwight D. Eisenhower-
“Every time we witness an injustice and do not act, we train our character to be passive in its presence and thereby eventually lose all ability to defend ourselves and those we love.”
-Julian Assange-
“Stand for something. Don't quest for popularity at the expense of morality and ethics and honesty.”
-Howard Cosell-
"To sell your soul is the easiest thing in the world. That’s what everybody does every hour of his life. If I asked you to keep your soul – would you understand why that’s much harder?"
-Ayn Rand-
“Being good is easy, what is difficult is being just.”
-Victor Hugo-
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." -Ronald Reagan-
“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”
“In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." -Mark Twain-
I have noticed the very same, how stupid people have become. Especially after the scamdemic (those that took the jab). As I have mentioned before, the only folks that seem to have any ilk of intelligence are those from Small Town America. It has to be the food and fresh air. Or they are too busy working their farms or running their business to be making out with their cell phones. I love talking to these people. They're interesting, fun, and have two brain cells they can rub together. They are also courteous and will give you the shirt off their back. Loved your article, Don!
Thanks Donald for saying the quiet part out loud, and saying it very well!
I've been thinking this too, along with other things that aren't mentioned or discussed publicly. No doubt, all critical thinkers have been too.
One thing that has been publicly discussed negatively is the idea of the jabs being an IQ test. Those discussing that warn that those thinking the jabs are an IQ test are supporting eugenics, or Darwin Awards. That may sometimes be true, but certainly not always. BTW, have you noticed that Darwin Awards were quite popular, but are now not mentioned any more?
For example, while we don't wish any harm on jab takers, the reality is that our choices do have consequences, that depend on the choices made, whether good or bad.
This means that you get what your choices deserve, but I'll leave that for another discussion since those choices were made based on lies and propaganda.
No matter what, Mother Nature and reality are unforgiving!
Agreed Kris the church has become a social club rather than a place where we learn the character and nature of God and man which is essentially the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Crucifying the flesh and repenting daily are essentials.
I have read and seen the evidence on Barbara and Crowley. My mantra these days is we've been lied to about absolutely everything. Giant humans and trees, Nephilim, lands beyond Antartica, free energy and much more. I haven't had time to investigate Tartaria and Atlantis.
We're working on constitutional redress for state tyranny. More are waking up to the money laundering and trafficking wickedness. It's a great time to be alive. Will the Lord show mercy or deserved judgement?
I'm reading Hidden History right now. It really rams home the point that deep corruption is a constant throughout all of history. I'd like to add one tiny little point in your paragraph about how the patriot act passed with no opposition. There actually was some opposition, from two politicians as I recall, and soon afterward they received envelopes filled with Anthrax spores, and rapidly changed their tune in support of the act. A little while later it was demonstrated that the Anthrax did not come from an Arab terrorist as the media pushed, but rather from the good old USA, Fort Dietrich military base.
Good point, Kev. There were a few politicians that opposed it, but virtually no one in our "free" press. Thanks!
None of them read the so called patriot act. from what I remember biden bragged about writing the act during the arkansas sleazebag's term as potus. But they couldn't pass it, Americans wouldn't stand for the loss of liberty and freedom. They needed a pretext. On 9/11 the pretext happened.
I don't think they ever read any legislation they vote on now, wilson. It's often hundreds, even thousands of pages long. Biden has bragged about passing every horrific law. Thanks.
yes, no one reads the thousands of pages now. there is always something slipped in for some group that bought the congress critter. the entire process is corrupt. Funny how they masquerade as a legitimate government and all they really are is a kakistocracy/kleptocracy.
The real truth about the "Anthrax" is there is no such thing as "Anthrax Germs". Most of the deaths from the "envelopes" were helped mightily by CIA poison potions. But be that as it may, I could see the "Homeland Security Act" coming from a mile away. They tried to push very similar legislation in 1996, but it met broad opposition. They always do multiple beta tests. They did the same thing with Obama Care. Hillary Clinton wanted "nationalized health care" in 1993, but the American public was not quite conditioned for that type of radical communism at the time.
