Reminder: This is another in a continuing series of previously published articles. To subscribe to my primary “I Protest” substack, please go here:
The recent event in Uvalde, Texas triggered the response all such events do. All politicians, state controlled “journalists” and an obedient majority of the public, shouted in unison, “Something needs to be done!” We also heard, “How long are we going to keep letting this happen?” Doesn’t anyone care about the children?
Of course, the historical record demonstrates quite clearly that, if “something” indeed is done, it won’t be a good thing. It will not improve lives. I have been following politics very closely since the mid-1970s. The only good pieces of legislation I’ve ever seen were the Freedom of Information Act, passed in the post-Watergate reformist fervor, and the plank of Newt Gingrich’s Contract With America that finally forced Congress to obey the same laws the public does. That’s it.
And even those were far from perfect. The FOIA has been fought fiercely since it was implemented, by the government agencies whose first impulse is always to withhold information from the public. And I can’t verify with certainty, but I believe that Gingrich’s effort to force Congress to abide by the laws we all do (which, by the way, included all Civil Rights legislation), was later weakened or perhaps even discarded. Regardless, Congress remains utterly above the law.
All those things I supported; from a real investigation into the JFK assassination (not the sham House probe, which I helped lobby for), to term limits, to real tax reform (not the monstrous 1986 act which eliminated all the deductions the poor and working class benefited from), to presidential candidates like Ross Perot, Pat Buchanan, Ralph Nader, and Ron Paul, all lost. A perfect record of defeat. Populist reformers in America during my lifetime have been like the old Washington Generals, set up to lose every game not to the Harlem Globetrotters, but to the corrupt Deep State.
There was a movement in the 1990s, led by former NFL legend Steve Largent, to cap the interest rates on credit cards. The establishment reacted much like they responded to Ross Perot’s suggestion of voluntary means testing for Social Security. In Virginia, there was briefly a movement to gradually eliminate property taxes. I don’t even know what happened to that. My property taxes are higher than ever. Liberal or conservative, all common sense ideas are gutted, ignored, or soundly defeated.
Most of the time, our horrific “representatives” are busy doing nothing. As Charles Dickens described the leaders of his day, they are all experts at Not Getting it Done. They certainly are skilled at not getting anything needed done. However, when there is a banker bailout to fund, or a huge corporation to rescue, or one of our endless foreign occupations to finance, “something” gets accomplished, very quickly. Those surreptitious midnight pay raises get done, with no fuss or falderol.
The names have changed, and certainly the faces have grown far more diverse, but basically our “representatives” are identical to the fools and crooks profiled in John T. Flynn’s Meet Your Congress over seventy years ago. As I documented in Survival of the Richest, we are paying lucrative pensions to the most awful people on earth. People who circumvented the will of their constituents time and time again. Who unconscionably voted themselves pay raises while lecturing those paying their salaries to “sacrifice.” It’s not just Congress; judges who enforced injustice with every blow of their gavel, countless police captains and fire chiefs. The obligation to fund the retirements of highly paid government workers falls on those who largely have no pensions of their own now. They used to call that sort of thing irony.
Speaking of irony, the same sheeple who mindlessly chant “Do something!” are the least likely to “do something” about the predicament we’re all in at this point. You know, all the tyranny, crackdown on civil liberties, everything Orwell warned us about. That stuff. You can’t get them to boycott buying gas on a particular day. They’re still wearing their masks driving alone in their cars. They’ve “cancelled” family members. They can’t get outraged over any transgressions on the part of our leaders. But a mass casualty event? “We have to do something!”
Notice how no one wants to “do something” about the gun murders in our inner cities, which happen every day, and not just occasionally? How come those guns aren’t dangerous? They seem to kill a lot more people than the guns at these school shootings do. And, almost all the victims are “people of color.” You know, people who aren’t White. So we know their lives matter. Or do they? Seems like a lot of them are being killed with little attention from those who care so deeply about these things. Must be something about the guns involved. Maybe the guns in daily city shootings are “guns of color?” Unlike the dastardly “White Supremacist” guns in school events?
Maybe all guns are equal, but some guns are more equal than others? After all, if it’s the inanimate object solely to blame, then all these inanimate objects should be banned, right? That would mean that the outfit where we find the largest collection of these weapons- I think they call it a “stockpile” if it’s in the general populace- would be the Pentagon. No one has more guns than our military. But I don’t hear those yelling for us to “do something!” talking about those guns. Or about the guns wielded by our police officers. Certainly, a large number of cops have shown themselves to not be “responsible” gun owners. Why not “de-gun” instead of “defund” the police?
The fact that the police and military are always left out of “gun control” discussions gives the game away. It isn’t guns they don’t like, it’s you having the right to possess them. And the reason they don’t focus on the real killing grounds in every inner city, is because all of them in their hearts are devout eugenicists. They want the “wrong” people weeded out. Sure, they may punish you for talking about Affirmative Action, or wanting Blacks held to the same standards as the rest of us, but behind closed doors they want them exterminated just like their hero Margaret Sanger did. Not because they’re Black necessarily, but because they’re disproportionately poor and not “fit.”
The whole “fit” thing is crucial to them. After all, their religion is “Science,” and modern establishment science is built on the alter of evolution. Evolution promotes the dogma of survival of the “fittest.” They don’t believe most of us are the “fittest.” Thus, their public proclamations that millions must die. Bill Gates trembles with an almost sexual excitement when he discusses this subject. So, if these same monsters who fantasize about massive population reduction are the ones pushing an untested vaccine….well, the answer is obvious, isn’t it?
