Note: This is another in a continuing series of previously posted articles. Please subscribe to my regular Substack “I Protest” here:
History records that following the upstart American colonies’ defeat of the powerful British redcoats, and the surrender by Cornwallis at Yorktown, the band struck up a fitting tune, The World Turned Upside Down. It was indeed a massive upset, a kind of David and Goliath triumph.
Now, in the year of our Lord 2022, the world has not only turned upside down, but inside out. We are living in the kind of Bizarro world that Superman comics once spoofed. Or the parallel dimension concept explored by science fiction writers, where an opposite reality is taking place. Yin versus Yang. Only the traditional realm has disappeared. There is no “normal” alternative to Bizarro. And to be fair to the Bizarro Superman, he wasn’t all that bad compared to at least half of our present-day citizens.
I’m not sure when “transgenderism” was actually born. We know that the first sex-change operation was done on George William Jorgensen, who “transitioned” to Christine Jorgensen in 1952. Well-known bad movie director Ed Wood is said to have based one his more memorable efforts, Glen or Glenda, on Jorgensen. Wood, by the way, was an open transvestite, quite a daring thing in the 1950s. And Christine would go on to an acting career.
Transvestitism was a fairly common sexual interest, or perversion, as it used to be referred to as. Pretty harmless. Fantasy has always been a healthy part of sexuality. As a young libertarian, I was for the decriminalization of what were called “victimless crimes” in those days. Transvestites weren’t hurting anyone. Jorgensen was certainly hurting himself, in my view, and he had to go to Denmark to get a doctor to perform the mutilation, gently termed surgery, because none in this country would have done it. But that was long ago, during America 1.0.
Until fairly recently, this particular subset of the population, which was considered a pretty small group, was divided into transvestites, who merely enjoyed wearing women’s clothing, and transsexuals, who were at different stages of “transitioning.” In the world of porn, there were beautiful seeming women, who would then reveal they were biological males. “Chicks with dicks” they called them. It seemed that these “chicks” were perfectly content, and not likely to allow their “dicks” to be removed.
It’s really only been a few years since the whole transgender movement exploded. Suddenly, we were told there are actually fifty seven genders or something, reminding oldsters of Heinz’s advertising. Then “pronouns” entered the equation, and celebrities like Demi Lovato rushed in to dramatically announce that they had changed their preferred pronouns to “it” or even “we.” And the public was forced to take the lunacy seriously, at the point of a figurative gun. Lovato, by the way, has recently reverted to being a female again, no longer feeling “nonbinary.” All the mainstream news outlets seriously reported that she was now using “she/her” along with “they/them” as her preferred pronouns. It’s a fluid thing, you wouldn’t understand.
And that is the crux of the problem here. The fact that every single outlet of the state controlled media uses this Bizarro language and reference points. Even Fox News boasts Bruce Jenner, a legendary male athlete who has “transitioned” to Kaitlin, as some kind of respectable “conservative” talking head. And every corporation, along with every government agency, plays along with the insanity as well. “What are your personal pronouns?” The schools have been especially notorious in this regard. The multi-colored hair, tattoo-adorned, bug-eyed Social Justice Warriors whose salaries we pay make it all too clear, with every Instagram and Tick Tock post, where they stand.
So pretty much most all young teachers entering the workforce, tasked with the role of educating our impressionable children, swallow this craziness. They seek out children who may be “confused” about their gender, and labor to enlighten them to the best of their “Woke” abilities. Teachers used to be excited about watching a child learn to read under their tutelage. Now they are orgasmic over a little boy being convinced he’s really a little girl. Except that they don’t say “boy” or “girl.” That’s on the verge of being outlawed in America 2.0.
So how did we go from Christine Jorgensen to fifty seven genders and preferred pronouns? To “gender reveal” parties where parents (almost always the mother) invite all the other parents (well, the mothers) to a virtue signaling fest, where little Johnny miraculously turns into little Jenny? Because he wants to, of course. He’s always been a girl trapped inside a boy’s body. And now Mom can brag to all her other deluded, “Woke” friends on social media, about the exciting life her new “nonbinary,” or “gender fluid” child is enjoying. That’s what Identity Politics is all about.
And how did we go from American doctors being understandably repulsed at being asked to perform surgery that in no way, shape, or form, will make the patient better, to the veritable transgender assembly line we see today? Doesn’t this violate their Hippocratic Oath? But then again, doesn’t abortion violate it? Physicians are supposed to be there to save lives, and make people feel better. Quite obviously, the doctors serving today’s Medical Industrial Complex do anything but that, as is best reflected by the fact they are the third leading cause of death in this country.