If you want to see the future- just look at the political agenda over the last three years.
🎶 🇨🇦 ☮️ 🇺🇸 💯 👍
Commentary is spot on. Same situation here in Canada, the banksters own and control everything. Our parliament is a criminal cartel of WEF traitors.
It truly is a sad situation the lack of critical thinking and common sense abundant in the populace.
IMHO "Hidden History" is up their with "Tragedy and Hope" and Antony Sutton's writings.
Thank you Mr Jeffries, have a nice day
I appreciate the kind words, Robert. Thanks!
Hidden History leaves "Tragedy and Hope" in the dust.
Thanks, WW!
Operation Mockingbird can stand on the Aircraft Carrier under the "Mission Accomplished" sign. The major factors in the dumbing down of America have been television, promiscuity, gluttony, and, of course, the school systems. The dumbing down of America was in full swing long before the 1990's. When I was in the Air Force- the Chair Force, as I called Lackland AFB- I routinely came across airmen- airheads, rather- who could not add fractions. What is 1/2 and 2/3? They could not give you the answer to save their soul. It was so bad that the First Week in Basic Training we had to take the recruitment qualifying exams over because recruiters inflating scores was rampant, and those who failed were sent packing. (Somehow, I don't think the recruiters were being made to refund their bonuses.)
I also found the same thing in college. As a tutor, I routinely encountered students in the Calculus courses who could not do basic algebra- something I learned as a freshman in high school. They could applies the rules of the calculus to a polynomial equation no problem, but were dumbfounded as to how to simplify it. They could not multiply to simple binomials using the FOIL method. Totally pathetic. No wonder Boeing can no longer make planes that fly.
And, yes, the "First Gulf War" was a milestone. But I guess the Senior Shrub needed something to distract us from the emerging truth of the "Iran Contra Affair"- it was all Ollie North's fault. Yes, Ollie North was having boatloads of cocaine sent into Los Angeles for Freeway Ricky Ross, and Ronnie knew nothing... I remember Saddam going from hero to goat in three days flat. My only question now is whether Saddam was in on it, and ultimately got a retirement villa in Patagonia down the street from Hitler's, or whether he really became a loose cannon and wanted to start a war with Israel. Guess that will have to wait for Judgment Day.
I did enjoy America Unplugged, but was banned from commenting in the JooToob chat. The aftershow on the theatrical Republican "Convention" was entertainment at its finest.
Regards, and keep the Truth oncoming.
There were reports in conspiracy circles of witnesses who saw Saddam being evacuated on a military aircraft. One thing for sure, the story about Saddam being found in a hole in the floor of a mud hut was laughable. I used to point out to folks (when I still cared) that it was a known fact that Saddam had been dying his white hair black for decades. The actor allegedly found in the hole had no white roots. This concept seemed to be too difficult for people to grasp...so I gave up. The "hanging" of Saddam was so ridiculous, it was like a Three Stooges episode. Not only are Americans pitifully dumb, they enjoy being dumb, and they enjoy the fake stories that prove their stupidness. It makes me wonder how such folks can make it, day to day, in a complex modern society.
Modern Society is not complex. Employee roles have been so dumbed down it is ridiculous. And then there were the people in the restaraunt who thought their chicken came from pigs. When I used to watch the training films in some places my intelligence was supremely insulted. In other instances whoever made the film could not understand their faulty logic. If cassette tapes and cigarette cartons are so full of fungi spores that could cause food poisoning then what about the boxes coming in from the food service truck or the tools used by the cleaning crew. Was there something magic about the back door as opposed to the front door? But when I pointed out these logic flaws to the managers, they told me I was defeating the whole purpose of the training film. Which was...??? It takes little to make it in modern society. Just insert slot A into Tab B, unless, of course, if you are gay. Then you have some things to figure out.
I don't know who would have banned you from commenting, WW. Must have been YouTube. Thanks.
Yes, it is JooToob. I am banned from many channels. They appear to be afraid of me.