If I were to yell “Do something!” it would relate to all the things that have needed to be done for my entire life. Kind of the world’s greatest “Honey do” list. Start with an infrastructure that grows more embarrassing every day, and hasn’t been updated for over sixty years. Do something! Or an electoral system that is so transparently fraudulent they are on the verge of criminalizing any accusations that it is. The vote means nothing if they aren’t counting it. Do something! Or the troops that are nonsensically in like 150 countries all over the world, when they could actually be used to secure our southern border. Do something!
How about all those clearly unstable teachers we can enjoy on Tick Tock and Instagram, anxious to promote their madness to young, impressionable minds? Peddling anti-White propaganda, seeking to confuse children far too young to even know what sex is, into changing their gender. Do something! Or that criminally counterfeit banking system, which allows banks to make loans with money they don’t have, and doesn’t exist? Do something! Or the widest disparity of wealth any “free” country has ever seen, where the bottom half of the people have less than one percent of the collective wealth? Do something!
That’s just a start. We need desperately to “do something” about all the lies we’ve been told, and continue to be told. JFK was not assassinated by Oswald. Ray didn’t kill Martin Luther King. Sirhan was programmed to fire shots in the Ambassador Hotel- someone else killed RFK. Nineteen crazed hijackers armed with box cutters and plastic knives didn’t bring down the World Trade Center buildings or attack the Pentagon. Our government murdered innocent citizens at Ruby Ridge and Waco. Oklahoma City was not a bombing by a lone nut, but a planned drill that was engineered by our own government.
Every death in all these Body Counts should be investigated honestly, not swept under the rug. It isn’t irresponsible to question the narrative about Sandy Hook, the Boston Bombing, Parkland, Uvalde, or anything else. We have to stop permitting the authoritarians who misrule us to say, “You can’t go there!” or “That’s going too far!” Nothing is “too far” or “too extreme” in a country that supposedly protects free speech. They actually still claim that. We really need to “Do something!” about all this censorship, and “cancelling” of people because of their ideas. Thought Crimes.
If the law is to mean anything, it has to apply equally and fairly to everyone. Obviously, right now it doesn’t. Michael Sussmann was just acquitted of a federal charge, when federal prosecutions have a 95 percent success rate. Unless you are even related to a Deep State Hall of Famer like Hillary Clinton. Imagine the chances of convicting Hillary herself, or Joe Biden, or even Hunter Biden, of anything in one of our courts of injustice. Prisons are for the poor and working class.
One of the people I worked with as a young blue-collar misfit was named John Siebold. He epitomized the kind of person I first called a “classic,” and then eventually an “unreal.” My 2007 novel The Unreals bore a very appropriate title. That was my favorite word. At any rate, one of Siebold’s many timeless sayings was “Do something, even if it’s wrong.” We all laughed at that, but our leaders have undeniably been doing wrong things, on the rare occasions they do anything at all, for my entire lifetime. As James Forrestal pointed out, they never make a mistake in our favor.
So we are left with the sad reality that a largely sedentary public is demanding that those who lead them be activists. When all of their activism invariably ends up making things worse for this same sluggish populace. The ones who won’t “do something” about the tyranny, want the tyrants to be more hands on. More tyranny! More restrictions! Thank you, may I have another? Libertarianism and now anarchy became popular with critical thinkers for a reason. As the credo with doctors is supposed to go, first do no harm. Our leaders, when they do anything, do harm.
Every change that takes place makes things harder, or at least more inconvenient, for the masses. More “security” means longer waits, more paperwork, less interaction and opportunity to correct mistakes. And those running this mess make a lot of mistakes. The public placidly accepted unconstitutional roadblocks, and “three strikes you’re out” legislation much as they have accepted the recent moratoriums on shoplifting in some areas. So theft is legal. In some instances. I really think that everyone in prison at this point has a valid argument that they shouldn’t be there.
Corruption. Rigged economy. Unspeakably low wages for the majority of workers. Employee benefits watered down or eliminated. While the top executives get $50 million “golden umbrellas.” The system is beyond unfair; there is no adequate word in the English language to describe it. Rules and laws mean nothing if they only apply to some, and not others. All rules, laws, and standards of conduct in America 2.0 are applied discriminately and subjectively. No one should respect them. Keep in mind the ones you want to “Do something!” created all this. They are responsible. Yet you want to give them even more power?
The only politician in our history who really “did something” positive for the people was the great Huey Long. Long lowered the monthly costs for average people significantly. Utility prices were slashed. Only the very wealthy paid property taxes. Massive new infrastructure projects transformed his state of Louisiana. And he wanted to do more, for the entire country. His “Share the Wealth” tax plan would have exempted the first million dollars of income from any taxation. That would be $12 million today. But they assassinated him, after he predicted they would.
JFK was about the only president, since the Civil War transformed these states into an involuntary union, who had at least some desire to “do something” that would have benefited the people. You know what happened to him. Otherwise, the best we can hope for is a Calvin Coolidge, who left everything alone. Who “did nothing wrong,” to paraphrase my old friend John Siebold. Power corrupts. They are all experts in How Not to Get it Done. As Will Rogers said, the public is never safe when Congress is in session. Beware whenever your corrupt leaders might actually “Do something!”
Our system is so corrupt voting does no good. If you were able to vote one of them out cutting out a slice of skin cancer doesn’t work. They have to be arrested out from the bottom up. This can be done with a ballsy sheriff who deputizes fast and acts fast. Does anyone know a ballsy sheriff?