We already had Affirmative Action and all the ridiculous race baiting going on, the Queer Nation-style in-your-face gay agenda, and toxic feminism to contend with. But transgenderism is beyond all that. Affirmative Action was reverse racism and wrong in the eyes of any rational person. Having two men grab each other’s asses or kiss in front of families was objectionable, to put it kindly. And toxic feminism has destroyed male self-esteem and created a lot of angry middle-aged women. But none of those are literally insane.
Transgenderism is insane. And it lashes out at everyone. Poor J.K. Rowling. She did her best to be “Woke,” tweeted anti-Trump stuff repeatedly, wore her feminism on her sleeve, etc. I’m sure she probably thinks America is run by “White Supremacists” just like our beloved Joe Biden does. But she made the mistake of tweeting out that only women could menstruate. And that was the end of her. Even the kids her books made into movie stars quickly turned on her. Now she’s regularly bashed as “transphobic.” Last year the “trans activists” posted her home address on Twitter. The “Woke” Left does that regularly to its enemies, presumably for the purpose of inviting even more deluded people to physically attack them.
Rowling and other feminists who’ve strayed off the reservation are now referred to as trans exclusionary radical feminists, or TERFS. It’s almost entertaining to watch toxic feminism collide with insane transgenderism. Transgenderism contradicts the essential aspect of feminism, which is women’s rights. If any man can just suddenly “identify” as a woman, and society instantly bestows female status upon him, then what exactly are “women’s” rights? It’s kind of hard to promote “girl power” now, when any boy can be a girl. As the Kinks said, it’s a mixed up world.
But the most frightening part of all this, the essential inmates-taking-over-the-asylum part, is the demand, by all society, that we must declare that men can give birth, too. “Birthing people” they call them now, not pregnant women. That’s transphobic. College professors have lost their positions over this nonsense. Medical students have been cancelled for attempting to adhere to biological reality, which is that only females can have babies. The medical community now is playing along with something more outlandish than voodoo and witchcraft.
So we’re at the point where those of us still in possession of our full mental faculties have to pretend to accept something even more fictitious than modern Hollywood’s politically correct propaganda. You know, how Russian gangs and other White skinheads rule the mean streets of every American city. Or how the smallest female can knock out the largest, often fully armed, male with one dainty blow. Things like that, which pale in comparison to fifty seven genders and pregnant men.
Playboy, which has stopped having pictorials of naked women, now features a transgender man on its cover. Transgender story hour at your local grade school has “evolved” into drag time strip shows with grade school audiences. The key ingredient in both, of course, is children. Exactly why do men posing as women want to strut their stuff in front of kids? Is there any evidence that biological female strippers enjoy stripping in front of children? Or even reading stories to them?
But that’s a key point; this is all about the bizarre transgenderism agenda. If it was merely about sex, then female strippers might very well be invited to pole dance at your local school. Or have an open night for elementary students at their place of work. Take someone else’s child to work day. And a biological little girl might be the latest sensation by parading around naked along with adult female strippers at the club. But no, none of that is happening. Or about to happen. In fact, as I’ve noted, if it did, I think you’d see a lot of outrage from people who are content with transgender strippers, story time readers, and little boys pretending to be little girl strippers.
This is about bringing down whatever is left of traditional America. Whatever is left of all the broken and dysfunctional families. They even slander those of us who are opting out of this gruesome social experiment, by calling us “cisgender.” Or as the late great Norm MacDonald defined it, “a way to marginalize a normal person.” More of that overflowing tolerance the “Woke” Left is renowned for. It was bad enough when radical gays called us “breeders.” And now, the entire “trans” community becomes apoplectic when conservatives talk about “grooming” children.
Well, if they aren’t “grooming” children, what are they doing? Why such an overriding interest in the sexuality of prepubescent youngsters? Now, I’ve stated that I thought there was an element of hysteria in all the “predator” talk of the past few decades. For instance, urinating against a tree can get one classified as a “sex offender,” and those perusing the freely available lists of “sex offenders” living in every community, have no way to distinguish that from a monster who raped a three year old. And being attracted to teenagers isn’t technically pedophilia. It is called ephebophilia. And by that definition, many of our great-grandparents would have been “sex offenders.”
But except for the occasional asexual, who has no sexual interest in anyone, all of us have some kind of sexual urges. Michael Jackson invited little boys exclusively to drink “Jesus juice” and have sleepovers at his place. Lewis Carroll took exclusively little girls out for picnics and boating, one of whom was the inspiration for Alice in Wonderland. It is certainly possible to love kids without wanting to have sex with them, although it seems very few people believe that nowadays. If you play Maurice Chevalier’s Thank Heaven for Little Girls now, people interpret it as some kind of pedophilia anthem.