Most of my comments on JooToob are removed in seconds. I the think they put some kind of tracker on accounts that produce troublesome comments.
The same happens to me. I can only comment on a select few accounts that have less than 10 subscribers, where we are basically exchanging information or just chatting. For the most part, I don't even bother commenting anymore.
Yep, Gulf War I was my wake-up moment. It baffled me that anyone could believe the babies-ripped-from-their-incubators story. Yet I was even more baffled that anyone could believe the 9-11 story...which from the first second I heard it, was clearly a psy-op. Now, almost 23 years later, there is an awful lot of revisionist history going on. I vividly remember the ridiculous "patriotic" emotionalism...and how only a TINY percentage of us realized the truth...those first few days. Not only are most people pitifully stupid...they have no idea how dumb they are, and revise their memories of themselves being duped in the past. As cognisant as I was of the stupidity of Americans...I was still surprised at the up-take of the Jonestown jab. The scamdemic made me cut my final ties to society. I just don't want to be around people anymore...and the fact that the vaxed are shedding deadly spike proteins, make it even easier to be alone all the time.
Donald, you have spoken in the past about how we never see Hispanics in ads, even though they are the largest minority group in the US. I only see ads online or hear ads during podcasts. I am constantly irritated by the Black voices I hear in online ads. Not that I have anything against Black folk, but because it is a viseral reminder that Jews are trying (and succeeding) to replace Whites in American culture. I finally heard a Chicano voice in a podcast ad. It was fake, and it was bad. It was Frito Bandito bad. I can't even remember what the ad was for, but if I was Hispanic, I would have been offended.
Fully agree with you, Kris, about other people. The past four years, I’ve actually been experiencing tangible evil in others, where this year has been unprecedented. Accordingly, I made a personal declaration last month that I would no longer initiate any face-to-face conversation with anyone except service people and that I would try to keep that promise until I see a clear and obvious awakening of a greater number of people. Some of the encounters I’ve had, particularly this year for some reason, have been off-the-charts insane.
That said, you don’t need to worry about vaccine “shedding,” another mainstream narrative designed to divide people. Per this article from Donald, we can do our own LEGITIMATE divides in terms of intelligence (and the lack thereof in others). First, although spike proteins are real, they have never been shown to be present in “viruses,” where the latter themselves have never been proven to exist. Second, to quote Dr. Sam Bailey, “there’s no evidence that nucleic acids and proteins are contagious entities that can shed from one person to make another person sick.” Contagion itself appears to be a lie (see Tom Cowan’s book “The Contagion Myth,” which I read immediately after its publication in Sept. 2020 and quickly sent off to a whole host of relatives that same month, with all but one failing (refusing) to respond to me about it, lol). Beyond poison gas, no “pathogen” can enter your system from the outside in aerosol form. Only if injected directly into the blood stream are you at risk. So regarding “shedding,” there's nothing to worry about. (Stay away from others for all OTHER reasons ;)
Well, you have much more patience than I have, to have held out until.last month. I feel the same...limit my contact with service people to the bare minimum, and no more talking to strangers.
A friend I had since 1976, a fellow conspiracy analyst, died peacefully in his sleep a year ago. He was one of the healthiest people I knew, but he lived in an apartment with three vaxed people. Also, the stories reported by Erica Khan on Rense (three times a week) are full.of shedding deaths. That is enough to convince me. Even IF the vaxed do not shed, their demonstrated stupidity makes them dangerous to be around. Stupid people often end up killing themselves and others, due to their stupidness.
Thank you for that information
A lot of people are starting to feel like you about not wanting to be with anybody. I was happy to work from home for three years during the Covid but psychologically it really strained me. I ordered food at home and really never went out. I love being home, but it did get to me after a while. That’s what they want.
My life was totally untouched by the scamdemic. I had already purged my life of all the goodies that were used (submit or give up your pleasures) to manipulate the idiot public to take the Jonestown jab. The coming scamdemic was common knowledge in the conspiracy world as early as 2001. That is when I first learned of the plan.