But dressing as a stripper- not a prostitute but still a “sex worker” in the modern parlance- and seeking out child audiences is not something adults who just enjoy being around children would do. They wouldn’t want their asses to be hanging out for the kids to see, unless it was their twisted fantasy to entice them. They wouldn’t want them coming to see them strip professionally for any innocent reason. Kids don’t usually have disposable income to stuff into a stripper’s g-string, transgender or otherwise. But in this case, the mothers are right there with them, to supply the bills. And again, can anyone imagine any non-transgender strippers wanting this? Any female strippers recruiting an audience of little boys? The answer is obvious.
This is not to advocate that female strippers be invited to elementary schools to show off their skimpy outfits. Or that little boys visit strip clubs in the company of their fathers to stuff bills into their g-strings. And certainly not that little girls strip alongside adult women in front of male customers. But all that is happening right now, as biological males are invited to pole dance and read stories to very young schoolchildren. And little boys are visiting strip clubs with their mothers, not their fathers, to see biological males dressed as women with much of their bodies exposed. And little boys dressed as girls are stripping in drag clubs, to the applause of the male audiences, as well as their criminally irresponsible parents.
And just who is inviting these drag queens to elementary schools? Who thought that Transgender Story Hour would be a good thing? What kind of “educators,” paid with your tax money, are making these mind-boggling decisions? More importantly, what kind of mother takes her child to a drag bar to watch men dressed as women parade around? For all I know, they get completely naked in front of these kids. If that isn’t a mental illness, what is? There have been videos of nice-looking, “normal” women making the most horrific comments about turning their child (almost always boys) into the other sex. They’re beyond the teacher Tick Tock videos.
So in just a few short years, we have reached the stage now where Rachel Levine, an obese male pretending to be a woman, is named to a top position in the Biden administration, and even more ludicrously was proclaimed a four star admiral. Why didn’t real admirals object to that? Levine was never even in the military. Can we all just now “identify” as five star generals? Biden also tapped “non-binary” drag queen Sam Brinton, whose personal pronouns are “they/them,” for a key position looking after nuclear waste. Brinton enjoys wearing red dresses, which somehow don’t clash with his shaved head and mustache. Just like JFK; only the best and brightest.
My innate sympathies in the past would always have been with the Sam Brintons and Rachel Levines. Too many of them were beaten by drunk, sexually confused Marines simply because they were gay. But they’ve lost any underdog status at this point. Like Blacks, illegal immigrants, and other previously marginalized groups, the system is unquestionably on their side now. They are in charge. It’s the gay bashing Marines who need protection now. Every corporation, every government agency, is looking for transgenders. We’re looking for a few good….well, whatever you “identify” as, so long as it’s not a straight male who isn’t ashamed of being White.
I am hoping that some enterprising poor people start “identifying” as very wealthy people. We want our mansion and our millions now! Why can’t guys unable to attract women- smeared as “incels,” identify as studs, and demand a harem? Can short people start identifying as tall? Can’t we all channel our inner angry Black, and demand reparations? Can fat people identify as skinny? Why can’t anyone “identify” as a super model, and demand big money? Other than being a writer, my greatest dream was to be a Major League Baseball player. Can I just “identify” as one? Really, none of that is more outlandish than mothers who claim their little boy “identifies” as a girl. Or that “non-binary” or “gender fluid” people can force society to refer to them as plurals or inanimate objects, by changing their “personal pronouns.”
Adults have been fired, and now children are being punished, for not recognizing the lunacy of someone demanding to be referred to as “they” or “we.” And other than a few relatively quiet conservatives, who is fighting this madness? Who is calling out the mothers who push this twisted agenda- a perversion if ever there was one- on their own flesh and blood? Is there a worse form of child abuse? And the doctors who participate in this charade, chopping off penises and injecting kids with hormone blockers to delay puberty- don’t have the morals of a Dr. Frankenstein.
I don’t like being on this side in the cultural war. My natural libertarian instinct is to “live and let live.” What do I care what anyone does behind closed doors? But this isn’t a private thing. It’s becoming the most virulent propaganda being pushed nonstop by every organ of the establishment. And it’s pro death, since no life can be reproduced from it, unless you accept the pregnant man fantasy. It’s time to call a spade a spade, and a man a man. This emperor, regardless of gender, is wearing no clothes.
Very well stated, Don. I don't care if they/we/it beat me to death. You are either a he or a she in the biological sense, and thats that. Case closed. You cannot EVER change how God made you.