Wow, it must’ve been very frustrating for you to know from 2001 and have everybody around you sleeping
Indeed it was. Both my parents died from the vax...as well as two former boyfriends, my sister's first husband and her best friend, and numerous people I remember from childhood (former baby sitters, bus drivers, hair stylists etc.)
What pains me the most, is the death of my dad, who died of rapid-onset CJD, six months after the vax. He was just 15 months shy of his 100th birthday. People always guessed him in his seventies. Everyone believed he would live well past 100. He still drove his pick-up to his shop every day, to putter. I begged him not to commit vaccine suicide, and he promised me he would not. However, my stepmother nagged him into it, which he tried to keep hidden from me...until she spilled the beans. She had a look of triumph on her face, when she told me. It enrages me that she is still alive...but probably not for long. She is now in a wheelchair and in constant pain.
Hopefully she is sorry now, but she is probably too stupid to even understand what happened. Yes, some areas were much harder than others. I lived in a blue state that wasn’t hitt as hard by the vaxx So all the more people there did not believe there was anything wrong with the VAX
She will go to her grave braindead and still believing she did the smart thing. I live in a blue state as well. I think Oregon received some particularly lethal batches.
What is a recurring nightmare to thinking individuals are those who have acquired the "Curious but strange inability to think". Intelligence metrics between individuals and those of the mob mentality is an apples to oranges argument. The propaganda that we swim in is unrelenting in it's nature which narcissism plays a huge role.
The sad fact is that a majority of Americans, however you look at it, fall into the category of being unable to think critically, Clyde. Thanks!
Yes, we live in a "culture" where thought is the enemy of wealth, advancement, security, and popularity. But stick around, the Fat Lady has not sung yet.
That reminds me of something I recently saw on "The Corbett Report" where James in a tongue in cheek comment joked about the best way to cover up a conspiracy is with a bureaucracy. The tribal warfare of us vs them is alive and well.
Thanks Don always perceptive. I had to take a bath after being reminded of the last 4 potus peccadilloes. I confess I thought wmds were legit and didn’t learn about 911 until 6-7 years ago. I guess I’m a slow learner.
When I suggest that the hijinks in Butler last weekend were suspicious at best the daggers come out. Even with solid red friends. Raising questions about the absence of blood, a fully intact ear, Neanderthal SS response that included letting a former potus parade around post shooting as though he was auditioning for dancing with the stars and a laughable freeze frame of a bullet traveling at supersonic speed I’m vilified as Barney Fife.
Toss moral depravity into the crock pot with critical thinking sub zero and voila we have America 2024.
It's been my experience that admitting to having been duped is a rare trait, that indicates mature thinking, and an eagerness to learn. May I ask what jolted you out of your slumber, and what did you think of 9-11 conspiracies prior to seven years ago?
Sorry I didn't address the heart of your question what caused me to break through the fog from deception. I started reading alternative channels and dug into their claims. The coup de gras for me was discovering that the earth is flat. That was about 4 years ago. Now I'm in the camp that all conspiracies are true. The only one I'm still researching is the holocaust.
There's a spiritual parallel too. I became a Believer in the Resurrection of Christ and His atoning sacrifice in 1992. From then until 2020 we were in churches that never preached about Satan and Hell. When our business was closed down during the plandemic I read the Bible for myself and discovered that the world is presently ruled by the devil. Jesus will have victory over him eventually, until then he's here to steal, kill and destroy. He's also a master deceiver and our government and it's controllers are ruled by him. The good news is Christ came so that we might have life and have it more abundantly. Jn 10:10 We fight for liberty here on earth knowing there will be meaningful and permanent liberty in eternity.
Thank you for the detailed answer. I had my Paul-on-the-road-to-Damascus moment in 1990. It all became clear to me in a matter of mere seconds. I did a 180 overnight. This was Matthew 7:7 in real life: "seek, and you will find". I had spent the prior year seeking the Truth. I knew what I had been taught was a lie...but what WAS the truth? I had been diligently applying what I had been taught, in my own life...yet my life was falling apart. This was before the Internet, so it involved a lot of reading in libraries and book stores (I was so broke I couldn't buy books). After a year of reading, it all coalesced in one dramatic moment. If one truly seeks the Truth above all else, they will be lead to it. The vast majority hate and fear the truth. Finding the Truth will turn you life upside down. You will be forced to let go of almost everything...which is too steep a price for the average person. There was a huge influence in the conspiracy world, not to go it alone. I truly tried for six years to find a church and a group, to survive what was coming with. I gave up because no group I found had any discerment. It was the blind leading the blind. I've been alone since then, as was meant to be. Three years ago I found the prophecies of a Russian child saint. He said that the tiny minority who would live to see Jesus return would either be alone, or in small groups of three or four.
There is tons of information online about the holohoax. The last thing to fall for me, was the round earth-outer space thing.
You must have heard of the 9-11 "conspiracies" for years before you realized they were true. Can you remember what you thought about them, and the people who were trying to make them known? I recall taking a lot of flack from "patriotic" types because I knew it was a psy-op from the first second I got the news...and I was very vocal about it. Also, can you think of what it was that made you open enough to look into alt-news? What was the impidus? This subject interests me. There may yet be hope for those I have written off as a lost cause.
Wow what an amazing story. You indeed had a Damascus road experience from dark to immediate light. Honestly I never heard about runway lights going on this quickly. You were given divine discernment.
Yes there were 2-3 who whispered in my ear about the true 911 and I dismissed them partially because they had shaky personal lives and partially because I couldn’t fathom evil this unfathomable especially from the golden boy Bushes.
As for the western churches I’ve also been a critic for 10-15 years. Most are all about feeding buildings programs and staff rather than making disciples. A friend calls seminaries cemeteries which is about right. We go to a small church of 30 to assemble and fellowship. The work and fruit for me is in the Word and on my knees.
God bless you sister Kris.
Thank you for the explanation. To be an authentic Christian, one MUST take up the cross. The Book of Acts is an instruction manual for aspiring Christians, but few get it. The majority of Christians are cultural Christians. It's comfy, its familiar, its a great place for your social life...but forget about the hard stuff.
You probably already know this...but the true father of Barbara Bush was Aleister Crowley. The elite try to hide their inbreeding...but family resemblance outs them, in the end. Compare photos of a young Fidel Castro with photos of Justin Trudeau. They could be twins.
Thanks for the compliment Kris. I truly believe that as we move along in years things become clearer. Project Mockingbird has been an effective brainwashing tool for the globalists. We don't know what we don't know.
Regarding 911 and the subsequent Iraq invasion I was ignorant of Bush Sr's leadership in the JFK assassination, his secret society bondage and the dark motivation behind his infamous NWO proclamations. I bought the narrative that Saddam was a bad guy and had weapons pointed at his people and at us.
I was in NYC during 911 and it never occurred to me that our own government could have the level of depravity necessary to cause that kind of death and destruction on it's own people. I'm now persuaded that our government is run by puppets who take their marching orders from bankers and Zionist Israel. Cathy O'Brien's book Trance Formation of America has also opened my eyes to the malevolence.
As you know our republic is teetering on the edge of collapse. We're working on it's restoration using 1A petitions in northern VA and other counties around the country. If you're interested you can learn more at Loudoun-Liberty.org. May God show us mercy. God bless you Kris.
I appreciate that, Henry. Yes, lots of strangeness in Butler. But as you note, we must tread lightly because the Trump supporters will tolerate no questioning of anything involving him. Meanwhile, the "Woke" Left has finally discovered an event they can publicly declare is fake. Thanks!
Donald is a truth compass
Thanks, Providencewins!
keep up the great work! In a bad scene.
Thanks, Providencewins!
We do have a population of convenience drones where the majority of citizens do not value freedom. Most are obsessed with vapid nonsense and choose to ignore unpleasant truths. However, I must disagree with the stress of modern world cause. Most stress is self induced caused by not having the willpower to say no to the tyranny and the seduction of convenience, immediate gratification and the plethora of idiotic and nonsensical distractions.