The Thirtieth Word
In every facet of the motion of all P A R T I C L E S the light of Divine unity shines like the sun. If every particle is not an official of God acting with His permission and under His authority, and if it is not undergoing change within His knowledge and power, then every particle must have infinite knowledge and limitless power; it must have eyes that see everything, a face that looks to all things, and authority over all things. For every particle of the elements acts, or can act, in an orderly fashion in all animate beings. But the order within things and laws according to which they are formed differ from one thing to the next. If their order was not known to the particles, the particles could not act, or even if they could act, they could not act without error. In which case, the particles which are performing their duties in beings are either acting with the permission and at the command, and within the knowledge and at the will, of the owner of an all-encompassing knowledge, or they themselves must have such an all-encompassing knowledge and power.
Yes, all particles of air can enter the bodies of all animate beings, the fruits of all flowers, and the structures of all leaves. They can act within them, although the way the beings are formed is all different and their order and systems quite distinct. As though the factory of a fig were a loom for weaving cloth and the factory of a pomegranate, a machine for producing sugar, and so on; the programmes of their structures and bodies all differ from each other. A particle of air, then, enters or can enter all of them. It takes up its position and acts in a wise and masterly fashion without error. And on completion of its duty it departs. A mobile particle of mobile air, therefore, either must know the forms, shapes, measures, and formations with which plants and animals, and even fruits and flowers, are clothed, or else it must be an official acting under the command and will of one who does know.
In every particle there are two truthful evidences to the existence and unity of the Necessarily Existent One. Indeed, by carrying out its important duties consciously and by raising mighty loads despite being powerless and lifeless, a particle bear decisive witness to the existence of the Necessarily Existent One. And by conforming to the universal order peculiar to each place it enters, and by settling anywhere as though it was its homeland, it testifies to the unity of the Necessarily Existent One and to the oneness of that Being Who is the Owner of all things, with their apparent faces and their inner aspects which look to Him. That is to say, whoever owns the particles must also own all the places it enters.
Thus, since its loads are extremely heavy and its duties endless, the particle demonstrates that it is mobile and acting at the command of One Possessing Absolute Power, and in His name. And, the fact that it conforms as though knowingly to the universal order of the cosmos and enters each place without obstacle shows that it acts through the power and wisdom of a single Being Possessing Absolute Knowledge.
A private soldier has relations with his squad, his company, his battalion, his regiment, and his division, and so on, and has duties in connection with each. Since he knows all those relations and duties, he will act in conformity with them. For, having received training and instruction under military discipline, he complies with the rules and regulations of a single supreme commander who commands all those sections.
In the same way, all particles are suitably placed within compounds, and with every facet of the compounds have different beneficial relations and different well-regulated duties that yield wise results that are all different. It is therefore surely only One in the grasp of whose power is the whole universe who can place the particles in such a way as to preserve all their relations with and duties in all the facets of the compounds, and not spoil the wise results.
For example, a particle located in the eye is suitably placed with regard to the blood-vessels like the arteries and veins, and the motor and sensory nerves, and has a wise and purposeful relationship with the face, and then with the head, the trunk, and with the entire human body, and has beneficial duties in relation to each. This demonstrates that only one who creates all the members of the body will be able to place the particle in that position.
Particles entering the body as sustenance in the caravan of food in particular make their journey with astonishing order and wisdom. On their way, they pass through modes and stages in an orderly manner, and progressing consciously without confusion carry on till they are strained through the four filters in the bodies of animate beings. They are then loaded onto the red blood-corpuscles in order to come to the assistance of the members and cells which are in need of sustenance, rendering this assistance according to a law of generosity. It may be clearly understood from this that the One Who drives these particles and causes them to pass through thousands of different states must of necessity be a Generous Sustainer, a Compassionate Creator, in relation to Whose power particles and stars are equal.
Moreover, all particles act within embroideries of the greatest art and have relations with all the other particles therein. Since each is in a position of both dominance and subjection to all the rest, both to each individually and to all of them generally, it either knows and creates that wonderfully skilful embroidery and wisdom-displaying ornamented art, which is a thousand times impossible, or each of them is a point assigned to that motion, which proceeds from the law of Divine Determining and pen of power of the All-Wise Maker.
For example, if the stones of the dome are not dependent on the command and skill of its architect, all the stones must have skill in the art of building like an architect, and must be either subject to, or dominant over, the rest of the stones. That is, they must have the power to say: “Come, we shall stand shoulder to shoulder in order not to fall and collapse.”
In the same way, if the particles in creatures, which are thousands of times more skilfully fashioned, wonderful, and full of wisdom than the dome , are not dependent on the command of the master builder of the universe, to each of them must the ascribed as many attributes of perfection as those of the universe’s Maker.