People in the past didn’t have time for stress other than the stress they had with work and making enough money to eat. We have had it much easier relatively speaking.
We have become a nation consumed by complacency and apathy while tolerating unimaginable evil and corruption. Not a great recipe for maintaining a Constitutional Republic. We know deep down inside what is required to maintain a free, vibrant and prosperous nation but we refuse to take the action to keep it this way. We have become a nation of cowards and fools. Most Americans prefer not to be called a racist rather than take the necessary action to remain free.
“Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.”
― Aristotle
“Complacency is the deadly enemy of spiritual progress. The contented soul is the stagnant soul.”
-Aiden Wilson Tozer-
“The average age of the world's great civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, from dependency back to bondage.”
-Alexander Fraser Tytler-
“Deliver us from evil - from moral duplicity and weakness, from laziness and spiritual complacency, from those lies we tell ourselves from our fear of facing the truth.”
-Rich Mullins-
“The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it.”
-Robert H. Schuller-
“A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.”
-Dwight D. Eisenhower-
“Every time we witness an injustice and do not act, we train our character to be passive in its presence and thereby eventually lose all ability to defend ourselves and those we love.”
-Julian Assange-
“Stand for something. Don't quest for popularity at the expense of morality and ethics and honesty.”
-Howard Cosell-
"To sell your soul is the easiest thing in the world. That’s what everybody does every hour of his life. If I asked you to keep your soul – would you understand why that’s much harder?"
-Ayn Rand-
“Being good is easy, what is difficult is being just.”
-Victor Hugo-
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." -Ronald Reagan-
“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”
-Winston S. Churchill-
Great summary, John. Thanks!
“In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." -Mark Twain-
I have noticed the very same, how stupid people have become. Especially after the scamdemic (those that took the jab). As I have mentioned before, the only folks that seem to have any ilk of intelligence are those from Small Town America. It has to be the food and fresh air. Or they are too busy working their farms or running their business to be making out with their cell phones. I love talking to these people. They're interesting, fun, and have two brain cells they can rub together. They are also courteous and will give you the shirt off their back. Loved your article, Don!
Thanks, Fran!
Thank you Don. Well said!
If I agree with all of the above, would I be a NAZI or a kook, or both?
Hopefully, you would be a reasonable, thinking individual, Timothy.
Thanks Donald for saying the quiet part out loud, and saying it very well!
I've been thinking this too, along with other things that aren't mentioned or discussed publicly. No doubt, all critical thinkers have been too.
One thing that has been publicly discussed negatively is the idea of the jabs being an IQ test. Those discussing that warn that those thinking the jabs are an IQ test are supporting eugenics, or Darwin Awards. That may sometimes be true, but certainly not always. BTW, have you noticed that Darwin Awards were quite popular, but are now not mentioned any more?
For example, while we don't wish any harm on jab takers, the reality is that our choices do have consequences, that depend on the choices made, whether good or bad.
This means that you get what your choices deserve, but I'll leave that for another discussion since those choices were made based on lies and propaganda.
No matter what, Mother Nature and reality are unforgiving!
Yes, I too have noticed that the once-popular "Darwin Awards" meme has almost completely disappeared.
As Donald said, it hits too close to home now, since it was laughing at stupidity. That is not PC now, yet "Idiocracy" is acceptable.
I appreciate the kind words, Agent-86. Good observation about the Darwin Awards. I get it hits a little too close to home now. Thanks!
According to our Vice President, definitely both.
Agreed Kris the church has become a social club rather than a place where we learn the character and nature of God and man which is essentially the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Crucifying the flesh and repenting daily are essentials.
I have read and seen the evidence on Barbara and Crowley. My mantra these days is we've been lied to about absolutely everything. Giant humans and trees, Nephilim, lands beyond Antartica, free energy and much more. I haven't had time to investigate Tartaria and Atlantis.
We're working on constitutional redress for state tyranny. More are waking up to the money laundering and trafficking wickedness. It's a great time to be alive. Will the Lord show mercy or deserved judgement?